There's nothing worse than getting cheated on. It's a gut-wrenching feeling that can really break people emotionally but its up to us learn our lessons and came back better than ever. To quote Frederich Nietzsche, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." But probably a more suitable quote for the people in these stories, revenge is a dish best served cold. There seems to be nothing better than getting even.
She Cut Him Off So He Left Her Out In The Cold
“I’m usually a reasonable guy about breakups and have actually maintained friendship with most of my exes. My most recent one however, stung hard. We were together for about 5 months with not a single issue and seemingly endless good times. Heck, it was the best relationship I had ever been in. One day she just decided she was having relationship anxiety and said she had to end it, but obviously still valued me as a person, wanted to be friends, all that stuff.
We had spoken on and off the next few weeks and it was actually kind of nice. I honestly believed that she couldn’t control the stress she was getting from the relationship but still cared. Then she messaged me one day about this concert we had been planning on seeing together. It was her favorite band and tickets sold out within minutes, but I recalled vividly how excited and thankful she was when I showed her I had picked us up a pair. In good spirits, I felt she deserved them, as I was not comfortable with going to a show with her.
Well within hours of me dropping off the tickets, I was unfriended on facebook, blocked on g-chat, and essentially cut from her life. The breakup sucked, but at least I thought I understood it. Now everything seemed cheap and I just felt used. I wound up calling the ticket office and reporting my tickets stolen. Her tickets were voided and I went to the show with another girl. The night of the show, it was pouring rain and the line was backed up multiple blocks, and who was behind us in line but my ex and another dude, waiting to use the tickets I paid for. It wasn’t much, but watching her stand in the freezing rain as the ticket checker told her that her tickets weren’t valid as I walked in before with another girl was satisfying to say the least.”
“I Just Played Some Halo 2 And Never Spoke To Her Again”
“I had a pretty serious relationship in college. One evening close to spring semester finals, her best friend got stumble-faced plastered at my party and told me that my girlfriend had been cheating on me ever since Christmas break with a guy back home. I wondered why she went home almost every weekend. Her friend even went as far as to show me a text message from my girlfriend saying how great it was that she had a boyfriend back home and one at school. Anyways, her laptop had been stolen halfway through the semester so she was using my computer to research and write a 28 page paper for her English 280 class.
When I found out about her cheating, I wiped the documents from my machine and created another file with the same name. Two days went by before she needed to work on finalizing her paper to turn in at the end of the semester. As she was powering on my machine and opening the file, I was in the other room throwing all of her stuff in a garbage bag. When she opened it….she read, ‘You may not receive credit for this paper, but at least you learned not to sleep around (smiley face).’ I’m pretty sure she went into shock because she turned pale and started shivering while I handed her the garbage bag and, without a word, slammed the door in her face. I felt bad for awhile but then I just smoked a bowl and played some Halo 2. Never spoke to her again.”
Both Of These People Are Crazy
“I dated a girl in college who was a recovering bulimic and had a classic case of borderline personality disorder – fantastic in bed, crazy in the head. For the most part we had a good relationship, I helped her deal with her bulimic cravings and put up with the times she had one of her classic borderline fits (‘I HATE YOU, YOU PIECE OF TRASH… sob I love you, don’t leave me!’) I genuinely cared about her, loved her, and wanted to help her get through the hard times.
Then she slept with one of my friends – did I mention she was a nymphomaniac? Yeah, that’s kinda important to the story.
She called me the next day and told me that I needed to come over her place so we could ‘work out things.’ In shock, I drove over to her place, and was greeted at the door by her with a list of things I needed to do differently, but not to improve our relationship, oh no, in my next one because she was dumping me. That’s when I put on my (in retrospect) ‘challenge accepted’ face and told her this:
‘Let me stop you right there, [redacted], I know we’re through and that’s fine, because let’s be honest, I’m not going to stay with you after you hooked up with my friend. But I just have one thing to tell you – you are single handedly the fattest bulimic I’ve ever met in my life, no wonder why your father didn’t love you.’
She spent the next two weeks in the hospital from going on a binge and purge fit that would have killed a bulimic Elephant. I’ve told this story before so let me say this – yes, I regret saying this to her, as awful as she was I’d have much rather have called her an idiot, spit at her feet and walked out. But when you get put in the corner, well, sometimes that dark side of ya comes out.”
The Truth Came Out When The Break Up Came Up
“This is a rather long story…and I’m kind of an a-hole for it.
For a few years, her family was trying to convince her to just get a radiology tech certification and get a job because she still hadn’t done anything with her life at 27. She hated the idea of working in a hospital or a doctor’s office, and her ‘passion’ was always with all things fashion. So when she attempted to go to college for fashion design, I had written her a completely fictional admissions letter which pretty much tugged at the strings of many, many hearts (think the movie Rudy, but with a Latino girl that took care of five siblings with only one parent who worked 24 hours.. okay actually nothing like Rudy)
So when she broke up with me over something completely ridiculous (it was because I did not have a credit card with the 900 dollar balance she needed to rent a car), I had a moment of douchebaggery and called up every admissions department of the colleges she applied to and told them that the letter was mine and that it was completely fake.
Then, I googled ‘medical certifications’ and went to every single school that advertises relentlessly on the internet. I filled in her contact information for all of them (I think there was close to nine).
She wasn’t happy about it, but I don’t think she ever put two and two together.
Oh, and she still hasn’t done anything with her life.”
Fake Profiles
“An ex broke up with me using the old tired ‘it’s me not you’ and ‘I am not in a place to date right now’ (after a year and a half of dating mind you). I found her on about two weeks later. I proceeded to create three separate fake profiles that were dream dates for her. I emailed her and lead her on for a while and then didn’t show for any of the dates. After the third no show, I emailed her as the last guy saying I got to the restaurant but she was prettier in her picture and backed out. At first I thought this was hilarious, later I felt bad, and now thinking back compared to what she put me through? Meh.”
He Got Up, Took The Keys, And Never Came Back
“I was married for three years and found out my wife was fooling around with a guy from her job. I confronted her and we spent another year or so trying to work things out, but it was never really the same. So I told her I wanted a divorce, gathered up what I needed to survive, and moved out.
After I had left, she went into a fit of rage and started throwing things, breaking stuff, and threatening to kill herself. She had evidently called her mother and went off on her as well. Her mother, who lived five states away, then called me and told me it was my responsibility to make sure that she was safe, to which I replied, ‘It’s over. I’m not going to go stay with her. She is only doing this for attention.’
Her mother was not having it and insisted that I go make sure she was OK. This really ticked me off because I had called her parents two weeks before I moved out to give them a heads up so they could make arrangements to help her through the split. I told her mom I would go over and make sure she was not dead, but that I was only going to do so once.
So I went over to check on her, and she freaked out on me. Told me she might as well just kill herself… I was not in the mood to deal with that all night long and for however long her little fit was bound to last, so I called the police, told them she was threatening suicide, and had her arrested. She spent a couple days in the psych ward under surveillance.
After the divorce was final, she kept her car, and I kept mine. She moved back to her home state to be closer to her parents and wound up getting pregnant. About a year later, I started getting collection calls from the finance company about her car, which she had not been making the payments on.
I called her and she went off about how hard it was to make a living being a single mom and that she couldn’t afford the car anymore. I told her I understood and that I’d help her out, seeing as she had a child and I didn’t want her to be stranded. She was all sorts of excited that I was talking to her again and that I was going to do something nice for her. So I called the bank, paid all the back payments and got the account current again. My name was on the loan, so it was no issue. I told them to send future payment notices directly to me.
She kept in touch after that thinking she had another chance with me. She was a single mom and longing for a man to help raise her new baby. I played along. A month or so later, I agreed to come see her. I flew out to her home town, and she picked me up in the car I was now paying for. It had recently been detailed and had the oil changed as well as a full tank of gas. She was attempting to show me that she was trying her hardest to make things right.
We went back to her place, she cooked me dinner, and we watched a movie. I porked her brains out that night after we went to bed. After she fell asleep, I got up, took her car keys, got in the car, and drove away. I traded the car in on a new Mazda a couple months later.
I have never seen or spoken to her since, although she still tries to contact me from time to time.”
Well…I Guess That Kind Of Counts As A Happy Ending?
“I urinated on the hood of her car. But that was after she set all my clothes on fire in the back yard while she was getting her stuff. Which was after I made ‘art’ out of all her bras and underpants on a big piece of plywood that spelled out the ‘c’ word that she’d see first thing when she came over to pick up her stuff. That was after she left rubber wrappers on OUR bed from banging some other guy.
Which I suppose was after she caught me banging her sister in the basement of her parents’ house while we were there for Thanksgiving one year. That happened after we decided to ‘see other people’ but still live together. Which happened after we’d decided the relationship got boring and there was nothing we could do to spice it up.
After I urinated on the hood of her car and got down, (I was standing on the roof of her car), she came out of nowhere and tackled me, beating the ever living crud out of me. I got in one or two pretty good defensive elbows to the cans, but once she was kneeling on my upper arms and just pounding my face in…
We fell in love all over again and fooled like weasels until the sun came up.
We dated (not living together) for another about year and a half, after which we had quite an amicable breakup when we both decided to move to different cities. We’re still friends to this day, and nearly never bring up the story of our first breakup. I guess it’s kind of our own private little story.”
She Came Crawling Right Back
“I dated a girl for about two years, really thought I’d end up marrying her some day, and we ended up getting an apartment together. Five months later, she all of a sudden decides she’s moving across the country to live with her parents, never even asks me if I’m interested in that, and after a nasty breakup I guess I somewhat respected her decision for wanting to be closer to them. Fast forward four years later, she gets a job here and moves back only to get arrested weeks later for driving under the influence. I guess feeling kind of down she gets back in touch with me and we soon start dating again. A whopping two weeks later I find out from a mutual acquaintance that not only had she cheating on me before she moved away, but she had moved across the country with the dude. After saying some of the most horrible things I’ve ever said to anyone then promptly cutting off all contact, I waited about four months as to to not arouse suspicion before I contacted her mom on FB and told her about her charges because I knew she would flip. Oh and three months after I dropped her, she got pregnant by some guy who immediately left her. Karma just works like that.”
She Cheated On Him But Paid With Her Semester
“I found out my girlfriend of over a year was cheating on me; at the time we had just started living together and discussing marriage. She was in her senior year in a very challenging university program, and I was used to giving her the time she needs to work on school. Over a weekend it seemed her personality changed, she became very negative and irrationally hostile towards me. When I confronted her, she blamed it on stress and homework load, and that she was going to have to pull some all-nighters. I bought her a small bouquet to leave on her desk at school to surprise her and show her some support while she worked hard on her studies and planned on delivering it that night. When I got to her desk around midnight, I found a single red rose in a vase on her desk and she was nowhere to be found. I decided this was more than suspicious so I decided to stay calm, keep my mouth shut, and investigate. Two days later, I had all the proof (including personally witnessing) I needed that she was cheating on me with another student in her program at the university. So I stayed calm and kept my mouth shut.
I spent the next few nights finding out everything I could about the guy, I found his desk at school, I could more or less tell when they were together from my girlfriend’s texts so I kept checking his desk at school until one day I hit the jackpot, dude left his laptop. I waited until no one was looking and installed some remote access software. I work in I.T. so I had a hard time keeping a straight face when my girlfriend told me she had a ‘friend’ who ‘lost’ his semester project on his computer and his programs weren’t opening any of the file extensions he normally used. I told her to bring me his laptop, and his backup data and I would see what I could do. I made them believe that not only did he lose his entire semester project, but that his backup was corrupted, too, with no way to recover it. Furthermore, his files had infected her computer and she had lost her project as well. She and her ‘friend’ tried to get me to vouch for them so they could get an extension from their professor.
I went in and looked the professor dead in the eye and told him that (paraphrasing) that officially, I have to support my girlfriend, but off the record, I don’t think she or her friend did much work on the project and are just trying to save their hides. They scrambled and were practically killing themselves trying to re-construct their projects in time but they kept having the worst luck with their computers and ultimately failed their semesters. I broke up with her as soon as I was sure she had failed, never let on that I knew about the other guy.”
His Mom Apologized For Raising Such A Pig
“After six years of dating, living together, planning to live abroad together… the truth was revealed that my boyfriend had been sleeping with my best friend for a good two to three years.
I announced what had happened in my Facebook status, saying ‘Thanks EX’s name for cheating on me with stupid floozy’s name for two years. In my own bed too!’
Needless to say, they weren’t too happy and both asked me to remove it but I refused. I left it up for a few weeks and EVERYONE saw it, their families and all our friends. I reveled in the angry comments left on their walls, the best one being from my ex’s mom, who adored me. She said: ‘I am so ashamed of you. Don’t bother coming home for Thanksgiving.’
His mom also messaged me that I deserved better than that and she was sorry for raising a pig. It was great.
We all shared the same friends and I was pleased that every single one of my friends have out-casted my ex-best friend as well as my ex boyfriend. And as I said, I was her best friend so now she has NO ONE. Serves her right.
On another note, I still know all of his passwords for FB and email but I never did anything to them, just not my style. Though nothing can be quite as fulfilling as turning his own mother against him.”
The Icing On The Cake
“This is going to be a little long, grab your popcorn.
I found that my girlfriend at the time was cheating on me. It was Saturday night and I was out with my friends chatting when I saw the two of them going to the parking lot, then kissing near her car. So I did what any reasonable man could do: I went in their direction and stood there watching. I remember saying ‘Aw, that’s cute,’ to see her looking at me completely terrified, jaw dropped at the floor, and the guy really scared that I would hit him. I turned around and went back to her home to pick up my stuff.
A couple of days later, I started to see her roommates and best friend that lived together with my ex. They already liked me, and when I told what happened, everyone was upset. One of her roommates couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with the other guy, who my ex girlfriend introduced. I took her best friend on dates, even standing in front of her building chatting and laughing while she arrived with the new guy, both with long faces.
Also, I rented my first apartment and had her best friend there a couple of times. She loved the place and I was sure the news would hit my ex’s ears. Guess what? She called me the next week asking how I was doing. I was very friendly and teased her on the phone, and ended up inviting her to see my new home. I still remember how disgusted I was to hear her voice after the talk.
The next day she was there, I was moving some chairs to my place and made her carry a big table three floors upstairs. When everything was in place, I opened the door and, while holding it open, I said, ‘Thanks for that, now move your cheating face out of my place. I don’t want to be your friend or hear from you ever again.’ Not angry, no expression on my face, just like I was asking for the salt. She was flabbergasted, tried to mumble some words. I could see her eyes getting wet. She grabbed her purse and left. The next day I had a little party with my friends (her best friend was invited), and through the window I could see her car parking, standing still for a couple of minutes and going away.
The icing on the cake? There was a party of mutual friends and my ex was there with that skinny guy. I showed up with a gorgeous girl (who is now my wife) and looking better than ever, with more muscle and better clothes, like she never saw me before. I heard they broke up a week later.”
“I Proceeded To Punch Her In The Head”
“My husband cheated on me with a teenager (we were both in our early 30s). I went through a short but notable period of flaming out publicly. During this time I somehow convinced the ex that I wanted a threesome with his new girlfriend and him. They show up downtown at the bar I suggested and I proceeded to punch her in the head. Not my proudest moment. I’ve not really had a Jerry Springer episode before or since. Still feel a bit guilty but also amazed that he thought I was serious. “