Breakups can lead to a lot of irrational (and very regrettable) behavior, but what about the behavior that led to the breakup in the first place? Sometimes we miss all those glaringly obvious red flags, yet sometimes we don't. Whether the crazy manifested itself during the relationship and exploded into full on maniac after the breakup, or the crazy came completely out of left field, one thing is for certain --- these sure are some crazy exes!
Double Whammy

She was pregnant with another guy’s baby. I found out when she lost it during a heroin overdose. That was when I learned that she was pregnant and did heroin. (Source)
True Love Requires Real Sacrifices

“She broke up with me for a week to have sex with a guy that was visiting because she ‘loved me too much to cheat on me.’ She thought if she dumped me it would be ok as long as we got back together.” (Source)
Puppy Murderer

Ran over our puppy that I had bought, claimed it came out of nowhere while smirking at me. Rage was at an all time high, could’ve started the Red Lantern Core then and there. (Source)
Yep, She’s A Keeper

Claimed her dad beat her, then came to spend the weekend, told me her mom died, and had to stay with me because she had nowhere to go. Brought guys over to have sex on my bed while I was at work (unknown to me at the time), and one time I came home early from work, she still had a guy hiding in the restroom (unknown to me at the time). I got her a job, at my friend’s company, and she showed up for one day, then never showed up again (unknown to me at the time, my friend didn’t mention it) . Stole my social security number and took out credit cards in my name to buy lots of clothes, and never paid off the credit cards. Oh, and of course her mom wasn’t really dead. Then her mom starts calling me telling me she’s going to murder me. Stored drugs in my house. Stole my car, and told me she was on birth control even though she wasn’t. i was too trusting. I found her online years later. She changed her name. (Source)
3 Months Of Magic

She made me choose between my continued friendship with my best friend who she called a “Fat volleyball b_tch” and her. I chose my best friend. She also made me choose between weed and her. I chose weed. 10 years later she still sends me messages every 6 months saying how she has never loved anyone as much as me. We dated in college for 3 months and she is now living in Canada with her husband. (Source)
Crazy Gets Even More Crazy

She became my crazy ex when we broke up… before that, she was my crazy girlfriend. But seriously, when we broke up, she showed up at my dorm at 3am, drunk out of her mind, begging me to have sex with her one last time because of all the guys she sleeps with (she used to cheat on me, btw, and also had several fwb when we had this conversation) my penis is the only one that “felt right”. After I denied, we waited in complete silence until one of her friends picked her up. Afterwards, I started dating a girl from a nearby town. Somehow, my ex found out and started driving to that town and stalking the local restaurants, just to see if she could spot us. Also, she used to drive by my place, just so she could get a glimpse of me. How do I know all this? Well, after a couple of drive-bys where she didn’t see me, she called one of my housemates and told him she crashed his car, which was parked outside. Logically, we all ran out to check the damage only to find that his car was in perfectly good shape and there were no other cars around. My friend called my ex and they talked for a while. Later, he came to me, told me everything she’s been doing, the stalking and the drive-bys. He finished by saying “You better lock your door at night, or we’re gonna find you stabbed in the morning.” I think he was kidding about that… but I locked the door anyway. (Source)
Creepy Much?

“He started messaging all the new guys he thought I might go out with, asking them not to invite me out ’cause he felt he still had a chance with me. This happened not once or twice, this happened with around 10 guys. He didn’t even know them in person. I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THEM.” (Source)
How Much Time Does That Take?!

“I received 800+ missed calls and 1.5 thousand messages after I broke it off after 2.5 months.” (Source)
Dodged A Bullet

Would start arguments out of thin air because “I’m drama, this is who I am.” Then one day, I went drinking in her hometown, she ran into her ex. A day later she said, sorry, but I’m going to start dating him again. 2 days after that, she was begging to get back together. Nope. Messaged me occasionally for a few years to go out for a drink, but eventually stopped when she got knocked up. Good luck to the guy who knocked her up, in addition to being an absolute gem of a personality, she had awful genetics and family. (Source)

Walked miles in the snow to my house, tapped on my bedroom window for an hour until I acknowledged him. I turned him away. In the morning I heard rustling in my closet upon waking up. The little f_cker snuck into my house somehow and was hiding in my closet. I threatened to call the cops so he left. Weeks later, he emailed me pictures of me sleeping from that night. I still have nightmares about finding him in a closet. (Source)
And That’s When…

First, she became my ex. But not before we booked and paid for a non-refundable trip to Thailand for two weeks! Fast forward 7 months; we haven’t really spoken, but it’s time to go to Thailand together, and we decide we’re going to be adults about this and enjoy the trip to the other side of the planet together. Okay, no problem. That’s an admirable decision for both parties. Once we’re in Thailand together, sharing a room (and a bed), she informs me she has a new boyfriend (wow, that was fast after our many years together, but kudos). One day, while I’m in the shower, she goes through my phone and reviews all my text messages. Then she flips her sh_t because I’ve been talking/texting other girls. That’s right, the girl with the new boyfriend is foaming-at-the-mouth rage screaming at me for moving on with my life. That’s when she became my crazy ex. (Source)
How Many People Can Say They Dated A Vampire Though?

“She tried to draw my blood out while i was asleep to put it in a vial she wore around her neck.” (Source)
Sims Cheating Is Real Cheating, Obviously

“Ever had a girlfriend threaten to cut her wrists because your The Sims character is dating the computer generated neighbor? I did.” (Source)
Gotta Look Good For The Casket

“He lied about having skin cancer in an attempt to win me back. I only found out it was a lie because shortly after being ‘diagnosed’ he went tanning.” (Source)
The Wiccan

She took me to a graveyard to meet her dead grandparents. Then she begins having a conversation with them and expected me to chime in. You know that sh_t you see in dumb ass movies? Yeah that. Then she decided she was a Wiccan. Yep. Nope. I’m out. (Source)
I Think The Word You’re Looking For Is “Douchebag Complex”

“Said he would find it ‘humorous in a way’ if I died. Also was known for saying, ‘I don’t have a god complex… it’s called a messiah complex.'” (Source)
Needless To Say, He Chose The Dog

“I suspected she was crazy long before I knew her, but I realized she was a f*cking sociopath when she asked me to euthanize my dog because ‘he was taking up too much of ‘our’ time.'” (Source)
And He Wonders Why The Bald Spot Is Still There

“He got himself locked in four point restraints in the ER because he was convinced he had AIDS and started trying to ‘infect’ the staff. He also proudly told me he was the son of Jesus Christ, and one time tried to kick in my door at 3:00 am as a grand romantic gesture. Oh, and he thought his bald spot would grow hair again if he was just a better person.” (Source).
She’s In Love With You, Footballhead

“She cut out my head from yearbooks and put them on cork boards on her headboard. I found out because one of her friends told me she did, and so I wanted to see for myself. She was working during the day, and I was close with her brother, who let me in when I said I needed to grab something from her bedroom. I walked in and, sure enough, my head on a bunch of muscular bodies that weren’t mine. I broke up with her the next day after seeing the Hey Arnold-esque shrine. Following the breakup, she would drive on my street and stop and wait outside and see if my light was on. It wasn’t, mainly because I knew she would do that. Then she would call me and leave voicemails of her breathing rather heavily. She then tried to get me jealous of her having another guy, which I was everything but jealous of, and she actually had sex with and got pregnant with said guy, which kind of backfired on her. So….happy ending, I guess?” (Source)
Plot Twist!

“He suffered PTSD due to surviving an F5 tornado… and then became a satanist, was arrested for shoplifting, was addicted to cough medicine, and he drove his car into a telephone pole while high on PCP and had to be rescued by the jaws of life while his car was on fire. He was also an ‘adult baby’ who enjoyed wearing diapers and children/baby clothes, pacifiers, etc. Also liked to go to clubs in drag. Cheated on me at least once with a random guy from the internet (before the days of craigslist and all that). (I’m a woman.) Ended up in rehab and now plays in a Christian band. Oh and his father is a preacher. PREACHERS KIDS, I SWEAR.” (Source)
No Words

“Took a dump in paper, put it in a box and wrapped it up with wrapping paper. Then she hand delivered it to my mum as a gift for all the things she’s done for her (literally only were together for two months, and my mum hardly had a connection with her let a lone had done a lot for her). This was the same day we broke up before my mum even knew about it. She literally left my house then drove to her house to prepare the gift and then drove to my mums house. Luckily my mum only had my dad, grandparents and basically the whole family to witness her unfolding a turd out of paper which had been soaked in Febreze. Made the smell ten times worse.” (Source)
The Delusion Is Real

“She woke me up because I had the night sweats and she was convinced I had AIDS. For some reason, I decided to appease her and got a full STD screening including an expensive AIDS test. A few weeks later, I drove to her house to give her my signed note (Which I had to specifically request) stating my clean bill of health. She accused me of forging the entire thing and in the following argument pulled the plates out of the cupboard and frisbee’d them at me. I left immediately. About 6 months later (I had just started dating my now fiancé) she contacted me to tell me she believed me and wanted to know if she and her two dogs could move in with me. I never responded.” (Source)
This Is No Ordinary Stage 9 Clinger. He’s A Full On 10 Stager

“Painted my name all over his bedroom, bathroom and lounge room. Proposed and then photoshopped us into wedding pictures, sent invites to all his family and mine, along with my friends too; got an ultrasound photo online and tried to announce to Facebook we were expecting a baby; shaved our initials into his cat and left hundreds of love letters taped to my car. We went on half a double date with friends, I was just being a good sport. Nope’d out when he proposed when my food came. The rest came over the next week. This was all after the one and ONLY date. This wasn’t a ‘we dated for months and then his crazy came out,’ this was ‘we met an hour ago why are you proposing to me.'” (Source)
Smart Move

“She had sex with my best friend because she thought I was having sex with a girl, but I was just taking care of her because she was really drunk. Afterwards she broke into my apartment and stole my clothes and smashed my dishes. Then she sent a picture of her standing on a bridge threatening to kill herself if I didn’t get back together with her. Got a restraining order the next day.” (Source)
Quite The Negotiator

“She stopped all communication with me out of the blue one day and then after about 2 months, she called me and said, ‘For $20 you can do anything you want with me.’ That’s when she became crazy. I didn’t actually do anything with her. I made a counteroffer for $5, and I think she was offended. Haven’t talked to her since.” (Source)
Rookie Mistake

“She took me to see a college play and then broke up with me because I was looking at the actress on stage.” (Source)