House Party Horror

A wedding is supposed to be the happiest day of a bride and groom’s life. A beautiful venue coupled with a day celebrating with your family is a magical experience. But what happens when the wedding gets canceled due to a petty reason? Well, our buddy “Josh,” certainly knows.
Josh was a standup guy who would have done anything for his fiancee, “Sarah.” Months prior to their wedding, the couple was invited to a housewarming party. The party was hosted by Sarah’s best friend and bridesmaid, “Amanda.” Everyone at the party was eating, drinking, and celebrating Amanda’s new home. When an impromptu drink-fueled talent show was proposed at the party, Sarah was psyched to join. She had her talent show act planned for weeks, and she was ready to show her friends her sweet party trick. We love a multi-faceted lady! Little did Josh know, her talent show act would be the reason their wedding would be canceled and their relationship would be called off forever.
The Handstand Hangup

One gorgeous spring evening, the lovely couple Josh and Sarah went to a housewarming party. The couple was engaged to be married, and their wedding was only a few short months away during the summer. The party was hosted by Sarah’s best friend and soon-to-be bridesmaid, Amanda. The party was packed with the couple’s closest friends, and everyone in attendance was having an amazing time. There were food, drinks, and plenty of games to play during the party.
After everyone at the party had eaten dinner, one of Sarah and Amanda’s friends, “Jennifer,” proposed the group hold an impromptu talent show. Eat your heart out, “America’s Got Talent!”
The girls encouraged everyone at the party to participate, and they were excited to show off their own acts. Mostly everyone in attendance was too embarrassed or shy to participate, but Sarah and a couple of her friends totally wanted to. Sarah knew about the ‘surprise’ game in advance, and she was excited to show everyone her amazing party trick. In theory, the talent show was a great idea. It gave everyone a chance to let loose and have fun. However, Sarah’s embarrassing fumble during her act would cost her nearly everything, even her closest relationships.
The talent show was about to begin, and Sarah confidently pranced to the front of her best friend’s lawn with a chair in hand. Everyone in attendance was on the edge of their seats to find out what talent she was going to do. Sarah had been preparing for this moment for weeks, and she wanted to leave a stellar impression on her friends, but especially her fiance. Her talent show trick in question?
A handstand on a chair.
Okay, Simone Biles wannabe, I see you!
As Sarah prepared to show off her gymnastic skills, she placed her head on the base of the chair and held the armrests in her hands for balance. As she attempted to propel her body upward, the chair tipped backward. Was this all a part of her talent show act, or a terrible mistake?
The Worrisome Wedding Day

Sarah landed flat on her back, placed her face in her hands, and started bawling. Ouch! Falling is not that deep girl, I promise!
More embarrassed than ever, Sarah got up and sprinted to the bathroom. As she was running, she tried hiding her face so nobody could see her crying. Her bridesmaids and Josh went chasing after her to console her quickly falling tears. I wish my friends were as loyal as Sarah’s friends!
When Josh and Sarah’s friends found her inside the house, she immediately yelled, “I want to leave right now!”
Josh knew Sarah was mortified about her talent show act, so he rushed to help her to the car. Sarah immediately jumped in the car and slammed the door closed. Sarah’s man was an absolute peach, so he went back into the house to gather her belongings while the bridesmaids sat with her in the car. Sarah was inconsolable on the entire car ride home. Poor girl!
The couple arrived at home, and Sarah longed to be alone. Josh completely understood, and he figured it would be best to not try to force her to talk. He gave her all of the space she needed to cope with her embarrassing fumble. What a sweet guy!
Sarah didn’t speak to Josh about the incident until the next day.
She explained to him, “I need to uninvite our wedding guests who saw me fall at the party.”
Wait, what?
Josh knew she was upset about the situation, but he didn’t think it was that big of a deal. He had known Sarah for years, even throughout college. Josh had never witnessed her be so embarrassed or act in this manner before.
He softly replied, “I understand what happened was embarrassing for you. I don’t understand what you are feeling right now, but uninviting everyone seems like a bit much. You may be thinking too emotionally right now, and you may regret your decision later.”
Sarah crossed her arms and replied, “Fine. I want to postpone the wedding, then.”
Would Sarah actually postpone the wedding, or was she just being irrational?
Sarah’s Sour Attitude

Completely shocked, Josh responded, “You should take a little more time to make this decision. In a couple of days, you might feel completely different.”
Sarah didn’t find solace in Josh’s kind words. In fact, it made her even angrier.
Sarah rolled her eyes and replied, “I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” and proceeded to walk downstairs.
From this night forward, she refused to sleep in the same bed as Josh. They didn’t eat dinner together anymore, either. It was like Sarah was completely ignoring him for absolutely nothing. Josh had an impending feeling that this was the end of his and Sarah’s relationship. Honestly, what gives, Sarah?
The next morning, Sarah called her and Josh’s wedding planner and delivered some shocking news.
She called the wedding planner and exclaimed, “I need to cancel my wedding right now! Josh and I agreed having a wedding right now isn’t the right decision for us.”
Hold up, did she just say, “Josh and I?” What a liar! She didn’t even let Josh decide!
Josh found out she had canceled the wedding a couple of days later. He tried to speak to Sarah about it in a civil manner but to no avail.
Sarah didn’t want to speak to Josh like an adult, so she simply yelled, ‘Leave me alone!’
Sarah’s behavior left Josh feeling appalled. Shortly after the incident, he reached out to his parents, who suggested he should talk to Sarah’s parents. Whose side of the story would they take; Josh or Sarah’s?
Text Messages And Tea Spills

The next day, Josh contacted Sarah’s family. Josh called, texted, and e-mailed her family, but they continued to ignore him. How could you even get in contact with these people? Maybe Josh should have tried pigeon mail or a message in a bottle, amirite? One day, Josh tried one more time to call her parents. The call didn’t go through, and he instantly realized her parents had blocked his calls and texts. Now I understand where Sarah’s attitude came from! I didn’t know pettiness was a genetic trait, though!
A few of Sarah’s friends contacted Josh and made snide comments about how he was in the wrong in this situation. They claimed Josh was being pushy and inconsiderate, and that he just needed to leave Sarah alone. Really, ladies? He was just trying his best to support Sarah, and he didn’t understand where all of the retaliation was coming from. I think these girls needed a reality check!
Sarah’s friends who sided with Josh hypothesized that she may have suffered from a brain injury due to her fall, hence her snotty behavior. Not only was Sarah ignoring Josh, but she was ignoring some of her closest friends, too! Josh couldn’t understand why Sarah would turn her back on people she had been friends with for years, and even some of her bridesmaids. Her friends found out shortly after that Sarah had blocked them, too! The only person Sarah was in contact with at this point was one single bridesmaid that rushed her to the bathroom after her accident. Everyone was concerned about her and was only trying to do what was right.
As Josh was trying to figure out what Sarah’s motive was, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and discovered Amanda, one of Sarah’s friends, had texted him.
In the text, Amanda explained, “Sarah felt like I didn’t want to help her after she fell during her handstand. She also mentioned how Jennifer and her husband were show-offs for hosting a party in their new home. I tried to tell Sarah her fall wasn’t that embarrassing, but she wouldn’t listen to me. I explained she should visit the doctor, and she immediately blocked my phone number.”
Amanda spilled the tea! What else was Sarah not telling Josh?
Josh’s Revenge

Josh also found out his ex-fiancee was now going to be staying with her sister. She didn’t even tell Josh she was going to be moving out, she just never came back home. One day, Sarah came back to the couple’s old home to collect her belongings.
She turned to Josh and said, “We are done. I hope you understand.”
Josh angrily replied, “Yeah, I think the message was pretty clear when you canceled our wedding behind my back.”
Josh finally got the closure he deserved, and it was time to move on. Most of Sarah’s friends felt extremely bad for him because Sarah was acting like a straight-up maniac. He theorized she was acting this way because her ego was extremely inflated. In college, she was a professional gymnast. The sports she played made her act like a competitive, mean, and prideful person. Sarah always had to be the best at everything, no matter what the cost. But who really knew why she was acting this way?
Josh tried to cope with the situation, but it took him quite a while. It was completely understandable though, as everything happened so suddenly. took him a while to cope with the situation, as everything happened so suddenly. You deserved better, Josh!
A couple of months went by before Josh started to feel better about the situation. He considered going to therapy, but it would have been a hassle to figure out with his insurance. His father instead suggested he get a lawyer to fight Sarah for the expenses he already paid for their wedding. Josh took the suggestion to heart. Spending money on therapy or a spicy lawsuit? I know what I would pick!
For Josh, this meant a fresh start and giving Sarah a deserved taste of her own medicine.
Watch out, Sarah, because revenge has never been so sweet.