Everyone looks better with a book in their hand. At least, that's the idea behind the popular Instagram account "Hot Dudes Reading". The user-submitted pics of hunky New Yorkers reading books in public places has garnered more than half a million loyal followers on Instagram. Here are some of our favorite ones! Be sure to follow "Hot Dudes Reading" to get your daily does of literary eye candy.
This dude is concentrating hard.

What’s more impressive, the eyewear or the fact that he’s reading Carl Sagan?

Going to the gym isn’t an excuse for skipping out on book club.

A thin paperback is a great subway companion.

Earbuds in, eyes on the page.

Between the leather jacket and the designer specs, this dude is all set.

Is that Drake reading on a subway?

Man bun FTW.

The hipster in his natural habitat.

Between you and me, this guy’s probably gettin’ all the ladies.

Brace yourself against the cold with a nice warm book.

This literary dude is all set for a long ride.

Put the phone away and pull out a good book.

Hand in pocket, casual as can be.

This business dude is probably reading up on the latest finance news.

This reading dude’s brain will be as sharp as his haircut.

Is that Peter Parker reading on the subway?

This bearded Brooklynite is in touch with his feminine side.

Chances are this dude is reading The New Yorker.

Bald dudes need a good read, too.

You’re probably as engrossed in this dude’s looks as he is in this paperback.

This dude is reading a textbook standing on the tracks.

Work on your beach bod and your state of mind at the same time.