If you’ve been keeping up with all things controversially makeup-related, you would remember some headlining makeup-shaming situations. We reported on Jeffree Starrr and his success after being makeup-shamed at his previous place of work, and even this woman who rocked her bold makeup at her job, in the UK. And makeup-shaming is still happening!
A man in Portsmouth, England has shared his story of discrimination regarding his use of makeup, on a Facebook page, and it’s getting the viral attention that it deserves!
He introduced his story with the preface that there is not any policy at work, regarding makeup. So he usually wears makeup to work and isn’t shamed at all for it, he’s actually complimented on his looks.
But as the company that this man works for is undergoing new management, his amazing and natural makeup skills are apparently not being tolerated anymore.
In the post, he says:
“Earlier on in the week I came to work as my fabulous self and was told to take off my make-up. I was quite shocked… After I refused, I’m getting told to tone it down? Excuse me? Tone it down? You can’t tone down a masterpiece.”
And then his point of feeling a discrimination against him, came into play when he mentioned how all of the other girls he works with get to wear whatever they want to.
“Obviously I’m not going to take off my makeup when all my other (female) colleagues are able to come to work as their fabulous selves.”
He’s got a point here!
This guy is using social media to the best of his ability and is using his voice to create a conversation about this topic of discrimination.
And the comments on his post are extremely supportive as well!

To be honest, his makeup is not a distraction whatsoever. First off, he is beautiful, his skin looks amazing, and he’s got that highlight on point! Look at that glow!
It looks like he just has makeup for his face, brows, and lips. He even kept his eyes extremely natural. I think he should be perfectly fine and looks very glowy and healthy.
As a woman, I wear more makeup than this sometimes and no one is screaming at me to take it off.
He ended the trending Facebook post with this:
“Guess what, this is 2017, a time of year where we celebrate Pride throughout summer and I look hella hot so deal with it! It’s wrong to blatantly discriminate for whatever reason that may be.”
He makes valid points that most people either relate to or proudly support.
Not to say that everyone has to agree with him and his opinions, but that people should allow others to express themselves, as long as it’s not physically harming anyone else.
And as stated before, his makeup is very natural looking, so no distractions at all here! Let’s hope that this shaming and discrimination against men wearing makeup, diminishes very soon!
Keep up the glow, mystery man!