You probably think that you're eating food correctly, but if you really stop and think about it you'll notice how many annoyances you go through to eat the foods you love. Instead of the eating rituals you are used to, try these new strategies to make eating so much easier and more convenient.

We are used to peeling a banana from the stem down. However, if we take a clue from our simian cousins and flip the banana over and give a gentle squeeze to the bottom of the peel, the peel will open up, which is much easier.
Chicken Wings

Annoyance is usually the feeling when you leave a delicious chicken wing half eaten with meat wedged between the bones. An easy trick to getting every bite of that tasty morsel is to pull the cartilage off at the wide part of the wing, gently twist and remove the small bone. Repeat this process, removing the larger bone, then you are able to enjoy the entire tidbit.
Ketchup and Fries

So often when you get fries in the drive through, you are left to figure out how you're going to dip them in the tiny ketchup packets you've been given. Instead of just squirting the contents onto your fries, you can carefully tear off the top of the packet and make a tiny bowl perfect for dipping.

Do you find it difficult to get the right proportion of frosting and cake in each bite of your cupcake? Or maybe you're sick of getting frosting nose with each bite. Twist off the bottom half of the cake part and place it on top to make a sandwich-like structure.

Instead of struggling with small pieces of the outer skin, try cutting off each end and then making a slice vertically into the orange. Roll it out to reveal succulent wedges for all to enjoy.

Cut a seedless watermelon in half. Take each half and make three horizontal cuts on either side of the watermelon only cutting through the rind. Then cut around the perimeter of each half. The last step is to hatch cut the fruit in each half. Turn the watermelon over, slightly push and bite size pieces will fall into a waiting bowl.
Chinese Take-Out

You don't need to provide your own plates when you get take-out from a Chinese restaurant. The appropriate way to eat Chinese food is to break-down the box around the food, creating a proper plate. Also, it is good to learn how to eat with chopsticks for the full experience.

This delectable treat can get quite messy when slicing. Try cutting the fruit in half and sliding each side down an 8 oz glass. The inside will peel out leaving workable fruit to cut, slice or dice.
Candy Apples

We usually eat this sweet treat but holding the stick upright and biting into it from the top. Try turning the stick sideways and eating the apple like a corn on the cob to avoid a sticky predicament.

It's pretty surprising how much of the strawberry is thrown away when slicing it for a dessert or salad. Try pushing a hollow straw through the bottom to the top only coring the fruit leaving you able to enjoy much more of this delectable morsel.

The crab-eating ritual seems to always include some violent banging in order to get through the hard shell. However, the greatest amount of meat can be gotten by simply breaking off the claw. Break off the claw and use it to dig out the meat.

Stop chasing these round vegetables around the plate. The simple approach to this roll-able problem is to use a fork, mashing this vegetable and making it much easier to manage.

The core is a myth. The entire apple can be eaten and enjoyed starting from the bottom. The seeds can be eaten also; it's all good for you! Make sure you wash the bottom and top well though, as these spots tend to get missed when washing off pesticides.

Eating sushi is all about the order of things. Make sure to flip the fish so that it is dipped into the soy sauce before putting ginger or wasabi on the morsel. Other methods may lead to just a soupy mess.

To eliminate the tedious, finger-dying process of opening a pomegranate, simply cut the fruit in half and twist. Gently tap each half with the back of a wooden spoon and watch the seeds fall out effortlessly.

Cutting off each end and slicing the fruit in medallions will prove to be more rewarding and less messy than the traditional attempts at slicing off the skin.
Boiled Eggs

Tired of the tedious picking when shelling boiled eggs? Try boiling eggs in baking soda. When complete, crack a quarter sized hole at each end of the egg an blow. The egg will come right out of its shell.
Lettuce Wrap

Is there anything worse than watching all of the innards of your taco fall out at soon as you take a bite? Wrap a piece of lettuce around your hard taco. This will keep the shell from breaking and will catch the stuff that falls out.
Flossy Knife

Use unscented dental floss to easily cut soft solids, like cake and cheese, without squishing it. Face it, you rarely floss anyway.