Not all job interviews go over so well... And these candidates apparently didn't realize how they should and should not act in a workplace setting. (Content has been edited for clarity)
His Mother Didn’t Handle The Rejection Well!

Marian Fil/Shutterstock
So I asked my first question and she answered for him. I politely explained that the interviews I conduct are with the candidate only unless special accommodations are required. I was told, ‘I’m not going anywhere.’
I thanked them both for coming out and explained that the position requires problem-solving and critical thinking on an individual level. Unless I am hiring the both of them under one salary working together as a ‘full-time equivalent,’ this wouldn’t work. I was then told I would be sued.”
Why The Bratty Teen Was Forced To Get A Job…

“I was working as a front-end supervisor for a big box retailer going into the holiday season. This was the beginning of November.
I get this girl who came in for an interview and I let her know it was seasonal work, but that we would be keeping some of the seasonal hires after January and inquired as to whether she was looking for seasonal or long-term.
In the most stereotypical Valley-Girl voice I’ve ever heard, she replies, ‘Well, I basically got in trouble for bad grades and staying out too late, and my parents are making me pay for my own car insurance this month.’
That was it. She just stared at me, expecting her to hire her on the spot.
I did not do that. I do still wonder if she ever got a job that helped her pay her car insurance for that month, though.”
Definitely Not Dressed For The Job!

“I was interviewing someone for a door-to-door canvass for a multinational charity.
A woman came in, sat down, and took her coat off. She apologized that she hadn’t had a chance to change her outfit from the previous night’s partying.
As she pulled her jacket off, her shirt exposed part of her chest. For a moment, it just hung there before she nonchalantly slid that puppy right back where it belonged, acting as if nothing had just happened.
I moved the interview from my office to a public area of the office in full view of other staff members. Also, her resume was half a page written in pencil on a lined piece of paper. She didn’t get the job.”
He Just Wanted To Hang With His Friends!

“The kid was in high school and put down his friends as references. He also had to fill out the application twice because the first time he messed up.
Me: ‘What made you apply?’ I ask this question more to see what type of response that can create on the spot. I like to see if they can formulate a decent response while thinking on their feet.
Kid: ‘Well…umm…all my friends work here, so I don’t think it would really be, like, a job to me. More like kicking it with the homies.’
Me: ‘Would your friends being employed here, get in the way of you working?’
Kid: ‘Maybe. I mean, our Auto Class teacher makes all of us split up in class and we can’t work together.'”
A ‘Quick Run To The Bathroom’ Ended Up With A Call For An Ambulance

“I was hiring for a coffee shop and a nice enough gal came in 20 minutes late. ‘Like, what’s the big swag deal, guys.’ During the interview, we asked what her strengths are. Her answer, she ‘don’t take no crap from nobody.’ Then she asked for a quick run to the bathroom, which we obliged, but after ten minutes she never came back. Keep in mind, there is only one door in this shop so we know she’s still in there.
I sent a female employee to check if she was okay, needed toilet paper, whatever. Then, 10 seconds later, I heard screaming!