It can be stressful having people over. A house is a personal space and sometimes guests don't respect that. They might ignore the rules that are kept in the home. Maybe they make themselves a little too comfortable. There are lots of things that can go wrong when hosting people. But, these there are some things people would never expect.
These people shared the worst thing a guest in their home has ever done. Content has been edited for clarity.
Not Very Sneaky
“Stole a few things. We invited a friend and his girlfriend over for movie night. He took a call and we all waited about 45 minutes for him to finish. As he was talking on his phone, he was restlessly strolling in and out of our apartment. He paced in the parking lot and to his car super slowly, trying to act casual. He did this several times.
My husband and I didn’t have much and our apartment was small so it was obvious to me when things were moved or gone. His strolling was odd and not very casual. There was a definite pattern and he didn’t think I noticed. That sly scumbag got off the phone and said he was ready to watch a movie.
I told him I wanted to watch Anchorman or Hanna so he’d better go get my DVDs from his car. I told him while he’s out there he might as well bring back my Iceland glasses and my husband’s family heirloom, a German stein. I said I’d call the police if my gold coin pendant necklace left this apartment. He pulled the necklace out of his pocket and put it on the coffee table.
HE was now mad at ME for calling him out in front of everyone and embarrassing him. He yelled at his girlfriend to get her ‘fat self’ in the car. He was also abusive. She scrambled off the couch and a book and my guitar picks fell out of her hoodie. She didn’t know he wrapped some stuff up in it. He got everything he stole out of his car and put it on the rug outside our door. I stood there with my phone in hand with non-emergency ready to dial.
I told him he knows he’s not welcomed back and to never contact my husband or me ever again. It’s been 11 years. We saw each other at the grocery store just this summer and he avoided me like the plague.”
Frat Ways Die Hard
“This happened to one of my best friends. He and his wife lived in a pretty nice apartment complex at the time, they are both white collar professionals. He is an accountant, she is a lawyer. This was a few years after they had graduated. One day, he got a call from a former frat brother who he had not seen in a while. He was in town for the night and wanted to catch up. My friend, being ever so gracious, also offered him a place to sleep for the night on their very luxurious sectional couch. He loved that couch, for a good reason, it was fantastic. They went out and had a few drinks. His frat brother proceeded to blow right past social drinking and go for old school frat boy style drinking for whatever reason. He is sloppy, stumbling around, and talking nonsense. My friend saw this so they called it a night. They went back to his place where he deposited his friend onto the sectional to sleep it off.
Fast forward to the next morning, they walked out into the living room to find no frat brother but vomit that he described as ‘freaking everywhere.’ The sectional, the carpet all around the sectional, the coffee table, the fireplace, the tv, the CEILING even. The dude had apparently done this and decided it was best he skip out before they woke up. It cost him a lot of money in professional cleaning. Crazily enough, they called him the moment they saw all this and he got a message saying the number was disconnected.”
This House Guest Cost Her Her Health
“I had a guest of a guest attend a party. Apparently, she shot up while she was in the bathroom. She threw her bloody needle uncapped into the garbage. I got stuck with it while cleaning up. It took tens of thousands of dollars and years of medical testing, treatment, and prophylaxis for me to get back to ‘normal’ health.
Never reach into a garbage can, people. Even in your own house!”
Horrific Honeymooners
“A while back when my husband and I lived in a 900 sq ft apartment, my aunt and her new husband, who she had only met a few months prior to getting married, stopped in our city on their honeymoon road trip. We thought we’d show them a good time and took them out for drinks. Their visit was on the tail end of their road trip from NY to New Orleans and back, so I gathered that they had been drinking/traveling for many days in a row which may have led to what happened next.
We gave them our bedroom and slept on our couch. They had fooled around loudly in the bedroom, including my aunt making some kind of dog/barking noise. Things then got quiet and I went to sleep. I was woken up a few hours later to the sound of my aunt opening the bedroom door and coming into the living room. She laid down and cuddled up next to our dog in her large dog bed, next to the couch where we were sleeping. That’s when I noticed she was not wearing anything from the waist down. When I asked her what in the world she was doing, she explained that she had drank far too much and she peed the bed (OUR BED). She offered to buy us a new mattress, then immediately left.
We’ve never spoken about this since.”
When Spending The Night Turns Into A New Roomie
“Let me preface this by saying that I wasn’t the greatest judge of character and my mother was FAR too kind for her own good.
When I was in high school, I had a friend who was going through a serious rough patch. He was an idiot, plain and simple. He constantly made poor life decisions. He was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. He stirred up drama on a constant basis by accident because he didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. At the time, though, he was a good friend of mine and had helped me out quite a lot. I honestly believed that despite the stupid stuff he did, he was a good guy. His mother ended up kicking him out. The reason for which I’ll get to in a bit. But, he ended up homeless for a while. He dropped out of school and ended up on the streets.
For about a year, nobody heard from him, until he came back to my city, still homeless. We ended up hanging out one night. He and I ended up going back to my house and we chilled and played video games. That one night turned into a week. After that week, he asked my mom if he could stay with us for a little while until he could get on his feet. He said he had a job lined up, that he would pay rent, buy his own food plus some stuff for the house to ease the burden. My mother agreed, but with 3 conditions. The first being that he cleaned up after himself, the second being that he respected the house, and the third was he had to hang out somewhere on the weekends until my stepfather went to work. He was gone a week at a time for his job, so the weekends were off limits. He agreed to that.
For the next three weeks, he did nothing. The ‘job’ he had lined up ‘fell through.’ I found out later that he was supposed to work with a family member of his that he ended up blowing off. He put 3 holes in the wall, he’d leave dishes ANYWHERE. We ended up finding a half-full bowl of cereal next to the toilet, a plate with spaghetti sauce next to my bed, and a half-eaten bag of chips behind one of our loveseats. My mother was mad because my stepfather was the one that found them.
Now, the biggest problem that my parents had was that the dude never showered. In the month that he was there, he didn’t shower ONCE. My room CONSTANTLY smelled horrible. It got to the point where even I looked at him and told him he had to shower, and that if he didn’t, I was going to throw bleach at him. He laughed, I didn’t. I was dead serious. I threw bleach at this dude. I was not messing around.
He managed to get a couple hundred dollars from one of his parents. My mom asked him for a little bit just to get some food since the bills were higher than usual because of the amount of electricity he was using. The bill DOUBLED over the month that he was there. He handed her a 20 and walked off.
That was the last day he lived with us because later that night, I managed to steal his wallet, the money in it and the game that he bought. I pretended that I didn’t know what happened. Over the course of a month, he ate $500 in groceries by himself, doubled the electricity bill, put a smell in my room that took me two and a half weeks of Febreeze and Lysol to get rid of, and did roughly $300 in damage to the house itself.
Why did his mother kick him out of the house? All of what I just said AND he was being accused of assault. That was bad.”
Careless Cat Caretaker
“A friend from college came to stay with us for several days while looking for a job in the area. We told him there was only one ‘house rule’: Do not let the cat outside. He’s an indoor cat and has never been outdoors. On the 3rd day, we came home and found that he’d left the sliding glass door and screen open to the deck.
Our wonderful cat was gone – lost in the woods and probably terrified. The guy didn’t seem to care.
His response was, ‘So, get a new cat.’ We showed him out and said we’d get a new ‘friend’ first.
Our cat came back in about 10 days. He had lost a lot of weight but was okay otherwise. We were never more thrilled than when we saw him!”
Trading Spaces
“My grandmother moved into town unexpectedly with my grandfather, without telling anyone. She just called us one day saying she was on her way and we had to help her unload the truck. About 6 weeks later, she decided she didn’t like it, so she showed up at my mom’s house saying she was going to move into my mom’s house for a while and my mom needed to move into my grandma’s house.
My mother agreed since she knew her father had health issues. She said she needed a few days to pack. My grandmother showed up the next day with movers and literally threw my mom’s stuff onto the lawn in trash bags. Over the next 2 months, my grandma changed every single thing in my mom’s house and had a huge wheelchair ramp built that takes up like a quarter of the front yard. No one is in a wheelchair. Then she moved two huge sheds also into the front yard and other such nonsense. Then one-day mom got a call from grandma saying she had moved to another city and put the recently purchased house, the one she abandoned, in my mother’s name.
So now my mother has two households to pay for, and my sister, an autistic child, has spiraled into mental health problems from all the sudden changes. My mother ended up having to take early retirement to have time to deal with my sister and with houses. To make it even better, the house she was given needed $12,000 of repairs as my grandmother paid cash without having it inspected and it had aluminum wiring, which meant no one could mortgage it. She ended up fixing that then selling it relatively cheap just because she needed it gone as it was bleeding her dry.
Between this and some other things, we no longer speak to my grandmother.”
Bullet Dodged
“I brought a girlfriend at the time to my parents for Xmas. We had been dating for roughly 7-8 months and my parents went and dropped some cash on gifts for her. She opened them and said ‘It’s like you don’t even know me. I would never wear any of this (clothes and scarves and such from Nordstrom’s and Neiman Marcus). You can take them back and return them and give me the cash instead.’
I asked her to leave. She asked if I could give her a ride home. I said no and to call a cab.
I’m very much a family guy and my parents bent over backward for my siblings and I. I’ve always taken breakups hard (no matter who breaks up with who) but that is the only one I’ve never looked back at and wondered what could have been.”
That’s One Way To Handle It
“The brother of a friend begged for a pajama party sleepover with all the friends. But, when we ran out of toilet paper, instead of asking for a new role he used a towel and then placed it back in the cupboard in the middle of the pile. He used three. He was 12 at the time so easily forgiven. But the smell. Trying to locate where the foul odor arises from. Forgiven not forgotten.
He never slept over again. I do not know why he was too scared to give a shout out. We were always friendly and easygoing with him.
Also, the shower is next to it so why not just hose yourself down? So many questions.
But we never talked about it after that to not embarrass him any further. He probably just panicked.”
That’s Quite The First Impression
“My best friend asked if she could bring two of her friend with her when she came over. She had been wanting to introduce us for a while and was sure we’d all be great friends. My husband and I agreed. So she came over with these two guys, who we will call Charlie and Isaac, who were actually in a relationship with each other, no big deal.
The night went fairly okay for a while. But then, my husband offered Isaac a drink. When he handed it to him, Isaac went ‘hmm this is not strong enough.’ He proceeded to get up and pour himself an absurd amount of my husband’s expensive Angel’s Envy into the drink. We were a little shocked, but whatever, we ignored it.
As the night goes on, Isaac got more and more wasted. He began INSISTING that my husband was gay. Like, to our faces. My husband grew up with only sisters and is fairly effeminate. He has what some people call a ‘gay voice’, and has few stereotypical mannerisms. My husband has been teased for being gay his whole life, so much so that he was confused about his identity for a long time. He has come to terms with being bi with a strong preference for women. Usually, things like this don’t even bother him anymore, but Isaac repeatedly brought up it up. He was even saying things like ‘your husband is gayyyyyyyy oh my god!’ and questioning our marriage validity.
So of course, now my husband is riled up. He hadn’t been teased about this in a long time, and it makes him self-conscious that there are things about him that make people make these comments to him. So we eventually went go to bed, sick of the incessant comments. No less than ten minutes later, there is a knock on our bedroom door, asking for towels, because Isaac had thrown up EVERYWHERE. The stairs, the hallways, the guest bedroom, the bathroom. And in the middle of this insane amount of puke, was Isaac. He was sobbing, talking about his traumatic childhood, and making very little sense. I handed Charlie a few towels and went to bed, absolutely furious.
And then, the next morning, Isaac and Charlie woke up, came downstairs, AND DIDN’T LEAVE FOR THREE HOURS.”
Much Better
“My husband had his sister-in-law visiting, and one day everyone had to go to work, so she had a day to explore on her own (she knew this before visiting). Instead of exploring NYC, she decided to rearrange the kitchen. She didn’t just rearrange the furniture, but all the cabinets, their fridge, everything. When we got home she said, ‘I thought it worked better this way.’ Seriously? Who does this in someone else’s home?”
“My dad’s cousin stayed with us about a decade back. He was left alone in the apartment and wanted to smoke. Upon finding the balcony door locked, he did not search for a key or simply GO OUT INTO THE YARD, oh no.
He took a crowbar and broke the door from the frame. Apparently, he did this because he thought my mom had locked the door specifically to prevent him from smoking. Not because the balcony is accessible from the street.
I haven’t seen him since that visit.”
Any Good Stay Ends With A Police Chase
“We had this kid staying with us for a couple of weeks. I was studying late at night and heard a car horn. I looked out my bedroom window and the car my brother and I share was gone. I panicked because I drove it last and thought I didn’t lock it. But no, the kid stole our car in the middle of the night. Apparently, he planned it. He left a pillow body under the sheets where he was sleeping. He lit a candle and used that for light to find the keys. We had candle wax on our floors. He left his shoes by the door to make us think he was still at our home. He made his escape through the basement window.
When he realized the cops were following him, he ditched the car at a neighbor’s house and ran. Somehow he managed to crawl back into our basement window. My brother and I were in the house when he crawled back in. My parents were in the garage. He kept saying he was there the whole time. He left in the cop car.”
She Had To Leave Her Own House
“I had a family member move into my dad/stepmom’s house while I was still living there. But, this guy got this idea in his head that I hated him, which I didn’t, because I didn’t talk to him enough. I wasn’t home much in the first place because I worked and was in school full time. Then he started aggressively bullying me whenever my parents weren’t around, telling me that my life was ‘sad’ and I deserved to ‘be lonely forever.’ I tried to explain to him that I don’t have any vendetta against him or anything, but he absolutely would not listen. He kept cutting me off when I spoke, and just repeated the same insults and statements over and over. Absolutely nothing I said could change his mind. Even my dad tried to talk to him and said it was like speaking to a brick wall.
It all came to a head when one day he offered to make dinner for my family but made dinner for everybody except for me. So I left and slept at my friend’s house that night. When I returned the next day, my parents were at work and he was there. He got in my face and made me cry, then I ended up packing a bag and staying at my friend’s house on and off for the following month.
My dad and stepmom were very upset with him, but I never fully understood why they didn’t kick him out. They explained it to me once and they don’t talk to him anymore, but that was still a bad year.”
How Does She Define “Helping”?
“My parents have a spare key to my house for emergencies and such. Unfortunately, my mother feels that this means that if I’m traveling she can come in and play house. I wouldn’t mind too much except that she ALWAYS breaks something.
She’s pulled blinds off the wall on multiple occasions. She’s broken the light covers in the kitchen. She’s wrecked the enamel coating on the toilet by leaving some cleaning solution in it for days. It’s stuff that you’re supposed to leave for an hour or so and then flush. She destroyed the mounting nails for a wall mounted vent cover. I’m still not entirely sure how she did that one. She’s taken dirty laundry that I’d left to wash when I got back and then lost it. There’s probably more but those are the ones that come to mind.
The worst part is she doesn’t get why I’m so upset by this behavior. She’s ‘helping.’ I’ve come incredibly close to just taking the spare key back, but I really do prefer for them to have a key for actual emergencies and I don’t travel that often so, for now, I live with it.”
Not The Housewarming She Wanted
“I got my first apartment and invited a friend over. They brought a friend. This guy lit up and started smoking in my living room and was ashing on the carpet. I gave him a cup to ash in. He said he didn’t need it. I asked him to use it. He held the cup in his other hand and continued to ash on my carpet.
He had the audacity to ask me to fill his cup with water. I don’t even allow smoking in my house, I was just very new at having my own place.
I told this person to take his habit outside. He told me I was being an uptight dirtbag and so I kicked him out of the house. He took two more puffs before reluctantly getting out of his chair while whining about how uncool I was. He was never invited back.”