You can admit it, you've been at a wedding when the officiant says "speak now, or forever hold your place" and you've secretly wished someone say something, just for the drama and the story. We've all been there.
Here are 17 stories where people ACTUALLY saw that happen, or at least something just like it. Yelling, screaming, fighting, it's all hear as these people tell the stories of the most insane things they've seen at weddings that ended very badly!
The Groom Gets Threatened!

Roman Samborskyi/
“My wife dragged me to a wedding that I did NOT want to be at years ago, but I’m forever grateful that she did, because I was able to witness one of the greatest spectacles of human drama that has ever taken place.
This was like an episode of Jerry Springer mixed with Cops. The bride’s LOVER spoke up at that moment and yelled, ‘I’ll be gosh-darned if I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and let you steal my woman, you sorry piece of trash!’
This deranged old redneck proceeds to come at the groom WITH A WEAPON, threatening to shoot him, if he doesn’t ‘give her up.’
It wasn’t a huge wedding, maybe 40 or so people, but every single one of them went screaming and running while maybe two people stayed and called the cops.
I grabbed my wife’s hand and we retreated outside to watch the rest of the scene unfold from the church window.”
Maybe God Objected!

Aaron Amat/
“I was at an outdoor ceremony once, with a storm coming in. The pastor was trying to move things along so that we wouldn’t get caught in the rain (the reception was indoors). He asked if anyone knows of any objection, and instantly, there was a loud clap of thunder.
To his credit, the pastor just paused a moment and then said: ‘Anyone else? Alright, in that case…’ and finished the ceremony.
The couple is still together, so take that, passive-aggressive supernatural objector!”
This Guy Is Pretty Stupid

“The best man at my stepsister’s wedding did this.
It happened at the rehearsal the night before. It was a very large wedding and the rehearsal was bigger than a lot of weddings. The minister was going over the vows quickly while giving instruction on what to do. When he said something about objections the best man interrupted saying he had to put a stop to this. He was in love with the bride and was sure she felt the same way.
My sister and everyone else was horrified. It caused plenty of chaos and confusion. As far as I know after that neither the bride nor groom ever spoke to him again.”
Honest Or Stupid Or Both

Alexandru Logel/
“I was working at a wedding when I was younger. I was running the bar at the reception, which was very close to the hall the weddings were held.
We were told that the reception would begin around 4 pm. It was already about 3ish and I was packing fridges, the usual bar man things, while one of the male guests was still sitting there drinking.
I asked if he was not joining the reception, to which he replied something along the lines of, ‘when I have the courage.’
He downs his drink, and leaves. Ten minutes later, he’s back, looking extremely disappointed. He orders a drink, and less than 30 seconds later another guy, who’s dressed extremely well, walks in, punches him in the back of the head, and leaves. Turns out, that was the groom!
This dude just picked his drink up and sipped it further.
I eventually found out that this dude, had downed his drink, walked into the ceremony, admitted to sleeping with the wife at her bachelorette party, and again the night before the wedding.
He was never invited to the wedding, he just felt the groom needed to know, so he found out where the wedding was, suited up and dropped the info mid-ceremony.”
The Mother Almost Stopped It, Almost

“About five years ago, a coworker of mine invited all of us to his wedding. He was a great guy, but none of us had ever met his wife. We’d seen pictures of her and he always said nothing but good things about her.
Fast forward to the wedding: it was an incredibly nice one, it looked like they paid quite a bit for it. Everything was going smoothly and I was having fun and I assume so was everyone else. They’re both at the alter looking deeply into each others eyes and smiling and when that line comes: ‘speak now or forever hold your peace.’ I get anxious but nothing EVER happens. As soon as the anxiousness faded away, THE BRIDE’S MOTHER STOOD UP AND OBJECTED.
She blurted something about how she doesn’t want to continue their family with a man like him, he was black, she was white. The bride cried and ran off. The wedding went completely silent. The bride’s dad took the mom and ran after the bride. The groom stood there incredibly awkwardly. He may or may not have achieved actually leaving his body.
The groomsmen took him away. I left because it was too weird. Apparently, the reception went on. They did not get married that day. But ended up doing it later, privately, and surprisingly work wasn’t weird. He laughed about it. And they are still happily married.
The bride’s mother never truly stated it was because he was black. This guy was incredibly nice, selfless, and just someone who you completely felt comfortable around. He never judged anyone either and was well spoken. The mother also never showed signs of hating him. Who knows why it happened.
I’ve since moved and haven’t spoken to them. But man does that memory last.”
Like Real Life Jerry Springer

“My boyfriend was friends with a guy who was getting a quickie marriage and needed witnesses. We agreed and went inside the little reception room, where the preacher, bride, and the groom were lined up, waiting on us.
The preacher started his thing and I noticed a woman come in and lean against the back wall. She looked angry, standing with her arms crossed.
Preacher: ‘Is there anyone here today who objects, please, speak now.’
The couple looked back at us and we both smiled. Suddenly, the brides attention turned to the woman in the back of the room.
Bride: ‘What is SHE doing here?!’
The woman quickly raised her hand, looking at the old preacher.
Woman: ‘I object! I don’t agree with this marriage!’
The bride glared at her.
Bride: ‘Shut up! Wait your freaking turn! It’s my scheduled day! You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first!’
The woman had to be dragged out of the room, kicking and screaming and spitting at the bride…
After the reception, my boyfriend’s friend explained that he was originally in a relationship with the bride. After ten years together, he started sleeping with her sister, the woman who was making the stink. They were close sisters, until both ladies got pregnant by him, simultaneously.
They fought each other like cats and dogs for the next several years, until the two cousins became best friends. Neither one of the sisters would give up the man, and he wasn’t sure which one he loved more, so he kept seeing both women.
Last I heard they were all still together, but the two sisters had teamed up to take down his pregnant mistress.”
I Don’t She Has To Worry About “Getting Back Together”

“A few years ago, I was at my brother’s wedding, and it was at a super nice church. This was the kind of church that you had to book way in advance just to get an opening.
I only say this about the church because the bride felt about this day. It. Had. To. Be. Perfect. She’s still mad about this intrusion. So I’m at the wedding early helping with preparations, and everyone is distracted because the bride is yelling at her snotty little family who are all dressed in pastels. While this was happening, I looked over and saw this weird tall blonde chick sneak in. I remember wondering who it was, but I had work to do so I soon forgot about it.
When the preacher said that if anyone had any objections they should speak now. Suddenly, the blonde girl stood up in the middle of the room with shaking hands. I remember how I knew her… she was my brothers ex.
The blonde girl started to speak and said, ‘I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion.’ And I was just like freaking out because I’m one of those people who feels awkward when other people are doing awkward things. And then she continued with ‘but you are not the kind of guy who should be marrying the wrong girl.’
Cue bride beginning to furiously cry. The girl continued, only looking at my brother, like the rest of us weren’t even there at all. ‘Don’t say yes run away now, I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the backdoor don’t wait or say a single vow, you need to hear me out and they said speak now.’
And my brother just looked at her and all he said was, ‘get lost.’ So the blonde chick stormed out and I vaguely recall her mumbling something about never EVER getting back together.”
A Son Tries To Save His Father

“When I was 13 we went to my second cousin’s wedding.
Everything was going great, they even got past the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ part. They wrote their own vows, but before my second cousin’s fiancée/wife could even begin her vows, his son got up announced to the entire room that the bride was cheating on his dad with her dealer and he couldn’t let his dad marry her.
My cousin yelled at his son to either sit down or leave. The son left, my cousin married her anyway, and five years and one baby later he finds out it was true and they separated but were too tweaked out to be able to afford a divorce.
Finally, he got married a third time, but before he could get married, his third ex wife had to pay for their divorce. This wedding had no objections. They moved to Missouri and this time instead of separating or asking for a divorce he decided he didn’t want to be married anymore and just moved back to California to get back together with his second ex wife.
Yep, family dinners are a little awkward.”
A Bad Wedding, An Unhappy Marriage

Stephen Coburn/Shutterstock
“The groom himself.
He just stood up there and started crying and, in front of everyone, told the bride that he’d fallen out of love with her a while before, but he didn’t know how to break it off. It was extremely uncomfortable. They both stepped out, and ten minutes later came back out and got married, because she’d apparently told him she was pregnant.
They’re still together, with three kids, and I’m not sure about the husband, but I can confirm that the wife is having an affair. Neither of them are happy, but she has a comfortable life and he doesn’t have the spine to leave.”
One Guy Has A Few Too Many Drinks

“I saw it nearly happen at my uncle’s wedding by a friend of theirs that had way too much to drink. When say said speak now he smiled, started to standup. My mother grabbed him by his hair and sat him back down, by force.
The friend was a close friend of both the bride and groom, so he was seated up front. He’s a nice dude but sometimes a bit of a idiot. It was a a small non-traditional wedding. They were wed in the botanical gardens by a justice of the peace. The reception was held in the same place. When you entered the area for the wedding and reception there was an open bar so some people helped themselves before the ceremony started.
And one overindulged a bit.”
Punch Up At A Wedding

“No objections were made (unfortunately) but back when I worked in a hotel a few years ago, I got to witness a very interesting wedding. In preparation, we had to ensure we’d ordered enough Blue WKD, as this was the groom’s drink of choice (first red flag). The whole wedding took place in the hotel, the function room also hosted the ceremony so we started pretty early that day.
Before the ceremony the bride had taken three bottles of Prosecco up to her room whilst she was getting ready and was clearly tipsy before the wedding started but seemed to act sober enough that who ever was conducting the ceremony was none the wiser. The ceremony seemed normal but I was prepping the bar so wouldn’t have known either way. As it ends all the guests flood out for drinks whilst we changed the function room and set out the tables for the sit down meal.
The guests were rough, to put it politely, I already knew one of them as he’d been to the hotel before, acting like a total wanker when I told him the bar was closed and I wouldn’t be serving him, however, he was being especially polite to me this time as it was clear his date for the wedding was definitely not the same girl he was in with just a few weeks ago (who I suspect was a paid acquaintance).
Before the meal even began, we were starting to worry if we’d have enough drinks, these people drank like fish but we manage to get them all seated and fed and everyone is being friendly and well behaved.
As the night went on the bride was slowly becoming so trashed she could barely stand and had changed from her wedding dress into a very scant pink neglige with a tutu skirt. She also had given up on using the bathroom, so she loudly announced she would be relying solely upon nature from this point onwards. Before midnight, we were nearly out of spirits – the guests were ordering shots every round (I’d tried to deny service but my manager was having none of it and as the hotel was struggling they wanted to make as much money as possible) and had shotted us out of almost everything (Blue WKDS are long gone but the groom has a lovely blue smile at this point).
After the bride finally gave up trying to take shots of disgusting drinks that had likely been there since the hotel was built, they headed off to the dance floor. The party started winding down and it was time for the last dance, but the bride decided she’d prefer to have this with a male wedding guest which really ticks off the groom, she then loudly announced she would be throwing an after party in their suite and everyone is invited in the hot tub – funnily enough the groom isn’t thrilled and gets more ticked. Another member of staff managed to calm everyone down and convinces the DJ to play the last dance song once more before he leaves and the groom agreed.
Everyone started packing up and the bride came back from her room in her third outfit of the night, a nice, grey, stained tracksuit. She was adamant she wanted another smoke before bed. She couldn’t find a lighter and became irate, screaming at the groom for one. The groom claimed he didn’t have one but she was not taking no for an answer. She went through his pockets and found one. Holding it aloft, she screamed at him that he was a liar and slapped him clean across the face, the groom, obviously not having enjoyed this, returned the favor, and punches her in the face. The best man spots this and leaps across a sofa and tackles the groom to the floor.
They’re now having a full on fist fight whilst the bride sobs incoherently. I try and get out of the way as I’m being trampled by Mr. WKD and his scummy friend. My supervisor storms in saying he found coke in the bathroom and the police are on their way. The best man is off like a robbers dog and the groom stands there stunned and then follows his new wife into the function room. We then hear screaming and shouting from that room and the bride has picked up a chair and launched it at her husband and was now holding a second one trying to attack him with it.
At this point, it was about 2 am and I was done with the day, my mom was waiting for my outside, so I grabbed my bag and headed off, giving my supervisor strict instructions to tell me exactly how this ended when I was back for my next shift. I passed a riot van of police officers on the way out of the door, directed them to the drama, and went home.
At my next shift, I was informed that an ambulance arrived shortly after the police, the groom was taken to the hospital after sustaining a head injury, but he ran from the paramedics when he got to the hospital. The bride stayed at the hotel and to console herself and spent the night with the male wedding guest she danced with. They left together in the morning, and a week later, announced on Facebook she was in a new relationship with him.”
Don’t Ever Invite This Woman To Your Wedding!

“The father of the bride had been pretty absentee after her parents’ divorce. He had re-married and gotten into the Christian Science religion and they were both pretty terrible. The new wife was not invited to my friend’s wedding, but her father came and it seemed like he was there to be supportive. He stood up during vows and proclaimed my friend was ‘a wench, just like her mother’ and the groom ‘should get out while he can because my friend was a soul leeching succubus.’
Amazingly, it was not the worst wedding I ever went to though. I’m 30 and I’m starting to think I may be bad luck because I’ve been to a few disasters when most people can’t name one.
The highlights would be: a ceremony being interrupted because the woman the groom was seeing on the side appeared with their baby. Yes, their secret love baby and then the groom explaining that polygamy is natural and we should be more open minded.
The bride at another, my former college roommate, insisting on driving herself to the wedding and then getting a drinking and driving charge en route, then making an ill-attempt at seducing the officer to get out of it, being turned down, and subsequently slapping the officer and getting charged with assault.
Another wedding, for a coworker, on one of those sunset cruises and the boat’s engine failed and started a small fire and everyone had to evacuate.
Plus another one where the couple were completely scammed by their wedding planner. The venue wasn’t actually booked, no caterer, no cake, no DJ, no nothing. She scammed them out of thousands. 250 guests milling about in a town center parking lot. They reported her but I don’t think they were ever able to recover much of their money.”
Who Wants To Party With This Aunt?

“The wedding itself is a whole story.
It was in Arizona, and at first, it was going to be held in the fall, but changed to being in the summer, so it was incredibly hot out. My cousin and his wife were given money to hold a wedding, but they didn’t want to spend a lot, so it was held on family land. This land was not cleaned up and had various people living on it in tents and similar.
My aunt enjoys pranks and goes too far a lot. She first wanted to put Trump posters all over the wedding venue, but we convinced her not to because the cousin is not, at all, a Trump supporter. She also had to be convinced not to dump dirty water on my stepmom on the day of the wedding when she had no change of clothing. She has also been under investigation for tax evasion for buying Marlboros in bulk in international waters and selling them out of her hair salon.
When the exchanging of vows took place, my aunt shouted, ‘Wasn’t there supposed to be a part where you could object?’
No one laughed.”
The Bride’s Worst Nightmare

“I went to a coworker’s wedding and the maid-of-honor objected and admitted to being the other woman and that the groom had been cheating with her for months.
The bride left in tears and the groom immediately tried to get with the maid-of-honor, but she told him she wasn’t going to hurt the bride any further and that he needed go. The bride is doing much better now and is a manager here, and I haven’t heard from the groom in over a year.
Somehow, the maid-of-honor and the bride are on speaking terms, but I don’t think their relationship is gonna ever be what it used to be.”
He Asked Her WHAT??

“The groom’s dad interrupted the wedding to ask the bride’s father whether or not she was truly ‘pure.’
The bride’s father, who was officiating the wedding, did in fact say it was confirmed. I have no clue how they did that and don’t want to know.
They seemed to be super conservative and wore sleeved dresses, long hair, and didn’t wear makeup. They eventually showed the father-in-law out of the church and continued with the ceremony, which was super awkward after it happened.
It was literally as if I was on an episode of Punk’d.”
One Classy Family He’s Marrying Into

Asier Romero/
“My friend (the groom) was getting married to this awful girl we all hated. They broke up during the rehearsal dinner after arguing about the order the groomsmen would stand in (she wanted her brother higher in the order).
The wedding still happened the next day, even though they were ‘broken up.’ We all show up to the church not knowing if the bride would show, or what the heck would happen.
She shows up, and when the pastor asks for the objections and her mom objects, yelling something about how the groom is a piece of trash and isn’t welcome in her family. Her mom leaves the church, her dad and brother leave after her. The bride is just standing there staring at the alter with a real smug look on her face and says, ‘told you you should have put my brother second in line instead of fifth.’ The pastor doesn’t know what to do, but just kinda keeps on trucking and eventually they’re married.
Also they’re divorced now; they didn’t even make it a whole year.”
Doomed From The Stard

“I was at a friend’s wedding, Her family was very religious and his was not at all.
One of her cousins stood up and said that she knew they had been living in sin. After that a number of her family members left the venue and others stayed but turned their backs to the couple being married.
It was a very strange reception, as some of those that stayed but turned their backs actually showed up. The marriage failed after a short time and an accusation of a pregnancy not being the husband’s child.
Very strange people in the end, considering that while we were all friends for a time, it all seemed good but since then, while we still know them and see them around it has just become like a contest of which one can sleep with the most people from there past histories.”
Listen To The Sheep!

“I’m a pastor and I typically don’t include the ‘objection’ part because it’s a little bit antiquated. But…
I performed my brother’s wedding a few years ago, they had it at this beautiful farm (one of those trendy rustic event venues), and because I wanted to troll him a little, I planned to ask if anyone had an objection to the union… and then just wait an uncomfortably long time with a great punchline where I would lean over to his bride and say, ‘sorry, I really tried. You can have your $20 back,’ to make it seem like she asked me to create an opportunity where she didn’t have to marry him. As a big brother it seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime. But what happened was way better.
After I asked for an objection, and everything was quiet, some random sheep in the field behind us let out the biggest bleat I’ve ever heard… the comedic timing was perfect. It was hilarious and everyone completely lost it. It was the day I learned that sheep are funnier than me.”