From seeing into the future, to knowing where exactly in the world dinosaurs live today, adults share the strangest thing a child has ever told them.
[Source can be found at the end of the article]
It was all a dream, kid!
and he says, ‘My dad died last night.’ He gives a detailed account, in tears, of how his dad didn’t come home and later his mum came in to talk to him and told him his dad had been killed.
My friend is horrified and sends a classroom assistant to reception to call the boy’s mother to ask if this is true and how they can help the child, while she herself stays to comfort her pupil, who is inconsolable. After getting over the shock she starts to think the story doesn’t make sense: kid’s family is stable and middle class and lives in a nice area, how would the dad have been killed, why would the kid be in school? She says to the boy, gently, ‘Um, [name], this wasn’t a dream by any chance, was it?’ Kid stops crying and thinks for a few seconds, then says, ‘Oh yeah, I think it was actually,’ and immediately starts eating his snack and chatting with his friends happily like nothing ever happened.”
That’s not beach fun!
“We decided to take a family vacation to Lake Michigan this summer. I was trying to get my 6-year-old daughter hyped about it, so I started naming things we could do at the beach like build a sandcastle or look for shells.
Without missing a beat, she said, ‘Yeah, and we could bury you in the sand and wait for the tide to come in.’ I slept with one eye open that night.”
Best not to get sick. Ever!
“Sitting outside my apartment on the little bench by the door just getting some air and this little girl walks up to me, no younger than 10 and just straight up says, ‘You’re going to get sick and die,’ and walked inside. I was pretty shaken, I won’t lie.”
Do math to choose a jersey number
“When my son was 9 he got to choose the number for his football jumper, and he chose the number 17. When I asked him how he came to pick that, he said, ‘It’s my age plus the number of my favourite Bulldogs player, and then divided by pi. I had to round it off though, they wouldn’t let me have a decimal.’ I always thought that was pretty strange – most junior football players aren’t doing math to choose a jersey number.”
The dog with no name
“I work in grooming, and I was waiting for a client to pick up their dog when a kid walked up and started talking to me. This happens often, as a lot of the time people come in just to let their kids watch the groomers, so I chat and stuff. Eventually I tell him the name of the dog I have. He responds, ‘My dog won’t have a name soon, on account of him not existing anymore.’ He was probably like 10ish years old? It was sad and just took me way off guard.”
Home alone and hearing whispers …
“I was putting my child in the bath one night, and it was just us in the house. I think she was probably around 2 or 3. I suddenly felt really creeped out, like you do when you’re home alone and you feel like you’re being watched. I felt like someone was out in the hallway.