Relationships can drive people crazy and there is no telling how someone might react to a breakup. These are some of the craziest reactions we've ever heard!
Tick Tock!

“Not me, but a buddy of mine was living in America at the time while his fiance of a few years was back in England. When he went back to visit he found that she was sleeping with his best friend and basically kicked him out of their house.
To get revenge he bought 100 alarm clocks that he could set the day as well as hour and minutes. When he went to collect his things one afternoon, while the ex-fiance was away, he hid them all over the house. And by all over the house, I mean in the vents, in the insulation of the attic right above her bed room, everywhere! The kicker, he set most of them for big days in their lives like their anniversary, bdays etc.”
An Ex Shows Signs Of Being A Serial Killer!

“Guy that I broke up with 2 months earlier showed up at my house at 2am and banged on the door until I opened it. He pushed his way past me into the house and put a dead, skinned rabbit in my freezer. It was almost completely skinned, but the head was intact eats and all. I have no idea where he got it, but it was just in a plastic grocery bag. I actually couldn’t tell what it was until after he left because it was all wrapped up. I was trying to stay calm, but he’s 6’3 and I’m only 5’5. It was scary. He was completely sober too. Did I mention that he lived 90 minutes away, had no friends in my town, and I had asked him numerous times to stay away from my house? My male roommate woke up and the ex took off after grabbing one of my roommate’s books off a living room shelf. When I texted him about the rabbit he said I was overreacting and that he just brought it as a present because people like rabbits, and said he was just there to get ‘his book.’ I was a vegetarian at the time. I still won’t eat rabbit.”
She Tries To Trap Him, He Catches On

Igor Palamarchuk/
“I was in the process of a divorce. Not yet finalized. I was divorcing because of ex’s cheating. There is this somewhat vague, unclear rule that if I were to have sex with her during this time it could constitute as a reconciliation. In any case, ex is still living in the apartment with me. I get home from work and she starts to seduce me. To me, this seems pretty weird as she hasn’t wanted to do anything sexual with me for months. I know I shouldn’t do this but she stripped down to nothing and gets really physical. Basically, she strips down and starts trying to push me into the bedroom and pull my clothes off. I think for a minute contemplating what I should do. Fortunately, I decided to walk out of the apartment. When I open the door one of her friends was standing right there with a camera. The plan was to get me in the bedroom and then have this friend film us (without my knowledge) so that she could say we reconciled (using video evidence) and could possibly then be entitled to alimony.”
This Woman Tries To Take Everything From The Guy, Including His Dog!

“Convinced me that we were moving in together so I quit my job. She then proceeded to drain my bank account, steal my puppy and broke into my place to steal my furniture. According to one of her co-worker’s she had been planning it for over a month. When her friends were disgusted that she would steal someone’s dog, she tried to tell them I starved and beat it. Which her friends came to me about because they knew I’m a gentle guy that could never hurt an animal. Also, bonus crazy points for throwing a temper tantrum when I refused to reply to her messages months later.”
An Ex Goes All Incredible Hulk and Smashes Everything

“I dated a woman for 3 years. Let’s call her ‘Demanda.’ We lived together. Grew apart. I thought the breakup went fairly smoothly. I agreed to pay for the apartment for the remainder of the lease (about a month and a half), and I went to stay with my band mates.
I came back a few days later to grab some of my things and the whole apartment was wrecked. She ripped all of the pages out of my text books, burned them in a trash can, and scattered the ashes all over the couch. All of my DVDs were shattered and placed neatly back inside their cases and on the shelf. She wrote vulgarities all over my paintings, slashed them, emptied my paint tubes on the floor, and cut the bristles off of my brushes. She cut the strings on my friend’s guitar and scratched ‘cheater, liar, jerk’ on the body. I didn’t cheat or lie. The others are up for debate. She took a hammer to my gaming PC, the fat gray Gameboy I’ve had since I was 8, my NES and SNES, all of my toys, some flower pots that once housed some really nice shrubberies, and both of my cameras. My comic book collection was ripped to shreds. My clothes were cut into ribbons. My N64 and Wii and all of the games were missing (likely pawned). She smashed my glass desk. The cats went unfed, and she left a turd in the toilet.
The cops came and told me that there was nothing they could do for me. Because we had lived together for so long, they were her things too and she was certainly allowed to destroy her own property. The landlord was next. He changed the locks and struck her name off of the lease. All of her things were already moved out, so we both assumed she wasn’t coming back.
My brother came over the next day to help me move the rest of my things. Bed, furniture, washer/dryer, etc. We were nearly done when Demanda shows back up screaming obscenities. She put a few dents in my brother’s truck while telling him how much of a terrible person my mother is for not aborting us. Then, she tried to get inside to get some more of her things (nothing she owned was in there anymore) and further lost it when her key didn’t work. She punched me in the face and started hitting me with her incredibly dense purse.
My brother called the cops and let her know that they were on the way. Cops arrived, she was gone. Their immediate reaction to the domestic dispute call was that I was the bad guy, so I ended up in cuffs while they looked for Demanda. After they realized that my eye was swollen shut and Demanda was nowhere to be seen, they started listening to my brother and I. He showed them the dents in his truck. I showed them my still wrecked apartment. One of them got a good laugh out of the situation. They took pictures and a statement and left. I sported a black eye at work and class for the next week or so.
Fast-forward a couple of weeks later. It’s the last day of my lease. I’m sleeping on a mat on the floor. The only things left in my apartment are a few lamps, a TV, a microwave, a backpack full of some clothes a bought over the last few weeks, and my cats. It’s 2 in the morning when I start getting drunken texts from Demanda. ‘I love you.’ ‘Let’s get back together.’ The usual. I ignore all of them and try to get some sleep. At 3, I get a knock on the door. ‘Hey, open up. This is my apartment too.’ I tell her to buzz off. Then I hear a much, much deeper voice. ‘Open the door or I’ll kick it in.’ Before I get a chance to respond, the dude is already trying to kick in my door. I grab my backpack and jet out the back. I called the cops as I left, but I didn’t stick around to see what happened.
When I return the next day, there are a few giant footprints in the front door (it’s one of those big steel ones), and the door frame is broken. She has smashed all of my lamps and the TV, pissed on my pillow and mat, dumped all of my food out on the floor, spread kitty litter throughout the apartment, and smeared cat poop on the walls. She also let out or stole all of the cats.
I got a call from her mother a few days later pleading with me to not press charges. I told her it was out of my hands. The cops had taken pictures and Demanda was going to be arrested and charged whether or not I wanted it to happen. I did. Last I heard, she spent a month in jail, paid a $5000 fine, and had to sit through anger management classes for 6 months.
Good riddance.”
He Reached The End Of His Rope

“Tried to kill himself. We were together for 5 years, engaged for 3. Nothing like sitting at work on your second day when you get a phone call from the state hospital saying they have your ‘fiancĂ©e.’ We had been split up for two months because he was crazy abusive, and also just plain crazy. I asked to be excused from work, which they were surprisingly okay with, hopped across town to find him in the locked ward. I walked in and asked what he did, seeing as he seemed to be physically unharmed.
Turns out he was caught by security trying to jump off a building. He said that if I didn’t get back with him that there was no point in living, I told him that there was no chance I was marrying him. But I’d always be there as a support. I called his mother who lived interstate and demanded she come and collect him. As crazy as he was he didn’t belong in a place like that, with people who were so far gone they were more disorder than person. They would only release him into the care of someone else and I told him it wasn’t going to be me and that was the end of it.
The last time I saw him was just a few hours before his flight. He asked for just a few hours of ‘normal.’ So we cooked dinner, talked about mundane stuff, went to volleyball together with our friends, and then at the end of our game, she stood at the doorway to collect him. And he left.
I guess you could say the worst thing he did wasn’t trying to emotionally manipulate me. It was giving me a taste of what could have been, allowing me to feel something right before he left my life. Make no mistake, I am far better off out of the relationship, I’m borderline unrecognizable as being the same person. But that departure ruined me for a long time. Never have one last fling, it’s better to end with bitterness on your tongue than deal with months of ‘what ifs’ and ‘buts.'”
She’s So Mad, She’s Ruins His Credit

Yuri Shevtsov/
“My ex re-opened several credit cards that we had jointly but had paid off and closed before the divorce, somehow she opened them back in my name and charged them to the max, then moved out of state and stopped paying her car payment. All of these things ended up getting reported to my credit years later and pretty much ruined any chance I have at decent credit for the next 7-10 years in the US. I’ve been divorced and lived outside the US for 8 years now and only recently found out about all these charges. I know all this can be corrected eventually but the hassle of explaining things to several credit companies and collection agencies is a major pain.”
A Crazy Ex and Her Mother Just Can’t Let It Go

“We had broken up a week before Christmas. New Years comes around, I’m at a party drunk and she’s blowing up my phone. I have no idea at the time. A friend approaches me, tells me she’s calling him too. I step outside, see I have about 30 missed calls and 7 voicemails. 2 from her, 5 from her mother. I hear all of them to get the deets. Apparently, a ‘close friend’ of hers died. A friend I had never heard her mention. Her mother’s voicemails were telling me that if I really cared about her I’d be there for her, I’m a jerk, all that jazz. So I think, I’ll bite, I’m not a jerk. I have a friend take me over there, call a friends mom on the way, let her know that I’ll be going to my exes house. We get there, her and her mother are outside. I’m joined with 3 friends. She’s sobbing. I ask if she’d like to walk around and talk about it. She talks about the deceased for a whole two minutes and then changes the subject to us. 30 minutes of talking about us. We get back to her house. With everyone around. I tell her that I came to support her, I don’t want to get back with her. She goes off on a tantrum. Screaming at the top of her lungs, a neighbor even came out to make sure no one was getting killed. She keeps screaming at me asking how I can do this to her. Lies about being pregnant, I always wear a helmet. No chance. I call her out on that. She throws her phone across the road, a throw of a lifetime. Unfortunately, there were no scouts for the NFL. She’s on the floor hitting herself. Her mother is screaming…at me. I decide I should leave before it gets worse. I’m honestly scared. I go home, talk to my parents, we change the codes to the house. My car gets egged every day for a whole month. A whole month, save maybe three days. 5 years later, I see a familiar car pull in front of me as I’m driving. ‘Break checks’ me to the point that I have to veer off the road. The car speeds up to a red light, I’m angry so I pull up to the car once I get off the grass. Lo and behold, her mother.”
A Teenager Tries To Kill Her Ex

“I met this girl over the internet on one of those stupid social sites. She lived in the same country as me and has roughly the same musical taste as me, so I thought: ‘Why not’ and met her. She was nice and we fell in love as much as pre-teens can love and had a relationship for about 11 months. She went through lots of depression and accused me of a lot of things. Eventually, she broke up with me because she was ‘not sure I wasn’t going to cheat on her.’ I was honestly kinda glad to be rid of her, but that wasn’t the end of it. She called me a few days later because she wanted me back, but I was sick of her nonsense and told her so.
Rule one of crazy people: do not call anything they do nonsense. I had a few days of relative calm with just a bunch of angry texts, guilt trips etc. 4 days after calling her behavior nonsense was my half day at school, so I got home early and had the house to myself. There was a knocking at the door and since I was waiting for a parcel I didn’t think much of it. I opened the door.
Next thing I know I am standing with my back pressed against the door I hastily closed again, my shirt red with blood. My ex came to pay me a visit but had brought with her a sharpened hockey stick. I luckily only opened the door a bit and I have relatively fast reflexes, so what otherwise would’ve been a deep cut through my throat was merely a flesh wound.
The end of that story was police involvement and psychiatric help for her and a deep mistrust of people for me for the longest time.”
After The Argument, She Got In Her Car and…

“Five years ago I broke it off with a ‘fine’ young lady after just a six-month relationship. However, a week later, come to find out that it was not exactly over for her and she had been keeping an eye on me, to make sure I’m ok I guess. Keep in mind she lived on the complete opposite side of a major city too, so some dedication was needed here.
I was forced to confront after she calls me freaking out about who I was hanging out with because I wasn’t home at night. This was more than unsettling, and I see she’s in front of my house at about two in the morning.
After a very heated argument, her physically attacking me, biting me after I bear hugged her (still have the scar), I demanded her to leave me alone and never come back. So she gets in her car and peels out off into the distance.
That relief was very short lived, as soon as I thought she was gone she turns around and floors it going 60ish in a quiet neighborhood, swerves to run me over, I have to dive out of the way to avoid the car, she slammed into my neighbors car so hard that it spins out into the middle of the street, and all I can hear is her crazy ass screaming. Her middle consul catches on fire and I have to pull her dumbass out of the car, shortly after all the neighbors are awake and the place is swarming with cops and other emergency vehicles… This is burned into my memory”
Ruins The View And Everything Else About The Property

“Not me but a neighbor.
The couple got divorced and she got the house in the settlement. Only the house and the immediate house lot, not the surrounding land, that went to the husband.
The first thing he did was sell all the lumber off the rest of the land. She went from living in a nice forest to living in a clear cut. He wasn’t done yet! Once the trees were gone he sold off the topsoil, then the gravel under that. By the time he was done her house was on a hill overlooking a barren landscape reminiscent of the lunar surface. This was years ago and the place is still hideous.”
She Gets Him A Stack Of Bibles

“Put me on the mailing and call list for every church group she could find. For two months my phone was blowing up with calls from churches and evangelicals, they wanted money, they wanted to send me bibles and pamphlets. The ones that had my address did send me bibles and pamphlets. Took a lot of patient explaining, and occasionally some frustrated yelling to get myself removed from everything.”
She Tries To Frame Him But It Backfires

“Stole my laptop and started putting pictures of herself naked as a young girl (like 13 or so) and called the cops. I had already reported it stolen, though, and it’s a pretty trivial process to show when a picture is added to a computer. That and the fact that she admitted that she took it from my home got me off the hook.”
From Home To Work, She’s Not Backing Down

Benoit Daoust/
“I had an ex show up at my parent’s house (I was 19 and living with them), demand we work things out. I asked her to leave and she refused. I grabbed my then 11-year-old brother, put him in my car and tried to leave. She blocked the drive way with her body, so I had to drive in the yard. She then gets pissed that I’ve left and drives to my mother’s place of employment to talk to her about it!!! After my mom told her to leave her work, she shows back up at my house and refuses to leave again. I locked up the house and she sat on the porch swing for 3 hours before my step dad arrived home from work, tossed gas money at her and told her to get the hell off his property.
She was crazy.”
She Tried To Take Stuff That’s Not Hers But A Cop Says No

“She took all my shower stuff while I was at work. Curtain, rod, all that stuff….And the toilet bowl scrubber. She took all that, I came home and said ‘okay, not letting her take more of my stuff that’s actually important!’ so I changed the locks. Went to work that night, she calls and says she needs in the apartment to get her things. I tell her nah, not without me there, I don’t want you taking my stuff. She says she’ll call the cops, and I tell her to go ahead. Cops show up at my work and ask what’s going on. I show them my lease with her name not on it, and they say okay, we’ll have her come back tomorrow, call us when she shows up. She comes the next day and tells me she’s taking my bed (~$700). I tell her no, she didn’t pay for it, and I have my credit statement printed ready to show the cop. She tries arguing she’s taking the bed. Cop says ‘look, you’re not taking it, if you think you deserve it, take him to court’. Tries arguing with the cop then. Cop says ‘Did you not hear me right? Take him to court!’. Didn’t hear back from her about it”
This Guy Really Loses His Mind

Shooting Star Studio/
“He made about a hundred or so little fliers and put them around town saying something to the extent of ‘you’re a piece of garbage, got a problem with that? Call (My name) @ my home phone number or go to: my home address.’ My family had to put up with angry idiots calling and showing up to our house for weeks. He tried to bribe older guys to ‘get me pregnant’ (yes this was a nice neighborhood so I didn’t get raped!) He also would phony call the cops about suicide threats, noise complaints, underage drinking, etc., to my house.”
She Lies About Abuse, She Gets Caught Lying

Andreas Gradin/
“She threw herself down a flight of stairs and called the cops to say he beat her up. She would hit herself and call the cops almost weekly, so my SO installed a GPS tracker on his car to try and prove his whereabouts during the times she was accusing him of the abuse.
The absolute worst though was probably when she told him he could come over Christmas morning to see their then 2-year-old daughter open her gifts only to call the police and have him arrested in front of their daughter.
Eventually, she was recorded admitting she was making it all up and the charges were dropped. It’s over 5 years later and she did everyone a favor and took off abandoning her children who are definitely better off without that kind of crazy as a mother.”
It’s Like She Just Checked Out Without Warning

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And that was the most messed up thing. 9 years together, 2 married. One day she tells me she doesn’t love me anymore. A week later I find out she’s seeing another guy. A couple of weeks after that it had all fallen apart and she moved out. To go from a position when a part of everything you do is for them, for the both of you to have the best life together you can. Sharing everything with each other, to absolute silence.
Didn’t want to talk to me, see me or have me contact any of her family. It was like she died there and then. I later found out she had got pregnant with someone else in less than a year after walking out.”