In case you weren't aware, metrosexuals are OUT and lumbersexuals are IN. Lumbersexuals are well-groomed, often bearded men who create a calculated look of outdoor-readiness and rugged masculinity. The lumbersexual style is quickly becoming more mainstream — and the following gentlemen make it easy to see why!
With lumbersexuals, the closer you look to a rugged Viking warrior, the better!

Plaid and muscles are the 2 most vital components to complete a lumbersexual look.

An awesome beard and perfectly groomed hair doesn’t hurt, either.

No sleeves? No problem.

Lumbersexuals have different plaid shirts for every day of the week.

A strong man that has a gentle side? Must be a lumbersexual.

Luke from “Gilmore Girls” was totally a lumbersexual!

This pic speaks for itself.

Lumbersexuals are always outdoor-ready.

“Did you need help chopping something?”

Nick from “New Girl” is another one of our favorite lumbersexuals.

It’s all about the beard.

And the axe!

“Did you need some logging work done?”

Tattoos are a definite plus to any bearded body.

A lumbersexual out in his natural habitat.

This lumbersexual looks casual as can be, but a lot of effort and grooming took place to perfect this look.

Oh, yes.

Bicycles are lumbersexuals’ main mode of transportation.

Suspenders are a welcome addition to any outfit.

As are giant knit scarves.

You’re welcome!