Usually when you go on a date you expect maybe the cliche dinner and a movie. But sometimes the other person has a different idea and you end up somewhere else that makes you feel very...uncomfortable.
Why Would You Take Your Date To Your Dentist Appointment?

“A guy I had met three days previously offered to pick me up and ‘hang out’.
I was cool with that, but he ended up dragging me around on errands (we went to his dentist appointment) and then when I said I wanted to leave, he said he’d give me a ride home but only in exchange for other ‘favors’.
I was pretty scared about dating after that.
And no, I didn’t give him any ‘favors’, I got out right there and walked to a bus stop.”
The Jerk Won’t Even Let Her Order Her Own Food

Syda Productions/Shutterstock
“In college, this guy from one of my classes asked me to go out with him out of the blue (we’d never even talked before) but he was pretty cute so I said sure.
We exchanged numbers and he said he’d call me with details.
He called the next day and told me we were going to a restaurant that was WAY out of my price range. We’re talking like, no way will this bill will be under $100. I tried talking him out of it and when that didn’t work flat out saying I couldn’t afford something like that but he insists and tells me not to worry (this all really should have been a clue to me). So I say fine and agree to go.
We get to the restaurant and the waiter comes over and I go to order (the cheapest thing on the menu) when he stops me and says ‘Ignore her, we’re both having the steak.’ ‘But I don’t like steak.’ ‘She’s just saying that because she’s poor. We’ll have steak…’ and shoos the waiter away. I’m mortified and angry and want to leave but he was my ride.
He tries to make conversation and just proves to me that he really is a jerk. Then he says he has to go to the bathroom and leaves. I’m sitting there for a good 10 minutes before he texts me: ‘Hahaha I got some issues from drinking last night don’t eat without me.’
That was the last straw!
I call the waiter over, pay for my meal, and go to the Starbucks down the street to call my friend to pick me up.”
Subway Isn’t Considered A ‘Dressy’ Kind Of Restaurant…

“I went on a date with a guy that I met online.
He told me to dress nice and that he was going to take me out for dinner.
He ordered a foot long teriyaki chicken sub. He looked at me and said, ‘I hope you like teriyaki chicken’. We shared the sub in his car.
Safe to say there was no second date.”
What She Learned At The Scientology Museum

“On my first date with a guy off an internet dating site, he took us to the Scientology Museum in London. I thought ‘Hmmm, original, easy to find things to talk about/ laugh at the craziness of, this could be fun.’
Then he proceeded to read every single piece of writing on every single exhibit, ask the attendant very probing questions about how one goes about joining Scientology and sounding slightly too interested to just be intrigued about a religion.
Also…he was visibly sweating.
Once we were done there we went for a glass of wine and he told me he used to shoot up drugs.
I was out of there like a shot.”
Trying To Impress Your Girl At A Sports Store?

“Now, I’m impressed and entertained pretty easily. It takes a lot for me to have a bad date or ‘judge’ anyone.
But…I went on a date with quite a rich guy about a year ago. He was nice, fit, handsome, well educated and well dressed. Basically everything a girl would ‘want’. To be honest, I only went on the date because I loved how he spoke. that wording.
We had a nice time, I guess. However, the whole time he spoke about himself. Or tried to impress me in some way. To the point where we went to a sports store and he ‘casually’ bench pressed and whatever in front of me, claiming he wanted to ‘test it out’.
He spoke about buying expensive wines and whatnot – and don’t get me wrong, I love nice wine, but I had literally gotten drunk of sack wine the day before with friends. I’m not picky, and he talked about drinking $100 bottles of wine…nightly. Idiot.
The last straw was going to a sweet, independent café. They got the order mixed up by a tiny detail, and he huffed like the biggest pompous jerk. ‘I’m never coming HERE again’.
It was kind of like, ‘Screw you, man. I don’t care if your family owns half of this city, but you treat cafés and their waitresses with respect. People mess up. Why not spend your nightly $100 for wine on lessons on how to not be a spoilt little wanker.’
He then wrote a blog about how I was his muse. I never spoke to him again.”
His First Date With Her…On Camera…

“Went out with a girl for a first date.
She took me to a Kumdo lesson, which is a Korean sword fighting sport. I thought that was cool, but it was an advanced class and I made somewhat of a fool of myself but all in good fun. Anyway, it turned out that she was bringing me there because she wanted me to be part of a documentary about foreigners in Korea. So my looking like a fool was broadcast nationwide.
We then visited the grandmaster’s house for makgeolli and the film crew started interviewing me. They were basically focusing on my relationship with the girl I was going out with. They didn’t seem to understand it was a first date.
So here I am trying to answer awkward questions without embarrassing both of us on national television.”
That Awkward Moment At The Beer n’ Christ Benefit

“I had a guy take me to a Beer n’ Christ thing. He was uber-Catholic and thought I could benefit from letting Christ into my cold, cold, cold Jewish heart. So I go. I’m open minded. I’m only half-Jewish and have always been interested in other religions.
It was going ‘okay’ until the Priest (the speaker of the night) told us a hypothetical tale of our brother who is paralyzed. We have the ability to cure him with stem cells – he will walk as soon as the ‘transaction’ is complete.
‘How many of you here would purchase these stem cells and allow your brother to walk again?’
My hand shoots up. I look around the room……nothing. No hands.
I then notice everybody staring at me. Including my date and the priest. I was blessed out like nobody’s business and was told I was an embarrassment to my date.
Good Times.”
Wallpaper Shopping At The John Lewis Furniture Store…

“A guy I was totally into moved pretty far away. We were interested in each other though, spoke a lot and eventually, he decided to visit me for a weekend. I imagined romantic things happening.
NOPE! He wanted to go wallpaper shopping…
And so it was that our first ‘date’ was in the home furnishings department of John Lewis. He got lots of very ugly samples.
Then we went to Habitat where he looked at lamps and said the word ‘rimming’ very loudly.
Within five years we were married.”
He Surprisingly Does Not Want To Watch You Play World Of Warcraft All Night Long

“I met a girl online and she invited me to hang out with her at her place.
I show up, and she just makes me watch her play World of Warcraft. She’s cute, and I’m thinking ‘cool, she’s into gaming’! But around 30 minutes I start getting antsy and ask her if she wanted to do anything or go somewhere.
She says ‘sure’ but keeps playing the game. So now about 45 minutes into this…’date’ or whatever it is, some guy comes into the apartment.
Apparently, she lives with this dude. ‘OK, she has a roommate whatever’ I think to myself. Then I realize we’re in the only bedroom in this small apartment, and I find out that they sleep in the same bed with each other and stuff.
We finally go out and get some pizza, we’re hanging out and having a nice walk. She starts acting like she wants me to kiss her, and I want to attempt to, but I still can’t wrap my head around the guy she lives and sleeps with and was too confused to make any moves.
We had a follow-up…thing because she invited me to go to some club with her and I was thinking ‘ok, maybe they’re just saving money or something, neither of them are well off’ and go to this gothy sort of club. She proceeds to ignore and eventually ditch me, and I’m just standing around having no idea what to do.
Some girl eventually bumped into me, asked if I was gay, and when I told her I wasn’t she gave me her number. So I guess all wasn’t lost.
Although I only got to date that girl about twice before her own bit of crazy started showing and then she eventually went on some pilgrimage or something that Jewish people do sometimes and I never saw her again.”
She Had A Kid, Brought Her Sister, And Took Him To A Lecture?

“Back in high school, there was a very beautiful girl named Melissa in a few of my classes. This was the mid to late nineties, and pregnant teenagers weren’t as common as they are now, so I think it added to her mystique that she had a child. It never bothered me, though. I just thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. So, any chance I got to be around her, I took it.
She needed a tutor? Check. Someone to talk to? Check.
I never had the guts to ask her out, though. I wasn’t much of a looker myself in high school, so it took me a pretty darn long time to do it.
Finally, I did, and she said yes! I can’t remember how it went down, but I think we decided that I’d pick the restaurant, she’d pick something else to do.
So, she shows up with her sister.
That should have been my cue to NOPE it back inside my house. But, I didn’t, because I was an idiot. We went to eat, and then she said she had a ‘surprise’ for me that she thought I’d really enjoy. I was excited; did she really plan something?
We pull up to a small convention center and start to head in. I’m already starting to freak out about it when we make our way towards one of the rooms, and there it is. Clear as day on a sign out front of the door.
I cannot describe my internal anguish and feelings of absolute fail during the lecture and the meet up afterward. They didn’t even sit with me; we’d arrived late, and they moved to open seats on one side while I sat on the other.
I barely remember how I answered the inundation of Amway people’s questions, but somehow I made it through the evening. I remember never even seeing Melissa or her sister during this time, and as we finally met up to go home, I was utterly destroyed.
We got home, she looks me dead in the eyes and tells me that she had a really nice time tonight. I echoed the sentiment, told her sister it was nice to meet her and went inside.
Never even looked at Melissa again.”
Pyramid Scheming Guy And The Trip To The Weight-Loss Center

“So I’ve known this guy for almost a year now, not really good friends or anything, more of casual acquaintances (we have a bunch of common friends and see each other from time to time, parties etc).
A couple of months ago he started messaging me, first on Facebook, then by text (he got my number from a friend, he didn’t ask me for it) and most of the time I responded just to be polite. He’s nice enough, but not really my type.. so when he started dropping hints about ‘meeting up’, I just turned him down and said I’m busy, or we’d just catch up the next time there’s a gathering of our friends, that sort of thing.
Fast-forward to last week and he asked me out again, which is the 6th time in the past 2 months. I finally decided to at least give him a chance, cos hey what could go wrong anyway, and who knows what I’m missing and all that jazz. Worst-case scenario it would be awkward, but we’ve talked more than a few times so I was thinking it can’t be that bad and we could actually have a pleasant time.
Date night comes and we meet up in the city after work. We have dinner; nice, cutesy Japanese place. The conversation was okay. I was certain at this point that it’s really not going to take off, he really isn’t my type.. but I was having a pleasant enough time and he was a total gentleman and not bad to talk to.
The bill comes, and I was going to suggest a quick coffee before heading home. However, he said that there’s something he’d made an appointment for us for and we need to rush off to make it in time. I was a bit intrigued and excited; was it a movie, or a show, a play (he knows I’m into theater?) So we hurry off and he took me to a high-end luxury mall with an attached wing for offices. We went up…wait, this is an office lobby…what the…
It was a freakin’ weight-loss center.
So he explains that he’s part of this company (he works for them on a part-time basis as a distributor) and he wanted to introduce me to their products which would ‘revolutionize’ my lifestyle and make the healthier I’ve ever been in my entire life. (FYI I’m 5’5 and 135lbs). I was totally stunned at this point so I was just nodding like an idiot the whole time we were walking inside. He then left me with his smarmy ‘teammates’, who proceeded to give me an orientation about their company and a run-through of their health supplements (when he got to the part where the weight-loss products are, the smarmiest one said, ‘Oooh now this is what you’ve been waiting for, I saved the best for last’!)
I just sat through it because I knew that if I started to say something, I was definitely going to burst and make a spectacle of myself (there was a seminar ongoing and we were at a little table to the side). After I flat-out said that I’m not interested in any of the products and frankly don’t believe that I need health supplements (I eat well and exercise regularly), they started on the 2nd phase: introducing me to the ‘business’ aspect of it.
Basically, it was a networking model of business where you not only sell the products, you also recruit people to sell them and they would be under your ‘team’, and you get a commission for every sale they make. They rhapsodized about the wonders of the product, how easy it is to sell, and how much money I could be making because they could tell I have the right kind of ‘personality’ and ‘network’ for it. Registration was ‘only’ $1,000, and it was consumable in products.. which I could either use or sell to get my registration money back immediately.
I wish I could say I flipped the freakin’ table and screamed at them to screw themselves with their health supplements and hope they overdose on their products, but no.
Right after the ‘talk’ I just said I should head home since it was getting a bit late.
The guy actually messaged me to say that he had a good time and he hopes to see me again.. and that I would reconsider their products and the ‘business opportunity’.
I called some friends up and went out for drinks because screw your health supplements that’s why!”
If He Takes You To His Basement, Get Out Of There ASAP!

“There was a guy who had been asking me to hang out for a while and I finally said yes, he wanted to hang out at his house with his roommates so I went.
He took me into the basement where there was a dirty mattress on the floor and nothing else. I ran. To this day I have no idea what it was about but I ran and never told anyone about it until now.”
When You Introduce Your Date To The Waiter…Who Has A Major Crush On You

“A girl I had just met asked me out, she wanted to take me to dinner. We end up at this little Italian place, she says she knows someone that works there.
When our waiter arrives, he appears visibly shaken, stuttering. She introduces me to him, this is her friend she mentioned before. I can see it right away, this guy has a thing for her, and here she is introducing him to her date.
She then bugs him for special orders and asks if we can get our meals free. He really seems upset, but gives her the ‘anything for you’ look and agrees, I decline and pay for my own meal. I felt really bad for this guy, I could just see his torment at watching this girl date someone else. She was very attractive and very friendly, I assumed he just got friend zoned. I hung out with her a few more times but backed off of the romantic part.
Then I found out that the guy from the restaurant was her ex-boyfriend, who she had just dumped a few days before and had been dating since high school (this was 2-3 years after I graduated).”
He Took Her Shopping…But For All The Shallow Reasons

“I met this German guy at a university bar one night and he seemed really into me, so he asks for my number and said he wanted to take me out on a date. Fast forward a couple of days and he calls and asks me to go for dinner that night.
I didn’t know him very well at all but I figured I might as well go for it just to see what he was like.
He picks me up and says we’re going to go to one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, and when I start to object and say I can’t afford it he just says ‘Babe you’re worth it.’ I’m a little caught off guard at this point, then he says we’re going to make a stop first before we go to the restaurant.
He takes me to the mall and we both get out and go in. He grabs my arm and makes a beeline for this really fancy leather goods store. I’m just standing there thinking what the heck is going on? When he says ‘Okay pick out any purse you want.’ I objected and said I didn’t need or want a new purse, but he looks at me and says ‘Your purse is falling apart. I don’t want to take you to the restaurant with a ratty old purse like that.’
I just stared at him and then turned and walked away and got one of my friends to pick me up.”
Not Into That ‘Swingers’ Kind Of Lifestyle…

“Went on a date to a swingers club. Had no idea that’s what it was. I thought that it was just a regular type of club where everyone got together to shoot pool, go swimming in the pool, have drinks, hang out and meet new people.
I am not into that lifestyle and was really, really upset. He apologized and said it would never happen again.
You’re freakin’ right it never happened again!”
She Shouldn’t Have Brought Him Home…

“I’ve had some super weird first dates, but I have to tell my best friend’s story.
So Lisa is asked out on a date by our mutual friend, Dan, years ago. Dan tells her he wants to go see some comedy film that was out, and he’ll pick her up at 5 pm, and that he got the movie tickets already.
So he picks her up at 5 and proceeds to drive to a BOOKSTORE to kill time.
She asks him what time the movie is, and he tells her its at freaking 10 pm! And it becomes pretty clear he has zero plans for them to do anything in between that time besides fart around the bookstore and make boring conversation. She suggests dinner because she’s starving, but gets the brush-off because they’ll just ‘get snacks at the theater.’ Ya know, in 5 hours…
So after hours of painfully awkward time together, they finally see the movie. He laughs very long and loud at every joke in the film, and his breath is so atrocious that every time he laughs, she has to cover her nose with his sleeve. He often would turn to her and laugh, blasting his mouth farts right in her face.
Finally, the date is over, but as they pull into her driveway, begins squirming and looking uncomfortable. Lisa’s like ‘dude, you okay?’ Dan goes ‘I really need to use your bathroom’.
She brings him to the door and as she’s fumbling with her keys, he farts REALLY loud. She’s trying not to laugh, gets the door open and shows him to the bathroom.
A good 15 minutes go by, and by now she knows he’s taking a wicked number 2, so she just waits for him to finish. He comes out with his coat over his arm like he plans on staying a while, and by now it’s late, so she’s thinking of ways to get this dude out of her house, but he proceeds to tell her that he needs water, and holds out his hands. She’s like ‘Wait, what? To wash your hands? Use the sink.’ Dan says ‘I can’t, the sink in there is broken’. Lisa says ‘No it’s not, you just need to turn it this way, etc’ but he’s not listening and insists on showing her the sink, practically dragging her by the arm into the bathroom, where he just took the most horrific-smelling thing she’s ever encountered. He had to know it stunk in there, it was really pungent.
She shows him how to work the sink properly, he washes his hands, and when he comes out she goes ‘I’ll walk you to the door, it’s dark in the hallway’. Just to make sure he understands that he is, in fact, leaving.
As he exits her house he turns around, looking like he expects a kiss. Lisa closes the door, except for a crack, and waves at him, saying ‘Thanks, I had a great time’! and quickly shuts and locks it. There was no 2nd date.”
Cemeteries Are Always An Interesting Idea For A Date

“He and I were one of the few left on campus during Spring Break so I decided to go on an impromptu late-night adventure (started around 11 pm).
We weren’t even really interested in each other at that point, but we were without our usual friends and bored, so we figured we’d take drive around town. Ended up going to a nearby lake and walking in the woods, driving to check out a National Cemetery, and then to Walmart to get a new car battery after his battery died at the cemetery.
Didn’t get back till 4 or 5 AM. It was awesome.”
Unknown Involvement In A Drug Deal?

“A guy I knew through a few acquaintances asked me out on a date. He lived in Philly, I lived in Jersey at the time, about an hour away. I had nothing to do that night, and he was kinda cute, so I thought I would go, what’s the worst that could happen? Awkward conversation and a free meal? I figured what the heck, and I went.
I get down to Philly and pick him up at his place, he didn’t have a car so he apologized for making me drive.
We went out to a super posh restaurant and had an amazing meal. I was about 19 at the time, so most of the dates I went on did not involve 200 dollar meals etc, so I was basically floored with the baller status of this kid.
No one had ever taken me out to a restaurant that fancy, except when my dad took our family out on Christmas Eve.
After we ate, he was like ‘On the ride home, I just have to swing by my friend’s house, I just have to run in and drop something off. Do you mind? It’s right on the way. I’ll even drive your car there since you don’t know the city’.
For some reason, my dumb 19-year-old self actually agreed to this and lets him drive my car. As we’re driving there, it’s plain to see that this neighborhood is totally sketchy. He pulls up in front of a run-down house and tells me he’ll be right back. I’m sitting in the car like ‘WTF’ at this point. He comes back 5 minutes later, and says ‘here, hide this in your purse’. He tosses a large baggie at me, and inside there is a GIANT ball of drugs. I’m talking the size of a softball here.
Just at that moment, a police cruiser pulls up behind my car, obviously running my plates. I’m sure the cops figured the only reason a Jersey car would be in that section of Philly would be to score drugs.
My date drives off, the cops follow us for a few blocks and then, finally, turn off down another street. The entire time my heart was in my throat, I just kept thinking about what my parents were going to say. I was a pretty good kid, never really messed around with drugs and stuff, so I was scared out of my mind.
We get back to his apt, he takes his giant drug rock and I get the heck home back to Jersey. He called me for a second date, needless to say, I didn’t go!”