He's the hero Twitter deserves and maybe the one it needs right now.
Having a ‘Remind Me’ app is the cool new way to set reminders in the future, but what could someone do all the way back in 2011? You could just scream out into the ether of the internet and hope you’d get a reminder. Well, that’s exactly what someone did on Twitter in 2011.
A Twitter user itsneishabby posted a tweet on June 22, 2011, to remind her in seven years that she should not have kids. Well, as the fellow once said: “ask and thou shalt receive”; almost a full seven years later, another Twitter user, replied to her original Tweet, reminding her to not have kids.
How could someone remember a Tweet seven years later? Did itsneishabby, in fact, not have kids? One can only hope this committed reminder wasn’t in vain…
.somebody remind me in seven years not to have kids.
— itsneishabby (@_ZeeTaughtMe) June 23, 2011
Unfortunately, it was all for naught; the original poster had a daughter. Evidently, the reminder she needed was a little further ahead than it needed to be.
The Twitter world exploded at the incredible timing of this reminder, which of course brought people asking questions. Why would someone take the time do this? To whom do we owe this gracious, selfless behavior?
Our hero goes by Doug Exeter and his actions have prompted other people to request his reminding services. However, Exeter is as cold as he is cunning, so don’t think you can just fire off any ol’ reminder request and think he’ll pop up in your feed.
Sure, while the reminder may have been in vain, the intent was awesome and deserves every level of props. On behalf of everyone in the Twitter world, we thank this user for their public service.