Scary but true events of people who were completely unaware that they were pregnant. Hard to believe that people can be so far along for months on end, and have no idea!
From Going To The ER To Going Into Labor

“I just had a friend who didn’t know she was pregnant until 8.5 months into it. She’s twenty-one, was having regular periods the entire pregnancy, and never gained any substantial weight despite being TINY. Seriously, the girl’s like 4’11 and can wear children’s clothes if she wanted to.
She only found out due to almost miscarrying- the effects hurt her enough to go to a prompt care and that’s when she found out. They sent her to the ER and did a quick ultrasound.
She went to an OGBYN for the first time the next day and found out it was twins. And then she went into labor four days later.
One of the twins didn’t make it, sadly. But the other boy that did is in perfect health and as cute as can be for four months old.”
Surprise New Years Baby!

“One of my friends had a surprise baby on New Year’s Day that she found out about just the night before. The baby came out healthy at 7 lb.s 3 oz. and is the cutest fattest baby ever. The mom didn’t have a period for most of the pregnancy but she was running all the time and used to that happening, she was super skinny and not very big.
The reason she went into the hospital was because she was having severe abdominal pain, contractions, and then they told her she was in labor. Her chest didn’t even get bigger and she never felt a kick.
It was crazy and the parents are still adjusting to being parents but they love that little girl and I know they feel lucky to have her.”

“My mother didn’t know she was pregnant until well into it! We like to joke around that the reason I love citrus so much, is because she drank quite a few gimlets during the first trimester. She never had regular periods and doctors had previously told her and my father that they had a one in seven million chance of ever getting pregnant because of his low sperm count!
She actually LOST weight during her pregnancy, too. She wasn’t a single mother, but honestly, my father is a child and was essentially parenting him and working her butt off. She ate a lot of happy meals between jobs, too.
I was born a few weeks early and was pretty small – 5lbs, but I’m fine overall.”
Her Husband Told Her To Take A Pregnancy Test!

“I was told I would never have children. I, of course, was devastated because I love kids but my husband and I thought we could just adopt in the future.
So one night I was shaking like crazy and feeling horrible, my throat hurt and I felt like dying. My husband took me to the hospital and to lighten the mood he said: ‘Hey take a pregnancy test.’ I thought he was being silly but I was like eh why not it’s going to come out negative anyway.
We wait and the nurse just walks by and says: ‘You’re pregnant,’ and just walked away.
I started crying because I thought my husband did some kind of sick joke but then I saw my husband’s face light up.
Now our son is a beautiful healthy and very happy 1 year old. He is our little miracle but I really wish I knew I was able to have children because we would have waited a few more years.”
Delivering The Child At A Doctor’s Appointment…

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock
“A friend of mine is a medical resident in obstetrics at a hospital and told me the following story from just a few weeks ago:
A woman came in complaining of erratic menstruation, stomach pain, digestive problems, generalized fatigue, etc. She had been seeing a general physician for it for a few months, who had diagnosed her with gluten intolerance and/or celiac disease. She had completely cut out gluten from her diet for months and her symptoms were only getting worse, so she went to a doctor at the hospital for a second opinion. They did a round of tests, one of which was a pregnancy test.
The pregnancy test came back positive!
They tested her specific levels of pregnancy hormones to determine how far along she was and determined she was still in the first trimester as the levels were quite low. They told her, ‘Well, it appears you aren’t gluten intolerant, but it appears as if you are pregnant. You are still early enough to end it though if you don’t want to keep it.’ She responded, ‘Well, it’s good I’m still not far along as I’m not in any sort of relationship so we should make an appointment for that.’
At the end of the appointment, her water broke and she went into labor! A delivered a full term, healthy baby.
Turns out, her pregnancy hormones were low because she was at the END of her pregnancy when the levels quickly drop to induce labor!
She wasn’t gluten intolerant at all, she was progressing in her pregnancy, and the first doctor had never even done a test for that…”
Her Workouts Were Causing Her To Gain Weight?

“A college friend of mine decided she was going to start working out to get her old figure back. She was doing really well at first but then stopped losing weight and then gaining weight. She was really frustrated and confused – she used to have some digestion problems and thought maybe it was some sort of gastrointestinal issue. She would say things like, ‘Feel my stomach, it’s HARD.’ My favorite was how she talked about the gas. ‘No, but you can FEEL it moving around! I’ve never had gas like this, it’s crazy!’
The stomach pains were starting to be a problem until eventually, her dad took her to the emergency room to be looked at. Apparently, when the doctor comes back, all he says is, ‘You’re about five months pregnant and going into early labor.’
So, of course, she bawled her eyes out and was horrified. She didn’t give birth that night, she ended up carrying to term and had a really healthy boy and he’s freaking adorable. But, I remember the first thought in MY mind was, ‘Geez, how many Packer parties have I been to with her over the last five months?’ not that she was getting wasted or anything, but she was definitely having a drink or two (and the bar we would all meet at gave our free jello shots for every Packer touchdown).
But everything turned out great. She was engaged at the time so they took the wedding to the courthouse and all three are very happy, healthy people.”
Family Support Is All That Matters!

“I, too, am someone who didn’t know she was pregnant until our daughter came into the world!
I didn’t gain baby weight, never felt her move, and had my period 3 times throughout. I even took a pregnancy test at the doctors that came out negative! The hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), wasn’t being emitted to show a positive test. But I think she was stuck somewhere near my hips because my hips were the only part of my body hurting!
When I ‘went into labor,’ I thought I was just peeing and my contractions didn’t seem like anything important considering I’ve always gotten bad cramps during periods!
She came out 6 lbs 9 oz 19 inches and we couldn’t be happier. She came out at about 36 weeks and she’s healthy! Now she’s almost 7 weeks and almost 11 pounds!
Our family and friends, on the day she was born, brought everything we could’ve needed. It was a shock, but all anyone ever needs is the right support.”
She Didn’t Have Access To Pregnancy Tests While Traveling!

“I got pregnant right before I went on vacation in a 3rd world country with no easy access to anything; Much less, pregnancy tests.
We weren’t even really trying, and I wasn’t expecting it. I figured out I was pregnant because of how severe my symptoms were and after a week of vaulting between nausea and severe abdominal gas pains, as well as barely being able to get through the day without 2 monster naps, and the local doctor (convinced it was just traveller’s diarrhea) not being able to do a thing about it.
Then towards the end, I thought, if I’m not pregnant then the first thing I’m doing when I get home is going to the ER.
And I was pregnant…”
Thought It Was Just A Stomach Bug…

“I woke up not feeling great, a backache, legs were hurting, sweating a bit, but a few friends had been ill with a bug that was going round and they said it started similar to how I was feeling. So I just assumed I had caught the bug, and planned on just chilling out, watching a couple of movies hoping it would pass. But it just kept getting worse!
I couldn’t get comfortable anywhere and ended up pacing around the house for about 2 hours until my husband came home, I don’t get ill often and when I do I don’t tend to make a fuss so when he saw me in tears with the pain and barely able to stand he took me to the hospital.
Once we were there it all happened pretty quickly, to be honest; they did an ultrasound to try and find out what it was; all I remember is hearing some kind of ‘thump thump’ and thinking, ‘What the heck is that?!’ They then told me I was in labor! After that, it was relatively quick (4 hours) and a pretty straight forward birth!”
Causing Trust Issues With Her Parents…

“This happened to a close friend. She didn’t know she was pregnant until she was giving birth in a bathroom.
She still had her period every month. She was a bit bigger, but she’d been working out extensively and eating healthier (and still does) and was losing lots of weight the whole time. No one else noticed, either, and at the time, she lived at home, with both of her parents working in the medical field.
A few weeks before, she had had some minor stomach pains but thought she just had a cold or something.
While there were no other known complications, the baby didn’t survive long after. The whole thing was made worse by the fact that her parents are super conservative/xenophobic and didn’t know that she had been dating a different culture of a guy. Her parents currently act like the whole thing never happened, but now her mom grills her on everything when she goes out.”
Definitely Not Fit To Be A Parent

“I have a friend that didn’t know she was pregnant until she was having the baby. The fact that she’s a bit heavier, may have contributed to not knowing, but she looked the same as she always did.
I hung out with her all the way up to the day that she went to the hospital because she was having bad stomach pains. They told her she was having a baby and she had no idea.
She wasn’t ready to be a mom at all and still has a hard time not getting to go out all the time and doing what she wants. Her parents and grandparents look after her daughter a lot. She kept her baby a secret for a long time and didn’t want her friends telling guys she was trying to pursue about her baby.
She wouldn’t post any photos of her to Facebook for a long time and still rarely does. She even flocked off to Europe for a few months of her baby’s first year in this world.
I had a hard time thinking she was a good person after all that, still not sure about her, but not sure how my life would be if I were in her shoes either.”
Adjusting To Her Life As A Single Mother…

“So I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 20 weeks. I’m a really petite girl, 5’3 tall and I only weigh 105 pounds. Also, I was 19 at the time.
Irregular periods are the norm for the women in my family. Since I was 10, I could go as much as 4 months without getting a period. My ex & I had also used protection. I was in the military, performing strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and rigorous training. I also went on roller coaster rides twice, continued to take my BCPs, had a few nights of drinking. I also had my period, or what I thought was my period, in the middle of my pregnancy. Up until 24 weeks, my stomach was completely flat and toned.
When the medical unit first informed me that I was pregnant, they were certain I was no more than 4 weeks. My bloodwork indicated I was no more than 8 weeks. My first ultrasound was a jaw dropper. I was 20 weeks pregnant +/- a few days. USN was still willing to give me the option to abort. I decided to take a year LOA and have my daughter.
Now she’s my mini-me. She came into my life a lot sooner than would have been convenient, and life as a single mother is difficult, but she is my sunshine.”
Her Gut Instinct That Her Roommate Was Proved Correct!

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock
“My roommate, at the time, found out she was pregnant when she was in labor.
She had no really obvious symptoms for ages, and she always had a belly so it wasn’t that noticeable.
I guess that she fell pregnant in October. In about February, we were talking and I suggested she do a pregnancy test (I can’t remember why, but use to do them all the time for the smallest symptom) and she told me she had done one and it was negative.
In about April, she was really tired all the time and was like ‘Dude, you need to do a pregnancy test,’ she was like ‘NO!! I bet I am pregnant and I know it will be too late to do anything about it, so don’t bring it up again.’ (I think this kind of made her brain suppress the thought of being pregnant, she had a way of ‘not dealing’ with issues and bottling them up)
Kind of forgot about that convo, so we went back to normal.
In about mid-May, she was complaining about not being able to do #2’s, she told me she hadn’t done a proper one in a month or so, that’s why she looked so ‘bloated.’ So she went to the doctors a lot and they ran all kinds of test to figure out why she couldn’t poop. No luck. So they gave her some medicine to try and flush her out. (I think she went to about 3 different doctors to seek help, most even felt her belly, not one suggested she was pregnant)
Mid-July I was telling my Mom that I still thought my friend was pregnant because she was always cranky, and tired. Really unlike her.
Late July, she was at work having pains in her belly. Left work and went to the hospital. We all rushed there because we thought it was something to do with her bowels (family history of bowel cancer and she had a questionable hot dog the night before).
One doctor came in, took one look at her and said ‘Yeah we are going to do an ultrasound.’
Then she came out. Yeah, she is pregnant! But not only is she pregnant she is 40 week and in labor! Although I thought she was pregnant for a while, I definitely did not think she was full term, she looked about 30 weeks. That was more shocking!
So her whole family came up to the hospital, and we were just reading books on childbirth and stuff. There was the talk of adoption, or her parents looking after the baby. But I think once she thought of a name that was it.
I remember her stupid sister started to make everything about her, like ‘I have to go home and pack my house, how long is this going to take?!!!’
Anyway, 24 hours later, she had a healthy baby boy.
She became a great mom straight away. He is about 1 and a half now.
I think sometimes she feels like she has missed out on a lot of bonding with him. But she loves him to bits.
I think it changed both of us really. Before this we were going out all the time, only spent time with each other, both gained so much weight. Now she is living alone with him and doing great.
I took a blood test to make sure I wasn’t in the same boat the week after, just in case lol.”
But She Was On The Shot…

“I found out I had gotten pregnant while taking the depo shot. They think I was allergic to something in it which made me have horrible side effects up to and including being pregnant. So for the point of an easier storytelling experience, I knew, the father knew, but no one else.
I actually got into a car accident which required me to go to the hospital. Airbags and all that. My parents drove myself and my 2-year-old son to the hospital. They are all in the room with me. The doctor says they need X-rays to make sure nothing is broken. When one pulls me out to take a urine sample I tell him I’m pregnant, but since it’s early we haven’t told anyone because we are afraid it could have two heads from the depo. He says he gets it, his girlfriend and him are expecting and haven’t told anyone yet, promises to tell my doctor.
So I’m sitting in the room with my parents and some YOUNG guy comes in, has to be younger than 20. Starts playing with my urine sample and then says, ‘Any way that you’re pregnant?’ I respond, ‘Nope, on the shot, no way.’
If you’ve ever seen Pineapple Express, imagine the face James Franco makes when Seth Rogan tells him the batteries dead. The young guy goes, ‘Are you sure?’ I say, ‘Yeah, pretty sure.’ He gives us all a weird look then leaves.
My doctor comes in and tells my family to leave. He says the other doctor told him about the pregnancy and wants to know how we will handle this because obviously, they can’t X-ray me anymore. So he starts the discharge process. Then the young guy comes in apologizing profusely, says no one told him, the pee stick guy, about it.
My parents still think that we all found out that night in the hospital.”
The Doctor Called The Paramedics In…

“A friend of mine started having terrible cramps one night and ended up going to see a doctor in the morning with a friend she was supposed to go out for breakfast with. The nurse checks her, makes her take a test just in case (even if she’d never skipped a period). She was mortified when told she WAS pregnant. The nurse asked her what she wanted to do – she replied that she’d have to talk with her boyfriend. The nurse went to get a doctor because the cramps were still not normal.
He comes in, checks her briefly, looks nervous, leaves without a word. While my friend is freaking out a bit, he comes back with two paramedics – she’s in labor. She gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy later that day.
She had just come back from working 4 months in France, eating often in restaurants, so she didn’t really worried about having put on a few pounds. She regularly takes pregnancy tests now.”
None Of Her Coworkers Could Believe She Was Pregnant!

“I had lost weight very fast before I got pregnant and was weight lifting and active. I was fit and thin. However, I was not showing at all.
My baby has been all in the back this whole time! When I was 7 months I got a new job and nobody believed I was pregnant. Even now at almost 38 weeks people are just now starting to ask if I’m pregnant and when I’m due and a lot of people say I look very small. Nobody can believe I’m due soon.
I also have an anterior placenta and never feel strong movements. I’m bummed because what I really looked forward to was seeing feet move from the outside but that never happened and husband has never been able to feel him.
It’s awkward because coworkers will sit there a long time touching my belly and some will jiggle it and tell him to wake up. He’s awake but though I feel small wiggles they will never feel him. He’s a fairly big baby according to the doctor too so no clue how he hides. I know I had a strong core pre-pregnancy.
Anyways I actually have been sent for many tests, due to lack of movement. He always gets great scores but I really don’t feel him much and I have to be very still really trying to feel him and concentrating and he usually doesn’t move without me drinking something cold.
I found out at 3 weeks that I was pregnant and know the exact day I conceived due to fertility medicine and planning and the HCG shot. If not for that I really don’t know if I would have guessed before late in the game.”