Living with roommates can be real tough. From conflicting personalities to opposite sleep schedules, things can turn into a nightmare real fast. These people share the most outrageous demand their roommates have made.
A Bare Necessity

An old roommate requested that I sleep with clothes on so when he came into my room at night to take my bong/Xbox/etc., without my knowledge, he wouldn’t have to see my naked body…Source
Fruit Loops Galore

Not a roommate, but my upstairs neighbor. I moved into a basement apartment that had been vacant for a while, and the guy that lived above me (he was not the landlord btw) was a total fruit loop.
-He came downstairs and informed me that I wasn’t allowed to lock the outside doors to any part of the building
-Told me that I couldn’t lock the door between the common laundry area and my personal storage space because he “Liked to dry his shirts in there”
-Told me that he had to sleep with his subwoofer on with his TV full blast (his bedroom was directly above mine) because he had “PTSD”
Things started getting moved in my apartment, and I caught him on camera coming into my apartment when I was not home.
I immediately started calling the cops on everything he did, complained to the landlord, and he ended up getting evicted. I now have the best neighbors in the world, and I am hopeful that I will never see this guy again. Source
A Penny For Your Thoughts

Lived with a dude who moved his boyfriend into his room without asking anyone else in the house and let him stay there without contributing anything to rent or utilities because “he needed a place to stay” and yet wanted me to pay extra for utilities and rent because my gf would use the shower when she stayed over on the weekend. I added a penny to my rent check a few times with “extra for gf’s water usage” on the memo line. Source
It’s A Nature Thing

I lived with someone who didn’t believe cleaning the bathroom was a chore, so he refused to do it. I had a huge argument with him, and he said that by its nature, it’s just always clean, so he wasn’t going to do it. It was clean because I kept getting grossed out and cleaning it! >_< Source
Someone’s A Pre-Madonna

I had just moved in with this good-looking girl and I asked if she wanted to go out for dinner that evening (I’d made it clear that it wasn’t a date)
She said, “Okay, but if I do, I expect to be fully reimbursed for the bus fare and the full cost of my meal and drinks. Also, I will make the choice of the restaurant and your meal cannot exceed the price of my meal.”
I ate by myself that evening. Source
A Toiletrie Disaster

That all of my toiletries be kept in my room, as she has a pattern she likes to lay hers out in, and mine disrupt it. Source
Come On Karen

I’m in college, and this past August I moved into an apartment with three friends of mine. One of them I wasn’t as comfortable with as the others (let’s call her Karen), but I was optimistic.
Shortly after we moved in, Karen accused me of being the messiest one out of all four of us in the kitchen. I definitely didn’t agree; I may have left a pan out a few times or not loaded the dishwasher, but I was by no means a pig. Almost out of spite, I decided to start being overly anal about the kitchen. I immediately washed and put away anything I used or ate off of. I labelled and kept track of all of my groceries in the fridge. And most importantly, I did NOT touch any of my other roommate’s messes.
I’ve since watched dishes pile up for days, watched fruits and veggies spoil on the counter, and dug up some truly rank leftovers from the recesses of the fridge. It’s all Karen. She’s the only one who does this.
Literally right now there’s rice that’s been sitting in the ricemaker for 5 days. I watched her make it on Saturday and disappear into her room for 48 hours. I’m just waiting for another accusation. Source
Well, That’s An Odd Behavior

I had a roommate who was the reverse: Everything he watched or listened to was headphones one, screen turned away from everyone else.
I asked him about it one day, he said (in a bit of a roundabout fashion) that he didn’t want me getting into the same music, movies, TV and games he was partaking in.
I got the impression my stamp of approval meant he could no longer enjoy a thing. Source
Saving Power, Losing Friends

Lived with a guy who’s parents lived down the street so he never cooked or did laundry his mom did everything for him. Since he never had food in the fridge he would periodically unplug it to save power ruining my and our other roommates food. Also if the washer or dryer was on while he was sleeping he would go and turn them off. First week we moved in I brought my mom to show her the new place (had warned my roommates) Jon was in the kitchen making pot brownies. Last but not least he secretly smoked all my keef. Source
Oh The Irony

I’m going to throw out all of your cleaning supplies if they aren’t green or eco-friendly….the irony was completely lost on him. Source
A Total Nightmare

Clean up after your cat. Cats get sick sometimes and that’s fine, but it doesn’t need to “dry” on the carpet for two weeks before you clean it up.
If you spill a drink on your nightstand, clean it up. Two times you’ve done this and I (and my girlfriend) have had to scrub dried soda off the walls and baseboards.
Let’s not stack all your plastic whateverthehell alongside the house. You say you’re going to hose it off and sell it, which is fine, but it’s been there for five god—- months. I work hard to afford a nice place in a nice community and we are almost “that house” because of you.
Giving me your appliances because you don’t have your share of the rent doesn’t make it okay.
You don’t live here anymore. Please get all of your s— out of my garage.
If my girlfriend and I are working through something, stay the f— out of it. Nobody wants your input and nobody thinks highly enough of you to listen.
Don’t fake sick when it’s time to move. If you get sick on moving day, tough s—. You’ll survive. Especially since you left me to load a Uhaul full of your s— by myself on a cold February night, without light in the rain after the utilities were turned off.
Also, try not to get us sued again by being a world class bitch. Oh wait, not us – me. While ‘we’ got sued, I’m the one who had to hire an attorney. Super happy you got off scott free after crying over my attorney not representing you, but that endeavor cost me several thousand dollars.
Be nice to your boyfriend. He’s not the smartest guy, but he’s as good hearted as they come and he deserves to be treated better than he is. A baby doesn’t entitle you to a f—ing thing.
Also, again, please get your s— out of my nice, though currently unusable (because of all your s—) garage.
And I’m the unreasonable one.
Fuck you, Sarah.
Shots (And S—) Fired

“Stop using the toilet in the middle of the night, it wakes me up.”
Fine then Brian, I’ll just quietly s— on the foot of your bed. Source
A Lending Hand

She didn’t really make any “demands”, but she expected me to put up with a lot of s— that I shouldn’t have.
My university matched us up, she added me on Facebook and saw that I’m a lesbian. She immediately asks for a new roommate but the school ignores her because we haven’t even met yet.
Get to the school year and we’re living together in this tiny room. Every f—ing morning she’s up at six, playing her morning tunes playlist and opening the giant noisy blinds to our room letting in all of the sunlight. Like I don’t care about you getting up early but do you really have to act like there isn’t someone sleeping three feet away from you with a totally opposite class schedule?
There was a whole bunch of other stuff she did including always having a dozen people in our room when I got home, sitting all over my bed and desk and leaving me to study in the dorm common area. The last straw was when I came home one morning after sleeping in a friend’s room and found some drunk strange guy sleeping in my bed. I woke her up and got mad and she told me that I was overreacting and that any roommate would think nothing of lending out my bed to hook ups.
I was just done, I walked to the RA and told them that I needed a new roommate by the end of that day. I wound up in a way nicer room with a way nicer person though, in fact we live together in a townhouse now! Source
Save It Until Marriage

My first college roommate was awful. She, too, requested a new roommate right off the bat. She and I both have Latino last names, but I’m only half and look more white than Latina as my mom is Irish/Scottish and my dad is Mexican/Portuguese. She wanted a “true Latina” roommate. She also told the RA that I looked like a slut and she didn’t want to live with a slut.
Her big demand was that I not be in the room on Wednesdays between 7pm and 9pm because that’s when her club met. In our room. It was a club for “Save It Until Marriage” virgins and she told me that it was clear that I didn’t qualify.
They would use the chain to make sure that even if I unlocked the door, I couldn’t get in. Source
You’re Embarrassing Me!

“Stop cleaning the kitchen, especially when my friends are here. I can clean up after myself and it just embarrasses me.” Well, history (and the state of your bedroom) has shown that you can’t, and I’m not going to cook my food in filth because of your pride. Source