In a world where style trends like the Romphim and Lacey Shorts for men exists, there is also one company that sells realistic prints of body parts on swimsuits for both genders.
The Hairy Chest Swimsuit By Beloved Shirts Is Its Own Beast
Some may say since it’s normal for guys to go to the pool shirtless, they don’t have to cover their chest. This suit definitely looks to mock this privilege this summer. But, whatever the purpose, the look is unique. Scroll down when you’re mentally ready.
The Hairy Chest swimsuit ranges from sizes XS- XXL and retails at $49.95 Yeah…a bit pricey. But if you’re just dying to wear natural looking hairy men chest over your own different chest, the swimsuit comes in different skin tones, and is even gender neutral!
The “Hairy Chest” Suit Maker Beloved Shirts Doesn’t Stop At Chests…
In addition to the other weird apparel that the company sells, they feature faces of the likes of Bob Ross, Dwight from The Office, and other controversial subjects! I guess with this company, the weirder the better? Check out some of the “best” examples below.
Human Anatomy
…because ya know, what matters more in life is not our exterior but our interior?

Workout Bod
If you’re feeling like you didn’t quite achieve that summer bod, you can just put one on.

If your pizza obsession is at an all-time high, then why not?

Does This Latest Viral Instagram Trend Go To Far?
Why is something like “Hairy Chest” so popular? It might have to do with the recent trend of clothing items like the RompHim and men’s Lacey Shorts. But this time? This is just plain weird. I don’t think I would ever feel comfortable wearing this swimsuit.
Although this isn’t all bad: Beloved Shirts does have some pretty awesome offerings to boot. Like these basic but cute styles: Mermaid swimsuit and another swimsuit that reads “Always On Vacay.” Beloved Shirts is growing their company and it seems as if it’s all thanks to the Hairy Chest Swimsuit that is going viral and we will never be able to unsee it. If you’re into this…or you just like odd printed clothing and accessories, then you might actually want to check out