Sometimes what you think you see or hear on baby monitors are just a figment of your imagination. But other times, you catch things happening that you never dreamed of witnessing...
Little Sleepwalker Wanted To Visit Grandma?

“Our kid was/is the most active sleepwalker I have ever seen. He would get out of his crib and walk around his room them climb back in and go to sleep. It is very creepy waking up to hear your kid having a conversation while he is asleep or watching him sitting up in his crib staring at the camera.
Usually when he left his room, he would come to our room and climb in our bed.
One night I heard him get out of his bed and the next thing I know I heard the chime on the front door.
By the time I got up and got out the door he was all the way up the driveway and almost out in the street. His eyes were glazed over and he was mumbling about going to grandma’s (who lived down the road).
Scared me to death, we added an extra chain lock to our door the next day.”
The Red Orb Hovering Over Her Crib

About 2 weeks ago, my wife and I checked our night vision infrared cam in our daughter’s room while we were laying in bed. What we saw scared the life out of us.
There was an ‘orb’ floating about 5 feet above her head, moving in many different ways that followed no real pattern. It would shoot off camera for a bit, come back, stay still, move in circles, etc. I recorded the whole thing with my phone. After about 5 minutes my wife got scared and went in and grabbed my daughter, at which point it just hovered.
Shortly after that, I went in to investigate.
Nothing could be seen with naked eyes, and it wasn’t picked up by the cam with the lights on. I stopped recording shortly after I went in because I was watching the baby monitor screen and trying to find what was causing it with the other hand. I moved my hand right in front of it and felt a variance in temperature, and checked everything around it to see if there was some kind of reflection.
I didn’t find anything.
I kept checking and after awhile of turning the lights off and on, it finally disappeared when I turned them off.”
The Most Impressive Dance Moves!

“I used to babysit a 9-year-old kid with Autism, along with his almost 2-year-old brother. He really liked to watch Youtube videos alone in his room, and his parents were cool with me letting him during the 3 – 4 hours they would leave me with the kids, as long as he ate lunch and as long as he didn’t watch anything inappropriate. They had a nanny cam in the baby’s room.
So one afternoon, I put the little one down for a nap and bring the laptop with the nanny cam feed with me to the living room, so I can get some reading done. I look up maybe 10 minutes into nap time, and I see the 9-year-old performing the most mind-bending and impressive dance choreography I’ve ever seen, while his little brother watched in complete awe. This kid was like a little Beyoncè.
The best part was his parents confirming that they had watched it too, and they had no idea that he was studying dance videos on Youtube and that he could actually perform such an amazing routine.
Five years later, they’re on Facebook sharing how he’s in his high school’s pom squad and how dance has helped with some behavioral delays.
Best Nanny Cam moment ever.”
Overhearing The Next Door Neighbor’s Monitor

“I babysit my cousin’s two kids pretty much every other Friday night so he and his wife can have some time alone and out of the house. Their kids are 2 and 6 months so they have video monitors in each of their rooms and I pretty much watch the monitors and read or watch TV.
Roughly a month ago I heard talking coming out of one of the monitors. It was a man’s voice and he kept saying over and over again, ‘It’s ok, go back to sleep, I’m here,’ and I could see a figure standing over the crib in the 6-month-old’s room. I freaked out thinking someone has broken it (they had a break in around Christmas time and the guy was never caught). I called the police and my cousin and crept upstairs with a knife to protect myself and the babies. No one was upstairs and both kids were sound asleep.
Needless to say, I was thoroughly freaked out until the police and my cousin came out. it didn’t help that they lived in an older home and everything creaked.
Fast forward to last week the exact same thing happened to my cousin during the day while the kids are napping. But since it was day time the video monitor gave off a better picture of the room.
Apparently, the one monitor in the 6-month-olds room switches over to the neighbors monitor every once and a while. The voice I heard was that of his next door neighbor soothing their crying baby who is around the same age.”
Staring At The Camera With Night Vision Eyes…

“We had a motion activated camera that also had night vision. It was set up looking into our daughter’s crib, propped up at the end of the crib itself when she was about a year old. The monitor would turn on if there was any movement significant enough to set off the camera and it would pick up the sound.
We got kind of used to it turning on so we had the monitor sitting face down most of the time because we could still hear her and if there was an issue we could tell by the noise. So, the monitor turned on one night and the sound of rustling sheets woke us up. My wife picks up the monitor to see what was going on. Well, it was our daughter, face really close to the camera, looking straight into the camera with night vision face and those creepy night vision eyes looking directly at us through the monitor. Scared us to death!
That was the last time we used the monitor. We were close enough to hear her in the house anyways.
We figured out why she was doing that, the camera had a tiny orange light on it, I guess she was staring at that…or she was trying to freak us out.”
When Grandma Makes A Surprise Visit…

:When I’m home from college I babysit for these pretty wealthy people. At the time, the boys I would babysit were about 2 years old and 9 months old. It was summer and I had laid the younger one down for a nap, then took the monitor out with me to the backyard so the two-year-old could play. I hear sound going off and see arms reaching into the crib to the sleeping baby. I grabbed the two-year-old, a knife, and slowly walked upstairs.
Their grandma had come to see if I needed any help but didn’t have my number so she didn’t text me she was there.
We laughed about it but never have I ever been so ready to shank someone.”
Letting Her Baby Brother Know How Things Work In Their House?

“While I am not a parent, I do have a brother who has a kid and they have a baby monitor at their place.
My sister called me cry-laughing to tell me that niece went into the nursery and proceeded to lay out a few ‘house rules’ on her 4-weeks old little brother. My sister says it was things about sharing, and cleaning up and being nice and protective and minding his manners.
That was funny enough, but niece finished with this gem: ‘Everybody pulls their weight in this family. You’re lucky you’re only nine pounds.’
That bossy little munchkin!
She’s super protective of him, still. I have multiple pictures of them holding hands while they nap.”
Living Next To A Graveyard Isn’t The Best Idea…

“I was 16 and had two very young little baby brothers. I was kind of a night owl and my parents worked hard, so I typically would take care of them if they woke up at night and I heard them crying so my parents could get some much needed sleep. Unfortunately this house, in my opinion, was haunted, so all kinds of crazy stuff would happen.
On this particular night I was chilling in the living room watching some 3 Stooges at like 1 am when I hear one of my little bros crying. I got up to grab him and feed a bottle if needed but before I could get to the room he went silent and seemed to have gone back to sleep. Coolness I thought, back to the 3 Stooges.
The next morning my Mom thanked me for taking care of my little bro and putting him back to sleep. I told her that I actually didn’t have to because he went back to sleep before I reached his room. This upset her, because both my parents swore that they woke up to him crying over the baby monitor but then heard someone in the room rocking him back to sleep… in the rocking chair, right next to his crib and the baby monitor. Cool and all except for the fact that it wasn’t me…
A regular thing that would happen would be hearing a very loud crash.
The first time it happened we had just got home and my mom went to the bathroom. The crash was so loud we felt it, and my dad and I thought my mom had fallen and got hurt in the bathroom. Turns out, nope, she heard it too, but it came from the basement. OK, keep cool heads, maybe something fell. Nope, nothing fell. After that the loud banging/crash sounds were a semi regular thing.
The worst one was when my cousin and I were alone at my house playing Sega during the 4th of July weekend and heard fireworks going off in the distance. All well and good until banging on the front door started and we could see no one was there from the window.
The worst one for me personally was the screaming that would happen outside my window. I can’t describe it in any way other that “SCREW THAT.’
The first time it happened was around 2 a.m. and I was just going to bed (like I said I was a night owl). As soon as I walked in my room and turned off the lights I heard the most bone chilling scream from directly outside my window. I couldn’t move for minutes and was thankful I took went to the bathroom, before going to bed. So finally, I made a break for my parent’s room (at 16 years old) to wake up my dad. It had stopped at that point and his opinion was that it was probably an owl or cat. Unfortunately for me, it became another regular occurrence and I tried to make myself feel better by having some kind of weapon within reaching distance in my room at all times. Right after High school I joined the Navy and left the for boot camp.
Once I finished boot and my A school I went home for a brief vacation before going to my first duty station. This time I no longer had my own room and was sleeping in the living room. Keep in mind the whole time no one but me had experienced this life. So me, being all cocky and full of, ‘I’m a big boy now,’ decided that if I heard that stuff again, I sure as heck was gonna find out what it was. And of course, the second night in, I hear it. I grab my conveniently placed baseball bat by the front door and rush outside, only to hear the screaming but see absolutely, freaking, nothing.
I then chose to no longer be a big boy and ran back inside. Thankfully my parents moved before I came back after on leave. Keep in mind, and I know this probably sounds very fake, but literally right across the street behind the neighbors was an oldest graveyard from the 1800’s.”
Change Your Baby Monitor Passwords To Get Rid Of Creepy Guys!

“My cousin has a video baby monitor that connects over wifi. Her husband travels a lot and likes to check on the baby at weird hours without having to wake his wife, so he can just log on. It also has a microphone feature so he can talk to his daughter. She is two now but was about 18 months when this happened.
She was inconsolable one night and my cousin kept having to go soothe her back to sleep.
On the third or fourth time entering her room, she heard a man’s voice, not her husband, talking to her crying baby. She changed the password and sent out a warning to other parents to change their passwords. Scary stuff.”
Grandma Heard Her Son And His Wife Come Home…

“We had a baby monitor back when my daughter was young.
One time we were staying with my parents, my wife and I went out for the rare night out. Mom went to bed and took the monitor into her room to listen for our daughter. Wife and I came in from a few too many drinks. She, for some reason, checks on our daughter and grabs the “transmit” part of the monitor and brings it to our room (probably thinking speaker). Two young parents in love with a few drinks….nature takes its course.
The next morning, my mom can’t look my wife in the eye. She later explains, she was awakened in the middle of the night by strange sounds of ‘moaning’. She picked up the monitor and started heading to my daughter’s room to investigate. She was about halfway there when she realized what the sounds ACTUALLY were. She ripped it apart trying to get the batteries out while standing in the middle of her living room and fled back to bed.
That morning when I stumbled out to get something to eat, my mom told me, ‘Ya’ll need Jesus. And a new baby monitor. And to remember to pick up the speaker from my room when ya’ll come in.’ So, I guess, strangest thing MY parents heard?”
Voices From Her Web Browser

“We have one of the audio ones, so you can hear if they’re crying or whatever else might be going on. I was up very early one morning (5:00 am) getting a little work done in my house office. So I had the thing with me so I could hear my baby daughter, about 2 months old at this point. Suddenly I hear a woman talking very, very softly. My whole body went cold and I stopped everything to make sure it wasn’t just my imagination. Yes, I still hear it.
At the same instant that I prepare to dash into her room, I hear a little more and realize I’m hearing a freakin’ autoplay video/audio ad on a tab in my web browser coming from my computer speaker, which was turned down really low.
I thought my heart would never slow back down.”
Might Want To Do Better Background Checks For Future Nannies…

“So we had a nanny that we thought perhaps was a psycho. She smelled like cat pee.
Well, she was well aware we have a security system with 8 cameras in every room in our house.
We got it to watch babysitters since one of my children has Down syndrome and is mostly nonverbal. We don’t hide the cameras and make it quite known we watch them.
Anyway, we had vodka in our fridge and the sitter started drinking it. She drank the entire unopened bottle. She then proceeded to pee in cups from our cupboard and dump them down the sink and return them to the cupboard…”
She Thought Her Baby Was Kidnapped!

“I was at school and my mom came to my house to pick up my kids because my husband was leaving for work. My daughter was a month old at the time, my son was eight. My mom was watching the live video feed of the nursery where my daughter was napping when the screen went black and then returned to normal WITH THE BABY NO LONGER IN THE CRIB.
My son claims he picked her up but none of this was recorded. The baby was there one second and then gone the next. My mom is superstitious so that really wigged her out.
I played the video when I got home and she wasn’t exaggerating. It never recorded my son entering the nursery and pulling his sister out of her crib. It was just the baby sleeping, static, black screen, and then back to an empty nursery.
We never figured out how my son supposedly got the baby out of the crib or why for that matter. It was very out of character for him.
The Possible Dog In His Crib?

racheal rhee/Shutterstock
“I was babysitting for my sister a few months ago and was checking on my 2-year-old nephew through the nanny cam, asleep in his crib. I got up to put dinner in the oven and when I came back I checked the cam again and…
There was a huge black mass in the crib with him.
My sister doesn’t have any pets, so I was like, ‘What the heck!? A black dog or cat or something had got in and is attacking my nephew!’
I ran upstairs like my life depended on it and saw, to my horror, my nephew has pulled a black bin liner into the cot with him and had crawled inside!! I got him straight out of it and he was fine. But then I took the bin liner back downstairs and just sat on the floor crying.
This was my first time babysitting for my sister. I had a go at her when she got home, ‘Who keeps a bin liner where their baby could get it?’ And she said there was one in his cupboard full of nappies (diapers) well out of reach, so we checked and the nappies were in there but the bag had been taken out, somehow?”
The Haunted Duck!

“I remember a year back, my son would come up to me and tell me about a haunted duck that quacks at him at night time. He reminded me every morning about it and I kind of let it go, because kids say weird things. It wasn’t until one night when I was in the lounge and turned on the camera to see what the fuss was about.
All of a sudden, a quack noise! A really huge freaking noise too. It woke up my son who pulled his blanket up and sucked his thumb. I walked in there and couldn’t find anything and was pretty ‘what the heck?’ about it.
So the next night, my husband comes home and rushes past me and goes straight to the toilet for a half hour. I went to the hallway to clean up the toys and heard the freaking duck noise again, until I realized it was my husband farting like a duck, startling the entire house.
I had to explain to my husband the whole story of the haunted duck and he now uses the restroom at work, before coming home.”
Dad Thought The Cops Were On To Him?

“Back in the early 90s I had two small kids and was still married to my first wife. We were both in our early 20s living in a trailer way out in the woods. At that time police scanners were all the rage. I had a portable one that I carried with me and you could always pick up a good conversation with someone using a cordless phone. This was before the internet and affordable satellite tv (we had 4 channels), so at the time scanners were a big deal.
So I’m at my mobile home with my wife and kids I step out side to get a better signal as I’m scanning the channels and it locks on kids talking and I hear a woman in the background. After a few minutes, I realize I’m listing to my family on the scanner. I’m thinking oh dang, the police have my house bugged. I’m freaking the heck out. I’m racking my brain around the fact that I didn’t really have a lot of electronics at the time; I had a VCR, TV, Nintendo, and a stereo, what the heck was going on!!!! I’m still outside my wife decides to make a phone call to a dude about how she was going to not be there as I had taken the day off. I confronted her with what I had just found out and she denied all at first but a few weeks later mutual friends started confirming what I was thinking.
Come to find out she had purchased a baby Monitor at a yard sale the day before. It was battery operated and placed it in the living room in a bag and didn’t realize the listening part was switched on.”
How The Nanny Was Let Go…

“I got fired because of a nanny cam.
I was working for a very rich (by Australian standards) family. The dad was a surgeon and he’d invented some kind of special surgical screw.
Anyway. So I was 25, looking after their five children, all boys, aged 17, 16, 11, 9 and then baby surprise who was 3 years old. The two older kids obviously don’t ever need me, and the 11 and 9-year-olds were really sweet and cute and didn’t need that much. The toddler though. Just the worst kid I’d ever cared for. Really bratty and awful, but stopped short of torturing small animals.
One day we’re stuck inside playing Star Wars lego and he’s bossing me around and talking about the ‘Cat-Cat Walkers’ we’re building. I’m like, ‘Little dude, it’s AT-AT for real.’
He cracked it, flipped over the fancy LEGO table, told me he hated me and ran down stairs. Being the consummate professional I am, I calmly flipped him off for 2 whole minutes before I went down and helped him cheer up.
Next day I was fired.”