Some people will do just about anything for attention --- these people take it to an all time low.
He Was Convincing Until a Chance Meeting Revealed the Truth
A former friend of mine was desperately jealous of me for being with my boyfriend at the time (said person’s best friend) and it drove him absolutely insane that my boyfriend was paying attention to me instead of him. They had apparently known each other for years, and this person had some serious social anxiety/dependence issues. Long story short, he faked his mother’s death to get attention, sympathy, and time alone with my boyfriend because “I just didn’t understand.” He went the whole 9 yards. First he told us that she had terminal cancer. Then he’d call begging my boyfriend to come over because “he just left the hospital” and needed someone to talk to. Then, finally, the death. Refused to invite us to the funeral because it was “family only.” I saw her driving last week, and she asked me how I was doing when I followed her into a convenience store. She remembered me from this guy introducing us way back when. All I said was “fine, thank you” and left. I didn’t have the cajones to tell her that her son was going around telling people she was dead. Oh, and we’re all male, and gay. Sometimes I think he was just jealous and wanted to distract him from me at any cost. (Source)
His Hacker Tale is Missing Something Really Big
I had a friend in high school who had an on going lie that he had “Hacked Bill Gates bank account and stolen $1 billion from his account and had it saved in a Swiss bank account that he couldn’t touch till he was 21.” i would always ask him questions like “Why can’t you touch till your 21? or So how did you go about hacking his account?” He never had an answer, he would just grunt a few times and change the conversation. This went on for about 6 years. (Source)
His Arrested Development Made Him Do This…
There was a group of us who were friends with a guy about 6 years older than us throughout high school. Looking back, it is clear that this was initially a symbiotic relationship. He would buy us beer, which we paid for, and take us driving around before we got our licenses at 17. In return, he got people to hang around with. His age group had moved on into adulthood but he never had. As everyone got older we all got girlfriends and hung around with him less and less. One day he announced that he had a girlfriend too. He went on and on about her for months as we began turning the heat up to meet her. Several dinners were scheduled but she always cancelled at the last minute. There came a point where he could no longer really keep the meeting from happening so another dinner was scheduled. Unfortunately, she “died” a day or so before that final dinner. Our friend had invented a fake girlfriend and carried on a 6-7 month pretend relationship just so he would not feel left out. (Source)
She Doesn’t Understand What Winning Means
In HS I had cut myself on occasion (no big sob story, never anything life threatening) and I had a friend who was very competitive with me. She came to school one day (in the middle of winter, wearing a skirt) with the name of a guy we were both interested in carved into the side of her calf. Idiot. (Source)
The Day Her Heart Wrenching Tale Unraveled She Tried…
I went to school with this girl ( girl “a”), who, since the first day back in September, told us she had a 4 year old daughter. A couple months ago she told all of us her daughter died in a car accident. I split from work as soon as I found out to be there for her. Took her to eat and was there for her for weeks until graduation (end of this past April). I thought it was weird the way she was acting but I figured everyone dealt with death differently. I do not have any kids so I couldn’t even imagine being in her supposed position. Couple weeks ago I heard from one of the other girls in my glass that girl “a” never even had a daughter. I was disgusted. How does someone lie about something like that? Girl “a” texted me and tried to apologize. I told her never to talk to me again. She tried to offer me money for the day I left work to be with her. What a disgusting human being. Her mother said she is always making up something for attention. She talk about her non existent daughter every day. (Source)
He Loves to Tell This Cliffhanger
My friend constantly tells the story of how he almost died. According to him, when we were walking down a mountain, he fell off the edge of a cliff, grabbed a ledge at the last second, and pulled himself up with one arm. I was with him that day and it simply just didn’t happen. He just started yammering out of nowhere to our friend the moment we met up with him and kept repeating it everyone ever since. (Source)
She Set Her Own Kid Up for Punishment
When I was a kid, my mom used to hurt herself, then cry right in front of me and accuse me of doing it. When my dad would come home from work, she would tell him that I had hurt her and that I need to be punished. She would get my little brother to back her up. Fun times! (Source)
A Little Magic Might Have Helped His Dream Come True
One of my best friends had always wanted to be an actor (we’re from LA) so eventually he got some head shots done and started going to auditions and what not. We were about 19 at the time and he was dating a girl in high school (lol I know) who was involved with the drama program that he was in when we were in high school. Anyways, he shows up at my house one day a bit excited with a bag of weed. Didn’t think much of it because he’s always in a up beat mood and has weed on him. We get high and his I notice his excitement is growing and he pulls out a big envelope and tells me to open it. Inside is 5 pages stapled together with the Warner Brothers heading, addressed to him and a sh_t ton of fine print. He tells me to turn to page 3 and there I see it that it says he has been cast as an extra in one of the Harry Potter flicks as a student in the great hall. Even said he was to be fitted for Gryffindor colors. One of the girls in the drama departments dad was a producer on the film. He’s beyond excited, as is everyone else for him. Few weeks goes by and he tells me that he has to dress up, pay $20 or something for a limo and go get fingerprinted and have his ID copied for the role. Didn’t think much of it as I don’t know much about “the industry” and its workings. So he does all that, gets dressed up and they all get picked up by a limo and drive over to WB studios, but they’re turned down at the gate because they are not on set on time. What he didn’t tell me was that the initial girl who got everyone into this was the one talking to security. So we hang out a couple days later and he’s super bummed out. A year goes by and we both score jobs at warner brothers and he brings up the whole Harry Potter story to our boss. She tells us that NONE of the Harry Potter films were filmed at the studio, it was all filmed overseas or something. He does a bit of investigating and it turns out that this high school chick made it all up. The story, the limo, her dad being a producer, even wrote up those 5 page contracts herself. Teacher gets into contact with the parents and the last I heard she was being admitted to a psychiatric hospital for having an emotional breakdown after all her lies starting coming out. (Source)
Her Pregnancy Story Got Creepier and Creepier
I worked with a girl who faked her pregnancy too. When I announced I was pregnant at work, I made a bet with my fiance that she would say she was pregnant too. I was right — she announced her “pregnancy” about a week later. Nobody believed her because she was the typical problematic office drama queen. Constantly crying in the office over marriage problems, claimed her husband cheats on her, that sort of thing. She was 35 years old, overweight, homely, but she kept at her desk a framed glamour portrait of herself in High School when she had “modeled” – to prove to all of us that she was once attractive I guess? She was always scheming people too, trying to get everybody fired or in trouble. Basically, she really needed attention at work. Anyways, nobody was surprised when she announced she “lost” her baby a few weeks later. But after that, she turned creepy. She told everyone she was having her baby “vicariously through me” and began keeping track of all of my doctors appointments! She honestly knew the purpose of each appointment without me having to mention.
I began having paranoia that she would steal my baby!! (Source)
Even the Cops Couldn’t Take Her Seriously
I knew a woman who got into an argument with her husband for the ninetieth millionth time. He got disgusted with her and walking past her, she backed into a dresser. She instantly starts SHRIEKING AND CRYING, SCREAMING ‘HE HIT ME! HE HIT ME!!!!’ Even going so far as to call her father: ‘Daddy, he hit me! He hit me!’ Daddy calls the cops, sending them to the couple’s house, and when half a dozen cop cars come screaming up to the house guess who starts backing off her story. I was there. I silently applauded one cop who looked at her in disgust when her story changed for the 5th time in 2 minutes. “See, you can’t even keep the details right — your story keeps changing!” What a freaking nutcase attention wh*re. (Source)
All This Talent Doesn’t Amount to Much
I once had a roommate who was a Karate Black Belt, Gourmet Chef, Ex Navy Seal, Current Stunt Man, Body Guard, Male Prostitute, Big Brother, Model, Actor, Private Investigator, Drug Dealer, Preacher. But he could never come up with his half of the rent. (Source)
He Sure Knows How to Push Her Sympathy Buttons
My ex best friend’s boyfriend is an idiot, he threatens suicide to get her to stay with him. One night they were fighting and she calls me telling me he drank a whole bottle of cough medicine and was laying unconscious on the sidewalk down her street and she needed my help. So I just LOL in my head and tell her I’m coming over. It was night time and as I’m driving down her street I see the light of a cell phone on the sidewalk, when I pass he doesn’t realize it’s me and he’s just laying on his back checking his cellphone when he’s supposed to be unconscious. I get to her house and tell her and she takes off down the street and comes back and say no, he’s still not awake and blah blah. I was so fed up with their drama that I stopped talking to her around then, he had already “hung himself” a few days before. We are no longer friends because of his BS. (Source)
Mom Was Doing Good Until She Did This…
My mother, who already had all the attention she could ever use, faked brain cancer to get even more. We all fell for it for about 3 months when her little ruse began to unravel. She was still my mother but everyone basically turned our collective backs to her due to the fact that her little stunt spit in all our faces. Her very own sister and my jolly aunt had died a couple years earlier from Leukemia. (Source)
Her Woeful Tales Reel Guys In, but Friends Know She…
I know a girl who absolutely craved attention and pity. So, whenever she started dating someone new, she would act as if she had trouble reciprocating affection. If tried to ask what was wrong, she would “try” to deflect the topic before eventually giving in. She would then spin a graphic tale about how, when she was younger, her father (who had divorced her mother some years before) would viciously rape and beat her on a constant basis. No horrific description would be spared, and by the end, the guy’s sympathy would be completely won over. The big problem, of course, was that this story was 100% pure bullshit. She casually said as much when she was with her friends, relating the entire process as if it were some sort of conquest or game. I guess it was because, hey, other people’s awful tragedies are just plain fun to exploit! (Source)
Strange Thing to Steal
I knew a girl who stole someone’s rape story. Every detail. Days, location, all events following, including the sexual assault trial that happened. She claimed she was the victim in that specific trial against that specific rapist. She would tell everyone she met. (Source)
Her Jealousy Is Out of Control
My Sister was jealous of my wife and I having Twins. She Doctor shopped around, until she could convince someone to prescribe her Fertility Drugs (Clomid in her case) Mind you, she was Fertile Myrtle… already had 3 kids. On these drugs, She conceived Twins. My wife and I ended up losing our twins in a Miscarriage. My Sister named her twins the names we told the whole family that we had planned to name ours. (Source)
He Wanted to Be Tough, but…
My crazy ex boyfriend tried to get people to believe he was an ex Yakuza assassin. He cut himself all over so he would have “battle scars,” carved the Cantonese character for “killer” into his chest, extinguished cigarettes on his arm so he could have “torture scars,” and kept a load of guns/knives in his van on campus. He tried to break into my house after I dumped him and he also threatened my current boyfriend several times. Now he lives in Tennessee and is seeing a shrink for his self-harming issues. The main reason nobody believed the Yakuza story was because this kid was a bleach blond Mormon born and raised in Texas. (Source)
Never Ask Her for Medical Advice
A chick in my Paramedic class, who I stupidly made friends with, faked uterine cancer to get out of most 4th quarter classes and clinicals. Well, I had gone with her for the biopsy, and while she was out the doctor came to give me the report (w/her permission) and it was endometriosis. She played this up for months, sitting home, while the rest of us were busting our asses. Two weeks before finals and National Registry, I had a powow with our awesome lead Instructor and told him all. He promptly threw her out. She would have killed someone eventually, I once heard her tell a post-bypass patient that he could take Tylenol or Aspirin daily, they were the same thing. Except they are not. (Source)