Parents routinely put a lot of trust in their babysitters, but sometimes they aren't always as responsible as they should be. Sometimes inappropriate, sometimes strange and sometimes downright terrifying, parents reveal the shocking things they've discovered their babysitter doing.
“I Came Home To Find The Babysitter Had Left.”

“One kid was 2 and the other was 6 months old. Fortunately they were asleep, but I still couldn’t believe it. We checked all around the house figuring he was asleep, but he wasn’t there. Then we called his dad to see if he was there, which he wasn’t. Then about 15 minutes later he came running into the house claiming he was outside talking with someone. Of course we had just come in from outside and hadn’t seen him. I don’t know what we were thinking, but we paid him and he left. The next day he and his dad came by, apologized, and gave the money back.” (Source)
It Didn’t Have The Right Feng Shui.

“We had a friend’s daughter looking after the kids for the first time and when we got home, she had reorganized almost everything in the house. Not just a shelf or two… like everything. After she left, my wife and I spent quite a bit of time walking around, finding other things she had been into. The kitchen was completely reordered, closets had different things in them, all of my CDs, DVDs, etc. There wasn’t a particular, obvious pattern to what she’d done either. No clear ‘system’ that made sense to us; just random, unintuitive changes. It was super creepy. We never called her again.” (Source)
Sometimes Multitasking Can Be Bad.

“She had brought her laptop and had been doing a striptease on cam.” (Source)
Umm… WHAT?!

“This is NOT my story (thankfully). My good friend has a very rocky relationship with her mother in law. Her MIL is way, way too attached to her husband. In a ‘cut the umbilical cord already’ way. So, when they had their son, a lot of that was transferred to the baby. Things like calling the baby by my friend’s husband’s name and saying things like, ‘you love grandma SO much more than mommy and daddy, don’t you?’ Just a bit creepy and irritating. My friend and her husband went out when the baby was about four months old, leaving the mother in law to babysit. They came home early and everything was dark. No TV, no lights – nothing. They can hear the white noise in their son’s room, and hear the rocking chair squeaking away. So, they go back to investigate, not turning any lights on or calling out as they go, thinking ‘it must have been a rough night with the baby, mother in law must be trying to get him back to sleep.’ When they get there they see mother in law, in the rocking chair with the baby, with her shirt pulled up, and her breast in the baby’s mouth. The baby was fast asleep, latched on to grandma’s saggy boob. Needless to say, friend and hubby freak out. Mother in law cries, says she just wanted the baby to love her. They kick her out of the house, and as my friend says, have ‘years of cringe worthy images in their heads to try and drink away.'” (Source)

“Kinda the opposite. The parents came home to me taking a picture of their refrigerator. The husband has written ‘I luv good horny beaver 4 fun’ in magnetic letters and forgot about it… until they saw me taking a picture. They gave me $50 for 2 hours and never called me again. They won’t even look me in the eye when I see them around the neighborhood.” (Source)
Yeah, Nope.

“Giving the baby whiskey, definitely.” (Source)
Just Plain Cruel.

“When I was 8 my parents went out to dinner. They left me and my sister (5) with a babysitter. We were always pretty self-contained kids, so we were quietly playing with our toys and having a good time. The babysitter was only really there to make sure we didn’t hurt ourselves, but apparently she wanted to be more involved. At about 9 PM, she screams for us to come into the living room. She then tells us that she saw a man outside wearing a mask and looking through the windows and tells us to get down and be very quiet. So we get down on the floor, insanely scared. We’re there for about ten minutes when we hear the handle of the door turning. My sister is silently sobbing. Our parents then walk in, asked what was going on, and then never hired that girl again. To be clear, there wasn’t anyone outside the house. My sister took a while to get over it and didn’t like being alone in our house until she was in her teens.” (Source)
Oh How Considerate!

“Stark naked doing her laundry, (did not want to be rude by borrowing a robe or towel), but using our washing machine and dryer was okay, sitting butt naked all over our furniture that too was okay, but NOT borrowing a robe or towel TOO F–KING IMPOLITE.” (Source)
Mmm… Carpet.

“Long time babysitter here. Once a kid’s parents walked in on him licking carpet because I dared him to. They had a good laugh and still refer to it when they see me.” (Source)

“I came home to find my husband f–king our 13 year old babysitter. He worked days and I worked swings, but he’d have to stay late all the time so we had a girl that lived down the street that watched our kids. I started feeling sick an hour into work and went home. When I came in I heard a noise from upstairs. I went in our room and she was in our bathroom and he was naked and hiding in the closet. I freaked out and was screaming at him. I didn’t know what to do and he was giving me a half a–ed excuse about how he was changing clothes. I told him to get the f–k out and drove the girl home, the whole time she was crying and apologizing and asking me not to tell her parents. I sat there all night alternating between crying and thinking about it and finally called her parents. We talked and decided we needed to call the cops. They arrested my husband and in the next few weeks it came out that this had been ongoing for almost a year and had started when she was 12. According to what I heard from her parents she thought the two of them were ‘in love’ and going to get married after she turned 17 and he divorced me. It ended up never going to trial because she couldn’t hold herself together to testify. They let him plea bargain to a felony child abuse charge and he was sentenced to 2 years in prison. He served a little over a year and was paroled. His parental rights were terminated while he was in prison and I have a lifetime restraining order against him. Last year I heard he actually did end up marrying her and they had 2 kids that were taken away by the state because of drug abuse. She is like 21 now and he’s 42.” (Source)
At Least She Took It Outside??

“My dad came home to my older sister crying and the babysitter on the porch smoking crack. Thankfully he forgot something so he turned around on his way to work or who knows what would’ve happened.” (Source)
What Was Happening Here?

“For my parents it would be my babysitter in the middle of throwing up while pretty drunk. She was a good friend of the family and I was probably 8 at the time. I had been mixing rum and cokes for her all night, pretty much half and half. She asked me why it tasted funny since it was a bit strong and I said it was the knock off coke my mum buys. My parents thought it was hilarious since I had taken this opportunity to watch horror films.” (Source)
Wrong Time, Wrong Place.

“My best friend hired a babysitter (15/16 female) to watch her 3 year old son, knowing that the babysitter was going to invite her boyfriend over. She came home to a embarrassed, crying teenage girl who had just lost her virginity IN my best friends bed. Blood EVERYWHERE.” (Source)
Bad Timing.

“I am a 30 year old male, but when I was in high school I did a lot of baby sitting and had a few regulars. This is the last time I babysat for one of them… I was very very very sick, but they called and asked me to babysit, I advised them I was sick but would do it if they really needed me to. They said they did, so I went over. They had three daughters, and the middle one was also sick, So I went through the normal routines, and got them to bed, but the middle one just wouldn’t stay down, so I said she could watch a movie with me, as I wasn’t up for anything else. Well I flicked through the cable channels and found a kid friendly movie, and laid down on the couch, well due to my illness I promptly fell asleep. I guess in my sleep the 5 year old crawled up on me and fell asleep on top of me. and there we were till the parents came home, and in the meantime the movie changed from a kid friendly one to a very adult one, and the parents came home to me on the couch, with their 5 year old on top of me, with a sex scene in a movie playing on their big screen. They didn’t really listen to my explanations. They drove me home and never called me again.” (Source)
Glass Half Full?

“I dated a guy who told me his sister had hired an old lady to babysit her daughter while she worked. She came home one day and her daughter was tied to a clothes line by a dog leash. The woman genuinely didn’t see anything wrong with it. She just figured ‘well she gets to run around outside all day.'” (Source)
You Can Always Trust A 4-Year-Old.

“When my son was little, we had an at-home provider for a while when my wife and I were at work. She was great at first, but during the summer, it was starting to become evident she was having her family (little sisters and brothers) start to have the run of our house. She wasn’t allowed to do that, but we would find other kids’ flip flops by the door, a pair of little girl’s socks we did not own, toys that weren’t ours, and some of my son’s toys gone. They also raided our food quite frequently. New gallon of milk? Gone. 24-pack of soda? Gone. Honey-baked Ham we were saving for Easter? Gone. It wasn’t consistent, but started to become more and more of a problem. Then the thing that ended it finally was I had a computer repair and upgrade business on the side. I came home and found my son had taken a huge screwdriver and some pliers to one of my client’s custom systems and pried out all the parts from all the circuit boards. I was mortified, terrified, and livid. I screamed at that woman, ‘why did you let him do this?’ She honestly said, ‘he said he was allowed to!’ I screamed back, ‘HE’S F–KING FOUR YEARS OLD! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ADULT!’ She started crying. I fired her.” (Source)
What A Selection!

“The babysitter was trying on my mother’s clothes when I was lying there unattended.” (Source)

“My next door neighbor was the popular quarterback for the local high school and he just happened to be my parents go to for a quick sitter. One such evening I went to bed at 9. The minute I walked upstairs I swear I heard more than one voice. Within an hour there was a full-fledged party at my house. The neighbor had obviously lost control of the situation and instead of dealing with it he called the police. My parents came home about 15 minutes after the police arrived at the house. They were immediately questioned as if they were responsible for the goings on at their house while away. Apparently, the neighbor had gone back to his own house and called in a noise complaint on our house. Too bad for him that I was still awake, and feeling like the coolest kid on earth, since I had a bunch of cool teenagers partying at my house. I had no problem telling the cops exactly what happened, I thought they would want to know I was cool enough to hang out with high schoolers.” (Source)
That Call Was Super Important.

“One time while we were in France (I was 9, my sisters were 6 and 3), my parents went out to dinner and left us with a babysitter they had found through a local agency. I was old enough to handle myself, but they figured being in a foreign country and having such a young child they should have someone there anyways. I don’t remember anything from that experience, but from what my parents tell me they came home to find the babysitter upstairs in one of the bedrooms on her phone, my youngest sister on the floor bleeding because she had waddled into a table and fallen and hit/cut her head, and the other two of us hiding in the bathroom.” (Source)