Someone may look pretty on the outside, but that's not all that matters in the long run... These people know from personal experience, that some people are just emotionally or intellectually different from them and the relationship won't work out.
Adult Temper Tantrums At The Restaurant?

“She was attractive until she turned into a child.
There’s the term Man-Baby for when guys act that way and the best thing I can come up with is Girl-Child.
We’d actually been together a long time up until that point. But then, out of nowhere one day, she got her feelings hurt over something completely asinine (it was because she wanted to eat somewhere we’d just been at like 2 days before and I said no and chose somewhere else) and she turned into a literal pouting child. Just picture a grown 25-year-old woman, sulking and pouting and sniffling in a restaurant with people at other tables staring at us, mainly me because I appeared to be some sort of abusive Monster for putting her in that state.
We moved past that only to have it happen again a couple days later over something but this time we were home and she went into full ‘fall on the floor and flop around and kick while crying’ mode. I left because I wasn’t about to deal with that stuff and as I was out aimlessly driving around I realized I suddenly didn’t like her as much as I used to.
A few weeks later and we were over completely, and it’s turned out to be for the best because had we continued on, my life with a Girl-Child would’ve been absolutely miserable. I still don’t understand where the behavior ever came from though considering up to that point she was completely normal.”
Calling The Guy Over Thirty Times?

“I was talking with a fairly attractive woman for a time, prior to actually being in a relationship. We’d been talking about a week, hitting it off pretty decently, when she called early in the morning, wanting to know what I was up to. I was waiting for my brother to come pick me up so I could help him move some stuff out of storage. So we talk until he shows up, and I tell her I have to go because no one is holding a conversation while riding in his truck. Open headers on a built 318 are NOT quiet. She heard it too and heard me having to yell into the phone so she could hear me. So I tell her bye and hang up.
A few minutes later, she starts calling me, and texting me, over and over. She called about 30 times in 10 minutes.
By the end of it, she was screaming about me cheating on her, and how I was a coward and a pig and so forth. Again, we had not gone on a first date, just talked.
She went straight to no way ever!”
Dealing With The Petty Girl That He Met On Tinder

“They were attractive until they were petty about everything.
I matched with a girl on Tinder. She looked kind of attractive. So we got to chatting. She also was on campus and started giving me a bunch of compliments about my looks and the things I do on campus. I sang and beatboxed in an acapella group, so she talked about how talented I was. And right after that, she told me I was the only good one in the group.
Like, okay the compliments were cheesy and everything and somewhat enjoyable, but do you really feel the need to badmouth the people I hang out with before we’ve actually met in person?
I then ask my friends about this person, and they let me know, she’s an attention-seeking drama queen. So at that point, I’m done with this girl.”
The Girl’s Smelly House Made Him Leave

“She was attractive until I went to her house.
I was seeing this girl for a couple of weeks, and it seemed like we were hitting it off. She was witty, pretty, and seemed genuinely nice. On our third date, she invites me back to her place, and I agree because duh.
We walk up to her driveway, and as she’s unlocking the door, she mentions that her house is ‘a little messy.’ So I’m expecting a place that looks actually lived in. I grew up in a pretty messy house, so I tell her not to worry, I’m sure it’s fine.
She opens up the door, turns on the light, and what I see next will haunt me for the rest of my life. She was one of the worst hoarders I’ve ever seen. Wall to wall stacks of flattened cardboard boxes and other useless shit, with just a narrow pathway zigzagging through the living room.
The walls looked like someone smeared a lasagna all over it several times and just let it dry. The carpet squished as I stepped inside. No one knows what that mystery liquid was. And the smell? Oh gosh, the smell. My sense of smell is usually pretty weak. I pretty much have to rub things in my nostrils to smell something, but I could smell her house. I could REALLY smell it, and suddenly I was really glad I normally can’t smell things.
I’m fairly certain some poor animal had died somewhere in the house.
I immediately turned around and ‘noped’ outta there.”
Selling Beliefs In The Line For Ice Cream?

“This happened probably junior or senior year in high school.
Anyways, I was with a few friends of mine at one of the local ice cream joints. Great place and amazing people there, I would almost always order the same sundae. It was a nice summer day, probably mid 70’s and low humidity. We’re waiting in line like normal, and these two girls are just kind of waiting behind us. I knew they were there but I really wasn’t paying attention to them. One of them taps me on the back and asks, ‘Never been here before, do you have any suggestions?’
Boy do I have suggestions, I thought. She was shorter and had brunette hair, cute face, and gorgeous smile. She was also wearing this nice sundress that complimented her well. So I told her about how the place is great, you can’t go wrong with anything, and I like this yadda yadda yadda. We get to talking about other things (where she’s from, her name which I can’t remember, etc.), and I’m making clear eye contact because 1) It’s polite, and 2) I literally couldn’t look away from her face. There was just something about her and her personality I really liked, and I was hoping maybe we could talk more and I could get her number or something. So we seemed to have hit it off. My friends were just kind of there, in the group but not really in the conversation. The other girl was quiet, but she talked some to my friends off and on.
Things, however, started going downhill fast. We’re still in line and there was sort of a break in conversation. She asks, ‘So, are you religious?’ I’m kind of thrown off by all this, ‘Well, I mean I grew up Catholic but haven’t really bee-‘
‘Oh. Well, have you ever considered a better religion for you?’
Me: ‘What?’
She then pulls out from her leather purse these pamphlets that have been sticking out of them the entire time. She starts handing them out to me and my friends and starts talking about her religion in a robot/commercial-like manner.
Completely flabbergasted and embarrassed, I just awkwardly turned around and we ordered our ice cream and left.”
Emotionally Manipulative Boyfriend In Middle School?

“My ex-boyfriend back in middle school (yeah I know middle school is gonna get some eye rolls but hear me out) started out as some dude on Tumblr who went to my old best friend’s school who messaged me something like, ‘Do I know you in real life? You seem familiar. Well, either way, hit me up!’ and spoiler alert, I hit him up.
We easily became friends and it was clear that we were both smitten with each other, but little ol’ eighth grade me just wasn’t emotionally prepared for the commitment of a relationship, so I essentially chickened out from it and recommended remaining friends. He then dated this other girl and we still kept talking, being good friends.
Eventually, he finds out via my little sister, that I liked him (long story) and totally dumped the chick for me, or so I thought? I’m not quite sure what happened with the whole thing but we ended up dating for a short period of time. I broke up with him and yeah it was probably rough but it wasn’t something super awful.
He then told me two weeks later I was the reason for his depression and I basically ruined his life. Honestly, it sent me into tears and screwed me up for a while but somehow I still found this kid crazy attractive. I still didn’t see the red flags which were basically waving in my face. The whole thing blew over at some point and I tried talking to him again freshman year and got played.
Later I found out from a friend that I made after the ordeal, who was the chick who got dumped over me earlier in the story, that he was talking to multiple girls that entire time and it really clicked to how screwed up it was. It made me see him as unattractive from that point on.
I still really can’t see him as attractive, I hold no grudges at this point it was middle school, but dang that was emotionally manipulative coming from an eighth grader.”
Disrespectful To The Waiter And A Disgusting Eater?

“This girl was extremely rude to the waiter. Like really rude. And ate like a pig.
Smoking broad starts in the office. This was when we were in our mid-20s and I knew this wasn’t a career.
So I decided to chat the pretty girl up, help her out some, she’s new to town so I offer to show her around some.
Showed her some local haunts and we had a nice Saturday afternoon walking around town, getting to know each other a bit, tons of flirting, things are going well.
She mentioned something about being a little hungry and we had already talked about some good Chinese Food places so I knew exactly where to go!
We get there and are seated. She made some crude joke after the hostess left, but I’m a crude dude and this smoking broad is all about me, so I didn’t think twice of it.
We place our order with the waiter and as he leaves she says something along to make fun of the poor waiter, as he’s leaving. She goes into full on racist mode. She’s making racist jokes in a loud voice and shouts, making everything very uncomfortable. ‘Hey, man. That’s not cool, wanna tone it down a bit?’ I get a dirty look and she just about goes into full on pout mode.
So then the food shows up, she says something else embarrassing and goes to town on her food. No manners, no attempt to eat in a civilized manner, nothing. There’s ‘flied lice-a’ flying all over the table, her shirt’s got food all over it. Honestly, it was like watching a toddler eat a plate of spaghetti with no utensils, it was awful.
We finished dinner and left the place and I told her how uncool the way she acted, was and in no uncertain terms that we wouldn’t be doing this again if this was her common behavior. I can get past the messy eating, didn’t even bring it up, but being openly racist and a jerk are things that I can’t be associated with!”
Broad was fucking smoking too, her loss. …right?
He’s Got Too Much Baggage From His Past

“He was attractive to me until I found out his entire life was a mess.
He seemed cool, we had stuff in common – video games, music, movies, tv shows and we worked in the same building. Okay, plenty to talk about.
Then he tells me his ex-girlfriend cheated him out of paying her half of the rent and never moved in, leaving him with a rent way too high for his salary.
Also he’s actually married (to help his friend get a green card but turned out she’s a total terror and used him and now she stole some of his money and ruined his credit), used to be an alcoholic, his best and arguably his only friend is also an alcoholic and sometimes a violent one, never finished college, paying for a car way out of his price range, thousands of dollars in credit card debt, hates his job, doesn’t talk to his family anymore, physical and mental health is suffering. I can go on.
And the thing is a few issues here and there, not a problem, but everything all together was just too much.”
What He Found Out While Snooping On His Girls Phone

“I had noticed this girl in high school and we shared a few classes also we were in the same friend group (Of about 10 people) I never had the guts to ask her out in school so nothing happened.
A year later I got my own car and started working on it and posting the occasional photo on social media, she commented on one photo out of the blue saying something along the lines of: ‘Wow I like your car you will have to take me out sometime.’ Me being young and inexperienced simply said, ‘Yeah sure.’
I then got a private message from my older cousin saying: ‘This girl is interested in you as well as the car you should ask her out.’ Now what I didn’t know at the time was that my cousin then befriended her and began messaging her. So fast forward about 6 months of us spending time together and working on each other’s cars and a little bit of fooling around I began to notice more and more how she became glued to her phone even when were out together.
Then one night we were cuddling and she was on her phone and wanted to show me a few ideas she was having of recovering her car’s headliner, As she scrolls through her phone I inappropriate images of a guy, including his hand. The hand has a large Sovereign ring, which is a ring that looks incredibly similar to one that my cousin owns. There were also several photos of herself in outfits and in poses. So after me and her talking and me refraining from murder, apparently her and my cousin have been talking (But nothing has been going on) He’s just sent these photos for some unknown reason.
As you can imagine I just started ignoring her and trying to distance myself. It then comes out that a friend of mine and my cousin was talking to my cousin and that my cousin bragged about dating and sleeping with this younger girl of the same name as the girl I was dating. This just crushed me of how not only a girl I was seeing betrayed me but also a family member.
2 years later of being single and I rarely see him now; Only at family functions where I still ignore him. I haven’t spoken to her either but she is now dating a guy I know and that lives nearby.”
Too Many Red Flags To Ever Have A Healthy Relationship…

“I was in grad school, suffering from depression and isolation, and I was extremely lonely and stressed all the time.
I started talking with this guy on Facebook that I’d known in high school. I had thought he was cute, but he was a year younger and two grades younger, so I didn’t pursue it back then. I had complimented him on his photography and paintings, and he said really kind things about my amateur photography as well. He was one of the first people to really compliment me on that.
We talked at length about art and music and sex. We decided to begin a long distance relationship after talking for a few weeks. I looked forward to his messages and phone calls. We had very fulfilling phone sex.
He lived 6 hours away and he decided to visit me. Since I was blinded by attraction, I thought that the weekend went very well.
After he left, the communication had gone down a lot. He didn’t seem as eager to talk to me. I decided to break up with him in the midst of me just having a breakdown over academic stress in general (I started to not do very well in my program for other reasons) after he forgot to call me twice.
I got pretty frustrated with him, but then I was later trying to talk to him because I’d enjoyed our artistic conversations and I wanted to at least have that if we couldn’t be together. He wanted no part of it, and I’d probably made myself look like an idiot for texting too much. I had only been trying to be honest. The whole thing really hurt a lot and it took months for me to stop feeling in pain about it.
In retrospect, I remember some things from our weekend that should have been red flags:
1. He was kind of rude to our waitress. He didn’t say anything outright, but his demeanor with her was slightly hostile and it came out of nowhere. I brushed it off.
2. We walked into a different restaurant the next day that had apparently been reserved by a large group of people and wasn’t open to anyone else. Everyone kind of looked at us, and we awkwardly walked out. He looked very anxious after that and was saying things like, ‘I really don’t think they wanted US to be there.’
3. He was oddly adamant that he wasn’t really a big fan of animals. Later, I had told a funny story about my parents’ cats, and he wondered aloud if I was trying to convince him to like animals. I hadn’t meant to do anything like that at all.
I’m glad I remembered these things. It made the subsequent rejection/sudden abandonment easier to deal with.”
Clingy Guy Showed His True Colors

“I had a great first date with a guy and as we’re walking to our cars to leave he starts asking (begging) to hang out tomorrow. I say maybe instead of yes just because I’m annoyed at his begging. He texts me that day and really wants to hang out. I don’t really want to but I say sure since I’m bored.
We get to his place and it’s a mess! It smells like drugs, there’s stuff all over the floor and dishes piled up in the sink. I want to leave ASAP but I don’t want to be a brat about it.
He makes me a drink and I quickly down it hoping it’ll stop the awkwardness. He starts doing drugs and starts being this total jerkoff.
Any remaining attraction I had from the day before flew out the window. You’re 25, dude! Please grow up and clean up your life!”
Everything Was Fine, Until She Started Talking…

“There was this girl in high school and she was unbelievably hot, very hot. My friend always wondered why she was always single though. One day out of the blue he makes a revelation that changed how I saw her, as well as our other friends as well.
‘She’s hot as long as she’s quiet, the moment she opens her mouth it just goes away.’ I asked him why he said that. ‘The way she talks and what she says when she does makes her less attractive. Don’t know if its the tone but it’s like a trashy drunken sailor. You’ll know it when you see it.’
The very next day I realized what he said because we had a class together.
The moment she opened her mouth her hotness went away by the syllable. It was in the same cadence as a working girl and what she said had no substance at all.”
Maybe He Should Take Anger Management Classes

“There was a friend of a friend, who I was on/off hooking up with at the time.
He was attractive until he completely lost his cool at a bar. The band didn’t play the song he wanted to hear so he got angry, then got angry that his tab was $50, then got to the car and saw a scratch on it, and that’s when he started screaming and throwing this huge tantrum.
He demanded we go to 7-11 and get one of their pizzas, kept running in and out of 7-11 saying, ‘WHAT THE HECK IS TAKING SO LONG??!! OH MY GOSH IM SO FREAKING TICKED OFF!! HURRY THE HECK UP I NEED MY FOOD BECAUSE IM ANGRY!’
I told my friend, in the middle of 7-11, in front of other strangers, ‘I’m never having sex with him again.’
Up until that point, I legit thought he was normal.
I’m guessing mental illness? Bipolar disorder? A switch went off in his brain? Who knows, I’d rather not find out”
He Just Sort Of Moved On From Trying To Get Her Attention…

“She was attractive until I moved on.
I had a huge crush on this girl and I kept asking her out and she kept saying yes but canceling at the last minute. Ordinarily, that means ‘no,’ but these were legitimate things beyond either of our control:
The first time I asked her out, we had the worst winter storm of our lifetimes and couldn’t get out of our respective houses. The next time she had to testify at her parents’ divorce hearing. Etc.
Well, she got back together with her ex, so I stopped asking her out and moved on like a normal human being.
Fast forward two years, she’s single again and we’re together in a crowd of people and she just kind of blurts out, ‘You know I love you more than anything?’ and I was… flattered… but also weirded out.
Over the next year, she’d ask me out a dozen or so times and invite me to spend the night with her on several occasions. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she was still beautiful, but she wasn’t attractive to me. I’d moved on. The interest just wasn’t there anymore.”