A common saying goes "do as I say, not as I do", and that should definitely be followed in this instance. Some of these adults are acting like children and their examples should not be imitated! Content has been edited for clarity.
“He Managed To Scam Us Over A Carton Eggs”
“We had a customer years ago come in because they wanted to return a carton of eggs. He said the eggs he got out of our fridge were expired and had a month old carton to show it. His receipt for eggs was from a week when we had eggs on sale.
At the time, I had 3 cases of eggs in my cooler and I would have to restock them 4-6 times a day. I easily went through six dozen cartons of eggs a night. There’s no way, on that week, that he bought expired eggs. There was simply too much turnover for them to have sat that long, especially not for a month.
Beyond that, our corporate policy was not to accept returns on refrigerated items or any incomplete products. Our manager wouldn’t give the guy the refund on the 99 cent thing of eggs, per company policy.
The customer threw a huge fit and it escalated to our district office, where our district manager called the guy to our store and personally gave him a $200 gift card, walked around and talked with the guy, and shopped with him. Then when the guy said he was interested in getting a shingles shot, he made our pharmacy comp him the ~$270 vaccine on our store’s dime.
This dirtbag who tried to scam us out of 99 cents got almost $500 worth of stuff from us because corporate didn’t have the freaking spine to back up one of our managers who was only following policy.”
No One Was There To Witness This Breakdown…Or So He Thought
“My (psycho) ex-boss thought he was alone in the office one night, and Excel chose that time to mess with him. It wouldn’t calculate a formula correctly (couldn’t be the fact he didn’t input it correctly, no), so he absolutely LAUNCHED into a swearing tirade at maximum volume. I froze in my cubicle, afraid to touch my keyboard and inadvertently announce to him he, in fact, wasn’t alone. He kept trying to re-do the cell, and every time it failed he would get more and more belligerent. His voice started rising higher and higher while I remained frozen. Eventually, he started freaking crying. He blubbered about this stupid program and I was now panicking. I couldn’t walk out because the door was right next to his office. I couldn’t make a noise. I was stuck.
He decided to get up and take a walk, and that’s when his tirade paused dead in its tracks. My eyes shot to my desk lamp. It was on. Then I heard footsteps approaching. Crapcrapcrap. I scanned my desk. An idea flashed into my head. My hands shot out, grabbed my headphones, and threw them onto my head in one quick movement. I started bobbing my head when he walked around the corner and said, ‘Well that was a bit embarrassing!’
I ignored him, facing my screen, pretending the music was blaring.
He tapped me on the shoulder and I acted all shocked. I took off my headphones and faced him. He was sweating. He said again, ‘Well that was a bit embarrassing – did you hear my tirade?’ I told him I did not. My music, just too loud, you see.
We talked a bit, whatever. End of the story. I’ve never heard in my life a hissy fit like that, and I hope I never do again. It went so far past amusing, past cringy, to downright scary.”
Don’t Be Fooled By The Sweet-Looking Elderly Couple
“I was in a car accident where I got t-boned by a moving van while driving my Pontiac Sunfire. They ran a red light and were completely at fault. I BROKE MY NECK and was paralyzed from the waist down. My passenger broke her hip. I was 19 years old and the couple that hit me were in their 60s/70s. I was actually very coherent and not even in that much pain (shock, maybe) and could hear the couple that hit me saying that I was faking it. They also said that immediately after the wreck my passenger and I switched positions in the car and I wasn’t even driving (even though I was experiencing paralysis). They walked over to the ambulance and were pointing at me telling me to quit faking and that they were suing me for fraud and for their own pain and suffering. Excuse me?
The police had to see them out. They had zero injuries, yet were SO ENRAGED at me and I remember her complaining of a migraine headache that was ‘all of a sudden coming on.’ I partially fractured my C1 vertebra and broke my C3. I went on to make a 100% full recovery. I eventually recovered the function of my legs after a few weeks in the ICU and was pretty much back to normal after 18 months of therapy.
A lot of good came out of it though! A guy I wasn’t officially dating but had a crush on visited me in ICU while I was recovering. My family lived across the country and couldn’t be there and so he came up and sat with me and visited almost daily.. long story short we just celebrated our 10th Anniversary this month.
It was all so bizarre. The couple so elderly and sweet-looking, but we fought it out in a nasty lawsuit battle that took over 2 years to settle. I won.”
She Was Being So Difficult, Not Even Her Fake Dad Could Help Her
“I saw a very wasted woman throw a massive temper tantrum trying to board a flight at the airport.
She was slurring her words, only partially coherent, and she couldn’t even walk straight. The poor gate agent tried to break it to her gently, offered to get her some water while they waited for a medic and security, assured her she could rebook her flight.
This spoiled brat was not having it. She started YELLING that she absolutely had to get on this plane and nothing could stop her. She tried multiple times to board the plane, and eventually had to be physically restrained.
She started getting belligerent and threatening the employees that she would get them all fired. One of the people attempting to help her was wearing a turban and she started saying that she’d get him deported. She demanded every employee’s first and last name (their full names were on their name tags, but she apparently didn’t notice this). When they gave her their full names, she kept demanding it for them (she must be used to employees she abuses refusing to give their full names, I guess) and insisting she was going to call corporate and get them all fired. The guy in the turban was so chill, he actually said ‘do you need me to spell my name for you? I guarantee it’s going to be a waste of your time and the company’s time and nothing will come of it.’
When it became clear that she wasn’t going to get what she wanted, she called her father on her cell phone and started screaming very loudly that she was being abused and asking her Daddy to sue the airline and get all the employees fired.
Security finally dragged her away at that point.
The funny thing is that I looked up the Attorney General of New Jersey at the time and he didn’t have any daughters.”
When Board Games Get Extra Competitive
“On Christmas Eve a couple years ago, I suggested my family play a board game. First we tried Scrabble. I turned the word PRAYING into SPRAYINGS and got something like 50 points. My brother got extremely upset and claimed that it wasn’t a valid word. I googled it and it was indeed a word. He got mad and pulled up the official Scrabble dictionary and lo and behold, ‘sprayings’ wasn’t in it. I told him to just calm down since it was just a game, and he flipped the board over and got the letters all over the place. He then stormed off not to be seen again.
That same night, we tried to make up by playing Monopoly. My brother considered himself a Monopoly expert, whereas everyone else hadn’t ever played it. My sister was super unenthusiastic about the game and refused to ever trade properties with him just to be petty. My brother was progressively getting more and more mad. My mom was completely siding with my sister which got him so upset he eventually flipped the board over again and got little plastic houses and cards and stuff EVERYWHERE. He started screaming at my mom and telling her that she had failed parenting my sister because she ‘intervened too much when they were kids.’ The argument ended with my dad bursting into tears — first and only time I had ever seen him cry — and all of us just sitting in the living room in silence.
My brother was 28 at the time.”
Apparently Closing Times Don’t Apply To This Guy
“I used to work at a large event stadium that housed several of the state’s sports teams. I can’t remember which team was playing (I think basketball), but it was definitely New Year’s Eve and I had been assigned to the private suites (the hoity-toity rooms that the owners of the teams and various companies use to schmooze clients and order food at 5x the normal price).
We had been explicitly clear that the suites would not be open after 10:00 PM. Guests could go down to one of the large event rooms where there was food/drinks/games/etc., but the suites were closed by 10:00 PM sharp. We sent out emails explaining this, there were flyers left in the room with a reminder and directions to the festivities, and we were made to remind each guest beforehand face to face to avoid any confusion. Needless to say, the staff wanted to get out of there early enough to enjoy the holiday themselves so we all made sure to be on top of this.
I did this with all of my suites and they nodded in agreement except for one guy, let’s call him Entitled Man-Baby (or EMB). When I politely reminded EMB that the suites would be closed at 10:00 PM, he instantly looked away at his friends and said, ‘Yeah, we’ll see about that,’ and walked away without a word to me. I tried to press the matter, but he refused to look at me. Eventually, his friend just nodded and shooed me away. Sure enough, when 9:55 came rolling around, they still had their stuff everywhere, were opening new drinks and trying to order more. I politely reminded him that we would be closing in five minutes and he said, ‘Uh, we’re not going anywhere. I’m very close friends with insert the name of the sports announcer here and we’re not leaving for a long while.’
Me: ‘Sir, I’m sorry there seems to be a misunderstanding the suites are closing in five minutes but we’ll be more than happy to show you to the New Years Event just a few minutes away.
And again, he just turned away and refused to acknowledge or look at me.
That scumbag refused to leave for an hour and a freaking half. My boss came to nicely explain to him, my boss’s boss came to nicely explain to him, then security came to explain it to him. At which point his friends couldn’t contain him any longer. He was exactly like the quintessential image of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum as he clenched his fists, stomped his foot and held his breath until his face was red. Then he let out the highest pitch and loudest freaking sound that I have ever heard come out of a human being. ‘I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE. WE KNOW [NAME} SPORTS ANNOUNCER. I WAS PROMISED THAT I COULD STAY HERE AND I’M NOT LEAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNG!!!!!!’
It was almost worth it just to see the faces of his friends drop in utter disbelief. They had been enjoying the slightly silly ego trip he had been having, but this was over the top. The entire room just stood silent for a solid 30 seconds before my boss’s boss said, ‘Yeah, okay…’ She turned and walked out. Shortly after the infamous Sports Announcer guy walked in himself and started apologizing to EMB.
Announcer: ‘Oh, it’s good to see you. So sorry for the mix-up, I have a nice private room waiting for you, come with me. So sorry…’
Those scumbags left at 11:45. I spent midnight on the train headed back home.”
No Sympathy For Spoiled Princesses
“There was this girl that was part of my friend group for a while in my early 20s. She was the definition of spoiled. Her parents were amazing. They were immigrants who had started a reasonably successful construction business. After a cancer scare, her dad decided that he needed to spend more time with his family/kids and make the most out of life. They took her on all these amazing vacations, bought her a decent new car, designer handbags and sunglasses – the whole 9 yards. They also put a pretty massive down payment on a house for her, which probably covered about 50% of the cost so that her mortgage and other costs were less than her rent.
She called me one day and she was sobbing. She was upset because her parents, who pay for everything (while she spent her money from her full-time job on clothes, makeup, and partying) were MAKING HER dip into her savings for a lawyer to close the deal for the property they bought her. She was inconsolable. I had to try to explain to her that for most people, their first home is their entire savings and that her parents have basically given her all these amazing things that other people don’t get.
We hung up for a bit, and I guess she accidentally butt-dialed me when she was talking to her parents about it. She was full-on yelling at them for daring to make her pay for a lawyer, telling them she hates them, that she never wants to see them again, and that they’re the most horrible people she’s ever met.
We had already started fading her from our friend group somewhat, but it was a fairly quick downhill slope from there.”
The Day The Chemistry Completely Flipped His Lid
“My high school chemistry teacher completely flipped out one day.
Everyone in our class sat at work areas that had built-in sinks with those high arching faucets. We were going to do some experiments one day and had some balance scales in our work areas. We also had some slimeballs who sat in the back and goofed around a lot.
While the teacher was talking about the experiments we were going to do, Dumb, Dumber, Dumberer, and Dumberest started goofing. One of them, Dumberer, was sort of wiggling the faucet, and it broke off in his hands. The teacher didn’t see this, so Dumberer quickly put the broken piece out of sight.
Teacher turns around and noticed something wrong, but couldn’t put his finger on it for a second. Then he realized what happened and his face clouded over. No other reaction though…at least, not yet…
The teacher went back to explaining things, and you could hear something in his voice, an edge. But the Dummy Brothers were oblivious. They started messing around with the scales and weighing stuff on their desk. Then Dumberest interrupted the teacher mid-sentence:
‘Hey, Teacher…did you know my pencil weighs 35 grams!’
The teacher stopped cold. Face darkened. Lips curled back. And he lost it.
‘Did you touch the scale? DID YOU TOUCH IT?????’
He stormed to the back, grabbed the scale off of the desk, and went back to the front, and just started raging. It was a long, long time ago so I don’t remember the details, but he went off on students, disrespect, damaging stuff, disrupting the class, etc., etc. The students all just sat there, slack-jawed. At one point, he grabbed the weighing pan from the scale and flung it across the room.
After a while, he tried to compose himself. He grabbed a stack of papers for the experiment and started handing them out. His hands were shaking so bad he could barely do it. Then he finally just left the classroom. We sat there for a while, then someone from the administration came down and dismissed the class.”
No One Gets Special Treatment…Even Famous Football Stars
“Back when I was working retail, a former NFL player who had been a reasonably big deal in the late 90’s came in with his herd of kids, did some shopping, and headed up front to pay. Once he got up there, he immediately started freaking out because of the ‘line’ (my cashier was checking one person out, and there was one person waiting, so it would have taken at most 3 minutes for him to wait). He stood by the registers literally screaming for a manager. He stomped his feet and waved his arms around like he was trying to get someone’s attention.
Of course, once the manager arrived, the line was already gone. My cashier tried to tell him that she could now check him out, but the guy is too far gone for that to work. The manager also tried to explain to him that there was no line, but the guy was still screaming that he shouldn’t have to wait behind ‘those (racial epithets) over there.’ He then started dropping the ‘do you know who I am?!’ card. Once the manager FINALLY got through to him that there was no line, the guy immediately started asking what we were going to do to compensate him for what had just happened. Fortunately, that manager actually had a spine and told him that we were going to do literally nothing for him.
After gathering up his kids and throwing the product that he was trying to buy at the manager, the guy stormed out, screaming the whole time that he was going to buy the store and fire us all, that we’d be hearing from his lawyer, and so on.
A couple of years later, he got arrested for doing lines off of a toilet in a nightclub bathroom, which I think explains a lot.”
All This Fuss Over Five Cents
“Ages ago, I worked at a post office for minimum wage. In the post office, there was a photocopy machine that clients could pay to make photocopies before sending them in the mail. This was a service provided by a third party and we had signs saying as such. The provider even had a sign up saying ‘call this number if you have problems with this machine.’
Cue this man coming in to mail something. He wanted photocopies. Not a problem, so I pointed to the machine across from me. He put money in and started copying. At some point, he starts cursing under his breath. He walked up to the counter and started complaining that the machine ate 5 cents. Yes, 5 pennies worth of money. One-twentieth of a dollar. He was yelling and demanding the money back. I told him there is a number on the machine and I can’t just give him money from the business.
He threw an absolute hissy fit. He kept going on and on and refused to call the number. He asked for a supervisor. No problem, I didn’t make enough to deal with this. I called her over and she looked at me and goes ‘can we give him the money back?’ I said no. She looked back at the client and said ‘sorry, but we can’t give you the money back. Call the number.’
He spent at least 20 minutes with the supervisor. He refused to leave, so I called security. Security showed up and literally said the same thing. He still refused to call the number.
Security physically lead him out. He kept shouting at the store manager on the way out. All of this over 5 pennies. He refused to dedicate even a minute to call the number on the machine, yet he complained while wasting almost an hour in the store.”
Carrot Top’s Full-On Freak Out
“Back in the late summer of 1994, I was invited to a Carrot Top show. This was back when Carrot Top was just a redheaded prop comic and not the bizarre steroid-beast he is today.
Anyway, about 20 minutes into the show he started to freak out. It seemed as though the monitors weren’t working or something because he kept complaining about how funny his stuff was and how well his prop gags had gone over in other venues. To be clear, he was amusing and the crowd was laughing along as one might expect. However, he wasn’t getting any of that feedback for some reason and he started to spiral into losing it entirely. He yanked one prop after another out of his trunk, faster and faster, and louder and louder. Eventually, he had a complete breakdown, burst out into full-on tears, started sobbing, dropped everything, covered his face and ran off stage.
The crowd was confused because let’s face it, no one really knew what to expect from the guy. He never did come back on stage and after another couple minutes the lights came on and we all left, just 20 minutes into the show.”
Not So Happy Birthday
“While working on a local theatre project, the lead actress’ birthday was in the middle of the final week of rehearsals. We were all packed into the theatre for hours on hour per day, but there was still time to celebrate. We passed a card around and the director decided she’d bake a cake.
When we took a break, someone brought the lead actress out on stage so we could cut the cake, sing Happy Birthday and give her the card. Everything was going well.
Then suddenly, there came a great screech. The director was displeased.
Apparently, no one had asked her to sign the card. To be clear, she’d seen it being passed around, but no one had actively asked her, and she took that as an insult.
She slammed the cake to the floor right in front of the poor lead actress, screamed at us all for being so inconsiderate and stormed off.
Happy birthday.”