These grown adults stooped down to a toddler's level to throw some pretty absurd tantrums. Warning: This story contains kicking, screaming, and on the floor ridiculousness.
It’s Just a Photo…
‘My mother throws tantrums! We went to a restaurant when I visited home over christmas, and she wanted us to pose for a photo. She told my brother (17) to stand up, and when he refused (I think due to social anxiety mainly) she started yelling and screaming about how he looks fat when he’s sitting down and he’s a horrible child.
To be fair, my brother isn’t the easiest person to deal with and I guess it was the straw that broke the camel’s back but damn, ruined the meal, she’s nearly 50 years old and she still doesn’t know how to control herself. I wish she could just let things go.’ Source
Stan Likes To Keep Things Nice
‘Stan comes in to office and notices Bill has muddy boots propped up on Stan’s desk.
Stan goes red in the face, leaps on to Bill’s desk and proceeds to do what I can only describe as a river dance.
‘How do you like mud on YOUR desk,’ Stan screams.
I about s–t myself laughing.’ Source
This is How You Die
“I used to work at a grocery store. I once watched a lady go into a screaming, swearing fit because we wouldn’t let her into the meat department to buy sausages…because that section had been blocked off by the fire department. There were three or four firefighters there, in plain view of the woman, in turnouts, tearing apart one of our refrigerator units because the motor had started smoldering. You could see and smell the smoke. Lady screamed at my supervisor for five minutes before one of the firefighters came over and literally told the woman to screw off, which absolutely made my day.
Our store manager sent the fire station a giant gift basket afterwards” Source.
How Uncomfortable
“I work at a hotel and just the other day I had a grown woman refuse to sleep in any room and just lay on the couch in the lobby to sleep. She was upset because her room was further than she thought it was” Source.
“Worked at a fast food place for a few years during college.
The meltdown of legend was when a little-league mom came in with the whole team of kids and ordered food for all of them and some of the parents. She then began to grow increasingly frustrated/visibly upset at the amount of time it took to prepare such a large volume of food. She begins to pointedly ask why her food was taking so long, over and over, each time her voice getting a little higher. After a few minutes she starts saying ‘This is simply unacceptable.’ and asking for a refund despite the fact that she can see the poor sandwich maker is standing right next to me working frantically to put all her cheeseburgers together.
I say, ‘Okay. Let me just get the manager.’ She then starts screeching she wants the refund NOW and throws her carrier tray of milkshakes onto the floor, gets down on her hands and knees, and I s–t you not proceeds to start grinding the spilled milkshake into the carpet with her bare hands all the while shrieking as if her child had been run over in the drive-thru” Source.
Wonder what sauce she wanted?
“So I just started my shift at McDonalds, it is 8:00 so we aren’t serving any lunch. This lady comes in and tries to order chicken nuggets. I tell her we do not have chicken nuggets until 10:30. She looks frustrated but accepts this news and leaves.
So 10:30 rolls around, we are switching everything to lunch, and about 15mins later the same lady comes in and orders 30 Chicken nuggets. Okay cool, I put in the order, put her food on the tray and proceed to give her the nuggets. Now we give 2 sauces per 10 nuggets, and my boss was a stickler about this rule.
Well she wants like 15 sauces, I gave her more then I should have already and told her, ‘I can’t give you anymore sauces.’
She flipped out, started yelling at me calling me every name in the book, so I walk away and get my manager. My manager comes, and she has opened all the sauces and nuggets and flips the tray over at my boss and she is covered in sauce.
Now my boss is an older lady, and she didn’t take s–t from people. So she starts going off on the customer tells her to get out, and the cops are on the way. (No one called yet.)
The lady leaves, and comes back with a taser, no joke, and starts to come around the counter. My boss got a broom, and they are in a stand off at the entrance into the employee area.
Now the cops, were called, and we are pretty close to the station so they get there in about 5 maybe ten minutes. The whole time the lady is trying to get over, and my boss is just waiting to smack her with the broom.
Finally she hears, the sirens, and tries to bolt. By then it was to late, and she got arrested. Crazy times at that McDonalds. I have more stories. My McDonalds was in a very bad neighbor hood, and once a year it would get robbed as well. Well at least once a year” Source.
I Hate Elevators Too
“At my workplace we had to call the police because two women got into a fist fight in an elevator. It had apparently started because woman A was talking on the phone and woman B didn’t like that very much.
So naturally woman B decided the correct course of action was to start punching and hair-pulling. There was quite a bit of blood when they were finally pulled apart.
What made it sadder was that woman A had her daughter with her. Poor little girl was inconsolable and crying her eyes out she was so scared” Source.
The Blender Blowup
“In my mid-twenties, I was living in a pretty big house and splitting the rent with five other people. We had a communal kitchen, but the vegans (3 of ’em) kept their pans and utensils separate. No problem.
And then I bought a blender.
A month or so goes by, and one of my vegan roommates started a macrobiotic thing that I never fully understood, but involved a lot of blending.
Lentils? In the blender. Parsnips and spinach? In the blender. Blackberries? Tofu? Beans and rice? In the blender. Everything he ate was room-temperature paste from the blender.
I was completely cool with that. I put it in the kitchen for the household to use. Myself included. There was one reason I bought that blender, and one reason only.
Peanut butter banana smoothies. I frickng love peanut butter banana smoothies. You peel a bunch of bananas, put them in the freezer, pull one out later and stick it in a blender with some peanut butter and some milk. F–king perfection.
I knew the blender was getting some heavy vegan mileage, so being the kind-hearted, conscientious jerk that I am, I used soy milk. No problem.
I was at the point of switching on the blender when my aforementioned roommate ambled into the kitchen, obviously hell bent on another paste feed. He locked eyes with me. I saw panic rising in his face. “Don’t worry, it’s soy milk.” I said, thinking the matter quickly resolved. The panic remained. It grew. His eyes widened and both of his hands rose in unison to grip fistfuls of hair at his temples, elbows akimbo.
‘WHAT THE F–k ARE YOU DOING?’ He bellowed, knuckles white, hair follicles at their last extremity. ‘I’m making a smoothie, buddy. What’s up?’
Hands still buried in his hair, pulling at the temples, elbows pointed out at the walls, my roommate achieved a physical feat I have only ever witnessed in cartoons. He leapt in to the air, both legs raising simultaneously, knees spread to the side, nearly reaching his chest repeatedly, with both of his feet timed to punctuate the words that followed. ‘YOU. CAN’T. PUT. BANANAS. IN. THE BLENDER!’ Around The ‘BL’ in blender, he slipped but completed the word before he landed. Hard. He maintained eye contact with me through the whole ordeal until the fall. While on the floor he regained eye contact and began raving incoherently about enzymes while pulling yams out of his grocery bag and tossing them around on the floor.
I turned the blender on and made my smoothie. When I was done, he had gone to his room with his yams.” Source
Salty Boss
“Our boss is a tool. He really hates the Cowboys and half jokingly stated no one better wear Cowboys clothing at work or else. The new guy did and boss freaked out really bad. Took the new guy to HR and first tried to get him fired for insubordination but was only able to give the guy a verbal warning for his attire. New guy took it back to HR and complained. Now no one is allowed to wear any team attire or have logos on their desks. So basically, I watched my boss lose his f–king mind when another employee wore a collared shirt with his most hated rival football team” Source.
They Met Online
“I met a girl online and we talked for a while. Eventually, I paid for her to visit me from LA. She was ok at first, but started complaining about the stupidest stuff, like that I have a cat (which she already knew). The next day she freaked out over Red Robin and made us leave. By then, I had enough, but was biding my time.
Eventually the time comes for her to go home and I give her a ride to the airport. While we are walking in she gets mad about something, and I can’t even remember what it was.
Here is where it gets good. She literally lays on the ground and starts screaming and flailing like a child. Woman is 31 years old. I just dropped her luggage and walked back to my car and drove off.
Fun post script: She missed her flight and called me trying to get me to come stay with her at the hotel. Uhh…no” Source.
That was HER Salad
“My sister. An adult grown woman behaved this way over McDonald’s once. We were at our parents house one day for dinner, and my sister came into the room announcing that she wanted McDonald’s for dinner. My mom said that she was in the middle of cooking dinner and she wasn’t going to get McDonald’s. My sister tried to argue with her, and my mom told her to get it herself if she wanted it that badly. My sister collapsed to the ground, and began sobbing. My mom and I began laughing, which prompted my sister to scream at the top of her lungs and stomp up to her childhood bedroom.
A decade later. We were again at my parents house. I live on the other side of the country, and whenever I’m in my hometown I like to get takeout from my favorite pizza place. My sister still lives there and can get it whenever she wants. So my parents ordered a couple of pizzas, an antipasto salad and a Greek salad. We have dinner. Delicious. And there is plenty leftover for the next day.
The next morning I wake up, starving, so I decide to eat leftover pizza for breakfast. I go to the fridge, and it’s nowhere to be found. My dad has a habit of eating whole meals in his sleep, eating whole bags of chips or boxes of cookies and having no recollection of it. So I figured that’s what happened, shrugged it off, and ate the antipasto salad. My sister comes into the room, and begins yelling at me because I know she hates Greek salad (I didn’t) and I should have let her have the antipasto salad (it’s a $3 salad available from just around the corner). Whatever.
Lunch comes around, knowing she hates Greek salad, I eat that thinking it wouldn’t be an issue. My sister comes into the room, and begins yelling at how unfair it is that I’ve now eaten both salads and how inconsiderate I am. She is throwing such a fit, that my mom comes into the room and tells her that she’ll buy her another salad when they go to run errands later. So they go to leave.
Mid afternoon comes around and I’m hungry for a snack, so I begin digging around into my parents’ massive lunch meat drawer full of meats and cheeses. Digging around in it, I find the missing leftover pizza. It was obvious that it was purposely hidden back there. By my 30 year old sister.
So I eat the pizza.
Later, my sister and mom come back from the store, and my sister is carrying that $3 salad my mom promised her. She snidely tells me, ‘This salad is mine. Don’t you f–king eat this one too.’ I reply, ‘That’s fine. I found the pizza and finished that off.’
Her face turns bright purple. She lets out a loud primitive scream, stomps up to her childhood bedroom and slams the door.” Source
Arcade Anarchy
“I worked at an arcade and a family came in being extremely rude, talking about how sh–ty our prizes were and how expensive they are (it’s an arcade, it’s not going to be the highest of quality). The mother came up and told me to give her the big bear on the wall. I told her I couldn’t, she doesn’t have enough tickets. She started yelling at me saying ‘Why the f–k not, it’s obviously been up there for years, just f–king give it to me.’ Even told me she was planning on calling my manager since I wouldn’t give her the bear. I said that’s fine and gave her the number. She stormed out and I went in the back room and just started flipping her off. I hate customer service” Source.
Intense Pepsi Challenge Winner
“A woman lost her mind at the movie theater concession stand because they only sold Coca Cola beverages. ‘BUT I ONLY DRINK PEPSI!!! I can’t believe you don’t have Pepsi!!! What kind of business is this???’. This went on for several minutes. Then she demanded to speak to the manager, and insisted that she be refunded her ticket price BECAUSE SHE NEVER WOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT IF SHE’D KNOWN THEY DIDN’T HAVE PEPSI!!!! The manager refused to give her a refund. Of course she ends up in the same theater as me and my friends…. and she whines to her friend the entire time up to the movie start. THEN…. you know the bit they play before the previews where they promote the concessions???? Lol, a giant Coke bottle goes up on the screen and she must have felt personally taunted because she yells ‘F@ck Coke!!!!’. Someone walked out of the theater and returned with an usher and the manager and she was escorted out, with her friend scurrying behind them. She had to have been in her 50s. Completely bathsh!t crazy.” Source
It’s 3 Cents, Come on!
“I saw a full grown adult pitch a fit about the increase price of milk. They went and grabbed the receipt of their last week groceries. The difference was 3 cents. They proceed to go through every derogatory word to describe the poor hourly worker. Stomps their feet. After 10 minutes of this, the managers finally arrive to only have it repeated for another 10 minutes.
Management caved and awarded the individual the price of milk for a week ago. All of this was over 3 cents” Source.
“I used to work for a coffee shop that was ALWAYS busy. I mean like there was a constant line out the door. I had a man completely skip the line of about 10-12 people waiting, grab a juice out of our fridge and come up to me single handedly ringing everyone through. He cut off the next person and put the drink down and started pulling money out of his wallet, and I told him I wouldn’t ring him through without standing in line first, there’s a queue. Use it.
He went from a general a–hole, smug expression to enraged, red faced, screaming at me telling me that he was just buying a f–king juice, not a coffee, to stop being such a f–king stupid woman and just ring him through, berated me for being a barista even though if I wasn’t there he wouldn’t be getting any service, and if I was even remotely smart I wouldn’t be working here, so to just do my job like a good girl and ring him through. And then threw money at me.
I didn’t even remotely change my expression the whole time, his bills all fell on the floor in front of him, I pushed his juice aside and then motioned to the next person in line to order.
He got so angry that he looked like a dumb a– in front of so many people and didn’t affect me, he grabbed a 1lb bag of coffee beans off of our counter and threw it across the store, grabbed his bills off the floor and walked away, telling me that he would never come back and our business would fail” Source.
Literacy, Just Once, Please
“At O’Hare boarding my flight, a lady handed her ticket to the gate agent and, was informed that she was at the wrong gate, as this flight was going to DFW and she was going to LAX.
Now a sane person would assume that the person who works for the airline and just let 50 people on the plane with boarding passes that say they are going to DFW would know where this plane is going, but this cunning traveler wasn’t having it.
‘They told me the flight to LAX was at this gate, you’re lying to me!’ and then the gate agent offered to look up what gate her flight was at but she just snapped back and asked the gate agent, ‘Are you sure?’ about 5 times, each one louder and angrier than the one before, then asked the people right behind her in line, including me ‘ARE YOU SURE THIS IS NOT THE FLIGHT TO LAX?’
An then she stormed off, presumably to find what gate her flight was actually on and run in that direction, but that’s what a sane person would do, so who knows” Source.
Her Anger Grew Two Times That Day
“Last year my mom was pissed for a bunch of things and blew up on Christmas Eve (typical for most holidays). The main thing was that my mom was on some crazy diet and couldn’t eat like 99% of the stuff despite sneaking food and bringing her own s–t.
The next morning my sister, dad and I decided to not let it ruin the holiday and started passing out the presents between the four of us. My mom came downstairs and wouldn’t talk to any of us.
She finally came into the family room and we pointed out her chair, which had the presents from us to her. She walked over, placed her cereal down and started chucking all of her presents at the floor, wall, cats, whatever was around. Screamed that they were all s–t, she knew even without opening them, that we should still open our presents, that the presents from her were the only ones keeping that we didn’t deserve even sh–ty presents, on and on.
I don’t like my mom.” Source
Thanksgiving Tantrum
“My mom locked herself in her bedroom one Thanksgiving, because I started making the mashed potatoes when my sister was supposed to be making them. Neither of us were aware of such an arrangement, and my mom flipped. She started bashing my cooking (even though she told me that I was supposed to cook). She then proceeded to take the sweet potatoes, after screaming that I made them taste like s–t, and poured in mustard and brown sugar. When the rest of the family told her that they were gross the way she made them, she went screaming into her bedroom. I’d love to say that she was young at the time, but it was right before she turned 50. “Source
Just Breathe
“I was driving down a street in Portland following about 5 car lengths behind a small pickup truck. The driver of that pickup started slamming his brakes on for no apparent reason. He kept doing it until he actually slammed them so hard that he slid to a complete stop in the middle of traffic. I was forced to stop behind him and was sitting there wondering if he had something wrong with his truck when he got out in a fury and ran back to my truck red faced and screaming at me that I was tailgating him.
I was completely baffled by this guy. I never tailgate people and I was a generous 5 car lengths behind him on the road. He completely lost his mind and was screaming so high pitched and senseless that I could no longer understand anything that was coming out of his mouth. I really thought there was something mentally wrong with him so I rolled my window down and said, ‘Take a deep breath man, you’re going to have a heart attack.’
That just made him go more crazy. I’ve never heard a human voice make such crazy sounds. I wish I had a video camera. So after a minute or so I just pulled over on a side street to try to make sense of everything and let traffic go. He stood right there in the street and screamed the wailed his arms all over for 4 more minutes as cars went around him. As I was sitting there a car pulled over in front of me and a guy got out, walked over to my car and said, ‘Did that guy slam the brakes on in front of you?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I have no idea what’s wrong with him.’ The guy says, ‘He’s done it to me twice and I’ve called the police on him both times. I just called them right now.; So both of us sat there until the police arrived (about 2 more minutes) with the guy screaming and throwing a temper tantrum the entire time. The cops had to taze the guy to get him to stop his tantrum. He got arrested and his truck got towed. It was a bizarre and terrible experience. One of the cops told me they had received over 50 calls on the guy and they had arrested him 5 times already.
The guy’s license had already been revoked. He was driving anyway. It would have been nice if having a revoked license would have kept him from driving”
TSA Don’t Play
“I used to work at Logan airport during the whole liquid ban. I told some guy he couldn’t bring his soda through security. He proceeds to go on a giant tirade against government interference and that I was some how personally responsible for taking all his freedoms alway. He then proceeded to yell that he had a bomb. He was swiftly tackled”Source.
Dishware Drama
“We have someone in the office who will throw a tantrum over the wrong mug. Not their mug, we haven’t got individual mugs.
What we do have are some old grotty ones with the (old) company logo on it, and some new white ones from a large Swedish flat pack furniture company.
This 50+ year old father of grown children insists on having one of the older company branded mugs. I’m not sure whether it’s a “prestige” thing in his man-child mind to be branded, or because he once almost spilled his coffee out of the new mugs (and this is clearly the fault of the mug, not him).
But I have personally witnessed someone do a round of tea and deliver a drink to him in a new mug and he’s said “oh, put it in a proper mug will you?”.
No. You f–king ungrateful douchebag.
Some people pander to it so as not to have to deal with drama. I don’t like to encourage or reinforce such behavior so I simply say, ‘There aren’t any in the cupboard, you’ll have to hunt round the office for one to wash up.’
In some ways, my little bit of passive-aggression is as bad as his OCD over having a branded mug. But seeing as he’s not management, and is in fact on the exact same level as everyone else, I’m under no obligation to take anything from someone with an emotional age of ~13.” Source
Her Wire Hangers
“My boss lost her s–t on a waitress because she ordered wine and it came in one of those new ‘trendy’ stemless glasses. Refused to drink wine out of a glass without a stem. The restaurant had only one kind of wine glass. We left without eating.” Source
What’s the Formula for a Chill Pill?
“My freshman chem 101 prof threw a temperature tantrum at the beginning of class once.
We had just taken the last exam before the final, and a lot of people bombed it because he put a lot of information on there that wasn’t covered in lecture or the textbook.
Since it was near the end of the year, this was also the time all the profs were reminding everyone to review them on rate my professor. Many students, myself included, rated him badly because he tested us on info from physics and organic chem in a 101 class. He also like to make derogatory remarks and individually mock students in front of 300 other people. He was a major a–hole.
The first class after test grades were released, he just lost it. Calling us all entitled, lazy, whiny etc. Said none of us deserved to be in the university (one of the best in the state), we were worthless people who would amount to nothing in life, and that he would even try to contest some students enrollment. He had a pretty loud voice, and never used a mike, so he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Then we found out why he was so mad…
His mom regularly checked his rate my professor page and called him the night before and asked, ‘What are you doing to those poor kids to make them say those things? Why do they hate you so much?’
He was mad because his mom called him out on being a total s–t bag, and he decided to take it out on us.
By the end of the year, he had said enough crap, specifically about disabled and mentally ill students, that many of us were thinking about reporting him and trying to get him fired.
He ended up getting seriously reprimanded. He’s only allowed to teach one class now. Sucks to be you Doc Collins, you were a little whiny little jerkface Source.
Science, Please, Use It
“I work in a green house for succulents, which, for those of you who don’t know, need a fair amount of light. Because succulents are all the craze, we’ve divided the green house into sections based on light and water requirements… A week or so ago a college aged girl comes in with a friend and asks where she can find succulents that don’t need light. I point her to our low light section and explain basic 4th grade science to her aka plants need light. She looks defeated but seems to accept what I’ve said and starts looking at the plants I’ve shown her. Less than a minute later she stomps up to me in a huff because I’m ‘forcing ugly plants on her’ when she really wants these other pretty ones that need full sun. I explain again what light requirements each set of plants needs to survive and tell her she’s welcome to try the plant she likes, I just wanted her to have all the info before spending her money on something that might die.
She. F–king. Loses. It.
She starts screaming and stamping her feet, arms pumping up and down, fists balled, red faced, the whole 9 yards. The whole green house is now staring at this girl as she has a complete melt down (imagine a 20 something having a fit like an over tired toddler would have) because she likes a plant that I didn’t recommend, so I try to defuse the situation… but no matter what I say, I’m now the focal point of this tantrum. (Keep in mind, she’s losing her mind because she thinks the plants I’ve suggested are unattractive and she prefers a different plant. At no point has anyone told her she can’t have the plant she prefers, she’s welcome to pick it up and purchase it, she just won’t.) She starts berating me and screaming about how she’s going to take her business elsewhere and how horrible we all are, blah blah blah, tears almost streaming down her face at this point, and stamps out of the green house… with a basket of items from our nursery.
She proceeds to go to the company next door to ours to purchase our items, where she’s told she can’t because they don’t belong to them, gets even more pissed at the world, comes back over and checks out with us. No shame or remorse or anything. Just threw a fit because she liked a plant, then bought some pots instead.” Source
Coach, No Crying in Baseball!
“My old little league coach decided that after losing our little in-town tournament, that it was appropriate to fall to his knees screaming to the sky, ‘Why did you do this to me?! Why the f–k would you do this to me?!’ Screaming at us for losing this game for HIM. Making HIM look terrible. Dude! We just lost by 6 runs! We already feel like s–t about it but it’s baseball, who cares?!
The best part about this was that while he was belittling our entire team, he grabbed the pitcher by the arm and started shaking him like a f–king rag doll. This kid’s dad came in like a bat out of hell with the biggest haymaker I’ve ever seen. Beat the ever living piss out of him. It was glorious and well deserved.
Turns out this f–k was betting on our games.” Source
She Really Liked Ketchup
“I was at a Wendy’s in suburban Kansas City, this young lady about 19-20 years old went through the drive thru in some Lexus mid range luxury car, came storming back inside and proceeded to start cussing out every employee behind the counter because they forgot to give her ketchup or something stupidly trivial like that.
This chick is dressed in boots, mini skirt, tank top and some sort of lacy blouse, not exotic dancery, more like spoiled brat Italian with roided out greaseball boyfriend type with rich parents. She’s swearing and yelling at the employees and they are just sitting there taking it like I’m sure they are supposed to. Meanwhile there is two older couples and a family with young kids and everybody’s just watching her.
After a couple minutes of watching this, I can’t take it anymore. I step up and tell her that it doesn’t matter what they did wrong, nobody deserves to be treated the way she’s treating them. I tell her to grow up and she’s looking like an idiot. She should just get out and leave everybody alone. I told her I didn’t know what was wrong with her but ‘You need to get right with the man or somebody..cause you got serious issues!’
The exchange stays heated and then she accuses me of sexual harassment because I said ‘Step off Trick’. I responded with: ‘Miss Thing: I don’t know who the hell you think you are: but see that tall dude over there with the beard?? that’s my partner of 3 years… I’d never sexually harass you or do anything else with somebody who treats people like s–t like you just did… so git to gittin’
She then stormed out of there and squawked her tires on the way past the building flipping us off.
I then told the employees not to let somebody like that get them down, we all are just trying to make a living and most people aren’t like that. The other folks in the restaurant said thank you to me for saying something.” Source