Some people just don't let go of the little things that have bothered them, in the past. These petty grudges are ridiculous but some of them are a little reasonable...
He Just Wanted To Go To Ed Sheeran’s Concert!
“A friend of mine is very well off. Like has a ‘2 million dollar trust fund’ well off. We’ve been friends for about 5 years now. Time for a rant to begin.
So Ed Sheeran comes to town and I’m really hyped, but unfortunately, the tickets sold out too fast and I couldn’t go. My friend has American express (access to early tickets) and manages to get five tickets, 3 for the first day and two for the second. He knows I love Sheeran (I always cover his tunes when I play at bars and coffee shops) so I ask him if I can go. He says, no I’m going with my two friends the first day and going with my brother the second day.
So I ask if he wouldn’t mind if I go with his friends on the first day and pay for his ticket, and he goes the second day with his brother. His response was ‘no’ since it would be ‘too awkward’ to go to a concert with his friends that I didn’t know. The thing is, I know one of them, he knows this, and I would have just befriended the other (I’m good at making friends). I say fine, can I go with your brother on the second day. His response: ‘No, because if I don’t go with my brother then my mom won’t pay for my tickets.’ (Side note- he’s 23). I’m annoyed, but it’s his decision and I asked on very short notice.
He then messages me after the concerts telling me how amazing the concerts were.
A week later, Kendrick Lamar comes to Toronto. The day before tickets go on sale I ask him to pick me up a ticket and I’d pay him back. He says that the card is not his, it’s his mom’s. So I ask him to ask her for me. He says no, we only do that for the family.
I was livid. I don’t know how he managed to stick a rod so far up his butt that he couldn’t ask his mom for me.”
Accusations Of Him Eating A Pencil?
“Ok, this happened in kindergarten and I’m still not over it.
We had this young teacher, with the face of an angel but the evilness of Satan himself. She was extremely strict and even kind of a bully. She wasn’t my homeroom teacher, just a substitute, but I remember seen her quite frequently. Well, during this particular lesson, she told us we were forbidden to move from our seats. We couldn’t even bend down unless it was for picking up a pencil or a crayon–and even if that were the case, we risked getting scolded. Well, that particular day I had brought a prohibited object–probably a small ball or a Polly Pocket, but we weren’t allowed to have toys during classes. And it fell down. Of course, I knew it would be risky to pick it up just like that. If I wanted my toy back, I had to devise a plan.
And so, I threw one of my crayons on purpose so that I could bend to pick it up, and at the same time, retrieve my toy. I was actually pretty discrete when I pushed it off the desk, it looked like an accident. Not even Louis, one of my friends and who happened to be sitting right in front of me, realized what I had done. I bent down, grabbed my toy and crayon, and when I got up, I found a terrible picture before my eyes. Bear in mind that it took me like 5 seconds at most to pick up my stuff. There was Louis, with eyes big and red, and a swollen face (as if someone had just punched him), holding a half-eaten pencil. I didn’t understand what was happening, but when he saw the horror in my eyes, he started crying and screaming that I had done it!
He accused me of eating his pencil! He had a habit of eating pencils but the teacher didn’t know that and of course, I was scolded and probably ended on the principal’s office. My kindergarten was a weird place, as long as you cried you could blame all your sins on anyone else and the teachers would believe you.
And you, Louis, wherever you are, I hope someone is accusing you of something you didn’t do.”
Don’t Take His Quesadilla!
“I once made a really delicious quesadilla for myself at home. I lived in pretty much the quintessential bachelor college dude pad at the time, with a few other roommates.
I was particularly proud of that quesadilla: Pepper jack cheese with grilled onions and salsa verde. It was after a night of drinking with the boys and I was starving. I plate it up, turn around to put the pan in the sink, and in that two seconds, another dude standing in the kitchen grabs it and literally shoves the entire thing in his mouth. You read that right. Not a sneaky bite. Not tearing off a chunk and running like a jackal from the kitchen. Just sticks the entire thing in his mouth and sits there furiously chewing and grinning as I turn around and realize the terror of what has just occurred.
I couldn’t even begin to express my rage. I was flabbergasted, and I’ve never gotten over it.
Someday, I will take that dude out for a nice steak dinner, wait til his food comes, and then…well, I dunno. Gotta get creative about that revenge plan.”
The Woman That Hid Her Toys…
“When I was about 5-ish, I went to my mom’s work with her.
Her boss hid one of the toys I’d brought on top of the staff room fridge, then laughed at how upset I’d gotten when I couldn’t find it…and laughed even harder when I began to cry after not finding it. (Not to mention we really didn’t have a lot of money, so not only was I upset over my toy being ‘gone,’ I was also afraid I’d get in trouble because at that age as far as I knew, all toys were expensive).
I’ve since forgotten her name because I can’t be bothered to care that much about her…but I will never get over it.
Screw you, whatever your name was!”
Embarrassing And Angry Band Teacher
“I had a band teacher in high school yell at and embarrass me in front of a room full of people because my saxophone wasn’t playing right before I was to play in a quartet.
I had warmed up and everything was fine but when it came time to play it wasn’t working.
Turns out, a pad had slipped out and when I discovered it, I put it back in and everything was back to normal. In the 2 minutes it took me to fix it, he lost his temper, told the judges we were dropping out, screamed at me that I should have been prepared, then grabbed my arm very forcefully which caused the instrument to slip and the reed cut me on the mouth. It was towards the end of my junior year and I quit the band.
If anyone knows that band teacher, let him know that I remember and I send mind daggers at him whenever I think about it. You are freakin’ lucky this was before the whole world got all litigious because you certainly would have been sued for assault.”
Manipulating Her Relationship In His Writing?
“So, when I was in my 20s, I attended a comic/illustration class in a famous Italian Academy.
One of the teachers back then was one of the most renowned and acclaimed comic artists Italy can boast nowadays, but at the time he was in the ‘almost famous’ rank.
Long story short, this guy takes me and my boyfriend under his wing. More specifically, he helps us get together, and he and his girlfriend loved to play house with us: we would often spend days in their house in the woods, and when my boyfriend and I broke up, I would seek refuge at their place. It was a lovely friendship, which eventually faded out with time and distance (I lived quite far away and moved a lot in my life) and his increasing fame.
Cut to some years ago, when he’s having a personal space in a famous ‘independent’ Italian magazine, and he publishes a strip regarding a fact that happened with me and the ex-boyfriend.
Boy, he changed stuff.
He depicted us as a couple of moody, meanie, stereotypical goths who said petty things in order to look cynical and disenchanted. I don’t want to lie, this is how we were before we got together, and we became even worse after we broke up, but we were not like that in that specific moment. We were happy and in love, and we enjoyed every minute in his company.
He could have easily told the same story without manipulating our image, and I cannot forgive him for having spoiled our memories together. I must say I cannot even appreciate his work anymore.”
Heartbroken Over The Actor That Never Responded
“Many years ago when I was a teenager I had a huge crush on an actor on a campy TV show that lasted one season. I gushed about this guy so much my friends and family couldn’t stand it.
One day I decided that instead of writing a fan letter, I’d send him a gift so special that he’d have to acknowledge it with some sort of thank you. Back then one couldn’t just access the Internet anytime and look up any information, you had to be resourceful and use other means of research to find out things like where a certain show is filming (it was in a faraway country in Europe, I’m in Los Angeles, California in the U.S.A.), the proper mailing address and how to send stuff there.
I saved up my babysitting money for two months and bought an executive suspended silver pen and holder from a specialty store. It had a little arm that extended from the top of the holder with a ball on the end, and there was a magnet there that held the pen suspended in midair when not in use. It was elegant, intriguing and professional, made with quality materials and had a lifetime guarantee. It was a very thoughtful gift, and I’d put a lot of thought into it hoping that there was no way he wouldn’t send some acknowledgment at least. I had it engraved with his name and then sent with every postal guarantee you can purchase as confirmation proof that it was received, and if it wasn’t, it was covered for return-to-sender service, because it was expensive and I wanted to make sure it got to him.
The post office assured me that unless he himself received and signed for it, it would be coming back to me.
I never got it back, and I never received an acknowledgment for it. I got my Certified receipt back, which meant it had been signed for by an authorized person. I waited weeks for some notice, acknowledgment or thanks – a short phone call message or a thank you postcard from his assistant really would have meant a lot. There are so many things I gave up over those months that I could have bought for myself instead of wasting it on a potential ingrate. My heart was broken, my hopes dashed, and my bitterness toward all mankind grew to mistrustful proportions. “
After about six months I stopped thinking about him altogether since I’d lost a lot of respect for him or whoever was authorized to sign for that if it wasn’t him. I didn’t keep watching my VCR tapes of all the episodes anymore. They sat on a sad dusty shelf until I moved out of my parents’ house, at which point I told them to feel free to keep the tape and record over it.”
His Wingman Really Screwed Him Over…
“I went through a phase in my mid-teens where I was desperate to find a girlfriend. I worked out like crazy, battled my awkwardness and introversion and went out a lot.
During this time, I hung out with a guy from school and we’d be each other’s wingman all the time. He was cool to hang with, but he didn’t look after himself at all, constantly looking and smelling like he just spent the night in a dumpster (and acting like it too). Although he was much more successful at dating than I was, it never really bothered me until one night in the second year.
My band was playing that night and I had a date planned after the gig, with a girl I had gotten really close with over the past few weeks. She wasn’t supposed to show up to the gig, but halfway through our set, I spot her in the back of the crowd, getting groped and making out with…you guessed it…none other than my good ol’ wingman. So after our set, I packed up, had a beer with the band and went straight home to sulk. Later I found out they hooked up at someone’s house party that same night.
Now that I’m more mature and in a better situation, I find it funny that I was such a ‘nice guy’ try hard back then, but I can’t help but hold a tiny grudge for that guy, especially because he still does that stuff to people to this day.”
The Corn Dog Drama
“Three days ago…I got up and made corndogs.
Fast forward a few minutes and my little brother comes downstairs. He sits at the table all quiet and stuff. Keep in mind, he had a bowl of cereal not even an HOUR before.
I take my corn dogs out. Plate them up, got my mustard out too. I put it on the table and my mom asks if for my little brother.
‘No ma’am it’s for me but I can make him some if you want me to.’
Mom absolutely flips. Demands that I give little brother – who already ate and shouldn’t be hungry- the food that I made simply because he was sitting at the table waiting to be served. I was being selfish and inconsiderate not making food for him, so I could wait 30/45 minutes more for food to cook while my brother ate the corn dogs I made for myself.
I’m still mad. Haven’t gotten an apology or anything. My mom thinks I’m being overdramatic but that’s pure unfairness.”
She Threw Her Drink At Her Friend For Breaking Girl-Code!
“My senior year in high school (2008) I fell in love with this guy, Jacob. He graduated a year before me and joined the Marines. He was my first love, I was still a virgin at the time and planned on losing it to him. He ended up being stationed a few states away. We tried the long distance thing but it didn’t work out. I never did lose my virginity to him.
Fast forward to 2011. My best friend at the time decides to take a girls trip up to California with some of our other mutual friends. I was working two jobs so I couldn’t go. I told them to keep me updated as I wanted to live vicariously through them.
The 3rd day, they all went mysteriously quiet. I figured maybe I was bugging them so I didn’t text them or anything for the rest of the trip. When they got back, they were being weird. Especially my best friend. They didn’t want to hang out or anything. Something was definitely up.
A few weeks later they came around and we decided to go out for margaritas. A few rounds in, one of my friends jokingly mentions ‘Jake’ to my best friend and asks if she still talks to him. I knew right away.
Apparently, they ran into each other at the beach on the night of the second and spent the entire third day together in bed, just hooking up. I threw my drink in her face and stormed out. I got my brother to pick me up and I spent the entire way home sobbing.
She tried to contact me a few times telling me I was ‘overreacting’. Even though it’s not even close to severe, it still hurts a little, to this day.”
Rock, Paper, Scissors Determined His Poster’s Fate
“In 3rd grade, we had to do a project on this book called ‘Dogzilla’, where we had to make a ‘movie poster’ for it. We were put in teams of 2. My team consisted of myself and this other guy.
I did most of the work. Came up with the layout, the plans, even the idea to have the ‘Dogzilla’ rise out of the volcano using a popsicle stick. At the time, I was really into drawing, and drew Dogzilla extremely realistically; took a few days of concentrated effort. All in all, the project was a huge success, and everyone in the class loved it.
Then it was time to take it home.
Only one of us could take it home
My teacher decided the fairest thing to do was to let me and the other guy duke it out with rock paper scissors.
He won. And took it home.
I never saw that poster ever again.
Come 11 years later, turns out the guy lives about 5 houses down from me. He admitted that he lost it years ago, and apologized for it.
Still. Makes my blood boil to remember it. There isn’t even record that it existed that I know of.”
No More Nestle Products After The Kit Kat Contest…
“Maybe 3 years ago now, Nestle in Canada held a contest to decide which of three new flavors of ‘Kit Kat Chunky Bars’ they would keep, they had Almond, Peanut Butter, and White Chocolate.
Now two things you need to know for this story. 1) I love white chocolate 2) I have a severe peanut allergy.
Anyways, the contest had an online vote, and as I was super excited at the idea of having a solid source of white chocolate, I was eager to vote for it.
I go online, only to find out the contest is rigged, cutely.
If you select white the screen blacks over and there is some text saying: ‘But you really meant peanut butter right?’ cue me going ‘Uh…no I didn’t.’ So I select no. They have the gall to try that on me a second time: ‘One last chance to choose peanut butter’, -NO, IT WILL MURDER ME DEAD, NESTLE YOU NEUTRAL JERKS- anyways peanut butter ultimately one that contest. And I swore off eating Nestle products in spite.
The worst thing about this story is they reintroduced the white chocolate bar 6 months later, but it was ‘Made in a facility that also processes peanuts and other nuts’.
And that is the story of my longest held and the pettiest grudge.”
A Hysteric Mess At School!
“When I was in year three (around 7 years old) my class were outside doing P.E and when we were all running back into the classroom the whole class got locked out. The P.E teacher instructed us to go through the reception instead so we all run towards those doors but those are also shut.
I was the smallest in my class and while the whole class ran to these doors I was getting crushed at the front, pressed right up against the door. Behind me were a whole bunch of kids shouting to press the doorbell to get let in so thinking I would get out of being crushed and be helpful, I pressed it.
So the receptionist let us in and for some reason, our class teacher was furious at us for going through the reception door and he was demanding to know who pressed the doorbell. All the confident kids were saying we were told to go that way but he was crazy mad about it. I was super shy and never had been in trouble before and all the kids who were normally in trouble told on me, straight away. I cried and this girl who was really bad but had never talked to me before even tried to explain for me.
As all the other kids were getting changed, I cried into the Teaching Assistant’s shoulder because I was so scared of our teacher and I had never been in trouble before. Eventually, all the kids are dressed and are sat down on the carpet and I’m peeled off the Teaching Assistant and taken to a table, outside the classroom.
Still crying hysterically at this point, the teacher tells me off (which only makes me cry more) and says I have to write a letter of apology to the receptionists. Despite being incredibly shy and being hysterically terrified, I try to explain to him that we were told to go through that door and I was just by the front and I was getting squashed etc.
But he demands I write a letter and I cried for three lessons outside the classroom with the teacher coming out periodically to see if I had written it yet and each time I hadn’t. 1.) Because I was in such a state I was shaking and crying (looking back it was probably a panic attack). 2.) Because even 7-year-old me saw how unjustified and ridiculous the teacher was being.
It got to a point where kids coming out of my class for toilet breaks etc were really worried for me and going back in to say it wasn’t me fault etc, other teachers (who knew how shy and what a good kid I was) came and comforted me until the jerk teacher came out and made them leave and the teacher realized how much class I was missing.
So then he threatened me with a senior staff coming to talk to me, who was another really scary man, so despite knowing I was being totally unjustified I wrote a note and it was shaky and I wrote two lines and had to be dragged to the receptionist to give it to her. I don’t think she was even annoyed about me ringing the bell, it was just my crazy class teacher.
Then I cried even more because I had given in and the teacher went crazy over my shaky writing, so was outside the class for another lesson and didn’t get any lunch. I finally calmed down and thought it was over when I got home but the teacher had written in my reading log, which I absolutely treasured because I loved reading, a note to my mum saying how bad I had been.
From what I can remember my mum didn’t punish me because she believed me and couldn’t see what his problem was but to this day it ticks me off.
Thankfully, he was only my class teacher for two days a week and I just held a silent grudge against him till I moved up a year.
Looking back I’m like dang…I was a little cry baby but I’m not embarrassed because actually a lot of kids respected me for not giving into him, even if I cried a ton! It was totally unjustified to scare me like that and unfair. I Facebook stalked him recently and he looks like a total weirdo.”
Roommate Ate His Expensive Gelato Without Permission…
“One of my roommates is just a jerk!.
He had a habit of doing inconsiderate stuff, like not cleaning up the kitchen after he cooked or not flushing the toilet. The straw that broke the camel’s back though was when I bought expensive gelato and he preceded to eat 3/4s of it before I even took a bite without asking. I discovered it in the freezer the next day. And I knew it was him because my other roommate doesn’t eat other’s food unless given permission. I called my roommate and let them know he was no longer welcome in the house. You don’t eat a $7 pint of gelato that isn’t even yours!!!! And then he didn’t get why I was mad. Ugh, freaking Conner!”