We've all experienced it before; we meet someone and for no reason other than pure instinct, we have a strange feeling about them. It turns out you should really trust your gut instinct, as these people revealed shocking stories of times they had a bad feeling about someone, only to be 100% right.
Don’t Be Afraid To Speak Up.

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“I met this guy through my social network who just terrified me. For no reason whatsoever he scared me and I felt like I hated him and needed to get away from him at all costs. I wound up losing a lot of friends because he was really charming and nothing but polite to me, so they didn’t understand why I was so rude to him. Wouldn’t you know it, he took advantage of three girls in that group within the next few months. No one reported anything. A few of them did acknowledge that I was ‘right about him’ but I was not accepted back into the group. He stayed away from me usually, until one time I told a friend to stay away from him and he must have heard about it. He cornered me in a stairwell and told me he’d never touch me anyway because I wasn’t hot at all. Good. Thanks” (Source).
Right To Be Wary.

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“Girlfriend had really good guy friend before we started dating. Long story short this dude was obviously into her in a very creepy way, and she seemed to egg it on and ‘not know she was encouraging it.’ I used to talk to her about it often because it bothered me. Fast forward 2 years. I’m out of town. Girlfriend says she’s going out with a few of our mutual friends and ‘the guy’ is coming along. I get texts from our mutual friends saying they got pretty wasted and were acting ‘way too nice’ to each other. I get home and ask her about it, because she knows it concerns me. She just tells me ‘if you don’t understand the relationship between me and him then that’s your fault. I’ve known him much longer than you.’ Find out a week later they’ve been hooking up for the entirety of our relationship. This is why I don’t trust anyone” (Source).
The Most Popular Guy In School…

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“There was a guy at my University who was pretty popular; he got good grades, good looking, really personable guy. We shared a desk space for the first year of University in our studio, he was always really chatty and nice, but I didn’t get too close to him because he always gave me a really ‘fake’ vibe. My friend started dating him in our second year, and they pretty much dropped off everyone’s radar after the first month of them dating. Like she wouldn’t call anyone back or come hang out, she stopped coming into school. Eventually, halfway through the year, she suddenly dropped out and moved back to her home country. She got in touch with me after dropping out through Facebook; it turned out that the guy was super abusive and controlling; she said it got to the point where he was controlling how much she ate because he wanted her to lose weight. She’s better now, back at home with her family. It makes me so angry to think that he probably targeted her because she was foreign and had no real support system in place, so the only way she could really get out was to blow up her education and return home” (Source).
She Had No Idea At The Time.

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“I read a story about Jared Fogle from the Subway commercials after he was charged. Apparently some young girl met him about 3 years prior and had said, ‘Jared from the Subway commercials is a wasted terrible guy.’ As I was taking a picture with him his hand was moving lower and lower towards my rear. I was about 14 at this time. No thank you.’ Sadly, she was right about him” (Source).
A 5 Year Old’s Gut Feeling.

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“When I was five my dad had a friend he’d bring by occasionally. I normally loved all my dad’s friends, but this dude affected me. I hated him at first sight. Just pure, primal hate. He never did anything to me, but I’d hide if he came over. One day he brought his girlfriend over. Pretty little thing, very young. My dad asked her to watch me for a bit while the guys ‘worked on the motorcycles.’ During our walk the girlfriend broke down and confessed he had been beating her for months and she didn’t know what to do. I asked her why she didn’t just hide from him. She told me she had tried, but he always tracked her down and beat her worse. She was so tiny and so scared. No one else knew what he was doing, but somehow I just knew he was evil. I asked my dad about her a few years ago, and he said the guy started getting careless about where he bruised her. So my dad and a couple of his other friends talked to her, then called up her family back east. They had been estranged because of the guy, but when it was explained to them what was happening to her they asked her to come back home. So the guys pooled enough money for a bus ticket and smuggled her out of his house during a party, and took her to the bus station. Her ex freaked out when he found her gone the next morning and started swearing to kill her. He ended up getting his butt kicked, and that’s the last my dad saw of him. He heard from the girl a few years later, and she was still with her family and was doing a lot better” (Source).
Can’t Admit That At Church.

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“There was a woman at my church, who I immediately read as into girls to me because she just pinged me as that type. But she was married, and had 4 kids, and seemed happy in her marriage and her life. Maybe 10 years after I first met her (and 2 kids later), we were having a fairly personal conversation and she confessed to me that she had always struggled with ‘feelings for girls stronger than friends’ and even though she loved her husband she often found herself ‘resenting his masculinity.’ So yeah, there was that!” (Source).
You Can’t Even Trust A Monk.

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“I went to Tiger Temple in Thailand about 4 or 5 years ago. It’s a place that marketed itself as some kind of refuge for tigers, run by monks. I knew something was off and that there was definitely something fishy going on. Recently it’s turns out that the monks were illegally breeding the Tigers and selling them and their body parts on the black market” (Source).
Good Reason To Be An Ex

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“I did not like my brother’s (now ex) girlfriend at all and no one in my family could understand why. They all said she seemed like such a sweet girl, but I thought she seemed a little ‘off.’ Her nice attitude came off as extremely fake to me. Fast forward to December of 2013. It was during winter break, so everyone was home from college and my brother decided to have a little get together. Nothing huge, he just invited his two friends over and his girlfriend. My younger brother and I hung out with them that night as well. We had a good time and my brother’s friends went home around midnight. That night my older brother slept on the couch, his girlfriend slept in my older brother’s room, and my younger brother and I slept in our own bedroom. We woke up and had breakfast in the morning. Nothing out of the ordinary. Later that day my mom gets a phone call from her (brother’s girlfriend) parents saying that she was taken advantage of in our house last night. This shocked everyone because we were all hanging out last night and no one saw anything happen. She claimed that my brother’s friend took advantage of her around midnight last night before they went home. She initially claimed it happened in the bathroom and she screamed, but when we realized that couldn’t have happened, she changed her story and said in happened in the dude’s car. Her story didn’t seem to add up and she later admitted she lied about it because she lost her phone that night and didn’t want her parents to be mad at her. She figured that if she was taken advantage of, her parents wouldn’t be mad at the fact that she lost her phone. She blamed the guy because she wanted to go down on him, but he declined, so she was mad at him. She even wanted to get back with my brother after admitting the truth and didn’t understand why he hated her. Being taken advantage of is obviously extremely serious and should be taken seriously, but we had police and CPS at our house because a girl lost her phone. The guy she blamed was questioned by the police and branded as a guy that took advantage of girls. I am not undermining how horrible being treated like that is. I just hate how someone can use someone else’s traumatic experience and pass it off as their own because she lost her phone” (Source).
No Second Date

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“My mom told me a story of a guy she went on one date with in high school. She said she got an odd vibe from him. Nothing in particular, just a weird feeling. Needless to say they didn’t go on another date. 10 years later, he slaughtered his entire immediate family in there sleep in one night with a shotgun” (Source).
Kenneth John Freeman

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“I lived in China for a few years for work, and the Westerners in our area all knew each other and we generally hung out together when we could. One day a new guy showed up at the gym, so we decided to help him feel at home. Nice guy named John, but his story was a bit off. He seemed a bit on edge all the time and liked to party and chase the local girls. We went out to the bars pretty frequently and ate lunch together, and he just seemed like a normal guy otherwise. After my assignment ended, I came back to the USA and saw John’s mug shot on America’s Most Wanted – turns out he had been taking advantage of his daughter and posting the videos on the internet, and the FBI had been chasing him for years. He was an ex-cop and IT expert, and used his skills to get himself a passport and a Chinese Visa. He made it to China, where there are no extradition laws, and he got away with it for a while until he went to Hong Kong for vacation. He took out a few local cops when his plane landed and they arrested him, but they ended up extraditing him back to the US, and he’s now serving a 50 year sentence in a federal prison. This sicko was Kenneth John Freeman” (Source).
Sketchy College Girl

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“I went to college in Kentucky. We met a girl named Angela who had a British accent. I was skeptical of her British-ness. We called her in the wee hours of the morning and she answered the phone as a sleepy-American” (Source).
No Vindication.

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“Not me, but my mom. Both my brother and I went to Catholic school which was attached to a Catholic church. None of our teachers were priests or nuns, but we went to mass every Friday morning. Everybody knew the priests in the parish, and all the kids at the school especially loved a priest who we called Father Matt. Father Matt was super nice, went to all the school events, helped with school fundraisers, and had a cool dog (a black lab who knew how to play dead). Nobody had anything bad to say about Father Matt. Except my mom. My mother did not like Father Matt. My brother was an alter boy (all the boys in a certain grade were alter boys). My mother insisted that my dad be in the same room with my brother the entire mass, including when the boys changed into their robes and prepared for the mass. Neither me nor my brother were allowed to go on field trips where Father Matt was the only chaperone. We weren’t allowed to play with Father Matt’s dog. When we went to mass on Sundays (which was rare), we went to the Spanish/English mass because Father Matt never did those. If you can’t guess, my mother was convinced Father Matt was taking advantage of children. All of the parents and teachers at the school thought my mom was nuts. Some were even mad at my mom for trying to ‘ruin’ Father Matt’s reputation. My mom didn’t back down. She lost a lot of friends, and I was uninvited to a lot of birthday parties. When I was in 7th grade, Father Matt was unexpectedly ‘moved to a parish who needed his skills more than ours. ‘Anybody who has seen Spotlight knows what that actually meant. He had gotten caught messing with an alter boy, and he had been moved to avoid charges. I asked my mom if she felt vindicated because she had been right or if any of other families felt stupid. My mom said she was just really sad. I think she really wanted to be wrong” (Source).
The Horse Whisperer.

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“My wife is a pastry chef. One day, a new older couple took ownership of one of the few restaurants in the town. My wife was working at the local hipster coffee shop, and her manager there encouraged her to meet with the new owners of the restaurant as it represented a bigger opportunity for her. She met with them, and they instantly wanted her to work for them, and she became one of the head chefs and helped them open the restaurant. I met them for the first time later that week. I immediately got a really sketchy vibe from them. I told my wife that I didn’t trust them, and she shouldn’t either, but to see how things go. She thought that I was being silly, so I dropped it. Well, it turned out the wife was a total nut job. She once ‘caught’ a waitress picking up cig butts off the sidewalk out front (just tidying up). She fired the poor waitress on the spot citing a violation of their no-smoking policy. The husband was no better. He told stories of how he used to be a Native American horse whisperer. A bit of googling revealed that he tried, but was universally shunned from the community because he was neither Native American, nor good with horses. My father fixed some restaurant equipment for them and they would tried their damnedest to weasel out of paying him. My wife eventually quit after 2 pay checks bounced. And less than 2 years after opening, they disappeared from town and we heard they were fleeing the IRS for not having paid personal or business taxes for a long, long time” (Source).
It Sadly All Makes Sense Now.

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“My father used to hang out in his bedroom with my older sister, listening to music. He had arthritis so they’d turn on the tunes while she gave him a foot massage. I’d often knock on the door, which was locked, and ask to use the computer or to hang out and listen to music with them. He’d always take a really long time to answer and then be insanely angry at being disturbed. As a 10-year-old I thought it was very weird and would argue and argue because I didn’t understand how me sitting silently on the computer could disturb his massage. I found out three years later what he’d really been doing. Mum’s first thought was that my sister was lying. My first thought was, ‘Well, everything makes sense now'” (Source).
The Last Minute Roommate.

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“Back in college, I ended up getting a shared campus apartment with a few other people my sophomore year. The place we ended up getting had an extra room, so we recruited a random guy at the housing lottery. Basically we needed him right away in order to get the place, and had no time to vet him/ask around about him. Let’s call this extra roommate John. I had a skeezed-out feeling about John. I can’t really explain why. I ignored it because, for the most part, he seemed like a pretty decent dude. Art student, had a (super quiet and timid) girlfriend, very courteous. He was a big partier, and a couple times threw parties without letting us know, which was an issue. Once I came home and it was just him, his friend, and 10-20 freshman girls dancing wasted in the common area. I didn’t think much of it. One night I heard some really weird sounds coming from his room. A girl sobbing, and him going ‘ssshh, ssshh’ (this is hard to write about). I went out into the common area and stood there for a minute or two, listening at his door and wondering what to do. One of my roommates came out to and we both stood there listening and giving each other weird looks. We quietly discussed what we should do. Should we call the police? Knock on the door? It sounded like he might be having a fight with his girlfriend, but he also could have just been comforting her while she was upset. We both decided not to bother them and went back to our rooms. At the end of the semester, John’s girlfriend informed the police that he’d been repeatedly taking advantage of her and abusing her. After she confessed, a whole avalanche of reports came in from girls all around the state. Turned out John had been ‘recruiting’ girls from nearby schools to come to his parties (advertising free alcohol), and then taking advantage them. He ended up going to jail for a long time. I still think back on that night sometimes. I now know what was happening. I should have listened to my instincts. I should have just knocked on the door. That poor girl. I might have been able to save her a lot of grief, not to mention however many other girls he ended up getting taken advantage of that year. One of the biggest regrets of my life” (Source).
Don’t Put Me In Coach.

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“There was a guy in his 50s at my old high school who was the baseball coach and was frequently involved in other athletics as well. He was the type of faculty member that ‘everyone’ liked, who would get high-fives from students while walking through campus. He also was a well-known member of the community outside of school because he ran a popular sports camp in the summer for kids aged 8-16. I don’t know why but I always got a creepy feeling from him whenever I walked by him on campus. Something just seemed off about him that I couldn’t explain. Last year, a former camp student of his filed a suit and because of this more students came forward. Turns out he’d been molesting kids mainly aged 13 to 15 that would start out as ‘innocent massages’ into full taking advantage of them” (Source).
Half-Grin Half-Smirk.

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“Had a math teacher in middle school who was a decent teacher somewhere in his thirties, but was a little creepy – he would always do this half-grin/half-smirk. And lean down really close when checking homework. Many of us girls got the creeps. Half-way through the school year, he was arrested for having intimate conversations online with a girl around twelve or thirteen” (Source).
Double Whammy.

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“Not about someone, but a place. This was during world youth day in Sydney in 2008. At like 2pm me, my brother, my dad and a few friends left the big ceremony to get on the train to a football match. It was like a 20 minute walk from the train station to the stadium. On the way we walked past some ordinary looking stores opposite a petrol station. Idk why but I got a really weird feeling walking past the place. I told my dad and we stopped walking for a moment. It was a DVD/video store and a dead looking barber shop next to it. They were both closed. I don’t know how to explain it, but everything about the signage, the colors, the architecture, etc. just gave it a weird vibe. I was thinking it could be a substance lab or something out the back. Not even joking, like a week later there were reporters outside the place on the news. They were holding a TON of substances underground and the store owner was involved in circle of people that loved kids” (Source).
Can’t Believe These..
These stories were so spooky, and there’s tons more where they came from on Storyblend.com. Check out the creepy stories section!