Acne sucks. All those who suffer from acne are aware of its main causes; genetics, sweat, hormones. However, the culprit could be hiding somewhere in your daily routine. Some of these acne triggers might really surprise you.
Your Boyfriend’s Beard

Although you love the lumberjack look, your face does not. When his prickly beard rubs against your smooth skin, it creates a lot of friction, causing oil production. Excess oil on your face leads to blemishes or even beard burn.
Spicy Foods

If you can't get enough spice, but keep noticing quite a few blemishes around your mouth, you may need to rethink your palate. A lot of spicy foods contain an acidic compound that irritates most skin types. It could be the culprit behind those pesky pimples.
Pore-Clogging Products

If you currently switched to a new mineral oil or moisturizing lotion, it could be the cause of a breakout. Super heavy cosmetics may contain silicone, a pore-clogging agent that doesn't let your skin breathe.
Overdosing on Acne Treatments

Yes, acne is super annoying, but over applying a spot treatment could be making the problem worse. Acne medicine usually contains ingredients that dry out the skin. Using the product more than directed can drastically dry out the skin, causing it to produce an excess amount of oil, leading to blemishes.

It's no surprise that smoking is bad for your skin, but I bet you didn't know it was causing those breakouts. Smoking decreases the oxygen flow to your face, triggering oil production.
Over-Zealous Scrubbing

News flash! You can't just scrub away acne, sadly. Using a rough exfoliate will only make the problem worse. When you scrub active acne, you spread the bacteria around to the rest of your face. That's definitely not what you want.
Experimental Hair Products

Heavy moisturizers, sulfates, and silicones in your shampoo and conditioner could be your pores' arch nemesis. If you notice a lot of chest acne, bacne, or blemishes near your hairline, try switching to a different product.
You’re a Pimple Picker

I know it's super tempting, but after you notice a blemish you need to try your absolute hardest to leave it alone. Poking, tweezing, and picking at a pimple will only make it redder, or worse, leave a scar.
Too Much Sun

Yes, you are probably already aware that exposure to the sun or harmful UV rays can lead to cancer, but do you know it could also be the source of those pesky breakouts. The sun dries out your skin, causing it to produce more oil, and surprise, surprise, more acne.
You’re a Face Toucher

Even the smallest of gestures, like resting your chin in your hand, can transfer the bacteria from your hand onto your beautifully clean face. It also traps extra sweat, oil, and germs. If you always touch your face, this is a pretty good reason to try to break that habit.

One of nature's worst cycles; stress causes acne, the acne results in more stress, and so on. It's impossible to avoid stress, but are you practicing helpful ways of releasing the stress? Sometimes a good run, a walk in the park, or a chat with friends is all you need.