While most people are content with popping the question during an intimate dinner, others rack their brains to make it a truly unique event. From grand productions to small but personal gestures, the following wedding proposals are among the most unique we've seen.
A Fake Wedding.

“Jivago and Laura worked as wedding photographers, and they had been dating for eight months. The young man was scratching his head to come up with a creative proposal for his girlfriend. Then an idea came to Jivago’s mind: What if he proposed to her at someone’s wedding??
He spent 3 weeks organizing a fake wedding. With the help of his friends and family he did it, and he managed to invite 240 guests.
As usually, Laura was photographing this wedding. In the middle of the ceremony, a flower girl approached her with a box, where Laura saw a photo of her and Jivago. At first Laura didn’t understand what was going on. But her reaction was very emotional when Jivago entered the hall while playing romantic music.
As you can guess, Jivago twitched at Laura’s heartstrings, and she said ‘ Yes.'”
Summer Love.

“I was at a Justin Timberlake concert and this guy in the front row somehow managed to get JT’s attention. JT asks for his name and then passes him the microphone, and the guy introduces himself and his girlfriend as well.
Then he gets down on one knee and proposes!! She says yes, crowd goes wild, and JT dedicates the next song (‘Summer Love’) to them. Now if only the guy could get JT to sing at his wedding…”
Much More Than A Surprise Proposal…

Shutterstock/Antonio Guillem
“I had my 49th birthday party set up in Santa Barbara, CA, for the 15th of March and we were having some people from work and friends come over. We also had a ‘pre-game’ set up at a friends house for drinks/snacks prior to the party.
My parents showed up from Wisconsin, which wasn’t surprising. hey had shown up for my last 2 birthdays as well. Then my 3 kids showed up from Wisconsin on Friday night. I was just whining that I wasn’t going to see them for a few months and thought this was my birthday present from Kathleen.
I went to the pre-game and heard the song ‘I wanna marry you’ from Bruno Mars being sung by my 2 eldest daughters. I knew that song wouldn’t be normally authorized by Kathleen. Then she started singing it to me and it hit me! This was a surprise wedding proposal! I then turned the corner and saw the crew ready to celebrate. We were married at Shoreline Park by a friend who’s a minister, and I went home to a surprise reception, complete with a dancing floor in the backyard. I was completely surprised and the entire wedding/reception had been planned by my now wife with parents/friends. For a guy, this was amazing! I didn’t have to plan a thing and just was able to enjoy the entire experience.”
How Twitter Helped Plan A Once In A Lifetime Proposal.

Shutterstock/Antonio Guillem
“In 2007 I signed up for Twitter. It sounded really lame to a lot of people at the time, but I thought it would be great for sports. There weren’t any sports Twitter accounts at the time so I decided to create two accounts for my two favorite teams, a NFL team and MLB team.
In 2008 when Obama was elected he mentioned Twitter and all of a sudden the website became really popular. I had been running the two sports accounts for over a year and accumulated a decent amount of followers. Then came a point when all the sports teams decided to get in on the Twitter game. In 2009, the NFL team contacted me and confiscated my account saying I was trying to impersonate them. That is not what I was trying to do at all and made sure there was messaging on the account saying I was just a fan posting news. I would have given them the account if they had asked–maybe even trade it for tickets to a game to compensate for the large following I had amassed for them. They took over my account without reply and still run that same Twitter account today.
I had a totally different experience with the MLB team. I didn’t want the same thing that happened with the NFL team account so I contacted the MLB team’s operations office and told them about the account and how I would gladly hand the it over to them so they wouldn’t have to start a following from the ground up. They replied and wanted to meet at the ballpark. I took a long lunch and walked down to the park to meet what I thought would be a junior level media relations employee.
As I got there I was met by three team executives and two senior media relations staff members. They all shook my hand vigorously with wide excited smiles, which took me by surprise. I immediately decided to change my game plan of trading the account for a couple of tickets to a game. I sat down with them and talked for a while, then they asked what I would want in return for the account. I sat and thought for a minute and one of them looked at me and said, ‘Shoot for the moon.’ I totally spitballed a daydream and made up a crazy story about how I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, who grew up a huge fan of that team. I was sure they would say no. They didn’t flinch and after a few seconds of exchanging nods they said, ‘We can do that.’ I made sure that the proposal was not on the ballpark video screen or TV–that’s kinda cheesy in my opinion.
I decided to push my luck and asked if they wanted me to continue running the account that it would be great to have season tickets so that I can be at the games and tweet the action. They quickly said, ‘Sure.’
I was so excited that I immediately called my girlfriend and told her the news and that we now have season tickets and they gave me an executive suite for a game. We had 30 tickets for the suite so I told her to invite her parents and all her friends…but I didn’t tell her everything I traded for.
Along came September, 2009 where my girlfriend’s family, my family and our closest friends took over the field-level suite at the ballpark during a game. We were having a great time and our team was winning when, during the 7th inning stretch, a team employee came out with a basket of four baseballs autographed by four of the team’s most popular players (All-Stars, MVPs, World Series winners and Cy Young winners). The lady handed the basket to me. Each ball had one word written above each signature: Will, You, Marry, Alan.
My friends and family knew what I had planned and they started to really crowd around us as I got on my knee. My girlfriend’s friends were all screaming when they read the message on the balls. As I stood up and kissed her, I noticed the crowd heard the commotion and were standing and cheering for us. I turned to the crowd and raised my new fiancĂ©e and my arms up in a victory ‘V.’ My sister was in the back of the crowd and couldn’t see over everyone so she stuck her camera as high as she could and snapped a picture at just the right time to capture the moment.
We framed the picture my sister took, the game’s scorecard, tickets and had it matted and framed. At our wedding, visitors signed the mat as the wedding guest book and it hangs in our living room above the autographed proposal balls.
I still run the MLB team’s official twitter account today.”
How Programmers Do It.

“How do programmers flirt with someone or show them love? Well, a couple of years ago, I hijacked my now wife’s laptop and set this as her browser’s homepage. This is how I surprised her on V-day.
It didn’t take me so much of time to put together a code to do this. Bunch of css files, html code and javascript, and some photoshop. Tada!! Couple of things that I however want to mention,
1. This was the only time I have ever used javascript.
2. To spice it up a bit, if you click Google Search , it actually takes you to an online dating website.
3. I’m feeling lucky takes to our wedding website.
4. The ‘ring’ in O was actually our wedding ring (thanks to my horrible photoshop skills).”
Happily Ever After.

“A few years ago I was at Disneyland with my then girlfriend where we witnessed the details of this story…
As we walked through New Orleans square, we noticed a few people looking at a character sketcher drawing a young couple which is always fun to watch and the crowd seemed pretty engaged, so we stopped.
At the top of the artist’s desk was a sign saying, ‘Shhh… Don’t Ruin the Surprise.’ Of course this was facing our way while the couple just saw a blank piece of paper.
The artist however had ditched the casual clothing and seated stance of the couple and instead was busy drawing them in traditional wedding attire: the guy on one knee, the ring half way on the finger of the girl and the caption, ‘Will you marry me?’
It’s not unique for people to stop to watch a sketch in progress but watching the whole thing or having a huge group would have certainly been strange. But people were quite clearly on their best behavior that day, walking off as we walked up and leaving just a small audience.
Our timing turned out to be pretty great as we arrived just in time for the ending. The artist turned the sketch around, the guy dropped on a knee to match, ring in hand to complete the pose, and the girl [who was quite clearly not expecting this to be the moment] gave an enthusiastic yes while everyone watching cheered.
Simple, and, as far as I know, completely original. That guy gets major points in my book.”
Marking It Down.

“After we had been dating for many months, my girlfriend and I were in the habit of manually synching our calendars from time-to-time. One evening after a romantic dinner in a quiet restaurant, I asked if we could sync calendars. She brought out her calendar and we started with the next day, moving week-by-week, with comments like, ‘I have a thing from 4 – 7pm that Sunday’ or, ‘We’ve been invited to the Smith’s for dinner that Friday and I have not yet confirmed.’
I kept calendaring out… three months ahead… four months… five months (not much going on), and I said without any inflection, ‘Oh, the second weekend in May… do you have anything booked? I was thinking maybe we could get married that weekend.’ She stayed completely ‘in character’ and without any giggling, gasping or looking up she replied, ‘The second weekend… that is fine. Should I write that in pencil or in pen?’ I said, ‘Pen.’
She looked up at me finally and smiled. I smiled back.
Later on, we did celebrate and I did say all of the mushy, gushy things that one is supposed to say when one proposes.”
A Best Friend’s Help.

I helped my best friend’s boyfriend propose to her in the most creative, sweetest way possible.
One day, completely out of the blue, he calls me, which was strange since we never talked one on one before. He was nervous on the phone, telling me how he wanted my help in proposing to her. He said he wanted it to be really unique and special, and had an idea in mind, but had no idea if it would even be possible to pull off. Once he told me what it was, I assured him I was more than happy to help and that we could definitely do it, though it wouldn’t be easy.
I immediately set to work doing research, and we met at a local coffee shop to go over my findings and hash out his idea even more. Over the course of the next 8 months, we would communicate and meet up in secret. He didn’t tell any of his family and friends, I obviously didn’t tell my friend or any of our mutual friends. And that was HARD, especially the countless times I would hang out with her and she would complain saying, ‘When is he going to propose?!’
Finally came the day, the day all our hard work and planning came down to. I had arranged to meet my friend after work for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. I was actually surprised at how well I was able to keep up casual conversation knowing what was just about to occur.
After dinner, we headed down the street to the movie theater, purchased our tickets, and grabbed our seats. After some chitchat, the theater grew dark, and they began playing trailers for upcoming films. She was distracted looking down at her phone, and I kept commenting on how interesting all these movies looked.
Finally, after about 3 trailers, the much lower quality but still amazing trailer came on telling the love story of a young couple. Noticing the sharp difference in production value, my friend looked at me confused whispering, ‘What is this?’
It wasn’t long before she got her answer, as soon her boyfriend appeared on screen. At that moment she gripped arm so hard, trying to speak but the breath had left her. The video continued on, showing him getting ready in their home, while having a cute ‘conversation’ with their cat about how he’s sure he wants to marry her. Then it showed him running out of the house, to the theater we were at, stopping to get popcorn at the concessions stand (he always gets popcorn when they go to the movies), then into the theater. The screen cut to black and the lights raised as he walked into our theater, got down on one knee, and proposed. My friend was shaking and crying with pure shock and joy. She said ‘yes,’ everyone in the theater applauded.
Afterwards she sat down for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts (and breath), and then looked at me and asked, ‘What do we do now? Should we still watch the movie?’ I laughed and said of course not. As we were leaving the manager did give us each free movie passes since we already paid.
Now officially feeling like a third wheel, I went on home to let them celebrate together. But I’ll never forget the look on her face when it happened, and feel so grateful that I was able to be there for one of the biggest moments in her life. Even though they had a beautiful wedding, and I was so happy to help with everything as maid of honor, nothing compares to that moment (and I wasn’t even the one being proposed to!…my future husband is seriously screwed).”
A Book Of Love.

“4 years ago my girlfriend and I decided to travel the world for our enjoyment and to run a social business project. We did that, we traveled for a year into 19 countries and went through amazing, terrible, peaceful, boring, crazy, relaxing, well any type of situations really, and I thought if we survived this it would be a good sign.
What I did was arrange to take some pictures where she, or I, or both of us together formed letters against the background landscape of building (letter P is me standing against the back of the head of the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt; letter O is a sunset over a fisherman in a tiny boat in Myanmar; and there is a ‘P’ in the sentence because it was in French).
So that she would not guess too quick, I also put in some random letters in the mix, and indeed she did not suspect a thing. When we got back I built a ‘proposal book’ because she loves reading. I wrote a little story, included some verses from a poem she loves and interspersed the pages with pictures from our very first times together. And I cut out the pictures forming the letters. I presented her the book as a ‘normal’ gift and as she started reading, recognizing the pictures, and figuring out the sentence the letters formed, I pulled out the ring and proposed.
She said yes we are getting married this summer.”
Password To Her Heart.

Shutterstock/pim pic
“Someone I know was working as a code librarian (before Github days, using Visual Sourcesafe) and was responsible for all check ins/check outs. All contributors were supposed to submit a password protected Zipped file and in a separate email send the password to the librarian. One evening, a colleague she was romantically involved with sent her a package containing a release code named WillYouMarryMe.zip but didn’t send the accompanying password email. He then left office and was not reachable on his phone. Now the librarian lady had to finish the day’s work by checking this in but was without the password. Exasperated, she tried YES as the password. It worked. They’ve been married for over a decade now.”
When Technology And Amazing Meet.

“This one is geeky, cool and epic.
An Israeli guy named Sefi didn’t buy any engagement ring. He in fact built himself one.
He didn’t just chug out a plastic ring apparently. Instead, after trying out several techniques with the help of some friends, he settled on a two-part process. First, he 3D printed the design out of wax, then he made a mold of the 3D print
The mold was later used to create the ring out of molten white gold, after which a diamond was added. All in all, not a bad showing at all. It might be the most personalized, feeling-filled engagement ring out there even.
To add a romantic element, the ring has ‘I will betroth you to me forever’ written on one side, in Hebrew, and a pattern on the other side. The infinity symbol is squeezed in too.
However, the ring was only one of the so-called wedding ‘clichĂ©s’ that Sefi had planned. A quadcopter with LED lights was used (remote-controlled via a computer) to spell out the words ‘Will You Marry Me’ in the air. Some fireworks were involved in the display as well.”
Simple And Cute.

Shutterstock/Pavle Bugarski
“Guy : Hey I have a question. There are four seats at a table, and we need to figure out where each person sits. There’s Mary, Will, you, me. Which order do we sit ?
His crush : Uhh.. Me, Mary, Will, You?
Guy : No try again.
Crush : Will, You, Mary, Me?
Guy : Yes, yes I will.”
It Doesn’t Have To Be Grand To Make An Impact.

“Not so much epic but my husband took a little piece of notebook paper and wrote, ‘Will you marry me?’ with a check-box for ‘yes’ and one for ‘no’ and he passed it to me when we were sitting on the porch one day. I laughed, checked ‘yes’ and passed it back to him. We later eloped and I did not get a proper proposal (with a ring and all) until like 2 years later. He couldn’t afford a ring at the time of the original proposal but he did get me a temporary ring for the wedding because we had to have rings to exchange during the vows.
It was cute because it was so silly.”
The Series Of Photos.

“Back in the days before digital photography, this is what my nephew did: He went away for the weekend with his buddies, but also had gotten my sister to take some extra pictures of him outside their home. When he came back from the trip and got the pictures developed, he was showing his girlfriend pictures of the trip, then the ones my sister had taken. First there was a far away shot of him in front of the house, wearing a special outfit she had never seen before. Over the 32 photos, the shots got closer and closer to him, finally zeroing in on the jewelry box, the last one with it open to show the engagement ring.
l thought that was really inventive, and she was blown away.”