Breaking up with friends can be awkward and weird, but sometimes it has to happen. For these people, they didn't just make a break, they nuked the bridge and flipped the bird on the way out of town.
The Lowlife
“Constantly trying to hook up with any of my girlfriends I brought around him. He always blamed the booze, I blamed his lack of integrity. Huge scars were left on our friendship and we rarely see each other these days.”
The Back Stabber
“Well I guess she probably didn’t really consider me her friend, but I thought of her as mine. Overheard her talking to another friend about how much she couldn’t stand me when I was in the booth listening to people’s mics to make sure they were working before opening night of the musical. That was pretty crushing. I haven’t confronted her about it but I just try to avoid her now”
The Dead
“He went and died on me. He was a year older than me and was finishing up his first year of college. It was finals week and he was walking around campus and noticed a man harassing a group of women. He stepped in and ended up getting stabbed multiple times. He died in the hospital that night. His death really hit the county and university hard. They ended up honoring him with an official day of remembrance at the university to be observed yearly on May 11th.”
The Criminal
“My best mate in high school. Top bloke, shirt off ya back kinda fella. We experienced everything together; all the pre and post pubescent stuff, first f— around with illegal stuff, drugs, drinks you name it.
At the time both of us were heavily involved in trafficking weed through our respective schools, and due to my size I was a debt collector of sorts for kids who had stiffed the local dealers. Than through an unfortunate series of events, I cleaned meself up and dropped anything that wasn’t legal.
Doug though, he was having too much fun doing his thing. We still caught up as often, but this time I was just on the piss, not shooting gear or smokin dope. He would always ask, I would always decline. This pissed Doug off to the point he cut contact with me one day, really abruptly. Didn’t feel the need to pursue a reason.
Fast forward about 10 years, me Ma rings me, tells me that Doug had rocked up at my folks asking to catch up and bury the hatchet as he was clean, so she gave him me address and he was coming over.
The missus didn’t know about Doug and was fast asleep anyway, so I just left the door open a crack so I could hear his car pull up. Had a real bad feelin it though, to the point where I grabbed ‘the Pacifier’ – A length of thick Redgum I’d fashioned into a cudgel from my High School Woodwork days – that I usually keep near the door and slid it hidden from sight near the couch. Still dunno why.
Moments later, hear a car pull up. I go outside to meet him, and could immediately tell something was up. Firstly, Doug was f’ing flying, pupils like 5 cent pieces. So much for being clean. Second, instead of his crappy Holden we used to bomb around Broady in, he was driving some old Volvo. Now I know his family was the same as mine; pretty much Bogan (welfare) and diehard Holden lovers, so it struck as odd as hell. We used to nick a few cars for insurance jobs back in the day too: damn I haven’t thought about that in years.
Anyway after an awkward hand shake, I motion him around the back to the shed – basically my Man Cave. Hit the lights, grab a beer and toss one over to him.
F— me, he had had a rough time. Thin as a whip now, couple of dodgy neck and facial tats. He was pretty fidgety, I guess from the gear he was obviously on. He was rambling about his stint inside (not surprising), how his family had all moved back up north, and how he was clean now. I stopped him there and called him out. Basically said BS, can’t remember exactly what I said. He insisted it was from ‘Cold medicine’ or something. Pfft. The whole time he was looking around the shed, but only at certain things. Expensive things. Power tools. Gym kit.
My gun safe in particular.
I didn’t like where this was going, so told him we can catch up later on the week or something, I gotta go to bed. He was cool with that, smiled, patted me on the back and jumped back in his car after I walked him out. I stick me head in to say see ya, checked the ignition: of course there was no key.
Couple of days later, I note the Gun Safe had pry marks on the paint. Now this f’er is locked up good, solid steel, anchored to the concrete; it ain’t opening unless I open it. Aussie law is pretty hardcore with that s—. Call up the cops, tell em what’s happened. They come around and have a squizz, I let em know I’m pretty sure I know who tried to open it. Gave em Doug’s full name, left it at that.
Haven’t heard from the bloke in near 15 years. Frankly don’t care if I do.”
The Ungrateful
“He was going through a bad time with the woman he was living with and they split up. I offered to take him on a snow sports holiday, he accepted but he was struggling for money. So i paid for him to have a place to stay, lift passes, food etc. Basically everything was paid for and all he had to do was get there…I get a call a few weeks before we’re going and he says he can’t make it, too much work because his workers had let him down (he ran a building and home improvement business) etc blah etc. I say ok…
I go away on holiday and whilst I’m away he puts pictures of himself snowboarding in Bulgaria…with his workers (the ones who apparently had let him down) saying “snowboarding with my mates”, “another lovely day up the mountain” etc.
He’d rather go with his workers than the person who met him at 12 years old, who protected him at school and beyond, who leant him money, who was his best man at his wedding, who picked up his stuff when they divorced, who knew him for over 3 decades, etc etc etc etc.
That was the moment I stopped caring for him and refused to speak to him since.”
The Unreliable
“On her 21st birthday I went out with her, me and one other were the only people who showed up. She was my best friend for eight years. She rented the duplex next to me when we moved to a new city together.
I got too drunk during the bar crawl, I went to the bathroom to throw up. I come back to the bar and she’s gone, the two guys she was speaking to were gone as well. She took my jacket which had my house keys and my wallet.
Hail down a cab, promise the driver I’ll pay him when I get my wallet at home. Get home, she’s refusing to answer the door. Won’t answer her phone. I call this guy I just started seeing and give an explanation, he offers to have the cab driver take me there. $40 cab fare that he paid, and I had work in five hours. He drives me home in the morning and my friend pretends like nothing happened.
I realized then our entire friendship was always revolved around her and I couldn’t remember a time she was there for me, but always me being there for her. But since then I’ve never had a friend to talk to everyday like I did with her. My life is much more lonely, it’s weird.”
The Liar
“I was friends with a girl in college and she had a fiancee. Anytime I was into a girl I would talk to her about them, if she thought they were cool, if they mentioned me ect. After talking to her, these girls would systematically go from nice, friendly, budding relationship mode to completely shut down, radio silence. After like the third time I started to suspect my friend wasn’t talking me up to her friends like I thought she would. Come to find out she had been telling them I was a creep and had told her about violent rape fantasies I had for these girls. Turns out she had some unrequited feelings for me, which is fine, but she actualizing them in a super unhealthy way and trying sabotage all of my relationships.”
The Jerk
“I had a best friend who would ask out every girl (literally every girl) I ever expressed interest in (usually within a week of me telling him I had feelings). He’d usually blame me for my lack of social skills and the fact that I spent so much time studying (mostly because I felt so damn isolated from any sense of a social life). Eventually he tried to sleep with my girlfriend of 1.5 years. He said he’d stop trying to do things like that, then slept with her within a week of us breaking up. I spent too much time degrading myself on his behalf, now (about 3 years later) we’re able to be civil and actually get advice from one another if we need it. People grow and change, but we’ll never be as close as we once were. It’s weird, though, since we were once so close, we share very personal things with each other whenever we see each other…there’s some level of trust and brotherhood that’s maintained.”
The Unreasonable
“Not really my friend but my wife’s best friend for 10+ years. I met this guy at work and we had been getting along pretty well for about a year so I decided to invite him and his family over for dinner. As soon as he gets there my wife recognizes him and greets him by name. Turns out he’s an ex boyfriend of my wife’s bestie from more than five years ago. Wow! Small world, right? So we have a nice little dinner, drink some beers, our kids play and then they go home. The next day my wife’s friend comes to visit and I casually mention that he had come over (I honestly forgot they had ever dated). But this girl just totally LOOSES HER S— and starts crying and screaming at my wife, “How could you do this I thought we were friends”,”I can’t be around you anymore, you betrayed me.” So she leaves and gets on Facebook talking all kinds of s— about my wife being a slut and how our marriage is doomed to fail because she is so selfish. They haven’t talked since and this was about a month ago. My wife is still upset about it and will cry if she has too much to drink. I feel really bad for bringing it up in front of her but how the hell was I supposed to know she would react like that?”
The Ghost
“We got hired at the same time. We were in the waiting room for the interview. When they got to the part about “any more questions” we both actually inquired about the other and both of us basically said “you should hire that person, they’re really cool.” just from our chat in the waiting room.
We both got the job and when we got our assigned pod, we got seated together. We were close pals and went from co worker friends. To friends who traded numbers. To pals who hung out occasionally. To good friends who visited each other weekly. To best friends who I considered someone extremely close.
Me and her husband were best friends too! When she thought he was cheating on her, she called me crying to ask for advice. We worked through it and he wasn’t. When he thought she was a dead fish in bed, I worked with him to help their relationship thrive.
I’d have taken a bullet for either of them. They were, in the three years that I knew them, the MOST important people in my life. She got a new and better job, I was so excited to see her moving up in the world. We stayed close pals. When she changed jobs I actually caught her crying because she would miss working with me.
Few months passed, nothing had changed. Texted daily. Hungout 2-3 times a week. Still best buds. Her birthday rolled around. We all went out. Celebrated. I went home early. Next morning rolls around. She’s mad at me for ditching early. Explain it. She says okay it’s fine. Sparse chatting for a week.
Dead stop. Nothing. No texts, calls, hangouts, fb message, snapchat. Nothing. I call, text, hangouts, snap, never get anything back. I got hella worried, asked mutual friends “she just texted me today, she’s fine.”
After 3 months I took the hint. I removed her from my Facebook, snap, contacts. It was rough seeing Facebook and Snap updates from her but she never spoke to me. It sucks and I wish I knew what I did wrong.”
The Rapist
“I was with a couple of friends at a club, it was closing time and so the whole club was leaving at once. I got separated from my friends, but we were spending the night at a friend’s house 5 minutes away. A guy that I was acquainted with from school growing up (we went to the same very small school from kindergarten through graduation) offered to drive me. I gave him the address and then apparently passed out.
I woke up to him pulling my pants down and trying to get on top of me. I flipped out and started flailing and punching him and screaming what the f— was he doing. He told me that he knew that I slept around in high school (not true, I only ever slept with my 2 long term boyfriends in high school, but I didn’t have a curfew and partied a lot and apparently he decided that since he had heard I was a slut apparently raping me was ok). At first he tried to act like I should give in or he was going to do it anyway. After I told him that the “rumors” weren’t true, he said, and I will never, ever forget this “well, if you’re not a slut, then you’re a tease and a lot of guys would just ‘take it’ anyway.”
That is when I absolutely lost my s—, screaming at him, that I didn’t get into the truck with some guy I didn’t know, it was someone that I thought I knew and trusted and he turned out to be an absolute complete piece of s—. During this time I managed to get out of the truck. We were in the middle of nowhere, I had no idea, I called my brother to come get me but I couldn’t even tell him where I was.
I came marching back to the truck and told the guy that he needed to take me home. He said that he was too drunk to drive and he would take me home in the morning.
I thought about calling the cops but again, I couldn’t even tell them where I was and I didn’t want to exacerbate the situation when I had finally gotten the guy to leave me alone.
So he slept it off, I sat tensed in the passenger seat until the sun came up and he took me home.
I should have pressed charges but since I managed to stop him it wasn’t something that I felt was worth going through all of that.
Several years later this a–hole actually had the nerve to try to friend me on Facebook! Yeah, right!”
The Tardy
“My husband had a friend who was chronically late. We were all planning a dinner and a movie and said wwre leaving at 7, no matter what. 7:15 came around (trying to give him a chance) and we left. He showed up at 8 and we were gone, in the theater, not answering phone. We get out of and we all have dozens of missed calls. We try calling him and he won’t answer. Oh well.
Next early morning, my husband’s phone is blowing up with texts and calls and voicemails from this guy. “Please don’t read that email.” “Just delete it.” “I’m sorry.” “Call me. I need to talk to you.” What not. Knowing this can’t be good, he decided not to entertain the idea of giving this guy another chance and logs into his email. He had written a short message about how s—ty of a person he is. (Mind you, this guy is pretty much on the bottom of the totem of friends. He’s pretty much an acquaintance, just a brother of another friend who invited him once and he never left. He’s not sure why out of everyone he chose HIM to rip apart.) The final straw. My husband’s Dad died when he was 2. He wrote, “You’re a bastard. At least my Dad is still alive. You’ll never know what it’s like to have a Dad in your life.”
I’m reading over his shoulder and I’m about to go hunt this guy guy down. I’m irate. He goes, “Huh.” He slowly closes his laptop. He calmly said, “Well, I won’t be seeing him anymore.”
He tired calling him a bunch of more times, but I’m sure he knew he already read it. He screwed up and stopped. Never saw him again.”
The Blind One
“She turned all our female friends against me at university because she liked our mutual male friend and she thought he liked me instead of her.
He wasn’t into her, but it wasn’t because he liked me it was because he was gay.
So I lost most of my friends at university in the last year because my moron of a bff couldn’t figure out our other good friend was gay. He literally would say how didn’t like the idea of sex with women and told us how he often sleeps in the same bed with other men.”
The Social Climber
“Became supremely unhappy with himself because he traveled around the world, met some high society people and decided he wanted to join their ranks. And in his quest to do so, he became an incredibly nasty person to be around. Said things that I hope people wouldn’t even think.
So eventually he started thinking he would try to find ways in which he was “better than me,” and try to exploit them. For example, at the time he had more money and I was just out of college working a low paying job so he’d constantly berate me for accepting such a job, saying things like “I wouldn’t even get out of bed for less than 100k a year”.
And then he’d talk about starting his business and how he wanted to find in-debt college students to work for him so he could financially f— them over and purposely treat them like s— so they couldn’t afford to quit.
He was given a few bucks by his parents and it went to his head. Eventually he got this “class” thing in his head where he’d treat people with less money like him like s— and would justify it by saying they were poor and so it didn’t matter.
I brought him to a friend’s house, she was having a BBQ. And he tried to hit on some girls, and once they shot down his advancements, he would act belligerent to all of them until I had to take him home. My friend took me aside and said very seriously, “never bring him over again.” I felt horrible.
He spiraled into this whole thing of treating everybody like s— and justifying it by saying they were poor or in debt so it was OK and only wealthy people deserve respect. And of course since I was not wealthy, I was in that camp too.
It started to very rapidly get into psychopath territory. I tried to steer the friendship into the right direction when he turned the attention on me and basically berated me for my s–ty job (but didn’t have the guts to do it directly, just in a round about way, perhaps thinking I wouldn’t be smart enough to notice.)
I literally got up, walked to my car and left. And as I was turning on the ignition, I decided the friendship was over. That was a few years ago and I feel much freer now. Though I regret sticking by him and trying to help for so long.”
The Jealous One
“He got really jealous of my first pregnancy. I did my best not to become the sort of person who only talks about being pregnant or who totally changes their identity to be a “mom”. Didn’t matter. Anything I did involving being pregnant was too much for him to handle. He got really upset when I went for my first mandatory ultrasound because it was too “obsessive” of me to want to see my baby that badly. All I did want mention that I was excited to see the fetus for the first time.
I just couldn’t talk to him anymore after that. He could rant every single day about how sad he was that he was single and how no woman would talk to him, and I would patiently listen and offer advice where I could, but I can’t say I’m excited to see my own child because he felt threatened by that? F— right off.”
The Victim Blamer
“I was 18 and I got drunk at her house because I thought it was a safe place to do so. She was 20 and her bf was 21 and he bought the booze with our money. Her dad was cool with it and he said “as long as you are being safe and not driving home, kids will be kids, just be safe” so me and her and her bf, 2 other female friends, and her dad drank together. I was the youngest and the drunkest. I ended up vomiting all over their bathroom. And passing out on their futon. At about 3am her bf snuck out of her room and raped me in the living room, literally right outside her bedroom. I was too drunk/passed out to fight back, and I barely remember. But I remembered enough to wake up in the morning, crawl into her room, and timidly accuse him in front of her.
She believed him. Friendship ruined. About 2 years later, he admitted to it and they split up and she still hasn’t spoken to me.”