Everyone wants their wedding to go off without a hitch, but for these people something happened causing the wedding to be cancelled.
The Dangers of the Cloud

“Bachelor party in Vegas.. Bachelor hooks up with a girl, gives her his cell phone number so they can continue the party that night.. Bride to be is sitting at home with the iPad getting all of the iMessages from the girl. She canceled the wedding that day.” Source
Mother-in-Laws Can Be Dangerous

“While the working the night before a wedding at a hotel, the staff and I heard a loud scream from upstairs. Cue the bride screaming and sobbing shouting ‘The weddings off!!!’ while storming out the place followed by the groom stark bollock naked covering his nether regions with his hands apologizing profusely. Turns out she caught the mother of the bride and the groom shagging. Safe to say we had an easy shift the next day as we didn’t have a wedding to cater for.” Source
Murder Throws a Wrench Into Plans

“In the early 90’s my friend’s brother was getting married. The night before the groom and best man decided they should kill the ex-boyfriend of the bride. They did, they got caught, and the wedding was cancelled – for obvious reasons. As far as I know, the two are still serving time.” Source
Sounds Like a Phillies Game

“I was at a Bachelor party the Tuesday night before a Saturday wedding. After 8 hours or so of heavy drinking all day, we were at a baseball game and the groom punched a police officer in the back of the head and knocked him out for a few seconds. I watched it happen in slow motion, and thought to myself, ‘Welp, this wedding isn’t going to be happening this weekend’.” Source
“How Was the Honeymoon?”

“One of my best friend’s wedding was cancelled when he learned she slept with a stripper after her bachelorette party. Like three days after. He is happily remarried now with a kid. Worst part was that it was a destination wedding/honeymoon and he couldn’t get a refund so we all went anyway and he was super depressed the whole time. His family was all there too.” Source
This Guy Doesn’t Sound Like Marriage Material

“Not bachelor party related, but close. Girl was set to marry guy. The week leading up to the wedding, guy gets busted in a child prostitution ring. He said he didn’t know she was underage and that he was under a lot of stress due to the wedding. Girl, didn’t buy the BS. Needless to say, wedding was off.” Source
Boy, That Escalated Quickly

“My cousin runs a popular upscale marriage venue and always tells the story way better than this so here is a rough overview. The groom’s mom was a heavy drinker and got belligerent when she drank so understandably the bride wanted the groom to try to limit her drinking. The afternoon before the wedding the bride arrives to see groom’s mom smashed with the groom himself giving her beers. Next thing my cousin knows (she was there to oversee preparations) the bride and groom are in a straight up fist fight which leads to an Anchorman-style street fight between members of both families in the parking lot. Apparently they recently scheduled a new day for it. I can’t imagine the tension there.” Source
Seriously, This is Not OK

“I was at an engagement party of a long time friend the other day, everything was good until afterwards. As soon as we got back to their house (I was crashing at theirs) they had an argument and she punched him in the face twice and said ‘If you tell anyone I did this I’ll say you’re abusive and raped me’ and then said ‘…but if you leave me I’ll kill myself’ He said he was done with her, and she was supposed to be getting sectioned the next day, but she didn’t and somehow the wedding is still on. I’m supposed to be best man, but there’s no way am I condoning the wedding in any form, that includes going to the thing. My plan is to get in his ear about this and try and stop him somehow, but it’s hard to convince a victim of abuse that they’re a victim! Hopefully I can help him see the light before it’s too late.” Source
It Was A Positive For Someone, At Least

“I used to work at an upscale wedding venue. Two weeks before a huge, expensive wedding, the groom’s father dies, so they ask us to turn the wedding into a funeral instead. They were a lovely couple, and it was really awfully sad when it happened, but I still use it as my go-to answer for ‘describe a time when you delivered outstanding customer service’ type questions in job interviews. Sorry. :/” Source
Hopefully He Got a Discount

“A groom fighting the brides brother at the bachelor party. This is of course the result of the groom paying for a handjob (why even bother right?) from the stripper.” Source
Three For the Price of One

“Hi there, part-time wedding planner here. I have a few of these. 1)Obligatory sex one: The bachelor party and the bachelorette party were being held in the same hotel in New Orleans (I tried to get them to do separate venues but nooooo. the group discount would cover an extra day in Carmel.) They begin at 8pm and collide drunkenly at about 3am. It was some kind of drunken fistfight-cum-orgy and everyone was so ashamed the next morning they called it off. Good News Everyone! They made up 6 months later and got married. They picked something simple, like their back yard this time. 2) F_king weird sex one. Bachelorette party turned out to be Homestuck themed, complete with Homestuck male strippers. (Please for the love of Christ DO NOT ASK WHERE I FOUND THOSE.) It got weird and the groom walked in on the bride riding a candy-corn colored horn. Groom noped the f_k out. 3)The Best One: so the couple has been sleeping together for a few years, she gets pregnant, and decide to get married. Months of planning go by and she begins to show. Bride’s parents wig right the f_k out, call her a slut, and forbid her to get married. They cancel the wedding, steal her parent’s car to elope, and torch the garage on their way out. It was magnificent. I did not get paid.” Source
Don’t Drink and Drive

“I’m a Paramedic. Bachelor party mixed with drunk driving, one of the groomsman killed. Believe the entire wedding was canceled and the couple split up.” Source
What Goes Around Comes Around

“After the wedding at the reception, the newlyweds took forever to show up. They were nearly an hour late. When they did arrive they were arguing loudly the entire time. They got ‘introduced’ and we all clapped as per tradition and they sat down at the main table in a huff. Sometime between the appetizer and the main course the argument started again. The groom stormed off and my girlfriend and I were nosey so we went to see what was up. He ended up in the hotel lobby on his cell phone. We thought nothing of it and we were about to go back when the wife shows up still obviously in her wedding dress and continues to ream him out. Now for the first time, we can hear what the argument is about. He had invited his ex to the wedding. She showed up to the ceremony and that threw the bride off. Apparently also…he had cheated on the new wife with the ex-girlfriend several times with the last time being only about a month prior to the wedding…additionally…the ex/girlfriend/mistress was on her way to come pick up the new husband to take him away from the new bride…cause she was ‘Acting crazy’. according to the groom.
After a couple minutes of watching this train wreck of an argument, a sh_tty rust bucket sedan shows up with the ex-girlfriend in it. The groom gets into the car with his ex or whatever the fk she is and they drive off. Last words went to the bride though who screamed at him as he tore off, ‘Well I guess I’m going to go back to fking your brother then you a*_hole!’ Sooooo….they’re no longer married now… Source
An Awkward Conversation

“Several years ago, I got a phone call from the maid of honor for a wedding I was going to attend (as a guest) in two weeks. She was flustered, but managed to get out ‘There’s no wedding, Groom called it off. He’s in love with someone else’. Well, I didn’t press. I was friends with both, so I knew that the full details would eventually make their way back to me. Oh, and boy did they… Turns out, a couple weeks before the wedding, Groom called Bride and said he was coming over. They needed to talk. When he got to her apartment, he broke down in tears and confessed that he was in love with someone else. He loved her, but couldn’t marry her because he didn’t love her in the way a bride deserves. There was much crying and shouting over it all, but eventually the bride recovered from the news enough to ask him who he was in love with. ‘Well’, Groom said, ‘it’s [Bride’s Brother]’. The wedding was definitely off at that point. Now, five or six years later, Groom and Bride’s Brother are married and happy. Though, I lost contact with Bride shortly after her wedding plans went tits up, so I’m not sure if she ever forgave the boys for that one.” Source
A Committed But Bad Lie

“Friend invites me to his wedding. He and fiancé are fairly poor, have lived together for years. They’re both semi-disabled (his is PTSD, hers is physical) and on fixed incomes, and live in a somewhat expensive area. They have three gift registries (Target, Macy’s, Crate & Barrel) and a HUGE invite list – over 300 friends/family members. All the stuff on the registries is standard stuff like towels, coffee cups, flatware, etc. Anyway, people fly out, get ready for wedding, two days before wedding is Bachelor party and friend gets drunk and admits that she’s not really his fiancé, they are just roommates and they have no intention of getting married they just needed the stuff. They’re going to cancel the wedding tomorrow and keep all the gifts. Had to protect him from getting his a** kicked by about two dozen people. Then had to have the fiancé come clean to everyone since he was too hungover. They ended up returning most of the gifts to people – but a surprising number of people let them keep the gifts. As his grandfather said ‘If you needed these things that badly to lie like this, you must have been very desperate’.” Source