Every girl will agree that makeup is a blessing. But when it comes to following the coolest new fads, there are some makeup trends we would rather forget.
Bronzer Overload
Who doesn’t want to look like a sun-kissed goddess? However, when bronzer became a popular way to get that healthy glow look a lot of girls started to turning into Oompa Loompas.
Pencil Thin Eyebrows
In this case, less is NOT more. Do not go on a tweezers spree and turn your eyebrows into thin, wispy lines. When it comes to eyebrow thickness, take advice from Brooke Shields.
Lip Liner Mismatch
We have the 90’s to thank for this one. I don’t know who thought nude lips with dark liner looked good. It doesn’t. It defies a main makeup rule – match your lipstick with your lip liner.
Frosty Lips
I think Barbie started this trend. The frosty lip makes most people look sick or really cold. You want lips that look luscious, not dead. The 80’s are over, and so is this trend.
Pastel Eye Shadow
Pastels can look great if you use them in moderation with a darker color to add dimension to the eye. But all over pastel makes you look like an Easter egg. So leave the pink, baby blue, and lavender for the Easter Bunny, ladies.
Not only do perms make you look like a show poodle, but all the chemicals dry out your hair, making it super frizzy. Lay off the chemicals, stick to the curling wands.
Crimped Hair
A little touch of texture here and there can be a beautiful thing but crimped hair makes you look like a waffle fry. What’s even worse than all over crimped hair is straight hair with a few random crimped pieces. It’s a very unnatural look.
Super Plumped Lips
A plump pout has sexual appeal. There are right ways and wrong ways of achieving one. Wrong: Botox makes you look like a bee stung your mouth. Wrong again: lining past your natural lip line to make your lips appear bigger. Right: Add gloss or a touch of frosted eye shadow to the center of your lips to add more dimension.
Stiletto Nails
Stiletto nails looks like sharp talons or witch nails. While some celebrities can rock the pointy nail look, it is definitely not for everyone. If you like the longer nail look, try almond shaped nails instead.
Black Lipstick
It can look cool and edgy on the runway, but it is not something you should walk out of the house wearing. It is not a flattering color to put on lips. Leave the black for the eyes.