We've all been there. Maybe it was a Tinder date, maybe your best friend set it up, how we got there doesn't matter, it's how fast we got out of there does.

Had a date where we got to the place, ordered our food, and when it came out she actually picked up her plate and went to another table. Turns out she invited some of her friends and was thinking I’d be fine eating alone while she talked with them. I asked the waiter for my half of the check, got it. She apparently was not aware I’d already paid for my food. She kept ordering drinks, and dessert. Then she got drinks for her girlfriends.
Finally she came back to my table thanking me. I waved the waiter over, told him she was done. He came back and handed her a tab for well over $100 after all the drinks. She tried to claim I was paying, so I stood up, told her I had a good meal, and I hoped she could find a way home that didn’t involve a police cruiser. And I left Source

I was on a first date with a girl and everything was going great. We had a nice dinner and the conversation was great. After dinner, she asked if we could head to the bar where I had met her the week before. I said sure, no problem. We get to the bar, order a couple of drinks, and we’re having a pretty good time. She points out that the guy she dated for a few months, let’s call him Chad, was there. That’s kind of awkward to bring up, but whatever. I kind of know Chad since he’s a regular at the bar and we have some mutual friends. I didn’t know he and my date used to go out. Chad sees that I’m with her and soon leaves the bar. A few minutes later, my date starts checking her phone and texting someone. I go order another round of drinks. When I get back, my date asks if it would be ok if she went back to Chad’s house. I told her she could do whatever she wanted to. I then said goodnight and went home alone. She texted me an hour later apologizing and said that Chad wouldn’t let her in. She then asked if she could come to my house. I politely declined and went to sleep. So, I would say trying to hook up with your ex is a huge no-no for a girl to do on the first date Source
Never Agree To Something Like This

My wife told me this one yesterday, about her older sister on a first date when she was a teen. The guy asked her to show up wearing red, anything red. She wore a red skirt with red nails. He drove her to a well known make out spot and tried to convince her to dance beside the car while he played “Lady In Red” from the tape deck. As I understand, she wasn’t impressed Source
This Should Be Obvious…It’s Not

Ignore the guy and constantly text on the phone Source
Your Hobbies Are Dumb Anyway!

If you’re going to ask a girl about her hobbies, don’t spend the next couple of minutes crapping on her hobbies. The one-up game isn’t nice.
Was on a date just last week actually
“Whats your favorite thing to make?”
“I’ve been told I make a really good medium rare steak”
“Medium rare? So all you do is control the temperature? That’s not impressive.”
“…Do you like to cook?”
“No. I don’t see the need to cook. I can just go to a restaurant and buy food. Haha. Why try to make a steak when you can go to a restaurant and get a good one?”
I think with that comment he was trying to show off that he had money to always go out to eat? I have no idea. But jokes on him, what I like to do on later dates is invite the guy over for a home cooked meal. It’s a subtle way of getting a guy over to my place. But that wasn’t going to happen with this one Source
Meet The Parents! And The Grandparents! And The Cousins!

He initiates a dinner date. Dinner date ends up being with his extended family. Since he drove us, I get stuck back at his mom’s home with extended family while he disappeared somewhere. I’m not even socially comfortable around my own extended family Source

Ask to wear matching outfits. I wish I was kidding Source
We’re Going Out And Grandma’s Paying!

Take you to his grandmother’s house and ask her for money to pay for the date…
I was at work one day, and this guy comes in and starts talking to me. Turns out he was my next door neighbor from 15 years ago. He asks me to hang out, and I say sure thinking why not catch up since it’s the first time I’ve seen him since then. Literally didn’t even realize it was a date.
It was a really nice day out, so he invited me on a ride on his motorcycle. He picks me up at my house, and as soon as I put a helmet on, he’s like, “OK, first I’m taking you to see my grandma.” Drives us over there and introduces me to her by saying “So this is that girl I told you I really like… I’d really like to take her to dinner, so can I have that money now?” I’m just standing off to the side super awkward because who tf introduces someone to their grandma on a first date, let alone blatantly asks for money from her? She gives him $20 and he tells me we can go to Dairy Queen.
We drive around for a bit and eventually end up at one. He tells me the only thing I’m allowed to get is a five buck lunch. OK, whatever. He makes a little bit of a scene because he wanted his drink with no ice and hadn’t told her that before she already poured his drink. We sat down and started talking, and immediately he’s talking about all these vacations we can go on, how he wanted to take me to the mountains in the winter and how we should really start planning for my birthday 9 months away, because we should totally go across the country to this one resort he knew. In my mind I’m just like ok buddy slow down a bit and also how tf are you going to pay for all of that.
We finish eating and he decides he wants to take me to his cousins’ house. We spent a solid hour there just with him socializing with them. I’m not even included in the conversation at all. He then takes me to his great-aunt’s house, which was pretty depressing considering she has Alzheimers and both of my grandfathers’ died from that, so it’s a bit of a sore spot for me. Spent another hour or so there. Went back to his cousin’s house to socialize some more there. Proceeded to slap my butt in front of them.
We’re finally done socializing, so he drives up to this remote spot so we could finally talk. He goes to kiss me at one point, I turn my head because seriously no thank you, he bites my neck and tells me I’m lucky he’s not a vampire. I’m constantly hinting that I want to go home, but he’s not getting it, and I don’t want to be rude because he’s my ride and we’re literally at least an hour away from where I live and I don’t want to get ditched or anything like that.
Finally he takes me home and I pretty much go inside without him as quickly as possible. The next two days in a row he shows up at my house uninvited and spends a solid hour there each time just talking to my mom. Luckily I wasn’t there either time. He shows up at my work, I tell him flat out he creeper me out and I wasn’t interested. He comes back the next day to ask me out again, tell him no again. Stops in the next week, addresses me as babe, tells my coworkers I’m his girlfriend, and jfc I thought I was going to have to get a restraining order against him.
Dude was 32 btw Source
Oh Heck NO!

One time, a guy asked me out and showed up in those toe shoes. Didn’t realize it was at the top of my “no no” list until it happened Source
Hello? I’m Talking Here! Hellllooooo

Expecting him to keep the conversation going. Dialog is a two-way-road Source
So Boring!

Wear too much cologne. Be on your phone. Talk about your ex. I had a man who brought her up and said I reminded him of her. Ive also had men just talk about how much they hated their exes it’s just awkward Source
Hope You Can Juggle

90% of female Tinder profiles: “Message me first and entertain me because I don’t like boring guys.” Oh so it’s cool if you’re boring, but I have to keep you constantly entertained like a court jester Source
Breadsticks Are The Best

Don’t take your date to olive garden, slurp your soup up really really fast, use your finger to get the remaining traces out of the bowl and lick your fingers, and then request two more soup refills in a row so i have to endure this torture again and again Source
Run Away. Quickly. And Far Away.

Met her online and we chatted for awhile. She told me about how her ex husband hooked up with her best friend and they ran away together. It actually explained a lot. One night we agreed to meet up after I got off work. The entire day she called me baby, said she loved me, and texted non stop. If I didn’t answer her texts right away, she would blow up my phone with calls. She knew where I was. Then during the last 2 hours of my shift, she would count down. Only 2 hours, an hour 45, hour 30 and so on till the last 20 minutes then it was every minute. Finally, when my shift was over she text me 3 or 4 times if I was on my way. I finally had enough and told her no, I wasn’t and it wasn’t going to happen. Then she starts with the pictures of her crying. I had to f’ing ghost her for 2 days before she stopped. Poor girl didn’t even make it to starting the first date Source
Playing Games Is For Children

Playing hard to get. I’m dumb as heck when it comes to stuff like that, so please don’t do it Source
These Boots Are Made For Walking

My uncle recently went on a date with a woman he met online. He took her to a wine bar he likes, thinking they’d both drink some wine and talk. He was going to pay, so they both order a glass, and he got up to run to the bathroom. Walking down the hall to the restrooms, the bartender who he knew stopped him and said, “I thought you should know, she just ordered a $100 glass of wine. If you want to keep going, the door at the end of the hall is an exit.” And so he kept walking and left. Don’t spend $100 of someone else’s money on one glass of wine on a first date without OK ing it with them first Source
Friendly Guy

Don’t flirt with the waiter. And the girl sitting next to us. And my roommate… Source
Does It Really Need To Be Said

Don’t meet me at your favorite local pub and then spend the entire date talking to your friends and the regulars and ignore me entirely. I didn’t come there to talk to Pete with the wife-beater at the corner of the bar. Don’t bang someone else while I’m in the next room at the party you dragged me to. OK, it’s the first date and we’re far from exclusive at this point, but WTF… Come to think of it, don’t take me to a party on the first date. Don’t intentionally dress like a slob to make sure I like you for you. I’m not superficial and I want to know who you really are, but if you look like a wreck that doesn’t say a lot about you and I don’t like playing games. Don’t tell me your grandfather is coming over so I should go, when it’s really one of your FWBs Source
So Creepy!

1) take me to your place. A guy did it once, no warning after we went out to eat. I had to ask where we were driving when I assumed he was talking me back to my car and he drove in the other direction.
2) neg my taste “oh you like that sushi place? Well I’ve never heard of it and I know good sushi so the place you’re recommending must suck” Source
OH! Buuuuuuuurn!

Don’t play hard to get, when you’re already hard to want Source