Sometimes you find something out about a friend that makes you never look at them the same way again; other times, you find out secrets so
Well That’s Odd

Firma V / Shutterstock
“I went on my friend’s computer to go on reddit. As I do at home, I typed “re” down and enter. Instead of the familiar layout of top reddit, I was greeted with a big “oh lawd Jesus der was a fire.”
The website was dedicated to recreational prosthetics. I had not clue what that was and began to read the site content. Why was he on a website for people who like to dress up as injured people? Hm, website connected people who liked to get off on the injured, amputated, and casted. I realized I was not to be caught browsing this.
I looked up the stairs and didn’t see any sign of him coming down soon. As my eyes wandered back to the screen, I caught site of a wheel chair next to me. My eyes widened at my realization. I closed out of the window. Repositioned myself on the couch, and tried to forget what I saw.”
Once A Crush, Always A Crush

Spectral-Design / Shutterstock
“I always carpooled and went to the gym to workout with my close friend. We have these electronic lockers that require four digits and my password happens to be my birth date, November 21, so 1121 is the password.
After finishing working out, I accidentally opened my friend’s locker instead of mine. I asked him why his password was my birth date. He looked kind of embarrassed and brushed me off. I went on Facebook and checked if anyone had the same birth date as I did.
“Stephanie,” my close friend’s crush in high school, had the same birth date. My close friend is now twenty one years old, and I think he lost contact with her for over three years. All his four digit passwords including the ATM is the same, his crush’s birth date.”
School Buddy Took A Dark Turn

kurhan / Shutterstock
“There was a school buddy of mine that I shared an affinity for weapons with. This led to many a hunting trip, and we had a lot of fun drinking beers and doing general manly stuff.
One day we stumbled across the local tip, where we saw a couple really mangy looking dogs, that had clearly been dealt a hard hand in life and were in a really sad state. He suggested we put them out of their misery, and I reluctantly agreed that these poor dogs would be better off. I didn’t think much of this, it seemed like a fairly humane thing to do, until I came over to his place a while later and he showed something he was particularly proud of.
He had a calendar, with markings all over it. He said something along the lines of this being his trophy calendar, so I assumed he meant that it was what he marked all his hunting trips on. I was right, but not quite like I expected; this calendar contained confirmation of all his kills, hunting trip or not. Chipmunks and random vermin? Yep. Local cattle and farm stock? Yep. Neighborhood dogs and cats? Yep…
I cut off contact with him after this, I really didn’t like this side of it and I was just a sport hunter, nothing more. After a while though I caught up with him in a different county and he invited me to a local gun show. Although I wasn’t really happy with his ‘calendar,’ he said he’d stopped and he always had some great weapons and was fairly fun to be around. He was great with a crossbow and really good with a variety of rifles.
After a while his scary side came back though, and he’d sometimes boast about his conquests or start talking about how easy it would be to get away with murder once you know what killers do wrong because he read a lot of material on serial killers. Ashamedly I turned a blind eye to this.
A couple years later while I was reading a newspaper I came across an article about several unsolved murders in the area. A few days later a report came on the news. I was really torn up inside, I didn’t know what to do because I’ve always been loyal, but there’s a point that loyalty doesn’t reach.
I contacted authorities, who put him on surveillance and got me to gather a few pieces of incriminating evidence. I was sick to my stomach that I’d ever known such a person. Thankfully he was sentenced for 5 consecutive sentences of 30 years to life, although I heard he was possibly linked to 11 total murders. He died in prison from cancer.”
“Woah, How Did That Get There?”

Axel Bueckert / Shutterstock
“I introduced a friend to Reddit a few months back, and a situation falling into this category arose. We were using her laptop when she went to type something in the search bar.
Well, while it was blank it began to form a little list of her previous search queries on different sites before she typed anything in. Some of the things that popped up included: “F_ck me hard Hentai”, “Sh_t Sucking Hotness”, and one that I believe will be forever impossible to un-see “Cum Guzzling Orangutan”.
We just sat there in silence for a few seconds until she quickly typed something in. And then she turned to me without really looking at me and said, “woah, what was all that? haha…” Feeling pretty awkward about it, all I said was, “I don’t know.. Sometimes some weird stuff pops up here. Ahem..”
We never spoke of it again. Except for the fact that now one of my insults to people is calling them a Cum Guzzling Orangutan. That sh_t’s gold.”
Well That Was Unexpected

Burlingham / Shutterstock
“Not a friend per se, but a teacher I became close to. Anyways, about 5-ish years ago, a high school kid in my town brutally murdered a little boy on a path in their neighborhood. He stabbed him to death and was convicted and went through the justice system.
A couple years later, I have this awesome geometry teacher in high school. She was super cool, and I really loved her class and talked to her every now and then outside of school. One thing I noticed though, was that she would randomly not show up a lot through the school year. She never gave explanations for her absences.
Towards the end of that school year, I find something out. My geometry teacher is the mom of the kid that murdered that boy years before. She would not show up at school because she was going through the appeal process for her son’s case. Totally blew my mind and made me look at her life in a different way.”

pathdoc / Shutterstock
“When I was a freshmen in high school, I had this on and off relationship with a boy. His name was Sean. Anyways, we were on again off again through my sophomore year. He ended up cheating on me and I ended it for good.
But when we were together, it was awesome. He was sweet and funny. Just not really for me. The only thing I hated about being with him really was his Brother. His older brother was a compulsive liar who my best friend had a serious crush on… That is, until I told her the truth.
He would lie about things that didn’t even matter, like saying he was from Japan and adopted when he was clearly a Caucasian and I knew for a fact he had been born in the U.S.A., seeing as I was dating his brother. But other than the lying, the kid was just violent and jealous. Always gave me a serious case of the heebies.
Well years go by and me and Sean start to try to maintain at least a friendship as he was dating the friend of mine who had liked his brother. It didn’t bother me that much and they eventually broke up and me and him stopped talking.
Then, one night I got a phone call… It was my friend. She was telling me that Sean was found buried in the backyard. They think that his brother did it. His family thought it odd when Father’s day rolled around and Sean was nowhere to be seen and no one could get a hold of him.
His poor family uncovered his body in the backyard and had to call the police. They will ultimately have to deal with the death of two sons. I will never be able to forget him and I’m sad we didn’t try harder to remain friends. But, I will never truly understand the pain and grief the family lives with everyday. So yeah, That’s the creepiest thing for me.
“I’m Not A Stalker, But…

Rachata Teyparsit / Shutterstock
“Ill give my personal creepy story on this throw away. I once had an ex who I was really attached to still. She didn’t feel the same way and cut all ties to me.
We both went to different colleges so I never heard from her but I saw on her Facebook that she had taken a trip to a city quite far away with some college friends, her friends had pictures of them doing tourist type things.
The weekend after she was back (not in the same place as me, but not on vacation anymore. I’m not a stalker) I drove over 500 miles to go there and do the same things and eat at the same places just to feel like she was still a part of my life.
I was quite pathetic and really creepy.”
A Fetish Way Out Of Hand

Bodia Photography / Shutterstock
“One of my old friends used to go around and take pictures of women’s feet, in high school. If they were wearing sandals or flip flops, he would try and secretly snap a picture. By the end of the year, he had over 400 photos.”
Flat Out Creepy

Ollyy / Shutterstock
“My buddy puts pictures of himself on Facebook posing with his attractive female cousin. If you didn’t know they were related, you would think they’re dating.
I’m almost positive he wants people to think he has a girlfriend. When he gets comments like ‘Who’s the chick?’ He’ll just reply with a winky face or something ambiguous. I know for a fact that the girl is his cousin.”
The Dark Times / Shutterstock
“2003 – 2005 was a dark time for me. I roomed with some weird characters.
Jay – the other roommate warned me: he was severely epileptic and refused to take meds or get treatment. As a result he would have seizures in his room sometime and he didn’t want us to help or do anything. He was a male model and pretty prideful about the matter. Then in 2009 he had a seizure while driving, wrecked his truck and jacked up his face and teeth.
Mike – he was so desperate to be popular, he got his 16 year old sister drunk and turned her over to his basketball team. They ran a train on her while he was locked in a hall closet.
They both ratted out each other’s big secret, so I never trusted them after that.”
The Secret Assassin

NEstudio / Shutterstock
“I found out my best friend used to kill people for the Serbian government. I knew she was a tough b_tch and I never wanted to be on her bad side, but when I found that out I almost sh_t my pants.
I’ve gone shooting with her multiple times and she is very good with firearms. When I mentioned it after the second time we went, she just shrugged and said that her dad used to take her shooting a lot.
One time she disappeared for 4 days and no one knew where she had went. Her husband was very calm about it and just kept saying “I have no idea where she is, but she’ll be back, don’t worry.” She came back with a massive black eye and insisted she fell.
Things like this kept happening and I started joking around that she’s gotta be an assassin. Two years later, I found out she actually was. She had quit the year before because something traumatic happened (she still hasn’t told me and I will never ask her), and now every year there is one day that she just completely shuts down. I know it’s the anniversary of whatever it was that made her quit.
She’s told me a few stories, and the fact that she started when she was 17, but we don’t talk about it much. I just take it upon myself to try and control her anger when we go out drinking!”
Guessing They Had Control Of The Thermostat, Too?

Master1305 / Shutterstock
“Me and 3 of my friends (all females) decided to go up to one of our friend’s grandparents for a week together this past summer. We were all sleeping together in the same room, and this room was so f_cking hot. Like insanely muggy disgusting weather.
So I decided to sleep in my underwear, and thought nothing of it. The next day we went to a park and were taking photos, so I asked to see one of my friend’s phone to see the photos she took.
As I’m scrolling through, I came across about 5 photos of me sleeping in my underwear from the previous night.”
That’s Just Sadistic

Amazingmikael / Shutterstock
There is some truly creepy sh_t I discovered about my friend John. He and his buddy Collin hit a back road, seniors in high school, and drinking heavily.
Collin was driving, speeding and hit the ditch at roughly 65mph. He was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windshield, broken neck, died.
John, however, was wearing his seat belt and somehow through the impact, was impaled by a road sign through his abdomen. He climbed away from the truck through the broken windshield, all the while carrying with him a steal pole through his mid section, and went to seek help.
Upon seeing his dead friend, he apparently grabbed some scalp, hair, and skull from the windshield where Collin had gone through and put it in his pocket. Fast forward about 3 years later, I find a jar in his room, ask WTF is inside of it and he tells me the aforementioned story. Holy f_ck.”

file404 / Shutterstock
“It’s not quite a “close friend” but he’s a guy who lived in my dorm up until he graduated last year. I was trying to connect to a friends computer on the network so I could share some videos with him. So connected to my campus internet and started poking around the computers that showed up on the network while I was there. Most of them had empty or blocked public folders–as to be expected. Then I came across this one computer…
It opened up in Windows Media Player, and it started loading videos. The first few that popped up were regular looking pornos, so I laughed and walked down the quad to get one of my roommates so we could have a laugh about it. By the time he came back, more of the videos had loaded. But they weren’t normal porn videos. It was animal porn. And it kept loading, and loading, and loading.
It stopped at 400GB. 400GB of animal porn. All being openly shared on our dorm’s network. There was some other weird sh_t we saw mixed in their too. And worst thing, is that it was named Max’s computer. And there was only one Max in the entire dorm, so we knew who it was. From that day on, every time we saw that kid it would just be awkward. Especially when we checked a few months later and it was all still there.”
Scary Dude, Indeed

WAYHOME studio / Shutterstock
“Not a friend, but a teacher in high school. He told me and couple of friends outside of class about how he came to wear dentures: He was literally curb stomped for sleeping with another guy’s girlfriend.
That’s horrible enough, but the creepiest part was the nonchalant way he ended the story — ‘It hurt like hell, but I got him back pretty good with a shotgun.’ He ended up getting fired for picking up my friend out of his chair by the neck and choking him. Scary dude.”
The Stalker

pathdoc / Shutterstock
“I found a USB stick at our school’s lounge, so I took it and wanted to keep it — because it was 32gb!
Turns out it belonged to one of my friends…I really was going to return it since I knew the guy, but then I found hundreds of photos of one of our friends that he saved from Facebook. Screen-caps of all her status messages and saved files from all their conversations…
I knew for a fact that the chick told me that she’s getting weirded out by how clingy and dependent our guy friend was with her. I didn’t know he was THAT obsessed.
Also, there were film scripts and story drafts about him and her… it was just too awkward to return it to him… so I kept using it.”
What’s That Smell? / Shutterstock
“I had gone over to my friends house a few times and I always noticed this strong smell coming from her room. I just figured that’s how her room always smelt and brushed it off.
One day, we had walked into the room and there was this drawer left open. To my surprise…. She had been keeping all of her old and used tampons and pads.
Her reply was ‘I’m never bothered to throw them out.'”
You Think You Know A Guy…

WAYHOME studio / Shutterstock
“It took a police standoff to find out that an old roommate had murdered his father and sister over a year earlier.
Evidently he was having an incestuous relationship with his sister and when that went awry he beat her to death with a jack handle. She was found dismembered in an igloo cooler in the trunk of a car parked at his dads auto shop where he worked.
His dad was found in the recliner where he had been shot. The mobile home was littered with air fresheners. To keep up appearances, he had been keeping up with all of the bills and even mowing the lawn.
Before giving himself up to the police, he holed up in his ex-wife’s apartment with her and her two children. He shot them all before surrendering.”
When The “And Whatnot” Is So Much More

DenisFilm / Shutterstock
“A buddy of mine worked for a nursing home. One of the people he worked with was pretty cool apparently, they used to smoke trees together and whatnot.
Mind you she was in her early 80s and he is 22. The night she died they found semen in her vagina…it was his. Apparently there was an investigation, he got fired and kicked out of his moms’ house.
His wife was the one that told me during one of her fits. I felt weird bringing it up to him…but did anyways. The look on his face…I knew.”
The Paranoid Friend

kurha / Shutterstock
“A coworker I was friends with dropped some knowledge about my genealogy in a random drunk conversation, I never talk about my parents or their history to anyone so I questioned him about it, and from what I could gather he does background checks on everyone he knows.”
The Secret Stash

pathdoc / Shutterstock
“I used to do some house/pet-sitting for some friends of the family twice a year when they went on vacation. Immaculate house, very nice people.
The last time I did it (about two years ago), while flushing the master bathroom toilet about an hour before they got back, realized the chain had come loose. I lift the lid, and notice a large Zip-Lock bag taped to the back of the toilet.
The contents: about a quarter of primo marijuana, a pipe, a vibrator, anal beads, a couple of cock rings, a flash drive (did not investigate), and a tiny amount of what I assume to be cocaine.
I had uncovered their secret stash. The catch: she is a school board trustee, he is a church deacon, wha?”
“If I Can’t Have You, Nobody Can!”

iordani / Shutterstock
“I recently found out that my family friend — 19 year old female, slept with a Mormon missionary (pun not intended) that came knocking at her door.
She fell in love with this guy and basically stalked him after he went back to the states (we live in Australia) and after finding out he was getting married, emailed his parents about the affair.
The guy had to publicly apologize to his church and was banished but still married his fiancee thus rendering my friend’s efforts futile. After years of knowing her, this insanity totally left me gob-smacked.”