It's one thing to accidentally encounter or date a sociopath, but these siblings actually had to LIVE and GROW UP right next to one. These siblings share their terrifying stories and how they're honestly surprised they're around to tell the tale.
“I Wouldn’t Even Start Anything, He’d Just Get Bored And Decide To Torture Me”

“My brother started throwing those metal toy tractors at me when he was four or five. A few years later, he’d chase me around the house with knives.
By the time he was in middle school, he was threatening me by pointing loaded weapons at me (my dad had an arsenal in the basement, and he taught my brother how to use them all).
I wouldn’t even start anything… he’d just get bored and decide to torture me. And I was left to babysit him because I was a few years older.
I think what really clued me in was how he’d always keep a loaded weapon in the living room in case a small animal came near the house. One time, he shot a rabbit out the window and it didn’t die. So he beat it to death with a shovel. My mom would get really defensive and yell at me if I suggested his behavior was sociopathic.
It got really bad when I moved back home for a semester during college. I’d done something to tick him off, apparently, or he was extra bored, and he decided to take some rope, tackle me to the ground, tie my hands and feet together, and throw me in a closet for hours. He only let me out because when my dad was on his way home from work. Now he claims he doesn’t remember doing it.
I tried to tell my parents, but as usual, they said we both did stuff to provoke each other and I probably did something to deserve it. I signed up for an on-campus apartment the next day and moved out of their house for good at the end of the summer.
They guilt trip me for never visiting. I hate my brother; I’m terrified of him. And I resent my parents for letting that happen under their roof and never disciplining him.”
“Even Sleeping With a Lock On My Door Didn’t Help Me Feel Safe Around Him”

Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley/Shutterstock
“I think I noticed something was wrong with my younger brother long before our parents noticed. Either because parents sometimes insist on being blind to the defects of their own children in order to avoid the pain, or because they both worked long hours, and so I stayed alone with my younger brother a lot to take care of him.
One day, I came back from my after-school job and saw him standing above a big fire he’d lit in our front yard. I asked him politely and calmly to put it out since I was horrified but also concerned about the garden in the yard and my family’s rose bushes, the last remaining plant from my grandfather. He came after me up the stairs and physically attacked me, the first major incident in a long line of physical altercations. Then came the knife-throwing incident, the kicking our 60-year-old father in the stomach incident, the running away and threatening suicide, and the ultimate unveiling of his paranoid delusion. Our parents internalized our grim family reality only much, much later. He is, in fact, the reason I first left home, since even sleeping with a lock on my door didn’t help me feel safe around him. I still worry about my parents, like one day I’m going to get that awful phone call that he did something to them.”
His Brother’s Antics Were Slowly Getting Out Of Hand

Suzanne Tucker/Shutterstock
“My older brother isn’t just a sociopath, he’s a psychopath. Even my parents are surprised he isn’t in jail for murder yet; he’s been evil as long as I can remember. Beat us all to pulps as kids for imagined slights against him and actually knocked my disabled dad out on one occasion. He’s been arrested a bunch of times, and even after the most recent time a police officer (he had weapons brought from China stopped at customs) called to my mom a few days later and asked if they knew he may have some mental issues. She said she knew, but didn’t believe anyone would have the balls to tell him that. The police officer agreed.
His favorite pastime is walking the streets with a signal jammer while people are trying to make calls or using it outside the fire/police station; he finds it hilarious; he’s a prick. He was banned from a local grocery store for threatening a staff member for apparently looking at him.
That’s not even the tip of the iceberg of what that prick has done to our family.”
She Was The Spitting Image Of Their Crazy Father

“I’m the youngest of three girls and we grew up poor, so both parents were out of home a lot to work to give us the basics. Because of this, my oldest sister ‘looked after’ us. My earliest memories involve me running through the kitchen in a diaper feeling scared trying to get away from her.
Anything and everything set her off. If attention was not completely on her she would flip out, scratching, kicking, and pulling hair. My parents were oblivious to all this, or more my dad was also unstable (BPD who frequently went off meds) and my mum was too emotionally abused to do anything to help. She had to have presents on everyone else’s birthday, had to have the same presents as everyone else on Christmas, or better ones.
As I was four years younger, I was smaller than her and easy to catch. From my toddler years to 16, I had crescent scars all over my arms and ankles because she would dig her nails into my skin.
The first time it clicked in my head that no one would help and she could manipulate her way out of everything is when she stabbed me in the shoulder with a pen. I was about eight years old. She yanked out a chunk of my hair, so I told her to ‘bugger off!’ The look on her face was horrifying because she looked happy because my dad had been sleeping and woke up to me swearing which was strictly not allowed. She knew I was going to be in trouble, so she grabbed the pen off the table and stabbed me then yanked it back out. I ran upstairs to get away from my dad, and he wouldn’t believe that she had hurt me.
I came downstairs a few hours later when he ‘allowed’ it, with blood all over my shirt. My aunt was staying with us and saw it, pointed it out to my dad, and they still believed my sister hadn’t done it. I gave up all hope for help after that.
That turned into eight years of her scarring any exposed skin, pulling out my hair, cornering me and screaming about how disgusting I was, taking every moment to remind me I was fat, throwing things at me, telling me men will only like me because they’re chubby chasers. I am more of an extrovert than most of my family, so I always had a lot of friends and ‘boyfriends’ in elementary school than actual boyfriends in high school.
When she went away to university, my mother thought it would be a great idea for me to visit her there. A whole weekend being alone in her dorm with her. She spent the first day reminding me how disgusting I was, then acted all nice until the evening. She wanted me to watch ‘West Side Story.’ Me being 16 thought it was funny so I laughed. Wrong move. She started screaming, threw out all the food, cornered me and let me know how no one in my life actually liked me and they were all just putting up with me because they don’t know any better, I’ll only ever be in abusive relationships, I don’t deserve anything better than that, I’ll always be fat and disgusting. Then she kicked me out and made our mother pick me up a day early.
Mid-year she was home and in a rare moment of civility she wanted to ‘talk.’ She asked me how you’re supposed to feel sorry for other people. As in how do you feel empathy? She couldn’t figure it out when her professors talked about it. I carefully got out of that conversation. Later that day after she’d done her usual ‘you’re fat and disgusting’ rant I decided to turn my back on her and not engage. She picked up a textbook and hit me as hard she could over the head with it, yanked me by the back of my head, and pushed me in the cupboards to let me know ‘you’re not allowed to ignore me.’
I have not spoken to her since that day. I’m now 26 and she’s 30. She’s still living off my mother and has no social skills. The last time I saw her she drank a bottle on Christmas eve 2011 and just laid on the living room floor for the day.
She’s pulled a knife on our other sister, she’s been evicted for trashing apartments that are in my mother’s name, had so many pets die ‘unexplainably,’ expects to be showered with gifts and attention by everyone around her, she will get angry if family are paying more attention to children than they are to her, she still has to refer to our mother as ‘mummy’ and in that high pitched ‘mom’ voice, she can’t hold any platonic relationship, has never had a romantic ones and she still hates me viciously for being able to have relationships.
I will not be surprised if she ends up killing someone. She is the spitting image of our father in personality.
She lives in another province from me, is still in school, and my mother is smart enough to never let her know where I live. Those close to me know who/how she is and know not to give any information.”
Her False Accusations Could Land Some Man In Jail Someday

“I first realized when I was about 18 that my sister was the epitome of sociopathic and narcissistic. She was 14 at the time and got caught cheating at school. I didn’t know everything that had happened, but she got sent to a psych facility for observation.
I drove an hour each day for a week to visit her and try to be a good brother. After a week, I was informed that they’d stopped investigating me.
To my horror, I found out the whole story. My sister had been pulled in for cheating, and when asked why she hadn’t just studied, she told them she couldn’t because my dad had been beating her. So, they pull in child protective services who do a physical and discover no signs of abuse, but that she was 14 and not an innocent little girl anymore. So, her explanation for that? Well, her brother’s assaulted her of course. Two of my brothers were out of the question because they were in foreign countries or too young, but I was left squarely in the crosshairs.
So oblivious to what I’ve been accused of, I go every day to visit her. Their observations of me informed that I was ‘unlikely’ to have done it, so they decided, correctly, that it was all fabricated.
I had never so much as held a girl’s hand, let alone kissed one at that point. More than a decade later I still won’t be left alone in a room with her under any circumstances and grit my teeth that there is nothing I can do to prevent her from harming the literal dozens of other people she’s now leveled similar accusations at either for attention or to get out of difficult situations.
She’s a terrible person with no remorse for the damage she does to all around her.”
He Destroyed The One Thing They Truly Loved

“I have an elder brother who is a diagnosed sociopath, and he is serving a life sentence for his crimes.
I first realized he wasn’t ‘right in the head’ when I was 10 years old. It was shortly after our father had died. It was him, my sister, our mother, and me. He was 17 years old and was the oldest of us three kids.
After our father died, his already abusive tendencies dramatically increased. Not only in frequency but also intensity.
One day my mom, sister, and I went to the grocery store and when we returned I couldn’t find my dog. He usually greeted us at the door every time we got home, but not that day. I asked my brother if he’d seen my dog and he said no.
A couple hours later, after searching everywhere I could think, my brother comes up to me and asks if I wanted to go out riding. I said sure and we got on our bikes (motorcycles) and started heading out to familiar trails out in the hills. Growing up in Death Valley, there’s not much else to do but ride dirt-bikes.
We reach a small ravine he’d never taken me to before and get off our bikes. I look down, following his stare, and there is my dog’s body. He’d been shot. I looked at my brother and I immediately knew he’d killed my dog. The expression on his face, along with taking me right to the body, made it obvious.
Being a 10-year-old kid, I started to cry, and I asked him why. His response was when I first realized something was truly wrong in his head. He looked me right in the eyes, and with a nearly blank expression on his face, said, ‘He protected you from me, we can’t have that now can we?’
He got back on his bike and rode home.
The three us dealt with him and somehow survived, for another three years before the authorities listened to what my sister and I had been trying to say he’d been doing to us. He’s now securely warehoused where he belongs. Away from us, away from society.”
He Was Almost Hit With The Truth His Brother Was Sociopath

Csaba Peterdi/Shutterstock
“My brother and I were eating french fries, and he wanted some of mine. When I wouldn’t give them to him, he tried to hit me in the back of the head with a cast iron skillet. If I hadn’t heard him, I would have been dead. Up until that point, I had always known he was a prick, fake crying to get mom and dad to punish me, stealing my stuff and lying about it, but it wasn’t until that moment when it really hit home.”
His Brother’s “Games” Soon Turned Into A Haunting Reality

“My brother always seemed different. When we were younger, he made up this game called ‘Joey and the wimp’ which was just wrestling. But it wasn’t just boys wrestling. It was all about power and control. He would have his forearm pressing down on my neck and whisper things like ‘Someday I’m going to kill you and nobody will do anything about it because I’ll plead insanity.’ He would also talk about how he would kill me in my sleep. I’ve woken up a few times and he was just standing there in the dark looking at me.
Once my dad caught him in the middle of the night getting a kitchen knife. ‘I have to kill (me)’ he was six. At sixteen he and his crazy buddy committed a home invasion on me and my friend. I had to go to the hospital. He beat up our mother. He broke her arm and I suspect he assaulted her because she had to sit on this doughnut thing for a while. Then he was going to stab me. I got chased a half mile through the woods till he tripped and I got away. He was going to shoot my dad when he was 17 years old. He said he borrowed the weapon from a neighbor. I saw it. A couple friends talked him out of it. He has been on disability since he was maybe 20 years old. I stopped interacting with him when I went to college years ago. To this day I suspect he will come and try to make good on his desire to murder me thinking he’ll get off for insanity. It’s been years but even just the other night I had a dream he was trying to kill me. I don’t like knowing that someday I will likely have to try to kill him in self-defense.”
They Realized Their Sister Was Crazy When Her Friends Were Too Good To Be Real

“I realized my sister was a sociopath when she fabricated two friends; both with elaborate backstories, likes and dislikes, families, friends, pets, etc. to the point we were convinced these kids existed only to find out she’d made it all up. She is a compulsive liar among other problems and you can’t believe anything she tells you no matter how small.
She will say she’s going to the grocery store to pick up some food but instead goes to have her car’s brakes worked on. Then, she will insist that she went to the store and had picked up groceries, but someone had stolen them by the time she returned the cart.
She will make herself some salmon patties for lunch and then insist she had chili dogs instead.
It makes no sense for her to lie about any of the things she lies about. We don’t trust her about anything anymore. Not friends, not jobs, not boyfriends, nothing.”
Looking Back At Her Childhood, She’s Amazed She’s Alive Today

Benoit Daoust/Shutterstock
“My sister’s two years older than me.
When I was three years old, she convinced me to pile as many blankets as we could on our sleeping little brother. I’ll never forget my mom’s reaction when I excitedly told her about our prank. Luckily he was ok.
When I was about seven years old, my brother climbed high up a tall evergreen tree on our property and was hanging on a branch. He wasn’t sure how to get down, and I tried convincing him to hang on while I got our parents. My sister starting shaking the tree and yelling, ‘Fall! Fall! Fall!’ He fell, yelling out on his way down and landed flat on his back. My sister ran away and my brother was unconscious for several of the most terrifying seconds of my life. Luckily he looked around and was fine. I got back and was bewildered to find out my sister hadn’t told anyone since I thought she must have run back to ask for help.
There were a ton of things. She was horrible to us (most often to me because I’m also female) our whole childhoods and enjoyed causing me as much suffering, helplessness and anger as she could to vent her own frustrations, but those are the only two times I look back and go, ‘Wow, she actually wanted to kill us.’
There were a ton of signs, but no big realization until I became haunted by random anger attacks over childhood injustices, like her forcing me to destroy my art as a kid and my parents denying any wrongdoing on her end all the time. Had to walk out of a ‘Zootopia’ showing because I couldn’t get it out of my head and I was breathing heavily.
The reason I would categorize her as a grade A psycho is because she would pretend to be nice and use lies and manipulation, and had no guilt about any of this. I was about 16 years old when I refused to take the fall for something she did. She was great at painting herself as a victim who just had to have me say I did it because I supposedly wouldn’t get in as much trouble.”
Despite Being The “Good” Sister, Her Family Still Treated Her Like An Outcast

Mita Stock Images/Shutterstock
“I am 22 and my half sister is 27. One day, she invited me to lunch. This was unusual because she never cared about how I’m doing. I asked her what was wrong and why she wanted to have lunch, and she said ‘Nothing, I just want to have lunch with you.’ We arrive and she waits until after the meal to tell me that my dad (not her biological dad) was arrested two days prior because he was addicted to illegal substances.
I am currently on medication that can give me seizures if I drink with it, and for my 22nd birthday, her present to me was a large bottle. When my brother-in-law saw the embarrassment and sadness on my face, he asked me why I had that reaction. I told him about my medication and he was mortified because my sister never told him. From the moment she handed me the bag she was cackling to herself like she made the funniest joke in the world.
When we were younger, my sister and I shared a room. We had a metal framed bunk bed and she lifted up the mattress of the bottom bunk and told me to look under it. Being the 7-year-old I was, I obliged and once I stuck my head under she let the mattress go and it hit me with full force in the back of the head and my face hit metal bars. I started gushing blood and after I managed to get myself out I ran to my mom. My sister was peeing herself she was so entertained.
We also shared a bathroom. She locked me out of the bathroom and wouldn’t let me use it to pee, and my parent’s room and bathroom were off limits. I could hear her laughing as I was begging to use it for two seconds to pee and started laughing harder when I peed my pants.
When she was in middle school, my parents allowed her to go to the movies with her friends if she brought me along. They bought tickets to ‘Santa Clause 2’ (2002) and snuck into a different theater to watch ‘Ghost Ship.’ I watched a gruesome scene and then wanted to leave but she didn’t. She had me go into the next theater alone and watch the end of Santa Clause 2. A man came and tried to talk to me and get me to come with him and wouldn’t leave me alone until after I refused loudly and ran to a manager. On our way home, my sister made me promise not to tell our parents about anything, but I was so terrified of that entire day that as soon as we got back to the house and my mom asked ‘how was the movie’ I broke down and cried. Mind you I was eight years old at the time.
My parents didn’t help me pay for college because she dropped out. They didn’t help me get a car or teach me how to drive because she was fooling around and smoking in the car they helped her get.
And now I don’t talk to my family because they treat me like I pooped on their favorite piece of cake, and my sister is the angel with the husband and the baby, and everything is perfect.”
They Knew She Was Trouble By How She Treated Her Boyfriend

“My older sister definitely fits into one of the sociopathic/psychopathic categories. I remember her being mean and cruel towards my parents at a young age. When she was a teenager she dated a guy who eventually moved in with us because his family was messed up and he got kicked out. I think the most polarizing moment when I realized she was a psychopath is when they got into a fight in our basement one day. She was screaming at him and acting insane about something. We had a pool table and I remember her picking up pool balls and launching them at him as he stood there crying like a baby. When he tried to cover his face she ordered him to put his hands down and he just obeyed. She continued to pelt him until all the balls were gone. My friend and I watched this happen and it blew both of our minds.
She’s done some terrible things since then like ruining my mom’s perfect credit by not paying anything on a $5,000 loan she co-signed for and then guilting my mom into giving her more money by threatening to not let her see her granddaughter. There are too many things to name. I could write a book on the messed up stuff she’s done.”
Their Sister’s Reign Of Terror Just Couldn’t Be Stopped

“My sister is three years older than me. I have always known there was something fundamentally wrong with her. She’s been a cruel bully her entire life. When I was a kid, my parents used to say we would all (three sisters) get along when we were adults. But I knew she would never be normal or nice. As a kid, I would have said she was evil. Now I would say she has a narcissistic personality disorder. She (oldest, narcissist) hasn’t been on speaking terms with our other (middle) sister for several years, because she (oldest) punched her (middle) in the face in the middle of a crowded museum full of families and children about an hour before my dad was scheduled to propose to my stepmom in the diamond exhibit. She was in her 20s when that happened.
She’s also done the following:
She slaps her husband in the face for things like not having a map/directions pulled up quickly enough on his phone or dropping tea on the kitchen floor.
She is a parasite. She has never had a job. Her husband has been supporting her with his job since they graduated from college almost 10 years ago.
She threw her husband out of the house that he pays for and made him get a studio apartment for himself next to his office so she could live alone while she got on OKCupid and dated whoever she wanted. Her husband wasn’t allowed to date anyone else during this time. He had to wait until she got it out of her system and she let him move back in. She was posting Facebook pics of him during this time, telling everyone how much she adored her husband. Not even their closest friends had any idea this was happening. I only knew because a friend of mine found her profile online, so she told me. I took her out for drinks on her birthday, and she was explaining how she was a victim in the relationship because he was so ‘worthless’ He finances her entire life, she doesn’t even clean the house, and he’s ‘worthless’ because he’s tired when he comes home from work.
She cut me out of her life with no explanation shortly after I got pregnant. It’s obvious to me the reason is because I was stealing her limelight. She’s getting as much sympathy and attention as she can from the whole family about her alleged infertility, but I’m not convinced that’s a real thing at all.
For as far back as I can remember, she has viewed my property and my other sister’s property as hers for the taking. Any time either of us owned something remotely desirable to her, she would take it out of our room when we weren’t around, and we would never see it again. I remember once as a teenager I spent $20 of my own money on a pair of underwear. It still had the tags on in my underwear drawer when she took it. I asked her if she’d taken it and she just laughed.
As a teenager, she poured a teapot over my mother’s head.
I got pregnant about three weeks after I got engaged, so we decided to plan a small courthouse wedding and celebration on short notice. She took over the planning as much as she could, which was terrifying because this was what happened leading up to the incident where she punched my other sister in the face at the museum. The night before my wedding, she tried to convince me to wake up an hour earlier than planned to get in a car with her when she wouldn’t even tell me where we were going. I was about seven weeks pregnant at this time, constantly exhausted and nauseous. One of the primary factors contributing to my nausea was my exhaustion, and I wasn’t willing to give up an hour of sleep before my wedding day just to make her happy. She got mad at me the night before our wedding and was still throwing a fit when she picked me up the next morning. I did not want her to drive me to my own wedding, but it wasn’t worth fighting that battle at this point. She made my entire wedding day about her own unhappiness. I still regret not just getting married to my husband there and no one else. I found out from my dad the next day that after our reception, she drove to his house and badmouthed me/gave him her (fictional) version of what had happened as soon as she could while I was trying not to throw up on my ‘honeymoon’ (one-night staycation in a hotel).
It’s not as easy for me to remember the stuff from when we were young, because I try not to think about this stuff often, but I will add more if it comes to me.
When we were all young, she told me and my middle sister to get in a box because my parents didn’t want us anymore and they were mailing us to China. She forced us to get in the box and she had us in the garage, ready to go before my parents noticed what was happening and thought it was hilarious. We were both terrified and crying because we (were so young that we) actually believed her.
One year for Christmas, she decided she didn’t like any of her presents. She was probably about 14 years old at this time. My mom spent weeks picking out presents for all of us that she thought we would love like she did every year. Narcissist sister hated everything and told my parents on Christmas day that she couldn’t believe they would get her such terrible gifts. She was furious for the entire day. My parents were obviously hurt by this, but they didn’t want to discipline her at all because it was Christmas and they didn’t want the day to be ruined.
She once slapped me across the face at the dinner table on Thanksgiving (in front of family we hadn’t seen in years) because I was telling a story about a fish out of water and she didn’t like fish.”