The men are back and telling us what little thing a woman does that immediately makes for an automatic attraction.
Sometimes women don’t even realize the little things they do within a day, that some men are paying attention to. And sometimes these little things make them men fall for them, that much harder.
The guys from Reddit are here to drop some truth as to what little thing a woman does, makes them automatically attracted to them.

1) Confident And Straightforward
Having a confident and outgoing personality can make just about anyone look attractive. Guys can appreciate a woman who is strong in herself and knows what she wants.
I feel like as you get older, the more confident you become and the less of petty issues you can put up with. Knowing what you want can be attractive to most and will make you stand out!
2) Effortless Ponytails
Guys really like the messy ponytail look. You know, when a girl puts her hair in a ponytail, but then over time some of the hair falls out of place.
“My ex would put her hair in a loose ponytail and when she was focusing on schoolwork a strand of hair would always find its way out and frame her face perfectly. I just sat there and stared.”
Ha, little do some guys know that there are thousands of ‘messy bun’ and ‘messy ponytail’ hairstyle tutorials on YouTube. Very guilty of watching them. But it’s nice to know that the messy pony is still being appreciated!
3) Genuinely Nice To Strangers
It’s not hard to be kind to others. It’s much more effort to be rude, and honestly, a waste of your energy and the other person’s energy. Guys don’t want to see a girl who treats people in a rude manner, they want to see how personable and genuine she is — someone who actually gives a care about the well-being of others.
One Reddit user mentioned how his girlfriend treated a woman who was homeless.
“Bae spoke back to a homeless woman (Ms. Darlene) after a date and we talked to her for a while listening to Ms. Darlene’s story. She didn’t brush her off or try to shame her and genuinely listened. I almost man-swooned.”
I think this is extremely important to take note of for both guys and girls. If a guy I’m on a date with treats the servers bad, I may lose some interest in him. But if he is naturally nice to the server, I will definitely notice and remember that about them!
4) Dressing Comfortably
It seems as if the lyrics from Drake, has been proven true.
“Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no make-up on
That’s when you’re the prettiest, I hope that you don’t take it wrong”
Some guys just really like the comfy ‘lazy girl look.’
I’m not even going to complain about this one because this means so much. Look, as much as I love getting dressed up for a night out, sometimes I do treasure those comfy, stay-in, nights. And I feel like it’s much more common to not put too much effort in dressing up the longer you’re with a person. That doesn’t mean give up on keeping yourself clean and hygienic with your appearance. It’s just nice to not feel like you have to have the perfect outfit and a full face of makeup, every time you see the guy.
5) Actually Having An Appetite
If a guy takes a girl on a date, he tends to enjoy the date more when the girl is enjoying her food and not putting it to waste.
“A while back I was in a pub-restaurant and saw this girl eating with friends. She was cute, kind of slim, wore glasses and a nice dress. I was half expecting her to just pick at a salad but no, she was feasting on this burger with pulled pork on it. Zero cares given. Maximum turn-on.”
I mean, I don’t think a girl has to try to prove a point that she loves to eat, by eating 3 Big Macs, a large fry, and a milkshake, but to each their own. It obviously depends on your diet and what you enjoy eating, but it is ridiculous when girls think that they have to order a side salad or just pick at their food. If the man is paying, at least try to finish your food.
6) Up To Date On Current Events
Being more engaging in conversations can be more meaningful than how the woman looks, to some guys. Playing dumb is never cute and if a guy actually thinks that it is cute, that should raise some concerns for you. But being informed in the world about current political issues or major events can be a crucial deciding factor, for a guy, on whether or not he’s interested in a girl.
I will agree with this one. It is important to keep yourself educated on what’s going on in the world. I mean, I could never date a guy who’s as clueless as Ethan Craft is in Lizzie McGuire…
7) Showing Interest In His Hobby
Some guys really appreciate a girl who goes the extra mile to learn more about their interests. Anything from looking up more information on a guy’s favorite sports team to the best places to go camping for a more outdoorsy guy. Plus, it it all works out well, the girl could actually take to the hobby as well or gain a new life skill.
A Reddit user said:
“I love it when they’re interested in what I’m doing and asks questions. And you can’t ask them to do this, it’s just natural I guess.”
I think this one could be a bit controversial. One one hand, I can see why someone would value an interest in your personal passions. But, on the other hand, it could come across as very fake, especially if the girl is just acting like she’s interested just to get closer to the guy.
8) Wearing Glasses
Some guys like the ‘nerdy’ look of a woman in glasses. Maybe to them, they just look more intelligent? Someone on Reddit compiled a list as to why a woman should be confident in sporting her glasses:
-Focus brought to glasses, facial flaws diminished
-Several dramatic actions can only be applied with glasses
-The fogged up glasses is cute
-Taking their glasses off feels like uncovering a secret
I am a big fan of contacts so I will hardly wear my glasses out in public. However, I’m not ashamed of having glasses, I just choose to not wear them 24/7.
9) Focused On Work
Guys like a woman with determination and someone who works hard for their goals. Whether it’s career-oriented or just picking up a new skill, someone that puts in the time and effort to do well at something shows how dedicated they are and may shed light to how they deal with commitment. It can also show a guy how responsible a woman is and how she deals with problems that may arise.
As someone who is focused on my career, I do think that this is important. At the end of the day, my career comes before any guy. And you know what, it sometimes works out that a guy finds it attractive that a woman loves her job and works hard at it. But it isn’t cool to force yourself to be passionate when it comes to your job. If you genuinely hate your job, apply to other places or look into other fields, but never change yourself for anybody else!
10) The Way She Laughs
Not a fake ‘pity laugh’ at a bad joke, but a genuine laugh to the point where it’s almost impossible to breathe. Certain laughs can just put a smile on anyone’s face, which is truly magical!
“Genuine, hysterical laughter. Like cracking up. Laughing uncontrollably is perhaps the most unvetted and sincere human emotion that we typically show publicly. It’s just really endearing.”
Having a fun personality with a sense of humor is attractive to anyone. But no one likes a pity laugh!