Date night is supposed to be filled with romance and compassion for your SO. Unfortunately for these lovers, the night couldn't have turned out worse.
“She’s Just Saying That Because She’s Poor”

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
“In college, this guy from one of my classes asked me to go out with him out of the blue. We’d never even talked before, but he was pretty cute so I said sure. We exchanged numbers and he said he’d call me with details.
He called the next day and told me we were going to a restaurant that was WAY out of my price range. We’re talking like, no way this bill will be under $100. I tried talking him out of it, saying I couldn’t afford something like that, but he insisted and told me not to worry (this all really should have been a clue to me). So I said fine and agreed to go.
We got to the restaurant and the waiter came over. I went to order the cheapest thing on the menu but my date stopped me and said, ‘Ignore her, we’re both having the steak.’
‘But I don’t like steak,’ I protested.
He said, ‘She’s just saying that because she’s poor. We’ll have steak,’ and shooed the waiter away.
I was mortified, angry, and wanted to leave, but he was my ride. He tried to make conversation and just proved to me that he really was a jerk. Then he said he had to go to the bathroom and left. I was sitting there for a good 10 minutes before he texted me, ‘Hahaha I got the runs from drinking last night, don’t eat without me.’
That was the last straw. I called the waiter over, paid for my meal, and went to the Starbucks down the street to call my friend to pick me up.”
Getting Through This Date Was ‘Ruff’

Helen Sushitskaya/Shutterstock
“There’s been a few but the absolute worst was the woman who turned up at the restaurant with literally no money, expecting me to buy her drinks and dinner. I wouldn’t have minded if she’d have told me beforehand but this was completely out of the blue.
So anyway, we sat there making awkward conversation, or at least I tried to start a conversation, told her about my life, asked her questions. She was too busy texting and phoning her friends to really take notice.
Eventually, we did get talking, then out of nowhere, she told me that she killed her dog. Not accidentally, either.
I just up and left and avoided all contact.”
She Used Her “Special Connection” To Get A Free Meal

Minerva Studio/Shutterstock
“A girl I had just met asked me out, she wanted to take me to dinner. We ended up at this little Italian place because she says she knows someone that works there.
When our waiter arrived, he appeared visibly shaken and started stuttering. She introduced me to him. This was the friend she’d mentioned before. I could see right away that this guy had a thing for her, and here she was introducing him to her date. She then bugged him for special orders and asked if we could get our meals free. He really seemed upset, but gave her the ‘anything for you’ look and agreed. I declined and paid for my own meal. I felt really bad for this guy, I could just see his torment at watching this girl date someone else. She was very attractive and very friendly. I assumed he just got friend-zoned. I hung out with her a few more times but backed off of the romantic part.
Later, I found out that the guy from the restaurant was her ex-boyfriend, who she had just dumped a few days before and had been dating since high school.”