People are getting their fingernails tattooed and it just looks weird!
When body and nail art come together, they create an interesting concept. Tattoos are now being inked on people’s’ fingernails – FINGERNAILS!
This tattoo trend is just…strange.
Celebrity tattoo artist, Jonathan Valena, (aka JonBoy), spoke with Seventeen and revealed that the actual artwork isn’t the easiest to do. The nail tattoos actually take longer to do, as they require undivided attention.
And when it comes to the pain tolerance, the fingernail tattoos are, apparently, pain-free.
“From the tattooer’s perspective, it feels completely different from tattooing skin since the surface has grooves and is hard as nails.”
If you find the nail tattoos interesting but aren’t wanting to commit to the design, there are always temporary nail tattoos you can use…and maybe trick some friends.
But as the nail naturally grows, so does the tattoo design. So this tattoo concept isn’t the most permanent compared to other body ink.
However, in saying that, it is quite an expense considering most smaller-sized tattoos range from $60-$100.
Okay, yes this tattoo trend is very interesting to look at…but it just seems like a waste to me.
The nail growth to price ratio just doesn’t seem justified. If you’re about to spend all of that money on something so temporary, I don’t see the point in getting it done.
Fingernail tattoos are gonna be a NO for me.