These popular YouTube Beauty Gurus, KNOW what they're talking about when it comes to makeup. Getting that perfect 'highlight glow' is what a lot of makeup addicts are striving for and can now achieve, with this list of AMAZING products.

Jaclyn Hill — Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector
Jaclyn Hill recommends these highlighters because they are extremely creamy and pigmented and are considered a ‘Holy Grail’ product. They also come in a variety of shades and give your face an ultra-reflective shine. You can find Becca Highlighters, on Sephora’s website for $38.
Why Should You Trust Jacyln’s Rec?
Jaclyn is best known for being a professional makeup artist and a YouTuber under the account Jaclyn Hill. On her YouTube channel, she posts videos on makeup tutorials and beauty product reviews. Jaclyn loves this highlighter so much, she actually collaborated with Becca Cosmetics and has released her own highlighter.

Manny MUA’s Rec. — Tarte Rainforest of the Sea(tm) Skin Twinkle Lighting Palette
Manny recommends this highlight that claims to be ‘so bright, that astronauts can see it!’ Tarte’s highlighter palette includes more of a pink shade of shine and is extremely pigmented. For best results, use a light brush to dust on this beautiful glow of color. You can find the Tarte Twinkle Lighting Palette, on Sephora’s website, for $42.
See More From Manny MUA
Manny is best known for his amazing makeup reviews, tutorials, get-ready-with-me videos, and various tag videos on his YouTube Channel MannyMUA.

Laura Lee’s Rec. — JOUER Highlight
Laura Lee recommends Jouer highlighters because they are very pigmented and have beautiful packaging. They’re seriously best-sellers, too. Many of the shades have gained so much popularity, that they have repeatedly been in and out of stock. You can find Jouer Highlighters on the Jouer website, for $24.
See More From Laura Lee
Laura is Beauty Vlogger and is known on her YouTube channel, LauraLee. She provides content such as: How To’s, Makeup First Impressions, and other makeup-related reviews.

Jeffree Star’s Rec. — Solstice Highlighting Palette
Jeffree Star recommends Solstice’s Palette from the popular company based in the United Kingdom. The palette includes two baked highlighters, a cream highlighter, and a silky shimmer highlighter. Its versatility works great on all skin tones! You can find this palette on Sleek Makeup’s website, for €12.49 in the UK (about $14 in the US).
See More From Jeffree Star
Jeffree Star actually began as a singer-songwriter on Myspace, turned to YouTube Beauty icon on his channel, JeffreeStar. He’s also a makeup artist, fashion designer, and model.

Tati Westbrook’s Rec. — Cover FX Custom Skin Drops
These amazing highlight drops can be used in a variety of ways; Eyeshadow, inner corner highlight, or you could mix it into a foundation for an illuminating skin effect. It is best to apply this formula of highlight, with your fingertips or a damp beauty blender. Although they seem expensive, you do not need that much of the product in order for it to look beautiful and glowy. You can find the Cover FX Custom Skin Drops, on Sephora’s website, for $42.
See More From Tati Westbrook
Tati is known for her YouTube channel GlamLifeGuru. Her videos include her detailed reviews on all things makeup, tutorials, and first impressions.