Whenever someone suspects their significant other of keeping a secret from them, they immediately get suspicious. People assume that any time someone is secretive it's for a dark reason. But, sometimes that's not the case. What if someone's secret is funny or just plain wholesome? That's the type of secrets the significant others in these stories were hiding.
Check out these stories from people who found out their significant other's secrets. Content has been edited for clarity.
Dream Come True

“My significant other of four years gave me his phone to look for some passwords on his notes app so he could log in to his school account. I found a note with my name in it and couldn’t help myself.
He wrote out this dream he had where we had a daughter and started a family together. He was so detailed and seemed so happy. I thought it was so cute that he would want to write it down and remember this dream. He never told me about it, but I do know he wants kids, especially a daughter. I feel like this was his ‘dream come true’ dream. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass him. He’s not very emotional. Plus, I am years away from marrying him or having children.
Hiding In Plain Sight

“She said Girl Scout s’mores cookies were sold out. She actually hid them behind the baking supplies, they’re on a top shelf in a low cabinet. Because I’m tall and can’t easily see there unless I’m digging for baking supplies, which is rare.
It’s ok, though. I secretly bought several boxes, too, and put them on top of the kitchen cabinets since she’s short and can’t see or reach them.”
A Helping Hand Behind The Scenes

“My girlfriend has some substantial debt from a couple poor decisions right after high school that she thinks I don’t know about. She’s not the best with money, and she doesn’t know how much our apartment or any of the bills related to it are. We’re evenly splitting the bill across all our roommates, but she hasn’t paid her full share in about a year and a half. She thinks she has because I’ve been the one telling her how much she owes each month. I’ve been paying about $300 for her on top of my portion and the portion for my siblings.
She’s too proud to ask for help with her debt. I don’t want to make her feel insecure by drawing her attention to it, so I’ve been doing things behind the scenes to help her out. I’ve been teaching her some about budgeting. She’s getting close to paying it all off. Once she’s done, I’m going to explain to her what I did and, if I’m being honest with myself, she probably suspects what I’m doing. She knows how many times I’ve helped people I care about who aren’t nearly as important to me as she is.”
Caught In The Act

“My wife buys the car insurance. I ended up with a DriveWise in my car for a few months. It doesn’t have GPS on it, but it tracks how far the car goes and how long the car was on. One day, she came up to me and asked, ‘So, on your way back from work… are you stopping at the Albertsons and eating ice cream in the parking lot?’
‘… Yes? How did you- oh yeah, the DriveWise.’
I still find it very funny that the ice cream was the first thought in her mind.”
Making Time For Their Daughter

“On his nights off, my husband sneaks into our daughter’s room to watch her sleep and sings her back to sleep during bad dreams. He doesn’t get to see her much between working six days a week and my stepson running him ragged on the weekends. He misses a lot of her activities because of his sleep schedule for work. He feels like he’s an awful parent because he feels like he’s missing everything.
He’s such a good daddy. She adores him. I don’t tell him but I know sometimes she sneaks into our room during her naps and snuggles up with him. He lets her sleep for a bit then tries to be sneaky and carry her back to her room.”
Pokemon Go Away

“My wife is very naive but would never cheat on me. She’s also very, very into Pokemon Go. Some 19-year-old on Discord was hitting on her, even after she asked him to stop. He was pretty cringy in his technique, and really crass in his messaging. She didn’t know that I knew about her wannabe Don Juan, but he started turning up the pressure on her. She told him she was happily married, but she really doesn’t know how to deal with situations like this. She always feels compelled to respond to people if they message her.
So one day, I logged on to her Discord account and agreed to go Pokemon hunting with him. He was personally…encouraged to find a new Pokemon partner. He stopped messaging her after that and completely dropped off of Discord shortly after. I found out later he was using the local Discord instance as his stalking ground. He was creeping on all the local female Pokemon Go players and perving out on them in person. My wife doesn’t know anything about this, just that her secret admirer suddenly stopped one day. I asked her Pokemon Go friends who were affected by this to not mention it to her either.”
Like A Hallmark Movie

“While we were dating, she schemed with a good friend to buy me some studio recording time on a full grand piano for Christmas. I love real pianos more than any electronic sample, despite having a Korg keyboard at the time worth almost $3,000.
Since I knew her secret, I wrote her a love song. That’s what got recorded during the studio time. It was her Christmas present in return.”
Healthy Eating Can Be Hard

“My flatmates are a couple in their late 30s. They’re soon to be married and venue hunting these days. They’re both on a strict diet of some kind. They eat lots of steamed and boiled this and that. I too am on a diet, but they’re going hardcore. They’re both in pretty good condition anyway, but they clearly want to tighten up a bit. Or…at least I thought.
I’ve caught both of them alone devouring chocolate bars or biscuits or M&Ms and the like. It’s happened at least three or four times in as many months. They never do it together, though. When I say something when I catch them, they say the same things. Stuff basically along the lines of ‘it won’t kill me’ or ‘it’s just a little weakness.’
When they’re together, they cook and ensure they’re following the weight-loss recipes to the tee. They weigh everything, etc. It’s like they’re cheating on each other with food.”
Not What You Wanna Find When Cleaning

“She used to pick her nose and wipe the boogers on the underside of the standalone sink that I installed. Ever once in a while, I would clean the sink and scrape them off. They would reappear.
For a while, I figured she knew I knew but still did it anyway. Now I think she just genuinely did it without ever thinking about it.”
Groupie In A Past Life

“My wife slept with several of the members of the Grateful Dead back in the early seventies. She was following them around from concert to concert. She has 258 shows under her belt. I don’t know which members, though I suspect the keyboardist was one of them.
One night while we were partying, she let slip that once she did sleep with Dennis Dunaway, the original bassist in Alice Cooper. She denies it now.”
No Pay Back Necessary

“My boyfriend and I have been together for six months and lived together for three. I know he secretly beats himself up for not having the most lucrative job at the moment. The thing is, he is the most hard-working person I’ve ever been with. He doesn’t let anyone walk all over him. It’s probably the most attractive thing about him. I am more of a conflict-avoiding person, but being with him has made me be more assertive.
I can tell he hates that I’ve been paying for more stuff recently. I don’t mind it, but I just wish there was a way for me to convince him that it’s okay if I support him a little more while he is transitioning to a new better job.
I also know that he keeps a secret notebook with a tally of what I’ve helped out with money-wise so he can pay me back.”
Horrible At Hiding Things, Great At Love

“My now fiancé had my engagement ring hidden for almost three years. We picked it out together. He wasn’t good at hiding that he bought it. He also wasn’t good at hiding it because during one of our moves he hid it in one of my boxes.
About a week after he proposed, I told him I knew he had it. He was so upset but it was really cute. He tried so hard to hide it but he really can’t keep a secret.”
Hilarious To Him, Not So Hilarious To Her

“My wife tries to hide her farts by going into the bathroom and sitting on the toilet to do it. She thinks turning the fan on masks the sound. We have thin walls and I can always hear them loud and clear.
She’d be mortified if she found out I know. I think it’s hilarious”
Shoe Surprise

“My boyfriend loves to look up shoes for good deals. I always browse with him. When it was my birth month, he would ask for my size and such and be all ‘curious’ but he would say he’s just wondering what the prices are. A box came to my front office. He told me to pick it up since he didn’t want the office to be closed before he got home. He ALWAYS lets me open his packages and so I did.
That’s when I saw a pair of shoes in my size. I taped it up so fast and he came home without a clue. I looked completely surprised the day of my birthday. He was super happy about it so I just never bring it up. He tells me everything so this is about as saucy as it gets.”
Exhausted Mom

“My wife, and mother of our six beautiful children, sometimes goes to bed early. She wants me to think she’s sleeping. I believe she feels bad for leaving me to deal with the little ones. Most of the time she actually is sleeping but sometimes I catch her playing her favorite word scramble/puzzle game on her phone. She just shifts in bed as if she was disturbed in her slumber. I have never told her I know and I don’t plan on it.
She deserves the time to herself after being an amazing mom all day long. I have thought about telling her that I don’t mind at all and that she shouldn’t feel guilty. I think it’s better just to let her have the time to unwind. I think I should tell her that she should go have some time alone to do whatever she wants, more often. That way, she won’t feel guilty.”
No Class

“When my husband and I first started dating, he didn’t know how to tell me he didn’t enroll for college this year so he would pretend to go to class every day. He’d really go hang out with one of his friends. I started to catch on when I noticed a pattern of him always skipping class. If we were doing something and I remember he was supposed to have class he would always just say ‘it’s cool, I don’t need to go.’
The final straw was when it was mid-terms and he still hadn’t bought any books. I never called him out about it. After a few months, he finally came clean. We didn’t fight about it. I said I was disappointed that he didn’t think I would understand the situation. He didn’t enroll because he was having some family issues, which he didn’t want to burden me with because we had only been together a few months. He is a big ball of anxiety so I knew it wasn’t from a malicious place what so ever.
We’re still together and married and stronger than ever.”
Secret Savings

“My wife of 15 years has a ‘secret’ savings account. Her family has some bad luck with marriage, and she was really slow to marry me because she didn’t want to be ‘trapped’.
She saved up several months worth of living expenses. She hasn’t really touched it since and has never mentioned it to me. It’s the only account with statements emailed directly to her, rather than an email we both access.
It’s absolutely there so that she could, if needed, leave. It’s not a fortune by any means but it could keep her afloat for about 3-4 months. I tried to gently bring it up once, as a hypothetical, and she flat out denied it (in a ‘doth protest too much’ kind of way). I told her it would be ok with me either way.
Truth is, I really don’t mind. It makes her feel better, and we’ve built a fantastic life together. I know she views it more as an insurance policy than anything else, and figure if we ever really do need the money we’ll cross that bridge then.
Plus I suppose she’s still married to me because she wants to be, not because she has to be.”
Secret Crush

“My now ex-girlfriend crushed uncontrollably on my older brother for the two weeks that he was home before starting his new job. I found out from her former best friend two weeks after we broke up.
I had to tell my brother, of course. He thought it was both uncomfortable and funny as could be.
A Positive Outlook On Her Fiancé’s Secret

“My fiancé is bi. Once after a night at the bar, he came out to my roommate after I’d fallen asleep. She told me the next morning because she felt wrong keeping a secret like that from me. Is it the worst secret ever?
No. If anything, even though he hasn’t outed himself to me, I’m grateful that he’s with me. It means that out of all the men AND women in the world, he’s chosen to spend the rest of his life with me!”
Never Brought It Up

“When we were dating, she mentioned she had never messed around with another woman before. It had always been on her bucket list, not because she thought she liked women, but mostly because she found the female body attractive.
Because I’m a nice guy, I said, ‘You know what, if the opportunity ever presents itself, go for it. Just come home to me and don’t ever share details with me.’
I’m not a particularly jealous person. I was confident enough that I wouldn’t be in this situation. However, I didn’t want to take the chance. I knew she loved me, I knew it was an innocent 1-time thing.
After it finally happened, which I was aware of before she ever came home that night, I noticed she was occupied on her phone a lot more than usual. I could tell something was up as we were no longer intimate. She got hammered one night, and I snooped. I went through her messages with that particular person she experimented with. I found a lot of risqué messages. Unfortunately, many of these comments were related to no longer wanting me, not feeling anything with me anymore, etc. I took pictures of her screen with my phone of everything that was said.
The worst was her birthday weekend. We had rented a cabin with a bunch of people – obviously, I paid for since it was her birthday. One night we made dinner for the group and I had noticed she was on her phone A LOT. She was really paying attention to me, etc. As soon as she passed out, I checked again. Lo and behold, the texting continued. So I had known this had been occurring for a couple months.
We dated for about 2 1/2 years before splitting. The experiment occurred roughly 18 months in.
We are no longer together for a multitude of reasons, but I never brought those messages up. I had several opportunities, but I concluded my credibility was ruined because I snooped. I probably will never bring those messages up either.”