Did you ever go through such a bad break-up, that you questioned yourself on why you were ever with the person? These stories will make you either appreciate your current relationship or make you incredibly happy that you're single!
How To “Bologna” A Car

“Broke up with a girl at the end of senior year in high school, since a) I hated the girl and b) I was going to college 4 states away.
She came to my house in the middle of the night, with her mother, and vandalized all of the cars in my family’s driveway, including my dad’s company car as well as his 1940 Buick. Covered them all in panty liners, put bologna on them to damage the paint and keyed them. It was a couple thousand dollars in damages.
The best part of the whole thing is that our neighbor is a paranoid nutjob and has security cameras. When he came out in the morning to go to work and saw all of the damage to our cars, he came over, knocked on our door and handed my dad the tape and just said, ‘I suppose you will want to see this’. They ended up having to pay for all of the damages, plus court fees & etc.”
Credit Fraud Is Just About The Worst

“My ex-reopened several credit cards that we had jointly, but had paid off and closed before the divorce. Somehow she opened them back in my name and charged them to the max. Then she moved out of state and stopped paying her car payment. All of these things ended up getting reported to my credit, years later and pretty much ruined any chance I had of a decent credit for the next 7-10 years in the US. I’ve been divorced and lived outside the US for 8 years now and only recently found out about all these charges. I know all this can be corrected eventually, but the hassle of explaining things to several credit companies and collection agencies is a major pain.
She Wouldn’t Leave

“I had an ex show up at my parents’ house (I was 19 and living with them) who demanded that we work things out. I asked her to leave and she refused. I grabbed my then 11-year-old brother and tried to leave. She blocked the driveway with her body and I drove in the yard.
She then got pissed that I had left and she drove to my mother’s place of employment to talk to her about it! After my mom told her to leave her work, she showed back up at my house and refused to leave again. I locked up the house and she sat on the porch swing for 3 hours, before my stepdad arrived home from work. He tossed gas money at her and told her to get the hell off his property. She was crazy!”
Never Break Up Right Before You And Your Ex Throw A Party

“Years ago (late 90’s), I found out my girlfriend that I was living with for a year was sleeping with her boss. It was the week of our super bowl party. We both had plenty of guests coming. Been planning it for over a month. I bought every bit of alcohol that we thought anyone would want. We were young upcoming professionals. She was just under 21. Not able to buy booze.
She pulled me aside and broke up with me, on the Friday before that weekend (I saw it coming). She left to the beach (with the boss) and told me to move, on super bowl weekend. Sooo…I called my people and moved the party. I took all of my furniture (everything, but one TV, bed, one wine glass and one chair). No s–t, that was it! No dishes. Nothing. The place was bare! Took my many hockey bags to move the booze, but we drank for weeks on it! I heard she had her party with everyone showing up to one bottle of wine, one glass, one chair and nothing else.”
When NOT To Call The Cops On Your Ex

“She took all my shower stuff while I was at work: Curtain, rod, all that stuff….And the toilet bowl scrubber. After I saw that she took all of that, I came home and said ‘okay, not letting her take more of my stuff that’s actually important!’ So I changed the locks. Went to work that night, she called and said she needed to go into the apartment to get her things. I told l her, ‘Nah, not without me there, I don’t want you taking my stuff’. She said she would call the cops, and I told her to go ahead.
So the cops showed up at my work and asked what was going on. I showed them my lease with her name not on it, and they said ‘Okay, we’ll have her come back tomorrow, call us when she shows up’. She came the next day and told me she’s taking my bed ($700). I told her no, she didn’t pay for it, and I had my credit statement printed, ready to show the cop. She tried arguing that she was taking the bed. Cop said ‘Look, you’re not taking it, if you think you deserve it, take him to court’. Tried arguing with the cop then. Cop said, ‘Did you not hear me right? Take him to court!’. Didn’t hear back from her about it!”
She Went To Jail For All Of Her Destruction

“I dated a woman for 3 years. Let’s call her Lisa. We lived together. Grew apart. I thought the breakup went fairly smoothly. I agreed to pay for the apartment for the remainder of the lease (about a month and a half), and I went to stay with my band mates.
I came back a few days later, to grab some of my things, and the whole apartment was wrecked. She ripped all of the pages out of my textbooks, burned them in a trash can, and scattered the ashes all over the couch. All of my DVDs were shattered and placed neatly back inside their cases and on the shelf. She wrote vulgarities all over my paintings, slashed them, emptied my paint tubes on the floor, and cut the bristles off of my brushes. I didn’t cheat or lie. The others are up for debate. She took a hammer to my gaming PC, the fat gray Gameboy I’ve had since I was 8, my NES and SNES, all of my toys, some flower pots that once housed some really nice shrubberies, and both of my cameras. My comic book collection was ripped to shreds. My clothes were cut into ribbons. My N64 and Wii and all of the games were missing (likely pawned). She smashed my glass desk. The cats went unfed, and she left a turd in the toilet.
The cops came and told me that there was nothing they could do for me. Because we had lived together for so long, they were her things too and she was certainly allowed to destroy her own property.
The landlord was next. He changed the locks and struck her name off of the lease. All of her things were already moved out, so we both assumed she wasn’t coming back. My brother came over the next day to help me move the rest of my things. Bed, furniture, washer/dryer, etc. We were nearly done when Lisa shows back up screaming obscenities. She put a few dents in my brother’s truck while telling him how much of a cunt my mother is for not aborting us. Then, she tried to get inside to get some more of her things (nothing she owned was in there anymore) and further lost it when her key didn’t work. She punched me in the face and started hitting me with her incredibly dense purse.
My brother called the cops and let her know that they were on the way. Cops arrived, she was gone. Their immediate reaction to the domestic dispute call was that I was the bad guy, so I ended up in cuffs while they looked for Lisa. After they realized that my eye was swollen shut and Lisa was nowhere to be seen, they started listening to my brother and I. He showed them the dents in his truck. I showed them my still wrecked apartment. One of them got a good laugh out of the situation. They took pictures and a statement and left. I sported a black eye at work and class for the next week or so.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later. It’s the last day of my lease. I’m sleeping on a mat on the floor. The only things left in my apartment are a few lamps, a TV, a microwave, a backpack full of some clothes a bought over the last few weeks, and my cats. It’s 2 AM when I start getting drunk texts from Lisa. ‘I love you! Let’s get back together’…The usual. I ignore all of them and try to get some sleep. At 3 AM, I get a knock on the door. ‘Hey, open up. This is my apartment too’. I tell her to f–k off. Then I hear a much, much deeper voice. ‘Open the f—ing door or I’ll kick it in’. Before I get a chance to respond, the dude is already trying to kick in my door. I grab my backpack and jet out the back. I called the cops as I left, but I didn’t stick around to see what happened.
When I return the next day, there are a few giant footprints in the front door (it’s one of those big steel ones), and the door frame is broken. She has smashed all of my lamps and the TV, pissed on my pillow and mat, dumped all of my food out on the floor, spread kitty litter throughout the apartment, and smeared cat s–t on the walls. She also let out or stole all of the cats. I got a call from her mother a few days later pleading with me to not press charges. I told her it was out of my hands. The cops had taken pictures and Lisa was going to be arrested and charged whether or not I wanted it to happen. I did. Last I heard, she spent a month in jail, paid a $5000 fine, and had to sit through anger management classes for 6 months. Good riddance.”
Alarm Clocks Make For The Best Revenge

“A buddy of mine was living in America at the time while his fiance was back in England. When he went back to visit he found that she was sleeping with his best friend and basically kicked him out of their house. To get revenge he bought 100 alarm clocks that he could set the day as well as hour and minutes. When he went to collect his things one afternoon, while the ex-fiance was away, he hid them all over the house. He put the alarm clocks in the vents, in the insulation of the attic right above her bedroom, just everywhere! The kicker was that he set most of them for big days in their lives like their anniversary, birthdays etc.”
Threatened And Terrified

The Night Of/HBO
“My ex-girlfriend left me for another guy at the beginning of last year’s fall semester at university. A few weeks later she sat down at the table across from me in the university library. I waved ‘hello’ from my seat out of courtesy, but she took her things and stormed out. The next day, I get phone calls from her father and the university police. She had accused me of stalking/following her. They threatened me with legal action if she saw me out anywhere again. I then ceased all communication: blocked from social media, deleted her phone number, etc.
Her brother called me and threatened to hurt me. I was terrified to even leave my house. I developed anxiety and spent as little time as I could walking through campus, in fear of her seeing me and accusing me of following her. There was one stretch when I was too afraid to leave my house for days. Nobody should have to be too scared to get outside and go to class. A year later, I feel much better- I’ve been lucky and haven’t seen her (huge university), my grades have been top-notch, and I just secured my dream job. How’s that for revenge?”
Ex-Girlfriend Might Be A Pyromaniac

“My girlfriend and I had been broken up for a couple of days. But, she was still getting the rest of her belongings out of my house. One day I was at the gym and texted to see if she had finished up. Then I received a text that she had, so I finished lifting and headed home. When I got to my house, I noticed that all the lights were off… I opened the front door and smelled gas. My first thought was that my furnace line had ruptured or something. I left all of the lights off and went down into the basement to see if I could hear/smell anything near the furnace and the gas line but there was no gas smell in the basement.
I went back upstairs and checked the stove top in the kitchen. Sure enough, one of the burners had been turned on ‘high’ and was not lit. I turned it off and proceeded to open all of the downstairs windows (in January) to vent the gas. My first thought was that it couldn’t have been done intentionally, because my thermostat kicking the furnace on or me turning lights on, could have blown me up. The problem was that the knob can’t just turn itself and you need to depress and then turn, to light any of the burners.
Then I remembered what she told me once (jokingly I thought at the time) which was ‘if I can’t have you, no one will’. So yeah, b—h tried to blow me, my house, and my cats up.”
He Came Home To An Unpleasant Surprise

“She made a dating profile with all of my pictures in my hometown. Talked to a ton of hideous women, apparently very sweetly, and promising to take them everywhere. There were some ‘planned’ dates that I obviously didn’t show up to, with countless women. Now when I visit home there are all of these hideous women mad at me for standing them up. Honestly, it’s so epic that I kind of respect it for its sinister planning.”
She Even Took His Best Friend

“My ex and I were high school sweethearts; She was my first and I was hers. We had been together for 5 years and lived together for 3 years when she broke it off. She waited about 4 weeks before she started dating my best friend, whom I had known since kindergarten. I and my ‘friend’ had always been very close for years. He talked with me when she broke it off and tried to console me. He also played the good guy while he and she were dating behind my back the whole time. This was a friend I was hanging out with almost daily, for my whole life; We would skype, play all the new games together, took our first sips of alcohol together, hell – we even went to the same schools just to be able to study the same things. I didn’t see it coming and was heartbroken when it ended.
She took all of ‘our’ stuff and moved out on the same day. I was left in complete awe and didn’t even manage to put up a fight before she had 90% of everything we owned together. She even took my best friend. He just stopped talking to me after a few weeks and I haven’t heard from any of them for 4 years now. I didn’t know that they had been dating so early before a mutual friend told me one year later when they announced their relationship. It left me f—ed up and I now have trust issues. I have never been as lonely in my life as I am now. What really sickens me is that she stole my best friend. She could have had everything else but why my best friend…”
She Really ‘Screwed’ Him Over

“This happened while we were together. She would just randomly go on some crazy binge and act nuts. Example: We would be watching TV and then she would get up and on her way to the kitchen, grab the DVD rack and throw it down. So she cut up all my shirts, broke all the dishes, spit on me, took a screwdriver to my car, slept with 7 of my friends and had two threesome’s with 4 different people.
Then after I kicked her out, she stole my dog. I could not have ended up with a more opposite person. She went to college and got pregnant the first semester and never returned. My dog died and I never got him back…”
She Received Half

“I’m a home inspector and a lot of times I do inspections for homes where the seller is represented by the real estate agent. I show up early and no one is home. A few minutes later the listing agent and the buyers show up.
The listing agent looks to me and says ‘So the sellers are going through a divorce, just in case you wonder when you walk in’. He opens the door and every bit of furniture is cut in half. Tables, chairs, dressers. All cut right down the middle. I got to talking with the listing agent and he told me what the husband said to him ‘B—h cheated on me and still gets half. Well, that’s what she gets: Half’. I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or be depressed…”
Religious Harassment

“My ex put me on the mailing and call list for every church group she could find. For two months my phone was blowing up with calls from churches and evangelicals. They all wanted to: collect money, send me bibles, and send pamphlets. The ones that had my address did send me bibles and pamphlets. It took a lot of patient explaining and occasionally some frustrated yelling, to get myself removed from everything.”
Too Young For A Financial Crisis

“He kicked me out with 3 months left on our lease. (Both of our names were on it). Maxed out both of my credit cards and refused to split the balance when I left. And after I moved out, he racked up $1000 in charges exceeding our security deposit and I heard nothing of it until I get a call from a collections agency 6 months after I moved out. He said he would only pay 60% because since both our names were on the lease, his negligence was somehow ‘my responsibility’.
I work for an attorney and know it’s all a civil matter so I figured I would pay the remaining 40% to get the collections agency taken care of and then take him to court later. He called me one day to let me know he had paid his 60% and when I called to pay the balance I was informed he never paid any of it, and if they didn’t receive full payment within a month, it was going on my credit report. So all in all, I was out about $4000 plus my half of the security deposit. At the time, I was 21 years old making less than $16,000 a year so that was a significant setback. The stupid things we do when we’re young.”
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Ex-Girlfriend Released Her Anger Issues, With A Hammer

“A friend of mine thought it was a good idea to date his next-door neighbor. He also thought it was a good idea to break up with her at Denny’s. After he broke it off, they got home and she burst into the house. She then locked herself in his bedroom, for a long time. After that, she ran out of the house, went to her house, grabbed a hammer, and proceeded to make mincemeat out of her own car hood cover, parked outside the apartment. She then got in the car and drove it into a dumpster. The cops realized they were dealing with an unstable ex and took her away for the night for evaluation.”

“When I was in college my now ex-boyfriend, slashed my tires when I was at work. My tires were only a few months old and I worked at a convention center. We broke up as I was heading to work and obviously knowing being broken up would mean moving out, I couldn’t just be unemployed and have no money. So I went. As I was driving there I had received text after text that he was going to have some other girl over, etc. I go to leave to a friend’s house around midnight and my tire started acting funny. It was cut up from the rim, across, and down toward it.
And then he physically shoved me out of his house and called the police because I brought a male friend to help me get me things. Said male friend did not come inside but waited in my vehicle at the road but I felt better with him being there. Ex tried fighting my friend and tried ripping my door open and even ran across the yard ripping off his shirt and shoes.”
An Actually Super Psycho Ex-Girlfriend

“I had a bat s–t crazy ex. Too many crazy stories to tell but here’s one. I had a sick Mustang Shelby GT-500 and at the time was living alone. My girlfriend, at the time, came over to spend the night, but during her stay, she wanted to go to the store. She told me she knew how to drive so I said borrow my car and get something. 5 minutes later she calls me saying she got into an accident. Totalled. Heart drops. After everything was done her mom comes over telling me she doesn’t even know how to drive.
After I confronted her about it, she tells me she’ll help me get another car. A month later she pulls up with a 2008 Mustang GT telling me she got it for me. I say okay and hand over the title. She says she still has to make payments on it. I was fine with that. Two months later I’m leaving for work and the car is missing. I’m going crazy like ‘did someone steal it?’. Get a call from her saying she’s trading it in for a Toyota Camry. She then goes off on a rant about it’s her car she can do what she wants. Which is true. Fine. But don’t f—ing leaves me stranded at work without saying anything.
Another month passes I finally get another car for myself…I and the crazy b—h were on and off at the time. I started seeing a new girl. One day while being home, I hear my bell ringing. I go downstairs and it’s my neighbor frantically yelling saying she saw a Spanish girl scratching my car. I go to look and on the hood was written ‘F–k you’ and on the side a long deep key scratch. It was her. She was salty about me seeing a new girl that she had to destroy my property.
This wasn’t the end. She had close ties with one of my managers at work. A week after that incident my manager emails me saying that I’m fired. Gives me a silly reason about how there wasn’t that much work and my position was being taken away. She was a very vindictive b—h. She knew that was my only means of income. After I had no job I had no way to pay for my car. She somehow managed to talk to my loan company and tell them where my car was to get it towed since I haven’t made a payment in two months. I was Saving up while doing side jobs to pay them. They took the car and added more fees which I couldn’t even pay for. The car was gone…Yep… She still tries to contact me to this day. She somehow found me on hangouts and sent me a message asking how I was doing. She hasn’t seen or heard from me… Crazy b—h..”
Permanent Marker Is Forever

“My ex-boyfriend completely destroyed my apartment. He took a permanent marker to every piece of furniture, every item of clothing. Used a knife and slashed profanities into my couch, chairs, mattress. Wrote profanities on my bags, suitcases, fridge. Everything was slashed or written on. Literally everything.”
A Little TOO Persistent At Getting Him Back

“My ex-girlfriend showed up at my house at 2 AM, persistently slamming her fists on my door. She called my phone 107 times, sent 63 text messages, left 7 hate-filled voicemails, attempted to FaceTime 15 times, tried to break in through my front windows (which I usually leave unlocked because I always forget my keys), ripped the screens off the windows, ripped my mailbox off the wall and destroyed all of my mail and left it scattered throughout my yard. Oh yea, this happened all in the pouring rain…after she broke it off with me…”
New Girlfriend Takes The Pain

“My ex girlfriend broke into my house and destroyed a lot of stuff that belonged to my new girlfriend. Mind you, she broke up with me… Also, the new girlfriend and I met after we broke up. The stuff she ruined was a lot of clothes and some makeup. I couldn’t give you a monetary value, but the invasion of privacy was a big deal.”