If you go on a date with a guy, you most likely hope for the best and that just maybe, this date may lead to something promising. But these guys just don't know how to behave on a date and always say the wrong things. These women noticed the MAJOR red flags in the guy's personality, that made them stray away from every contacting them again...
He Called His Mom…During The Date

“This dude literally called his mom to ask not only what he should order, but how it should be cooked. Also, he took separate calls to ask how he should answer questions I asked him… Also, I have good hearing, I could hear what she told him. The amount of babying was honestly gross. He was 24. I was 21. One date and done.”
No Personality Of His Own…

“A guy agreed with absolutely everything I said all evening. He made me lead the conversation, and even when I deliberately came out with some pretty unpleasant ‘views’ – he would agree. I tried to counter this by shutting up and allowing the awkward silence to bloom for about five minutes before he tried to continue the conversation.
I disagreed with him on purpose. He then agreed with me. This guy had no personality of his own. Either that, or he was so desperate for a girlfriend he would take anyone. Talk about an insult; especially as it seemed as though he thought I was dumb enough to go along with it.”
He And His Family Were Looking Too Far Into The Future

“Met a guy online & agreed to meet him at a restaurant. He was waiting for me in the parking lot. I barely had time to get out of my car before he was shoving his tongue down my throat. I went ahead with the date chalking it up to exuberance.
Afterward, he sent me a long email about how excited his whole family was for us and he couldn’t wait to get married. I let him know real quick that wasn’t happening.
Then, his twin sister calls me begging to give him another chance…WTF?”
He Doesn’t Understand The Phrase ‘Personal Bubble’

“A guy once leaned over to take my glasses off my face without permission. No thank you! His excuse? You look way prettier without your glasses.
1) My glasses are who I am, respect that I’m a dork and rock the sexy teacher look
2) I have a bubble
3) F— you for removing my ability to see anything more than a foot away from my face because YOU think I look prettier blind as a f—ing bat …”
He’s Creepily Attracted To His Sister

“So here’s what happened. My sister and I met this guy at a picnic for my dad’s work and we both chatted with him and honestly, neither of us were particularly interested in him. We had some mutual friends but lived in different towns — he was in his first year of college, I was a senior in high school, my sister was a junior. He got our home phone number (the good ol’ days before everyone had cell phones) and called me to ask if I’d want to have dinner with him at a pizza place nearby.
I was young, just kind of figured… why not? Met him there, did have a nice time talking and I do remember that he was funny and made me laugh. Then he kind of leaned back and said something to the effect of, ‘Man, I’m really having a good time… but…I wish you had my sister’s looks with your personality.’
When he said it, I literally didn’t know what to do or say, because while I’m not stunningly gorgeous by any means, I had never had anyone tell me he wished I looked like someone else. I’d have been 100% fine if we’d left from the restaurant and he’d never called again or even said he didn’t want to meet up again.
Like I said, I was 17 and really just going out with him because he’d asked. But to tell me he wished I looked like my sister — an insult to me — and that he wished she had my personality — an insult to her — he ruined any chance he ever had with either one of us.”
Cheapskate Date On The Run…Literally, From The Cops

“I was on a date with this guy, I knew he was not someone my mother would approve of, but I was going through a belated teenage rebellion.
Anyway, he told me he is going to take me out on a date, told me what to wear, which stupidly, I readily agreed to. We get to this very average looking restaurant, have a very average meal, we come to pay (backstory – on dates I never let my date pay for me), and I get my purse out to pay my half. He makes no move to get any money out, so after an awkward couple of minutes, I eventually ask what’s up. He says, ‘Well as I drove us here, you can pay for the food’. Already I know this guy is not getting a second date, but I’ve spent all my cash on dinner so I need him to drive me home.
I got back in the car with him and we were about 7 miles from my house when the police come up behind us and start flashing us to pull over. He started to try and pull away and go on a chase which was incredibly short-lived, all the while I am screaming for him to stop and praying to every God there is.
Turns out he was arrested that night for sexual assault of a girl under the age of 14, robbery, and ABH. He contacted me about 8 months after, I presume he had been released from prison, asking me for another date…”
He Was Jealous…Of The Baby At The Next Table

“I had just broken up with this s— f—wad of an ex when one of the guys I worked with decided to hook me up with his brother. He proceeded to two things that made it obvious that he was a f—ing a–hole.
We went on a coffee date and he proceeded to get upset with me that I wouldn’t pay for him. I firmly believe that you should go dutch most dates, but especially on the first one. I don’t drink coffee, so I ordered tea and paid in cash since it was like $2. He ordered some weirdly complicated starbucks-esque latte and then stared at me when the barista said it was almost $10 until he realized it wasn’t happening, sighed loudly, and threw (not handed!) a $50 at the guy.
Also, he got jealous of a baby…
There was a young couple with their probably 8 or 9-month-old, in a booster seat sitting at a table across from us. During a lull in conversation the kid caught my eye and beamed at me, and then said ‘HI!’ really loudly. I said Hi back, and she smiled even wider. He let out this annoyed noise and said something like ‘hello? You’re on a date with me, not with the brat.'”
“Together Til Death”

“On Skype before the first date: asked me to be his girlfriend and not talk to anyone else on OkCupid.
He also sent me a selfie of him with a bloody head injury, I was thinking it was a recent accident, nope it was two years ago and he thought that was the right photo to share. He refused to go out anywhere public and insisted on coming to my place instead (I’m an idiot I know but I did have 2 housemates with me, so felt safe.) So he tried to stay the night and started doing childish puppy dog eyes when I said no, was a huge effort to get him to leave (he never got nasty, just whiny and annoying).
He told me over Skype he had already bought us matching necklaces and mine was engraved with ‘TOGETHER TIL DEATH’ (apparently it was song lyrics, I just thought it was creepy AF).
Needless to say, I didn’t see him again. Oh and we were in our early/mid-twenties, not teenagers…”
When Your Date Ends Without You Knowing

“He asked me to meet him at the edge of a food court at a local mall. We’d talked about this awesome sushi place nearby so I figured he was going to just meet me at the food court and we’d walk to the sushi place. Nope…we ate at the food court while he told me about how much he liked that sushi place… I gave him that one, maybe he just really felt like below average food court food.
Then he opened his laptop while I was bussing our trays and put his headphones on as I sat down. I sat there like a loser for about 3 mins then waved and walked off.
He didn’t acknowledge me at all after I got back to the table. I got home and he texted me to let me know he had a great time…”
How Can You Hate On Such A Sweet Animal

“Walking in the park after an actually really nice dinner: Large dog wanders past us to get a frisbee (fenced park, dogs are allowed to play and wander in half), he responds: ‘Ugh, I hate dogs. Did you smell that thing? It almost knocked you down.’
He kind of half kicked dirt at it when it ran back by.
I love dogs. They’re my favorite animal and I get excited when one just walks near me, I fully planned on asking to pet that dog.
No second date for him!”
He Was A Hoarder

“Went back to his place to chill out and stuff (we had worked together for a while so I knew him quite well), thought it’d be pretty cool to just hang out and play some games. We drive to his house, it’s a nice area, pull up outside and get out the car. Everything’s cool at this point, things look pretty normal; kids playing out in the street, a guy mowing his lawn. All normal.
We go up to the front door, he opens it and we step into the house. Oh. My. God. I have never in all my life seen anything like this, before or since. He was a massive hoarder. Not even like just a bit of stuff lying around, this guy had paths carved through his mountains of s—. Did he act embarrassed by this? Lol nope, he acted as though this was normal.
He was 23, he knew this was not normal, he had been to other people’s houses, he knew this was well outside the realm of ‘normal.’ Out of pure pity, I hung out and acted pretty normal, didn’t say anything. I stayed for a couple of hours, trying not to touch anything because: a) it was filthy and; b) I didn’t want a mountain of crap falling on top of me and killing me.”
She Has Definitely Dated Some Of The Weirdest Guys Out There

“I have a list of a few terrible dates:
1. I was around 17-18 years old, he was a little older – a second date after meeting: takes me to the park, with a pizza. I really appreciate being outside and the privacy, until this dude starts getting worked up that I wouldn’t put out. Like the pizza set this guy back, and I owed him for the fresh mozzarella.
2. The guy that said ‘Your personality is more attractive online.’
3. A guy I thought was really sweet, music lover and trumpet player. Well, he also got mad I won’t put out. 17-18 and he is, again, a little older. Years later, he contacts me: ‘I am married now and she is hot! Want to have sex with me now, stuck up b—-?’ No, thank you.
4. Dude sends me pictures of Keanu Reeves. I am like ‘that’s not you.’ Insists it is. I am still curious, why lie? but I know he is full of BS. Meet him at a restaurant, not only is he disabled (not an issue, but plays into why he likely lied) but he looks nothing like Keanu.
5. Another guy tries to play Freud on me, and decipher my horrible childhood – going so far as making me tell him explicitly that I do not want to discuss this. Brags about the line he used on a girl and then uses it on me, so far past drunk-not realizing what he did.
6. Dude and I are chillin’ on his bed, watching HIMYM, starts grinding on me – and then when I ask to go home, insists I was being a tease and asking for it. I have more, sadly. I dated a lot of guys, wanting to see what is/was out there. I know there are good.”
Definitely Not Going To “Have His Babies”

“First off, he picked me up for a night at the theater wearing flip-flops and beach clothes. I wore a really nice dress and heels. Fellas, I’m going to ask that you at least try harder than flip-flops as your shoe choice. Come on. Then he yelled at me in front of people because I pulled my hand away from his (I was brushing a piece of my hair out of my eyes) and continued to loudly bully me because after he initially yelled at me, I didn’t want to hold his hand again. I think he was trying to make me cry, but it didn’t work and that made him more irritated.
He acknowledged my childfree status but repeatedly called me ignorant and stupid because I didn’t want to have his babies. This was all during our first date. Within the first fifteen minutes. That guy was a real f—ing treat.:
Don’t Force A Massage On Someone!

“I just had a shoulder injury, and I was unconsciously, sort of, favoring that arm and he noticed, so I explained what was going on and he offered to go back to his place and give me a neck rub to help. I politely rejected, saying I had a Physical Therapy appointment soon, and having someone work on it in the meantime could make things worse.
Yet even after explaining that he insisted two more times that he could help (he is not a therapist) and seemed to even be agitated that I kept turning him down. I think he thought I was making ‘ouch’ motions as a hint.”
He Sounds Like A Stage 5 Clinger

“In college, I met a guy at my best friend’s going away party. We talked for maybe 10 minutes. A few days later he asked if I wanted to hang out. I did not know this was how people asked you out on dates now. I agreed and we had dinner.
During the dinner, I mentioned I was possibly leaving soon to a university, he proceeded to tell me how he wish I wouldn’t go, and how much he would miss me. We had only talked for a total of maybe 2 hours. He was begging and pleading me not to leave, saying he would miss me ‘SO MUCH’ and ‘I don’t want to live without you’ type of stuff. It was like he was copying dramatic movies. He tried to hug me once he dropped me off. He wasn’t getting the hint while I tried to push him away. He squeezed me harder, lifted me up, and spun in a circle. I tried to leave back into my house, but he tried to kiss me. So I ended up blocking my face with my to-go box. It was super awkward, especially since I was combating a social anxiety disorder, which made me too scared to be assertive of my feelings.
A few weeks later I was invited to a party with new friends and he was there. He ended up groping me against my will, but nobody noticed. Everyone was pretty drunk, thank goodness.”
The Opposite Of Mature…For a Thirty-Year-Old

“He was 12 years older than me so we were obviously in different stages of our lives.
I had just graduated college and he was in his mid-30s. He asked me what my dream was, and I said it was to be able to travel the world one day. He knew I was working at a bakery at the time so I obviously didn’t make much money and he said, ‘Are you going to have mommy and daddy or your future husband fund it for you?’
He texted me the next day saying he wanted to see me again and I told him to f— off.”
Crashed And Burned: Avoid Guys Like These On Bumble

“In my bumble days, I went on a first date with a guy who was genuinely impressively terrible. Which each interaction throughout the night he revealed a new layer of nuanced horribleness. It’s a long list of red flags. But it’s worth it:
I meet him at a bar. He’s about 50 lbs. heavier than in his pic but I give him the benefit of the doubt. He also starts off the date by downing two shots at the bar before getting another drink to sip. He starts very rapidly and passionately telling me where he’s from and that he just moved here and what motivates him and his entire life story, all normal. Never really gives me a chance to offer any info about myself or asks me about myself. This continues the entire night.
Starts telling me about how he watches a lot of Netflix and he’s ‘a huge cinephile’ and how he just ‘really loves the cinematography and direction of Christopher Nolan’ (ok, kind of annoying, but certainly not a huge red flag or grounds to write this guy off completely).
Starts bragging about his personal accolades as a chef and trying to make his position sound more impressive than it really is. Which, again, give him the benefit of the doubt he’s probably nervous and just wants to be impressive. There’s nothing wrong with being a line cook, but when you say you’re ‘basically the sous chef’ then you’re just lying.
Asks me if I smoked. I don’t, but I don’t have a problem with it. He loves smoking apparently… Then he tells me were going outside so he can smoke a cigarette. So we go outside so he can smoke.
Takes two more shots before we go outside, then gets a beer. I’m on my first drink still.
Continues the very passionate over-the-top story of his life, starts telling me about how he was involved in the mafia in Miami and how he ‘didn’t go to college at Brown but he went to all their parties.’ He once met Emma Watson and saved her from being heckled by frat stars. He also reveals he never went to college and that he was ‘honestly, just way too smart to finish highschool. It was a waste of my time.’
He’s sweating profusely while he’s telling me all these stories in this weirdly very fervent fashion, to the point where I’m questioning if he’s physically ok. And that’s when I notice it. The dilated eyes. Rubbing his fingers together and on his palms. Clenching his mouth a little too much when he finishes a sip. This guy totally took something before this date and now he’s trying to drink to even himself out.
Tells me we’re going to another bar (next door) to play pool. I’m like ‘Oh I’m tired.’ But he won’t take no for an answer.
While we go over there he tells me about how he almost won the world championship in pool once and how he was robbed of the title.
We get there, we go to the bar. He asks me what I want and I politely say, ‘Oh you don’t have to get my drink, that’s ok.’ And he replies ‘Oh. So do you wanna buy my drink then?’ …Yeah ok. I’ll buy his drink, I can live in a progressive society. I order a beer, he gets a shot and a beer.
There’s another couple waiting to play in front of us and they offer to play teams against us. Terrible idea. We play against them and the entire time this guy is berating both me and the other couple over everything that were doing wrong in pool and how we are so bad. Every time he missed a shot, he goes ‘I let them have that one, it wouldn’t be interesting if I just sank every shot.’ He micromanages every shot I take telling me which ball and which angle, all an excuse to touch me and position me for the shot. The entire time the other couple is looking at me like, ‘Is this for f—ing real?’ And I’m just looking at them like, ‘I wish it wasn’t.’
We end up losing and of course, he goes ‘I let them win to be nice. They are terrible at pool!’
I close out my tab. I had one beer there he had two shots and two beers on my tab.
He walks me to my car and he goes ‘Yeah so. You wanna follow me to my house and we can get pizza and watch a movie or something?’ I say ‘Oh. No sorry, still very tired. Just wanna go home.’ We get to my car and he hugs me and lifts me up into the air (which I found terrifying, but that’s really not his fault) and then he goes to kiss me. I turn my head away for him to kiss my cheek. AND HE TAKES MY FACE AN PHYSICALLY TURNS IT BACK TOWARDS HIM SO HE CAN TRY TO STICK HIS TOUNGE IN MY MOUTH! And I’m just sitting there very tight-lipped while he kind of licks the outside of my mouth…
It was so gross and I was SO DONE!”
He Probably Won’t Be That Great Of A Listener If You Date This Guy

“Met a guy on a night out, he asked me to a lunch-date. He picks me up and chooses a place to eat (I didn’t have any say in it and because of my dietary limitations I couldn’t get anything other than a f—ing salad). I ordered a salad, he got only a coffee, saying he wasn’t hungry. Why lunch-date if you don’t even want to eat?
It was very awkward for me to eat alone, but what was more awkward was the fact that he wasn’t interested in any conversation at all. I tried to bring out topics so I could get to know him. At best I got one word out of him. Didn’t ask anything from me. So we spent the rest of the time in silence.
I asked to be dropped off at home, but he was driving to the opposite side of the town, saying he wants to watch movies at home. I was dumbfounded. Ok, we arrive, he just puts on a random channel on and watches it. I’m just not interested in random s— that comes from TV, so I tell him I want to go home.
He starts groping me, picks me up and carries me to the bedroom, where it’s dark, but I see tons of girl stuff there – clothes, cremes, jewelry, fragrances. I flip out, rush to the living room and order to get home at once. This time he luckily listens and takes me home. That was terrifying and the worst date I’ve been on.”
Well He Sounds Rudely Possessive — Even Before The First Daye

“We never even made it there…
The night before our first date, my sister went into labor. I said I’d need to postpone our plans so I could go be with my sister and the baby, and he got pissy and ‘punished’ me by giving me rude one-word answers to all my texts for the next day.
By the time he’d decided I was forgiven and started responding to me again, I’d already realized I’d dodged a bullet…”
Tax Lawyer With All The Accusations

“He picked me up at my workplace and we parked in an open carpark across the road from the restaurant, to which we were going. When we got back to the car, I noticed the passenger door was unlocked and a quick check showed us my briefcase had been taken from the boot of his car. He immediately accused me of not locking the passenger door, however, I was sure I did and the door lock showed signs of tampering.
He didn’t believe me and only grudgingly admitted I was right when the insurance peeps said there’d been forced entry via the passenger door.
In the 24 hours in between, he called me several times to tell me I was lucky he was thinking about taking me out again, considering how irresponsible I’d been.
He was a tax lawyer and a real d—–bag! LOL!”