Getting cheated on is the worst feeling in the world. And how people react reveals a lot about the kind of person they are. Do they cheat back? Do they get aggressive? Do they get revenge?
Check out these heartbreaking stories from jilted lovers and how they reacted to the news. How did the confrontations go? Read on to find out how these heartbroken lovers found out they were being cheated on. Content has been edited for clarity.
No One Deserves The Abuse She Got

“My ex and I had an ‘oopsie’ pregnancy early in our relationship. I was suspicious he was cheating, but could never prove it since I didn’t snoop through his stuff.
I ended up miscarrying one night, while he was with his ‘guy friends.’ I told him I was going to the hospital in the next two hours if the bleeding didn’t stop (I didn’t know if it was a scare or not). He lived 15 minutes from me, and his guy friends lived 20 minutes from me. My mom ended up taking me because he never made it to the hospital. I called his friends (mutual friends) to see if he ever left their house after I left the hospital with the news that I’d lost the baby. They had no idea what I was talking about because they hadn’t seen or talked to him in over a month.
He didn’t make it to my house until five hours after I got home from the hospital with a few hickeys on his neck. He said he pinched himself. Lies. The girl he was sleeping with also ended up messaging me later on in the week, being a total brat and telling me she was happy I miscarried. She ended up sending me pictures of the two of them having intimate relations. They ended up harassing me for a month after that and would throw red painted dolls at my front door to remind me of my miscarriage. It really messed me up.
I went through so many emotions and depression from everything that five months later, I called my family to say goodbye as I was planning to end my life. My family ended up rushing to me and helped me get through everything.
I still stayed with him for half a year after all of this happened where he physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally abused me. He blamed me for him cheating on me and continued to cheat anyway. I was too depressed and afraid to leave. I ended up throwing him out of my house, and blocking and deleting him from everything. He and the girl he was cheating on me with kept harassing me for months after I cut them out.
I didn’t speak to my family at the time due to a falling out. It wasn’t until I called them, saying goodbye during my attempt, that my family and I became close. They forced me to move back home until I was better. I lived with them for a year until I had to get away from everything. I ended up moving from Michigan to Chicago, Illinois. My ex kept trying to find ways to contact me and find me so I had to keep blocking and moving. I landed an awesome job out there, and things were looking up. A very good client of mine kept trying to get to know me for half a year and I had a huge wall up. I finally gave in and opened up, and we’re now happily married for two years, and trying for our first child.
It took a long while for things to get on an upswing, but I’m extremely happy now. What happened still leaves my tummy turning with anxiety, but I have the most understanding and supportive husband I could ever ask for.”
What Context Was It In?

“Back in the day, Snapchat used to tell you the top three friends of any of your friends. I saw that I was number one, her best friend was number three, and some dude co-worker was number two. I later logged into her Voxer account and was able to hear conversations between her and said dude, where she’d say things like she can’t wait to run her hands through his hair. Then the pinnacle was when he asked her if his stuff tasted different after drinking a pineapple Monster energy drink.
She said she doesn’t usually taste it, just swallows it, and that she’ll have to pay more attention next time.
I confronted her and she told me I was taking it out of context. Yeah, because that’s a normal conversation between male and female coworkers.”
Her Coworkers Knew Exactly What Was Going On

“My ex-wife was having an affair with a co-worker. Here’s the story:
I was hanging out with my daughter one night (who was about 10 at that time), and I got a knock on the door. It was one of my wife’s co-workers who had never met telling me my wife was with one of her co-workers at a restaurant and that she thought I should know.
I drove to the restaurant and saw her with some dude having dinner. I threw my ring right on the ground in the restaurant and told her she could have it.
The next day, after talking to my wife’s sister, I agreed to speak with my wife, and we talked it out, and I said I would need some time to figure stuff out.
The next day, some dude showed up at my work and handed me an envelope and said, ‘Thought you might want to see these.’ They were pictures of my wife and her co-worker kissing with a time stamp of the day after I caught them at the restaurant.
It turns out all of her co-workers saw what she was doing to me and felt like they should tell me.
So I kicked her butt to the curb and never looked back.”
Caught Red Handed

“My ex, many moons ago, was a freaking idiot.
She knew that I had many friends that lived in the same neighborhood as her ex who she had left a couple months before dating me. She always told me she was going to a girlfriend’s house to study and I had no reason not to believe her. Until one day she wouldn’t answer a single text. Now, I’m not the kind of guy to text a billion times. I’ll text you, then if you don’t reply, MAYBE I’ll text you 2-3 hours later to make sure you got my last message, and if you still don’t answer, then, ‘Meh,’ I’ll talk to you when you feel like you want to talk.
So anyway, I was at my friend’s house later that night, having not gotten a reply from her since maybe 12 hours ago. I and the group of friends decided to go outside in his backyard to make a pit fire. That’s when I noticed her car in the driveway of the house behind us. I didn’t know it was her ex’s house, but it was the way wrong neighborhood for her girlfriend’s house.
I called her sister up and said, ‘Where is your sister?’
She said, ‘Oh, she’s at (name of the girl’s house).’
‘Well, I’m going freaking nuts, then, because I’m looking at her car now and this isn’t (girl’s name)’s neighborhood.’
Her response to that was, ‘Uh…’ So I hung up and asked my friend, who lived in the house we were all hanging out at, who owned the house behind him. ‘Oh, that’s (her ex-boyfriend’s name)’s house.’
I called her phone to find it was off. So I just chilled the rest of my time there and paid it no more attention, no sense in worrying at this point, it’s a done deal. About two hours later, I got a call from her saying the phone was on silent for ‘study purposes’ and she asked me if I wanted to come pick her up from her place. ‘Sure,’ I told her.
I arrived at the house a little bit after that and she hopped in the car. As soon as she shut the door, I asked, ‘How was studying?’ She gave me some dumb answer, like I didn’t know. After she’s done spewing her lie, I said, ‘Weird. Must have been a long walk from (ex boyfriend)’s house.’ I made sure to look at her face as I said it so that I could see any expression. She knew I knew, but wouldn’t let it go. It will go quicker if I just give you the dialogue:
‘We were just talking things out…’
‘Why would it be ok to just go over there to do that if you have a boyfriend? Talk things out? What needs to be talked out?’
‘We’ve been friends for a very long time before dating. I can’t just stop talking to him.’
‘So to get around that, you feel it’s logical to lie to me about going to your girl friend’s house? It’s 11 pm, and you’ve been talking it out since 10 am. I’ve tried getting a hold of you a couple times, too.’ Silence for a bit… ‘So what did you guys do?’
She wouldn’t answer or look at me. I told her to get out of the car and just pulled off.
She broke up with him the first time because he was physically abusive and seemed to not really want to do anything with himself.
About a year after I drove off, she called me, asking if we could try to make it work again and if I’d like to get together for dinner. So I said ‘Yes,’ and arranged a date at a fairly upscale place for Saturday at 8 pm. I told her the dress code and all, since it was a snazzy joint.
I’m not sure how long she sat there because I. Didn’t. Freaking. Go.”
His Wife Was With His Girlfriend’s Husband

“Last August, my wife blindsided me and told me that she wanted a divorce. I was shocked, we had been married for 13 years and have two kids. We had a happy life although it didn’t mean things were perfect. I did what I could to try and change her mind. She agreed to go to counseling and would start to suggest that things might be getting better between us, or that maybe I would have a chance. Yet she was also mean and rude to me and we did fight a lot, it was miserable. I was trying to save my family for my kids, they loved their family and didn’t want this either.
She kept switching between saying she would try to work on things to only two days later saying she wouldn’t. She would ‘dangle the carrot’ to get me to do things while being really horrible to me. She would look for houses under my nose and yet didn’t file any papers. I got tired of her shenanigans. I realized there was not going to be a marriage to save and began to resent her even if at the time I would have stayed with her if she would be willing to try.
It was almost two months later and I filed papers on her. She moved out about two weeks later. I immediately joined which, looking back, I do realize it was way too soon for me. I wasn’t over anything and was very hateful about my wife. A few girls realized it and knew it wouldn’t be healthy for them to be around. They were right. Anyway, I started talking to one girl on a lonely Friday night. She told me early on that her divorce wasn’t final and I told her I was in the same situation. We compared notes about our situations and she had it much worse. Her husband had cheated on her for over four years with so many women, he couldn’t keep track of them. He frequented Asian massage parlors and would regularly pay for the company of working girls.
We ended up deciding to meet for dinner a few nights later. Towards the end of dinner, she asked for my last name. I told her and didn’t think anything else of it. When the waiter asked if we wanted anything else or dessert she quickly said no and just asked for the check. I paid for dinner and we walked out. She gave me a quick hug and thanked me then darted to her car. At this point, I just thought she was not interested and took off. I go home and about a half hour later she called me. I never thought I would hear from her again so it caught me by surprise. When I answered she immediately told me she had something to tell me. She did hesitate for a bit but then she said… ‘My husband is sleeping with your wife.’
What the heck!? I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know if I could even believe it. We live in a big metropolitan area; the main city and all of the surrounding suburbs make up about 5 million people. How the heck did this happen? She had all of her husband’s passwords including Facebook so she knew about my wife through some of their conversations. I confirmed with my wife about him but it took a bit. I had to bluff a little bit and luckily I was right. She still thinks his wife sought me out and doesn’t believe the coincidence. It doesn’t even matter to me anymore. That gave me the closure that I needed and I have moved on. I don’t even care about what she did anymore, I think it’s funny that she got caught and the story is out there for everyone.
The only thing that bothers me is this wretched person hanging out my kids–yes, they are still together. Our divorce was final a few weeks ago, she was the one crying at the hearing which made me laugh. She texted me and my family later that day to tell us how sad it was for her, which I found amusing. Luckily, we still get along and help each other out with things for the kids and even sometimes do favors for each other. The divorce was easy, we split things fairly and it wasn’t contentious. Our kids know that we are both there for them and that is what matters to me. It was a crazy thing that happened but it makes for a good story. I hate my kids don’t have their family together for their sake, aside from that I am much happier without her. I have a wonderful girlfriend who I am extremely happy with and hopeful about it continuing all the way, time will tell.”
He Couldn’t Let The Mistake Go

“I cheated on my ex at the beginning of our relationship. I was madly in love and just wanted to hang out with him, but he would find an excuse every night and in the morning, I would find out he would go out with his friends, so I thought he wasn’t that serious about ‘us.’ This same occurrence went on for two months. I went to a party and got super wasted. I saw a male friend and we started making out, then I asked him to come to my place, where we slept together.
Fast forward two weeks. My boyfriend started to give me a lot of attention, taking me everywhere, never letting me go, and being really sweet overall. When I thought things were going to start working out, here it comes. An IM on his Yahoo messenger, with photos of me making out with that guy at that party, with a long description of our conversations and a lot of insults at me. My boyfriend came over and confronted me, telling me he wanted to break up. I confessed.
After a week, he came back and we tried to make it work. We moved to another country to start fresh, but he started to be really abusive, hitting me and insulting me, reminding me every day of what I had done and that I deserved everything that came my way. I wanted to leave, but he made sure I cut ties with my family and friends 2,000km away, so I was stuck in a boring place for three years, working two jobs and paying bills for him to stay home and play League of Legends.
I left a year ago, telling him I was going to visit my mom in Germany for five days. I didn’t plan on leaving for good, but after I got home, I just called him to tell him I was gonna stay here and asked him to send all my stuff. He did. He then proceeded to stalk me for about six months and begged me to go back to him; he told me that things will be better.
If you cheat, just break up with the person you are with. Don’t mess them up like I did, because you don’t know what kind of person you have by your side. Maybe I deserved everything that came in my way, all the starving, the beatings, the insults, and being thrown out of the house during rainy nights just because he had another ‘dream’ about those photos.
I learned a lot from that; I was 17 when it all started, so I can say I wasn’t very clever. I am currently in a relationship with a wonderful person who I would never betray. I still have panic attacks and dream a lot about those days, so I can say I learned my lesson.”
Watching Her Lover Sneak In

“My brother caught his wife. Her phone would always go off and she would hide it. He got curious, looked into it, and found some guy had been texting her for a few months. She said she was going to stay home because she had to catch up on homework over the weekend. My brother and I went on our hunting trip and he told me about it.
We never left the city, we went to my house and stayed there till it got dark, then drove back to his neighborhood in my neighbor’s car. She sent him a picture of her at home saying she was going to go to bed early that night. Well, we snuck up close to the house after we saw a car park down the street and a guy walked up to the house and let himself in.
My brother was fuming at this point and wanted to beat the daylight out of the guy. I settled him down and told him to think about the long run. We snuck up to the house and, using the night vision camera, got video of them in the living room. My brother wanted to confront this guy at this point so I did something messed up. I called the cops and said I heard a lot of yelling from the house, then I asked if they could go check. It kept my brother from messing with the dude (a coworker of hers).
Cops showed up and took statements. We left and the next day, he pulled her iMessages off the email account and talked to a lawyer. We gave the lawyer the messages and when we showed up five days later from our ‘hunting trip,’ he called her and said he got something and wanted her to come out and see it.
When she comes out, he gave her divorce papers and kicked her out of the house. She had the police do a civil standby while she got her stuff a few days later. The house was his before they got married, so all she got to keep was some stuff they’d bought together and her car. There were no kids and the prenup nulled any alimony she could have gotten as he made way more money than her.
The guy she was sleeping with had a record. We saw her a few months later, she tried talking to my wife. She said she missed my brother and she was sorry. She and the guy broke up shortly after the divorce.”
She Claimed It Was An Accident

“Happened once, a long time ago – in 1982.
Me, my girlfriend, and my best friend went to spend the weekend in a beach house. His girlfriend was supposed to go but canceled last minute. After dinner, we were chatting and I dozed off. I woke up by myself, went looking for them. I opened a bedroom door and found them spooning. Both asleep. Both fully clothed, so I couldn’t be sure what had happened or not, but still. I felt physical pain, nausea, my legs felt weak and I almost fell to the floor. It is hard to explain. It’s not that they had obviously been at least making out, if nothing else, while I slept in the other room. It’s not that she felt attracted to him. It’s not that my friend would do something like that. No, the worst part was to feel that she wanted to cause me so much pain. Why, why would someone I loved decide to torture me to the breaking point like that?
I closed the door, went to my room, got my backpack that hadn’t even been unpacked yet, and walked out of the house. She caught up with me while I was putting the backpack inside the trunk. ‘Are you just leaving me here with him?’ She said. I just looked at her. There was nothing I could say. ‘I don’t want to be here with him,’ she said. I just looked at her. ‘Can you please wait? I don’t want you to leave like that. Let me get my stuff, I came here with you and I will go back with you.’ I nodded. I felt it was the honorable thing to do, at least drive her home if she wanted/needed that.
It was the most dangerous drive of my life. This was going up from the shore to São Paulo, in Brazil. There’s a mountain range in between, and the road was dangerous to begin with. Add that it was late at night, it was raining, foggy, and I could barely see the road. I was also out of my mind. I was raging mad, I wanted to kill her, I wanted to die. The endless line of semis carrying cargo from the big Santos port presented endless opportunities to just die. So did the cliffs on the side of the mountain. I was weaving through traffic, going as fast as I could, I just wanted everything to end. She was trying to talk to me. ‘Nothing happened. We just fell asleep talking. I don’t know how we ended up in that position. Please talk to me. Please slow down.’
I did not say a word the whole trip. Somebody should have stopped me, I could have killed myself, her, and whoever else was on the road that night. I was running low on gas but did not dare to stop, at least driving gave me something to occupy my mind. Gas lasted enough to reach her place. When we parked, she still wanted to talk. I remember sitting on the hood of the car, listening to what she had to say. ‘Nothing happened, you have got to believe me.’ I was too hurt to even understand, let alone believe anything. At some point, she stormed into the house, mad at me. Somehow, she was mad at me.
Many things happened in the years since. I talked to her again not too long ago, I think it was 2010. Met online by chance. I have been happily married for years to a woman I love and who loves me. I have a wonderful son and my life is awesome. Since that night I had many relationships, and I haven’t felt anything for her in a long, long time – but what happened that night, somehow, still hurts in the rare occasions when I think about it. I think it’s trauma, I will never be able to forget that night, my brain remembers the pain. And so I asked her in 2010, casually, ‘So it’s been almost 30 years. I’m happy, married, have a child. You’re also married, you also have a child, you seem happy. Nothing that happened that night matters anymore, but I am curious. Can you finally tell me what happened?’
‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I really, really don’t know.'”
He Stayed Calm And Got Proof

“I caught my wife by not panicking and allowing enough time for there to be irrefutable evidence.
We were driving home one day and she got a text message from a coworker, I could see the name, but she snatched it real fast, which was the first clue.
I looked at her phone and got the coworker’s number. I then started reviewing phone bills and noticed the texts between them. I went back to her phone and noticed the vast majority have been deleted based on what the bill said was sent/received.
So I waited and I bought myself a new phone. I then asked her if I could use her phone to get pictures off of it. I was actually making a back up of it.
Then, I used software to recover deleted messages.
If you suspect your significant other of cheating, do not panic. Don’t accuse them, either. This gives them hints that you are aware of something going on and they will adapt accordingly. If you let them get comfortable and think they have this down, they usually always make a mistake that exposes themselves. This is what I have found from my experience and others.”
She Tried To Get Pregnant…With A Different Guy

“My ex-wife wanted to have a baby. She was in her mid-30s and believed she was running out of time. We tried and it wasn’t happening as fast as she wanted.
After over a month of not doing the deed (which should have been a big red flag, in retrospect), she came home took all her stuff and just left. Only once she was gone did she eventually admit to me that she went and got herself pregnant by another man.
And we got divorced.
By the way, the other guy was someone she had not apparently known long or well, and he wanted nothing to do with the kid. So she is raising it now as a single mother. Her choice, not mine.”
She Didn’t Even Care

“I was pretty oblivious to my partner cheating on me for a long time. Keep in mind that we lived in a fairly small town (5,000 people), so people ‘know things.’
I was bragging up my now ex-wife to a coworker. Saying how proud I was of her for finally getting a job that she loved after being a stay at home mom for about the last eight years. I was talking about how she was working as a ranch hand on a few weekends long cattle drives, staying in the bunkhouse of the cattle ranch. My coworker said she knows that ranch, only lived a few miles from there and that there was NO bunkhouse. The only residence there was a single house that the lead ranch hand lived in by himself.
That confused me. I asked my ex about it and she denied it up and down and had an explanation for all of it.
Fast forward a few more weeks and another person I know in town was talking with me, and I mentioned my ex-wife being at home, which surprised them. They told me that they thought we split up. It turns out the guy she was messing with was this person’s cousin. Their cousin had told them all sorts of graphic details about what he and my ex-wife had been doing, and now they were sharing them with me as I kept saying things like ‘no way’ and ‘they must be talking about someone else.’
Faced with this new information, I confronted my now ex-wife again just outside our house as the kids were inside. She initially tried denying it again, but then finally came clean. I was gutted. I was a grown man crying uncontrollably in my laneway, and she got in her truck and drove off to be with him again that night, leaving the kids and me at home.
I could barely eat or sleep for days, the only thing that kept me sane during my waking hours were my kids. I focused on keeping everything as calm and stable as possible for them every day. They saved me.
It’s been about nine years now. I haven’t been in a committed relationship since. I don’t know if I ever will be again.”