Stunned silence? Awkward screech? Nervous Laughter? We've all been there. Check out how bad they can be with these 18 completely wince-worthy moments.

“I once went to my girlfriends for Christmas in high school because my parents went on vacation. During dinner, her sister decides to announce, she’s pregnant. She’s a 20 year old, single college student. Who’s the dad? My 27 year old cousin. They met at one of our family functions” Source
Who Brought The Popcorn?

“My brother and his lady friend came inside, and I asked him where his girlfriend was, because her bras were still in the laundry room. He informed me that they had broken up a month before, and that this lady was his new girlfriend. I had already invited his ex over to watch movies with me, and when she arrived everyone stood there in awkward silence for about a full minute. Everyone left pretty quickly” Source
A Little TOO Progressive

“My grandparents (both in their late eighties) invited me to come down to Florida for spring break one year, and they said I could bring a friend. I was thrilled, and so was my friend M. She and I booked our tickets and were really excited for our trip.
About a week beforehand, Gram called me to talk logistics. What kind of food should they have for us? What kinds of things would we like to do? Would we be wanting to share a bed? She kind of slipped that last one in there, and I (shocked) told her that M and I are not gay. I’m pretty sure she didn’t believe me, because every morning at breakfast while we were there she told us about how there were several gays at her church and they were wonderful and the whole congregation was very open. It was the cutest thing, but so awkward – especially when my WW2 vet grandpa (strong and silent) chimed in his acceptance” Source
His House, His Rules, His Food

Way back in high school, my then-boyfriend was over visiting at my house. I decided to be nice and heat up some leftovers for him from the fridge. Right as I set down the plate, my dad walks in and says “that is our food.” and takes the plate away from him and sits down to eat it at the opposite end of the table. I just stood there in painfully awkward silence until my dad finished and left Source

“I accidentally sent a nude photo to “Dad” rather than “Dave” (then boyfriend) once. Yep. That was awkward. I was 16. He was not happy” Source
Get Out!

“I dated a girl for 3 years in college and lived with her for 2 of those years. Her father had never liked me and never really talked to me. I was a year older and after graduating stayed behind a year to live with her while we figured out our future. The week of her college graduation her extended family was in town to celebrate. They had 2 fancy dinner reservations 2 nights in a row. Work prevented me from going the first night, which I was invited to, and the 2nd night I hadn’t been invited. My gf called her aunt who had made the reservations and was told it was an oversight and of course I could come. The night of the dinner my gf’s mom and dad show up to pick her up and I walk out with her and we get in the car. Her parents were obviously whispering very quickly with each other as I walk to the car, then say uh… so you’re coming?? we only had reservations for a set number. My gf explains how the aunt added one to the reservation and we get in the car and start driving. My gf had brought along some picture albums to show from a trip, and they were too big for the back seat where we were, so we stopped a ways down the road and I got out and put them in the trunk. As I’m out of the car I see that the father is talking very fast to my gf and her mom. I get back in and the father starts driving super slow. Finally he stops at a stop sign and puts the car in park and turns around and looks at me. He says “(My name), this is a family dinner. You aren’t family. You weren’t supposed to be invited.” I sit there in silence for what seems like forever but was probably 15 seconds. I say “uhh.. should I get out of the car?” he says “Yes.” I get out and he speeds off and I walk home” Source
Winston Churchill Would Be Proud

“I was at a bar with the girl I’m dating and her roommate when I received a text from a good female friend of mine from high school: she was in town and wanted to meet up. I invited her to join the three of us for drinks. When she shows up, she gives me a big hug and starts talking to me intently. My date’s roommate quickly misinterprets the nature of our friendship, looks at my high school friend and says, “I think it’s pretty obvious you aren’t wanted here, so you should probably leave.” Now my date and I looked at her in disbelief as if we couldn’t believe that just came out of her mouth. My friend, however was more quick to respond. She downed her drink, stood up from the table and said, “well you’re fat and ugly, so I win,” and walked away” Source
Don’t Let The Door Hit Ya Where The Good Lord Split Ya!

“When I was little, like 9-10 yrs old, I went over to my friend’s house to chill and work on our science project. At about 5:00 just before the sun started to go down, my friend’s dad called him and he told me “One second, I’ll be right back!”
Jump forward 20 mins and my friend is still gone. I go look for him and his whole family is in the kitchen eating dinner. His dad asks me, “Oh hey, BIG_JUICY, do you know your way home?” I had no idea how to respond so I just grabbed my backpack and walked the two miles back home. It doesn’t seem too bad to me now that I walk a few miles everyday but to chubby 10 year old me it was f’ing torturous.
I was so confused at the time as to what to do but looking back, the whole situation was extremely awkward for everyone involved and frankly, quite rude. They never offered me a ride home, some dinner or anything, they just sorta ignored me and then told me to get the f— out” Source
You Look Familiar

“I dated a girl named Chrissy for a year back in college. Her parents were divorced and she lived with her mother and never spoke fondly of her dad (I got the impression that he had cheated and that’s what led to the split). About 9 months in, I finally meet Chrissy’s dad while helping her twin sister move. I had dark, emo-ey hair, a lip ring, visible tattoos, and it was obvious that he didn’t like me right off the bat. He acted like a dick to me the entire day, enough to where Chrissy and him got into a huge fight over dinner over it, prompting us to leave midway through. He called her cell ten minutes later and threatened to cut her off if she didn’t break it off with me immediately. Eight years later, he’s a client of mine and we get along incredibly well. He has no idea I’m the same guy who dated Chrissy” Source
At Least He Wasn’t A Subscriber

“I’m a cam girl, and my dad walked in on me when I was doing a cam show” Source
Mean Girls

“Five years ago I had to have back surgery from a head on collision due to a drunk driver. My Mother has never liked my girlfriend (of 4 years) very much. My college educated, well mannered, non-substance abusing girlfriend. (I think it all stems from the fact that she used to come visit me in college at PSU. I’m assuming she didn’t like her sleeping in the same bed with me.) So the day of the surgery my Father takes me to the hospital for the procedure. As we are waiting my Mother and my sister show up, and very shortly after my girlfriend shows up. My Mother, very audibly says, “What’s that WH— doing here??” My girlfriend, being the bigger person, doesn’t say anything in retaliation but I do see her eyes start to tear up. One of the nurses came in shortly after and said that the doc will be in soon, and that I should only let one person stay in the room. Everyone else should leave. My Dad, sister, and girlfriend all reach for their coats so they could leave the room. My Mother expected me to say she could stay and I said, “I’d like (my girlfriend) to stay.” My Mother was very pissed. Very awkward, and lets just finish with the fact that my Mother was not pleased when I recently made the announcement that my girlfriend had become my fiance” Source
Just Trying To Give A Friend A Lift…

Once when I was 17-18, I drove a coworker home after our shifts ended. I pulled up to her house to see her mom outside and looking up at the balcony where my coworkers step father starts throwing entire closets of cloths out and onto a parked car. I would have assumed she would jump out and quickly say thanks for the ride and try to defuse the situation. What actually happened was her standing next to my car with the door upon and holding on to it, essentially trapping me while she watched the screaming match ensue. I was there for 15 minutes until the cops arrived and she finally let me go. I had no idea what to do nor did she ever mention it Source
Just Back Away Slowly

I’ve had this experience but it was actually the parents who were fighting with each other. I think I was a sophomore in high school and I was spending the night with a friend. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, her parents started having a screaming match. Please understand, I grew up in a very loving home with two parents who NEVER yelled at each other. So here I am, fifteen years-old, listening to these two people shout horrible things at each other. I felt so awkward and bad for my friend (surely this must be horrible for her) when she yelled, “Shut the f— up! We’re trying to sleep!” and then rolled over and went back to bed Source
The Sixth Sense

“I used to babysit a 3 year old when I was in high-school. It was her birthday and her Dad invited me, I bought her a stuffed snake since she was into snakes, and some helium balloons, and showed up a few minutes early in case the parents needed some free babysitting while they set up. I get there, and nobody is there except the Mom and the 3 year old, so I play with her and supervise while the Mom ignores I exist, which is cool she scares me anyways. About an hour goes by, thinks are getting a bit awkward, nobody is showing up, I’m in their house being in the way, but leaving now would be rude, so I wait around. Finally kids and family show up, the kids are upstairs, all these adults are sitting around the living room. And nobody acknowledges I am there. I smile and try to say hi but people just look away. So I stand in a corner by the stairs waiting to be thanked so I can leave. And about another hour goes by, me just standing right there in the corner of the room, about 5 feet away from everyone, awkward as f—. The Dad shows up and he stands right next to me, staring into space, sipping a beer. I try to chat with him but he just nods and stares off into space, ignored by the rest of the people as well. Finally I’m thinking “f— this”, so I announce I have to go, everyone just stares for a second, then turns away. So I just walk out of their house. No thank you, no bye, no hello, no offer of food or drink, no offer to sit down” Source
Dirty Business

“I was talking to a friend of mine about my upcoming formal (I think it’s a prom in America). She said that she couldn’t wait to go and that she had just bought the most beautiful dress, I was a bit confused because I didn’t know she was going and asked her who was bringing her, she said John was(mutual friend, not his real name). Now this is where it gets awkward because I knew John had actually asked another girl we knew, I seen him ask. So I say to her “are you sure? I thought he was bringing x?” She looks at me with a confused expression and gets out her phone to text John, we stand in awkward silence for what seems like an eternity until finally John replies, BUT TO MY PHONE asking me to tell her she isn’t going. I show her the text and she just says “oh…” then looks at me and says “I have to get back to my mum”, and practically runs away holding back tears. As it turns out, John asked our friend, then decided he didn’t want to bring her anymore and just asked X instead without ever telling her! I have never felt so awkward than when I was having that conversation, and have never been so furious at someone as I was at John” Source
Old Mary

“When I was 14 I had a boyfriend called George. Being 14, all we ever did was make out and watch movies together, and his dad was cool enough that sometimes we would have some of George’s friends over too. One day George and I were chilling out with our mutual friend Steven, watching crappy tv and whatnot, when his dad walks in and says, ‘you guys just watching telly then? Well George, I think I’m going to call old Mary.’ [We’re British, yes.] So, about 10 minutes passes and someone comes to the door and they go upstairs. George then turns around and says casually, ‘Old Mary’s a sex worker by the way’. The look on our faces must have been rather special. I think we sat through about five minutes of the dodgiest sounding sex before making excuses to leave… what a f’ed up father-son relationship” Source
Silent Drive

I had been friends with this guy for 9 years. We were both sophomores in college, and he was home for Christmas break, staying with his parents. We discovered that we had feelings for each other, but decided we didn’t want to date long distance. But, while he was home, we wanted to spend time together. We were with a group of friends, but decided to go back to his house, just the two of us. He had asked his parents earlier in the day if he could have friends over. Well, his parents already disliked me. My brother had dated my friend’s sister, and broke her heart. Whoops. So I show up at their house, with them expecting a group of people, and it’s already awkward. Then, my friend and I spent a couple of hours in his basement making out. By this time, it was pretty late (around 1:30 am.) He went upstairs to get his keys to drive me home, and when he came back downstairs his eyes were really wide, and he said, “I’m so so sorry!” Apparently his mother was still awake, and refused to let him drive me home that late. So she decides it would be better if she drove me home. It was a 20 minute drive, and the car was completely silent Source
Good Puppy….Nice Puppy…

“I went to my friend’s house once and my friend and her mom got in a huge fight. I ended up just petting their dog in the corner staring” Source