What is it about weddings that make some brides go completely insane? They become irrational and obnoxious. The stress of putting together a wedding can be intense, but what keeps some of these brides from taking a deep breath and calming down? There is no way there are this many narcissistic people in the world. Or are there? Even people that don't show any narcissistic tendencies end up going bananas when it comes to their weddings.
Reading these stories will leave you wondering if the people in them looked in a mirror at the end of it all and realize how crazy they got in the planning and execution of their weddings.
She Got Trashed And Checked Out

He ended up taking all of my sister’s pictures off of his site because she was screen capping and sharing them with the watermark cropped out instead of buying them.
So classless.”
A Monster-In-Law Tries To Ruin Everything

“My sister and her fiancĂ© were getting married. She had just found out she was around 6 weeks pregnant and obviously didn’t want a lot of stress, so naturally, being the younger sister, and a bridesmaid, I took up the mantle to deal with all last minute disasters.
One day prior to this my sister and her fiancĂ© decided to buy an expensive bouquet of flowers for my mom, his stepmom and his mother for donating money. My mother and his stepmom were really grateful for this gesture of thanks and insisted that they shouldn’t have. The groom’s mother, however, was not so grateful. She threw an absolute fit about how she wanted them presented to her at the reception with a speech so everyone knew how much she had contributed to the wedding. I sorted it out and she was still allowed to come and reluctantly accepted the bouquet without her speech and show.
So, on the day of the wedding, I made all the phone calls and dealt with one mess after another without my sister finding out. I didn’t even touch on the fact that one of the bridesmaids was 2 hours late. I made a hasty exit outside to call her and find out where the heck she was as the other bridesmaid was doing my sister’s makeup. I found her outside being chatted up by the best man who had come to drop off a wedding gift for my sister from her husband to be, he obviously got distracted on the way in. I gave her my best ‘get up the stairs’ look and gave the best man an expression that could only be rivaled by Hades himself. He left the present (which cheered my sister up) and I left him with strict instructions to call me if anything went wrong, NOT the bride.
The day went pretty smoothly until the drinks started to flow. The groom’s mother (I will now refer to her as monster-in-law) started screaming bloody murder at me because ‘horrendously’ I had to take 2 seconds out of the day to pee, and my sister needed her dress bustled for the first dance (I was the only one who knew how to do it). I did the bustling and then warned the monster-in-law that she was on thin ice and if she did anything to ruin my sister’s day then I would end her. I didn’t hear anything for a while and started to get merry, dealing with minor disasters from creepy granddads chatting up family friends the age of their granddaughters to hammered louts falling over the kids.
Unbeknownst to me, the monster-in-law had begun to seek out each and every member of my family and insult them one by one. I didn’t find this out until I bumped into one of the other bridesmaids (a very old family friend) who proceeded to tell me in an irate manner that she’d overheard the monster-in-law taking smack about my brother and then got into it with her. I was furious. I pulled her aside and told her to shut up and leave, her son was lucky to be married to my sister and if she wanted anything to do with them or their future children then she better watch herself.
She’s a horrible woman and I still can’t stand to be in the same room as her today. Its been almost 3 years.”
She Was A Real Treat!

“My cousin’s bride wouldn’t let him take a picture with me by himself because she was jealous.
I was eight years old, their flower girl, and also HIS COUSIN. Her family thought this was 100% justified. The PHOTOGRAPHER thought it was 100% justified. The only people who said anything about it were my mom and my grandmother. The rest of our family didn’t want to get involved. I wish my cousin would have said something, but he didn’t have the spine. He let her family treat ours terribly the entire wedding.
She also got into a screaming match with her sister-in-law because she had a bigger engagement ring.
The bridezilla was from New Orleans, wanted to have the wedding there. Insisted on having the wedding there even after it got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Finding a hotel was a freaking delight according to my parents.
She went on a tirade where she insulted pretty much our entire family.
After they were married, she made her husband skip our grandmother’s funeral because she didn’t like her anyway (honestly, no one has forgiven him for going along with this).
Finally, she cheated on my cousin with her high school sweetheart after my cousin paid for her lap band surgery.
She was a freaking treat. I don’t miss her at all, she drove a really big wedge between him and our family.”