Kim Kardashian West just announced on her social media the upcoming release of her very own cosmetic line!
On Kim’s Instagram, she promoted her latest project with 3 videos that have flashing numbers: 6, 21, 17 and included the caption @kkwbeauty. The new beauty line’s Instagram page, reveals what appears to be the official release date: ‘SHOP 06.21.17 KKWBEAUTY.COM.’
While there aren’t any images of the products Kim is releasing, we can only dream that it may consist of some shimmer shadows and nude-colored lip products. Or will she follow in her sister Kylie’s footsteps and try her own version of ‘lip-kits’? She has done a liquid lipstick collaboration with Kylie in the past…
You can sign up on her website for the newsletter that will announce updates.
We can’t wait to see all that Kim has worked on and expect her cosmetic line to sell out fast!
Stay tuned and be on the lookout on June 21st, 2017!