23 Breathtaking Pics That Prove Why Fire Hair Is So Hot Right Now By Minq Team Branislav NeninThe latest hair coloring trend is definitely the "fire hair" phenomenon — This mini-mohawk. This stunning fire ponytail. These gorgeous fire curls. This flamin’ view from the back! Fire hair can have subtle hues, too! Subdued tones work great with the fire hair trend. As do neon ones! Fire hair and bangs totally go hand in hand. Fire hair and selfies are the perfect match. A flower crown atop a fire hairstyle is a perfect match. Beautiful! What’s more fire, her hair color or her hoop earrings? Red hot! A fire hairstyle with some fire attitude. Her lipstick brings out her hair color perfectly. These dark curls with a simple braid across the back are gorgeous! Starting with light shades at your roots rather than tips looks GREAT. Is fire hair the most photogenic hair trend of all time? This contemplative diva. Tousled or unkempt – fire hair looks stunning. Get it, girl! Rockin’ the fire trend AND glasses. Bangs or no bangs, fire hair is here to stay.