It's not a question of if you've done these things, it's a question of how many times.
You’re There For Each Other, Even When It’s Super Inconvenient
Regardless of what time of day (or night) it is, if one of you calls the other, you’ll be there in the blink of an eye.
You Watch The Same Crappy TV Shows
Hey, they’re not crappy! Ok, maybe they’re not the most intelligent shows that have ever been on TV, but you still can’t wait for the next episode to air so that you can watch it together and then spend hours afterwards talking about each little detail.
You Nip That Drunk Texting Right In The Bud
Let’s face it, we all have those moments of weakness, and they tend to come late at night. Your BFF is the one who’s going to walk right up to you and take your phone away until you’re in the right state of mind because she knows what’s best.
You Borrow Each Other’s Clothes Like They’re You’re Own
One of the best things about having a BFF is that you basically have an entire second wardrobe. It’s like buying new clothes without actually having to pay for them!
You Always Make Sure The Other One Gets Home Safely
Whether it’s a thousand phone calls until she picks up or actually taking her home yourself, you’re going to do whatever it takes to ensure your BFF’s safety after a night out. That’s because she’s done it for you before.
You Never EVER Let Your BFF’s Birthday Sneak By Uncelebrated
She’s your most special friend, so there’s no way you’re going to let her most special day go by without some kind of a hullabaloo, especially not after the party she threw for you last year.
You Tell Each Other When Your Hair Looks Good…Or Bad
Sometimes your hair looks really good and you need someone to validate you. That’s what your BFF is for. On the other hand, sometimes your hair looks not so great, and on those occasions your BFF will be the one to help you fix the problem.
You Help Each Other Remember Your Schedules
Your BFF is the one who’s going to remind you that you have that meeting in half an hour, or that you’re supposed to pick your grandma up from the airport this afternoon. Likewise, you also know that she’s got that deadline for a project coming up.
You’re Fine Letting The Other One Talk And Talk And Talk
You’ve had your turns at having your BFF be your sounding board for your ideas, so it’s only right that you give her a chance to do the same. Sometimes people just need to vent, and that’s where a BFF comes in handy.
You And Your BFF Make Each Other Break Out Of Your Shells
You can each be a little…off-putting when you’re not in the right mood. That’s ok though, because you know your BFF will help you overcome your inhibitions and actually meet a new person or two.
You Both Enjoy Those Late Night Sing-A-Long Sessions
When it’s 3 AM and thinks are getting a little weird, regardless of the reason, the urge to break out into song usually takes hold. It’s ok though, because your BFF is going to join in so that you two look like fools together. Wouldn’t be the first time.
You’re The Ones Who Wipe Away Each Other’s Tears When Something Bad Happens
No one has seen you cry more than your BFF except for your parents, but that doesn’t count because most of those times were when you were a baby. The only reason she wouldn’t be comforting you is if she were out there kicking ass and taking names to make things right.
You Make Each Other Laugh So Hard It Hurts
Sure, you’ve cried together, but it’s much more likely that you and your BFF are laughing. Whether it’s about something embarrassing one of you did in the past, something you just saw, or that you just farted, there’s no end to the joy in your relationship with your BFF.
You Go Through Your Embarrassing Phases Together
So maybe there are pictures of you in cornrows or some other hairstyle or outfit that seemed like a good idea at the time but now seems like a terrible one, but at least all those pictures have your BFF in them in a matching style.
You Instinctively Know When Something Is Wrong With Your BFF
The two of you are so in tune with each other that you can instantly tell when something isn’t right. You also know that you don’t even need to say anything, because you know that the two of you are close enough that she’ll tell you what’s going on, and you’ll do everything you can for her.
You’re Always Down To Help The Other One Finish That Ice Cream
Sure, going out is fun and all, but there are those nights when it’s just the two of you on a couch with a movie and a big ol’ thing of ice cream or pizza or cookies or whatever else you might have in front of you. Check your judgment at the door.
You’ll Go On That Double Date With Her, Even When That Date Will Probably Be Incredibly Awkward
Taking one for the team is an occupational hazard, but if your BFF is really into a guy, you’ll be the first one to take a bullet for her to get her prize. Besides, the experience will just be one more thing to look back on and laugh about.
You Cover For Each Other At The Drop Of A Hat
There have been countless nights where you were supposedly spending the night at each other’s houses, and while you may not actually have been at home, at least you were actually together. You’ve also gotten used to accepting that your BFF’s parents might ask you about some event you’ve never heard of and you’re just going to pretend like it was a real thing.
Your Home Is Her Home And Her Home Is Your Home
The real reason your parents and your BFF’s parents trust you so much is because you practically live at each other’s houses. All adults involved basically expect to see both of you together for multiple meals a week.