Dating is unpredictable and out-of-pocket nowadays. With dating apps like Tinder, a world full of virtually inspired dating experiences awaits, but what happens when a Tinder match turns out to be a worst nightmare? Here, people share the one Tinder date that made them take a long break from virtual dating apps. Perhaps for good.
All stories are edited for clarity.
Surprise Ending

“I met a girl on Tinder a few years back. We had been texting back and forth for about a week before we planned a day to ‘link up.’
I came over and enjoyed a few drinks and a movie before we we did our thing. After we ‘finished’, my date then told me, ‘Shhhh. Keep your voice down.’
Confused, I tried to ask if everything was okay. Then she threw the comforter over me while I was laying down in bed. That’s when I heard a small voice.
‘Mommy… I heard a strange voice.’ It was the lady’s son.
She told him it was ‘just a dream’ and takes him back to bed.
I just laid there in absolute shock. I had no idea she had a kid, let alone that he’d be there. While she went in the other room with the child, I quietly put my clothes back on. She caught me just as I was buckling my pants. Appalled, she stepped back in and asked, ‘Oh so that’s what it is? You hit it and leave?’
‘It wasn’t going to be, but now I’m wondering how long before Daddy comes walking through that door,’ I retorted.
That’s when my date said something that instantly made my stomach churn.
‘He’s not. He’s overseas right now.’
‘Freaking great. I’m a homewrecker,’ I thought.
I left and she acted like I was the asshole.
Then about 6 months later the girl messaged me out of the blue. Her husband left her and bought a house near mine. The reason for her message? The girl asked if I would be willing to take pictures of her kid whenever he was with his father in public.
I never blocked someone so fast. I stopped using Tinder and ended up meeting the girl of my dreams through mutual friends.”
False Hope

“About seven years ago I went on a date with a wonderful girl, or so I thought. She was fun to talk to, seemed to have some common interests and she was super pretty.
The date started off with us hanging out at a park by her house. It is important to also note that I was nineteen and stupid. She asked if I wanted to take her to dinner after hanging out for a bit and I didn’t see any red flags so I said sure and asked if she had a place in mind. Of course she wanted to go to a buffet at a casino that was thirty minutes away and sixty bucks per person.
I realized on the way to the casino that my date was extremely quiet and spent a ton of time on her phone, but I just figured she was passing the time on a long drive.
We got to the casino and headed straight to the buffet. I paid because I was determined to impress her. (Again stupid.) Then I drove the thirty minutes back home. As we got to her house, some dude was standing out front shirtless. I assumed he was her dad, maybe her brother, but when I pulled onto the driving port, my date suddenly said, ‘Thanks! I had fun bestie,’ hopped out of my car and planted a kiss directly on the man’s lips. They both walked inside giggling about something as I stared in shock.
The girl messaged me later that same night and told me she had a great time. She then said she thought it would be the start to a great friendship. The flirting, the cutesy stuff was all gone. I confided and told her I thought it was a little messed up she lead me on to think she was interested and asked me to take her on a date only to drop her back off to her boyfriend.
She told me I was a little bitch, a shitty friend and a poor excuse of a man for complaining about taking his female friend to dinner.
Never went on a date with a girl from online after that.”
Like A Sister

“I had been going through a bit of a dry spell in my dating life when I finally matched with a handsome man who lived in the next county over. After lovely conversations via the app, we exchanged phone numbers and eventually planned to meet up. Our work schedules often prevented us from seeing each other during the weekday, (I’m a teacher and he was a branch manager for at a Wells Fargo), so when I finally had a free weekend, I decided to take a day trip to go see him.
It was a Friday evening when I made it to the restaurant he suggested. He sent me a message letting me know he was running late, so I ordered drinks for us and waited patiently at the table. About fifteen minutes later, I see my date barge in and frantically make his way over to my table. He was apologizing profusely and claimed that there was an ‘incident’ at work.
Normally something like this would have annoyed me, but he was awfully cute and seemed sincere so I let it slide. Soon we were talking about each others lives and more importantly, what we wanted out of the relationship. He said that he was really into me and even admitted to being nervous about seeing me for the first time in person. I will admit that my date gave me butterflies. Sparks were definitely flying, but that would change soon. Trust me.
As the conversation kept going, our waiter brought out our food. We both ordered Chicken Alfredo which was honestly some of the best I have ever had. I made a comment about the food, and that’s when my date said: ‘Yeah, but it’s not as good as my sister’s.’
I chuckled a bit and said, ‘Oh, really? That’s sweet of you. Does your sister cook often?’
‘Yeah,’ my date said. ‘It’s her favorite thing to do.’
‘How close are you two?’ I asked.
That’s when my date started describing his strangely affectionate relationship with his sister. At first he mentioned innocent things like the school she went to, things they used to do as kids, what she does for a living. Then he started describing his hatred for her current boyfriend and how he picked out lingerie for her but her boyfriend blew it off. Then during his rant, he whipped out his phone and showed me a picture of his sister…who was the spitting image of me.
I tried to shake it off and started asking him if he had any other siblings or close relatives, but he somehow kept bringing the conversation back to his sister. His beloved sister. He kept saying things like, ‘Her boyfriend doesn’t realize how lucky he is,’ and , ‘You remind me of her.’
Long story short, we didn’t go on anymore dates after that. I drove back home deep in thought about how anyone could be so obsessed with a sibling. I mean, picking out lingerie with your own sister just seemed way too weird. It took him a while to take a hint, too. However, about two months later, I looked him up on social media out of curiosity and saw that he had moved on with some other woman that look shockingly similar to me, and his sister.
I guess it was just some weird fantasy.
After seeing his choice, I dyed my hair black and swore off online dating.
Three years later I met my husband at a bake sale.”