Some people believe that the world just owes them everything...
She Got Angry Because The Biggest Tsunami Ever Ruined Her Vacation
“Someone I know had booked a post-Christmas vacation in southern Thailand in 2004. If that doesn’t already ring a bell, let me remind you that this was probably one of the worst times in the history of mankind to go there.
She arrived the day after the tsunami and got super upset about the hotel being destroyed and her tour operator not being able to offer a proper replacement. She also tried suing the hotel and operator, but to no avail. Like, what the heck is wrong with you? What part of force majeure do you not understand? Or what part of human decency? Over 200k people have died and all you freaking spoiled brats care about is that you won’t be able to stay in your 5-star hotel? This has been almost 13 years ago but I still get pissed off about the self-righteousness in which she told me about all of this, probably looking for confirmation or something.”
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The Dictator Of The Marching Band
“At one of my marching band competitions, I was waiting in line with a friend for merchandise. There were t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, hats, bracelets, keychains, you name it. If you got a shirt or a sweatshirt, they had a patch with your school name that they could iron into it. Or you could also get a patch with your instrument, or the year your class graduates. Me and my friend were getting long sleeved shirts with our instruments ironed onto the sleeve (me with trumpet, him with pit). When he got his shirt, he went back to the bleachers. Right before I got to the front of the line, an irate woman stormed to the front of the line. She had ordered a shirt for her teenage son, but the logo was supposedly slightly crooked. She demanded a new shirt with the patch correctly ironed onto it for free. I looked at the ‘ruined’ shirt, and it was perfectly fine.
The cashier told the woman that she had to wait in line, so the woman started yelling about how she was the president of the band parents, and that since the competition was being held at her son’s school, she had the right to shove in front of the other people.
The manager came over, and not wanting a fight, ironed a new shirt for her. Apparently, this shirt wasn’t good either, so she started yelling again. On and on about her being the president, belonging to the school, and deserving better treatment than this. I, along with everyone else at the merchandise stand, were quickly getting tired of this woman’s crap. My band had driven there from another state, on school buses, and the ride was four hours each way. We didn’t come there to suffer through this lady’s crud.
After the manager made ten more shirts for her, she yelled some more, grabbed one of the shirts, and stormed away. Everyone was looking at each other like ‘oh man’. Since I was next in line, I tried to lighten the mood by doing an imitation of the woman. Luckily, I got the cashier to laugh, who previously looked like she was about to cry. I got my shirt and got the hell out of there, and went back to my band. What would have taken ten minutes took about an hour.”
40K In Debt And She Thought It Was A Good Idea To Tour With U2
“I have a cousin who racked up 40K in student loan debt, and during this time thought it was a good idea to spend months following U2 around Europe for one of their tours. She asked my Grandfather, a man who was rasied during the great depression and worked his ass off just to become solidly middle class, to pay off those loans so she could buy a house. The funny thing is my Grandfather would have helped her in any way he could if he felt she wasnt just taking advantage of him. He helped me buy a car, helped some of my other cousins purchase a home, would gift you a new washer if yours broke, and was always there for our family in general.
After he turned her down she refused to let my Grandparents see their great grandchild for several years.”
“I Have Nothing Smaller Than A 50”
“When I was 17 I worked as a teller in a garage selling fuel. The local chip shop owner ( fast food outlet ) had a son who didn’t work but would turn up in his awesome white lotus esprite The exact same car from the spy who loved me. He would come in put £20 of fuel in then open his wallet finger thru a massive wedge of £50s ‘Oh I have nothing smaller ‘ Pull the one £20 He had out and fling it with his finger tips like it was a bit of dirty toilet paper that disgusted him ,tossing it on the floor.
His father spat at me once for suggesting his son got a job.
Bumped into the son years later
Karma played out he became a heroin addict.”
Quit The Best Job She Ever Had…After Two Hours
“My friend sticks her neck out to get her sister a job at a plant making $19.00 an hour to start. This is a woman with no education, no skills, and 3 kids. She had been beamed up from minimum wage hell for her one big break in life. She was one of those people who was always selling like a $5 item on Facebook. You’d think she’d be thrilled, right?
This freak quit in two hours and then IMMEDIATELY took to Facebook to justify it. She claimed she had TOO MUCH EDUCATION for this job when she spent 5 years trying to get an associate’s and never did. She called the job AN INSULT TO HER INTELLIGENCE! For God’s sake- I know people whose families are THRIVING working at this same place. She doesn’t have two nickels to rub together, and she’s insulted by the job.
I just found it so disgustingly condescending considering I have a lot of blue collar friends who are smarter and more successful than she’ll ever be.”
A Paid Loyalty Program Brings Out The Worst In A Woman
“I work at a movie theatre and my company has a paid loyalty program that allows special benefits at box office and concessions like being able to skip the line and use a special gold line. Because of the special ‘perks’ some people like to think they’re royalty when it comes to buying items. On busy days we normally take two loyalty guests for every regular guest. One day I happened to be taking a guest and a woman in the loyalty line came up to the box office glass and started slamming her hands against the glass because she felt as if the service was taking too long and she wanted to be served right then and there.
Mind you I’m still taking a guest so I’m trying to focus on the people in front of me while this nutjob is literally trying to break the glass next to my face. Every other sentence out of her mouth is ‘I pay for this, I shouldn’t be treated like this’ It’s $15 a year lady, calm yourself.”
She Stole Money From The Parents Who Bought Her A Brand New Jeep
“My buddies girlfriend had her father buy her a new Jeep. The same week, she needed some extra money and decides to steal it out of her mom’s purse. She got caught obviously and they took the jeep away. She threw a fit about having mean parents so the father sold the brand new jeep and got her a little beater SUV. This family is rich too. I’m taking like ‘maybe I’ll buy a G6 or maybe I’ll buy another boat’ rich. Her father invests portions of her money every month for her. She only spends tip money from her job, the rest goes to her savings (which her father handles). He’s made great amounts of money investing in stocks.
She is wealthy enough to never need to go to college. Yet she’s stealing money from her parents and complaining how bad they are. The parents are doing the best they can to discipline this girl but she is just too much for her own good.”
This Girl Screamed And Cried — Because Her New Lexus Was The Wrong Color
“A girl I knew in college was the spoiled brat of divorced parents. Her stepmother couldn’t have kids, and married the girls father when the girl was a toddler, so step mom spoiled “her baby” rotten. There was the typical paying for her school expenses including college tuition and whatnot, but the summer before her junior year she decides she wants a car. Her dad says no. She throws a tantrum. Her step mom buys her a Lexus. This girl gets home from a spray tan (In July…? Yeah she was freaking weird) and discovers the new Lexus in the driveway of the house she’s subletting for the summer is now hers. Except it’s not what she wants. She throws a freaking monstrous tantrum on the front lawn because that’s not the car she wanted; she wanted a red car, in some other model. Her parents are trying to calm her down and she’s cried so many tears she’s ruined her spray tan.
Her dad and step mom take the car back. She continues to moan about not having a car, how she needs a car, that she’s a freaking adult who needs to drive to do anything fun. Initially we thought they took it away for her ungratefulness.
A week later her dad calls; he just happened to be driving around and saw a car for sale in the make and model she wanted… only it was white. This crazy lady has another melt down, ruining her second spray tan she got to fix the first one (IN JULY???) Because she felt left out of the finding and purchasing of her car because they were doing everything without her.
Her step mom came up again (3 hour trip btw) and took her shopping for a car. It took the girl the entire weekend. Then after her step mom left she had the gall to complain that they clearly didn’t love her because they just didn’t know what she wanted right off the bat.
She was also 19 and dating a married doctor from the local hospital. I just blatantly avoided her after that summer.”
She Wanted Her Half-Birthday To Be Bigger Than Her Friend’s Real Birthday!
“This is pretty minor, but in high school I had a friend whose birthday was exactly six months apart from mine. In my family it’s tradition to do whatever activity the birthday-person wants to do, such as eat at a specific restaurant, go to a specific theme park, or just chill out. In her family, half-birthdays were a thing they would do (which I had never heard of before and have never heard of since): family members would get presents on the day exactly six months away from their regular birthday. So the first year I knew her, she asked for a present from me… on my birthday. She was legitimately confused and unhappy that I didn’t give her anything.
Yeah, I understand that the whole ‘I get to do whatever I want on my birthday’ thing is a bit entitled too, but in my defense I’m one of those people who will bend over backwards for someone I care about and expect nothing in return, so getting to be a little greedy for one day is nice.”
The Nine Year Old From Hell
“We were cleaning up the classroom before class starts. We followed duty rosters so everyone gets their own job to do. That day, Josh was in-charge of sweeping so we reminded him that he should do his job. Threw a fit, cried and threatened to tell his mother about it. We were like ‘Dude, it’s just once a week, the classroom isn’t even that big.’ but he threw a bigger fit and cried in the corner. The following week on his duty day, he brought his mother along into the classroom. We explained everything but the mother doesn’t seem to care if his son is on duty or not. She insisted that his son should not be doing chores and blabbered on how wimpy it is for boys to do chores. Josh added some more oil to the fire and lied to his mother that we were bullying him.
The whole class got scolded. From then on, every time his duty day is up, someone else does it for him while he sits there watching us with a smug face. I also remember that one day his mother actually came in, swept the floor for him and left after scolding us for being so useless.
We were 9 years old that time.”
He Didn’t Deserve Any Games At all
“This one little doofus made my blood boil..I was in Game having saved up for a few months to buy myself a pre owned PS3 and some games and this mouth-breather in front of me was with his grandad. His grandad had just bought him a brand new PS4 and at least 4 games. Little freakshow then decides to throw a huge fit in the store because his grandad wouldn’t buy him a 5th game.
I just stood there in a mixture of disbelief and fury, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a disgusting example of entitlement and ungratefulness.”
Only $2,000 For The Party? How Ridiculous!
“My former roommate and I were talking about our high school grad parties. I told her about my modest party and told her about how we made all the food and stuff and spent very little money. My roommate replied, ‘my parents only spent $2,000 on my party.’ I replied hesitantly, ‘That’s a lot for a party….’ Roommate completely ignored what I said and continued with, ‘And my grandparents didn’t even get me a car! They just gave me $10,000!’
I got up and left.”
Grew Up In The Hamptons, Head Still In The Clouds
“A girl I went to college with grew up in the Hamptons, and thought that’s what it’s like everywhere. We went to a college in MD. She graduated the year after me while having everything paid for throughout college by her parents, including tuition, apartment, car, and groceries. But she still complained about not having money to go out all the time. Then she got a lot of money for graduating, and started a full time job a week after graduation.
She’s on her own now, but has more than enough money to get by. I know this because she won’t hesitate to tell me. She complains about a 2 bedroom apartment being too expensive, but she needs the room for all her clothes and refuses to live with a roommate. Meanwhile, I’m working full time and have just enough to pay rent and groceries living with a roommate, and most of our mutual friends have to work two jobs or live at home after college to save money.”
She Called Her Parents Ungrateful…After They Bought Her The Newest iPad
“There was a girl who hung out in our group in high school who was a nightmare to deal with. I’ll call her Cat. She was extremely rude to her parents and to teachers and she was constantly bragging about having the latest and greatest technology. She had several models of electronics because she could never be placated until she had the newest model. Anyway, Cat and another friend (Marie) decide to go on the history tour overseas and Little Miss Spoilt brags to us about her parents buying her a brand new iPad and giving her a sizeable amount of spending money, though she was also moaning to us because she felt that it wasn’t enough. She called her parents ungrateful (as well as some other choice words that I won’t repeat) and we were all horrified.
Imagine our faces/reactions when Marie told us (in tears of laughter) that Cat had smashed her iPad screen by sitting on it while on the first flight and then her debit card had been eaten by the ATM during their stopover flight. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t get much sympathy for her plight.”
“I’m Going To Call The Mayor” — Boy Scout Leader
I used to work at the local park district as the weekend building supervisor. Basically, I just made sure the place didn’t burn down during parties and such. One time a room had accidentally been double booked with a child’s birthday party and a boy scout event. The boy scout leader was the most entitled jackass I’ve ever met. I was on the phone with my boss, trying to figure out where the boy scouts could be moved to, and the leader comes up and says ‘I don’t want to cause a problem, but if you don’t figure this out soon, I’m going to call the mayor.’
Dude was screaming at my coworkers, who worked the parties, and the parents of the party already going on almost called the cops. It was ridiculous. Eventually my boss gave me the okay to let them use our gym. Since there was food involved we normally wouldn’t allow them in the gym but, you know, he was going to call the mayor!