While the "crazy" stereotype unfortunately usually gets assigned to girls in relationships, it can DEFINITELY apply to guys as well, as these ladies know all too well. Brace yourself, because 'these guys need therapy' crazy stories are next level insane.
The Family That Just Won’t Let Go.
“He still lives with -MY- parents 10 years after I divorced him.” (Source)
Another Flower Delivery.
“I knew this guy Adam in high school. We had a few classes together and would hangout after school in groups with other mutual friends, including my boyfriend at the time. One day, out of the blue, I get a text from Adam. In this text, he confesses his love for me. We weren’t that close as friends, never hung out alone. I don’t believe I ever gave him a reason to think that I had those kinds of feelings for him. I tell him that while I am flattered, i don’t have the same feelings. I try to let him down easy. Adam takes it hard, he avoided me in class and stopped hanging out with our friends. After a month or so, things go back to normal. This is where the red flags come up. I start getting flowers delivered to my house. They’re from Adam. After the 4th delivery, I call the florist and ask to stop having flowers sent to me. Then I get envelopes full of torn petals. One day, I come home and there’s a box of roses on my bed. When I asked my dad if he brought them in my room for me, my dad tells me he didn’t. We check all the doors and windows, and the latch on my window is broken. Adam broke into my house. We called the cops, but with no proof of it really being Adam, nothing was really done. My older brother takes it into his own hands and threatens Adam, and things cool down for a while. Now 7 years and a restraining order later, I still get flowers and letters sent to my parents house occasionally. All sent anonymously, but we all know it’s Adam.” (Source)
The Pants That Keep on Giving.
“Met a guy on an online dating website. Had a few phone calls with him and things seemed good. Then he tells me he had a favorite pair of pants when he was in high school. He wore them every day, until they became too ragged to wear. Then he started wearing them under his normal pants. Every day, still wearing them ten years later, under his pants… I noped the f–k out of there.” (Source)
Jealousy, Thy Name is Boyfriend.
“He started accusing me of having sex with my friends and wouldn’t let me have anyone over when he wasn’t at home. (Calls me at home while he’s out of town for work) Him: Who’s there? Me: R (my friend) and C (his friend who’s dating R) Him: You’re probably having a threesome. Me: Uhm no, were just hanging out. Him: Come on, I know you’re having sex with them. Me: No really, I’m not. Him: I don’t want you having people over when I’m not there. The sad thing is, I thought sacrificing what I wanted for him was an indication of how deeply I loved him. F–k being raised with all this rubbish about ‘unconditional love!’ There are basic conditions for how human beings should treat one another that everyone has the right to expect from their partner.” (Source)
Must Have Empathy: Sociopaths Need Not Apply.
“I dated a Marine who got drunk once and started crying and told me he tortured innocent Iraqi prisoners, and that the only thing that felt wrong about it was that it didn’t feel wrong to him. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, like maybe his drunkenness was making him amplify what really happened, or maybe it was a case of groupthink mentality and he felt like he had to join in. Turns out the dude was a straight up sociopath. I’ve since added ‘an ability to feel empathy for others’ to my list of mandatory characteristics that all future partners/friends/acquaintances must have.” (Source)
Blood Is Thicker Than Crazy.
“I had just moved out of home for the first time and said I couldn’t hang out cause my mum was bringing some of my stuff over. His response was, ‘I assumed I would be more important than your family by now.’ We had been seeing each other for around 6 months. That and the inviting me out to dinner, not speaking to me the entire meal, making me pay for both of us then yelling at me in the street when I said I didn’t want to stay at his place. Class act that fellow was.” (Source)
Too Good to Be True.
“This happened to my roommate: He bought her a $1,500 motorcycle and paid off all her debts within 3 months of dating. Anyone willing to drop that much money on someone after a couple months is definitely nuts.” (Source)
Stop Making Me Count Those Calories.
“He was obsessed with his weight, and mine. This explains the chicken obsession. I guess he used to be overweight and lost a large amount of weight in the beginning of college before I knew him. But he micromanaged every little thing I put into my mouth. Like everything. If I wanted a beer or a glass of wine or a cherry milkshake from Dairy Queen, I had best be cutting calories elsewhere or working out to make up for it. Constantly, he would tell me that if I just lost a little more weight, I would look so hot in my bikini! In turn I became obsessed with it. If I posted pictures on Facebook, he would say, ‘looks like you’ve gained a little in the face.’ Really? And I believed him. And he wanted me to be dressed head to toe in American Eagle and Abercrombie. No! I hated that s–t yet somehow my closet was full of it. I like black. I was an art major! I loved black leggings and tunic tops and funky boots! I just wanted to be me. But I was always told I looked frumpy if I wore leggings; girls that had it together wore Abercrombie jeans and white shirts with FITCH across the boobs.” (Source)
You have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs.
“I was hanging out at this guy’s place watching tv with him after our second date. We started kissing but that was as far as I wanted it to go that night (and maybe ever). When I stopped him and said I should head home, he made some comment about how he thought we’d have sex. When I said, you know, uh that is crazy talk, he lashed out with, ‘You won’t even blow me?! God all women are the same, you’re such a tease!’ Right. I’m a real tease for kissing you only, on our second date. SORRY. Needless to say, any guy who feels that entitled to sexual favors is probably a misogynist, likely to be abusive, and um RED FLAG.” (Source)
Once Bitten, Twice Crazy.
“So I was friends with this guy in high school and we hooked up once out of boredom. He was so terrible that I had to consciously prevent myself from laughing. Needless to say, that didn’t happen again. Fast forward four years I get a few REALLY long voicemails about how I’m a sex goddess and he’s a sex god and I’m the only girl good enough to be with him so we must. I honestly don’t remember it all but it was definitely crazy. The kicker? I let the guy I was dating know at the time that I was getting creeped on by someone I hooked up with four years prior and I was uncomfortable and just making conversation to try to make myself feel better. Well it backfired because he flipped a s–t on me because he ‘didn’t want to hear about how I had sex with other guys.’ Uh, that wasn’t the point, but thanks.” (Source)
When the Flake Is on the Other Foot.
“Meet online. Hung out once. Goes okay. Him: ‘Let’s do this again!’ Me: ‘Yeah definitely! Call me!’ Him: ‘Okay I’ll hit you up on Friday.’ Friday comes. Nothing. I text him. Me: ‘Hey were we gonna get together today?’ Him: ‘Hey you did text me! I was afraid you weren’t going to.’ Me: ‘Oh sorry! I must have misunderstood. I thought you said you’d call me.’ Him: ‘Oh I did. That’s just my little test. How do I know you’re committed to this relationship if you don’t get upset when I flake out? You passed though, don’t worry.'” (Source)
Hulking Out Is Not Okay.
“When he got angry/frustrated, he chose to rip the shirt he was wearing apart. We didn’t last long together.” (Source)