21 Cartoons That Perfectly Illustrate Your Smartphone Fixation By Minq Team ZoFotSmartphones are great; smartphones are terrible. Here's ample proof of the latter: You have to have the perfect angle. Do you ever sleep? You think it’s a certain way, but it really isn’t. People are turned into bystanders. Those tan lines, though. When you get away from your screen, no one else is free. It’s hard to stay connected in real life. The tweets that matter get ignored. Everything is just an opportunity for another selfie. No more action shots, ever. If you don’t tweet pictures of it, did it really happen? Nothing will calm you down but your phone. Your phone has made you exceedingly antisocial. The lengths you need to go to stop looking at your phone are extreme. You lose the personal touch in day-to-day moments. Your phone has directly led to you being injured. Everyone is a prisoner of their phone. You think it’s not a problem, even though it’s most definitely a problem. Quality time with the family becomes just time. The effects might last forever.